Okay, listen up soldiers. I'm going to address the situation with Captain Dream_of_Duke, and this is going to be a long post. If you're not interested in the DoD situation, I advise to skip over the post.
First off, before I say anything, please note that I am trying to help you here. Before you take anything I say as insult, think about who I am and how I operate. I don't pass judgements on people easily, and I would ask you to take what I say as advice and nothing more. You know that it takes a royal asshole to get me to insult them, and I ask you to keep that in mind when you read this.
You have been given a lot of flack about hot_and_charming. Many people accuse you of making an alt account, while you claim that it is your real girlfriend. Fact remains, a great deal of people on NG think you are holding onto a lie, and because of that, you have become a sort of a laughingstock. Note that this affects not only talks about hot_and_charming, but also with everything you say and do on here. Again, I'm not insulting you, I'm just telling you how it is.
If people constantly badgering you about hot_and_charming genuinely annoys you, you really should take action. I realize that this is probably not what you would prefer to do, as it sounds like you are simply giving in to people on the Internet that you consider childish. However, these are the people that you are going to deal with on Newgrounds, and they are not going to change their opinion about you or hot_and_charming unless you take some action on the matter.
Here are the four recommendations I have for you:
If hot_and_charming is real, my first recommenation is to prove it to the Newgrounders. It would not be hard to get a digital camera and take some pictures of her and you. The best thing you could do is take a picture of you and her together, as well as another picture of her on Newgrounds. It would make the situation so much better and you can stop getting flack about hot_and_charming. Like I said, you might feel you shouldn't have to do this, and that's okay.
That brings me to my second recommendation to you. If hot_and_charming is real, you can choose to leave the situation alone. However, I wouldn't get so mad if people call her your alt, as there are many reasons for people to believe so. There are too many signs pointing to her being your alt, and frankly, I cannot blame people for doing so. I don't feel that Second Lieutenant Afro_Punk was unsubstantiated in his comments for this reason. Just realize that the Internet is a faceless place, and the only thing we can trust on here is true facts. Two pictures would save you and her a lot of angst, and not doing so will forefit you being left alone.
The third option is, if hot_and_charming is your alt, for you to admit to it. As hard as it may be for you to 'fess up and tell the truth, you will reap large benefits in the end. Consider the situation from others' perspective. They see this person who has been toting an alt all this time that noone believed. Eventually he confesses and admits to it being an alt. Some people might laugh right away, but in the end, people will respect you for having the courage to come out after all this time.
If you're not comfortable with that, your last option is to have your alt and keep it a secret. People will still accuse you, and you still will get flack. However, don't get mad if people bring it up like Afro_Punk did. People have a right to be skeptical because there are too many signs pointing to hot_and_charming being an alt.
I'm not saying that hot_and_charming is an alt, and I am not saying she isn't. What I am saying is that you basically have to things to do. You can come clean/prove yourself and face the music, which will help you in the end. Or, you can choose to not do so and still get the flack.
Note that I'm being on your side in this situation. I am trying to end the escapade on Newgrounds for you and make your life easier. Yes, it's just the Internet, but you seem to take things very seriously. People are entitled to their opinions and to what they believe. If you want it to stop, you know what you can do. Otherwise, realize the consquences of your actions (or inactions).
I hope you listen to what I have to say and realize what I'm trying to do here. If you want to flame me or get pissed off at me for talking about this, go right ahead. However, consider that I'm trying to help and nothing else.