At 3/9/09 05:50 PM, Akkere wrote:
May I join the ranks sirs? Im interested in aiding this club and helping it end spam flashes.
Hello there! I'm the Barracks Recruitment Officer, Supreme Commander Slash Firestorm. While I'm glad to see your interest in the Elite Guard Barracks, I must regretfully inform you that you do not meet the admissions requirements.
To be considered for the Elite Guard Barracks, you must be of Private rank or higher (2500+ B/P), and have an intact whistle (Normal or higher).
Anyone over the rank of Security Guard (400+ B/P) can apply to the Newgrounds Police Headquarters, where they can work on their B/P'ing, whistling, and other skills until they reach Private.
Since you don't have any blam or protect points yet, I'll give you the "how to B/P" speech. :3
You get B/P points by going to the Flash Portal (big button in the header) and voting on Under Judgment flashes (highlighted in purple).
A flash must pass several checkpoints to pass judgment. If it's below the required score at a checkpoint, it is deleted, and anyone who voted 0 or 1 on it will gain a Blam Point.
50 votes - 0.60
100 votes - 0.75
150 votes - 1.25
200 votes - 1.60
*Note---flashes with multiple co-authors must meet higher requirements, although the exact scores needed have not yet been specified.
After a flash passes 200 votes and has a score of 1.60 or higher, it is saved, and everyone who gave it a 2, 3, 4, or 5 gets a Protect Point. Also, once a flash has passed, it can never be deleted, regardless of how low its score gets. Only an admin or the author could remove it post-judgment.
Add up your Blam and Protect points to get your B/P total. The higher your total, the higher your rank---ranging from Civilian to Supreme Commander. Higher ranks give more prestige and a boost to your vote power. Click here to see a list of all the ranks, including B/P requirements, badges, and the experience boost.
For example, my base voting power (determined by experience) is 7.35. I have over 30000 B/P points, making me a Supreme Commander, which means that I get a 60% boost---making my true voting power an impressive 11.75. This means that my votes are nearly twelve times stronger than an unregistered voter's.
If you have any questions, and would like to learn other ways to fight abuse on Newgrounds, check out my news post or PM me.