At 12/8/07 09:45 AM, 2good2b4goten wrote: I might get back into reviewing this week. Try knock back atleast 100 quality reviews.
... maybe more?
100+? That's quite a goal. hope you do get it.
At 12/8/07 09:45 AM, 2good2b4goten wrote: I might get back into reviewing this week. Try knock back atleast 100 quality reviews.
... maybe more?
100+? That's quite a goal. hope you do get it.
At 12/2/07 04:17 PM, Coop83 wrote: Added myself onto the list there :P
Sorry about that :)
At 12/2/07 03:41 PM, milinko959 wrote: Yeah...what's the stat he has to get to 10k before he updates? Probably will be before my next 5k reviews.He needs to get to 10k Posts. He's posting at around an average of 2 per week. That means about 200 weeks for him to get up there :P You're on course to beat him :P
Hmm. Maybe millinko can make it to 10k reviews before gfox get´s those 400 posts, but I dunno if milinko can make it to 10k posts in the meantime. Let´s see, 4300/200=21,5 posts/week which is higher than milinko´s average right now I believe =/ Also, I think gfox is gonna speed up a bit soon (around christmas probably).
At 12/3/07 12:56 PM, Bahamut wrote: He'll be a while before the final update. And after he does the final update, I might want to take over the list if gfox is fine with that.
You´ll do that? Aw man, thanks a lot! =)
As for this weeks update, we have a new member! =) Welcome to Aci6. Since there´s once again a tie at the bottom, nobody falls off.
Update #116
1) 17194 -008 XwaynecoltX
2) 15953 +003 KWAS71KCK
3) 05043 +034 milinko959
4) 04977 -007 MI4-REAL-2001
5) 04742 +000 YoinK
6) 04632 -003 RyanAn
7) 04367 +145 Cyberdevil (+1)
8) 04235 -001 M-A-R-C-U-S (-1)
9) 04047 -005 Hamy-jamy
10) 3717 +000 Molotov
11) 3410 +000 j00bie
12) 2512 +001 Bezman
13) 2296 +000 Violet-AIM
14) 2055 +000 thepromaster
15) 2026 +000 artificial
16) 1841 +000 Compdude
17) 1811 +000 AfroUnderscoreStud
18) 1675 +006 DUDE4U
19) 1667 +000 SeizureDog
20) 1648 +000 RemRulzz
21) 1608 +000 jonthomson
22) 1542 +000 iscrulz
23) 1485 +000 AntiGravity
24) 1430 -001 wizardman
25) 1407 -001 DevastatoR-da-X
26) 1400 -001 Frenzy
27) 1380 +001 MegaGold (+1)
28) 1379 +000 Michelangelo (-1)
29) 1357 -001 Evil-C
30) 1328 +000 ramagi
31) 1282 +000 zeppelinstl2007
32) 1281 +004 S-K
33) 1249 +000 Archile
34) 1246 +009 Zouk
35) 1212 +000 Livecorpse
36) 1208 +000 MAYORMCHEESE
37) 1205 +000 Chris-Aldin
38) 1178 +002 IceDragon64
39) 1166 +009 Darkside7000 (+1)
40) 1158 -002 bila (-1)
41) 1147 +000 TigerChick
42) 1115 +000 OrgGladiator
43) 1082 -004 hongkongexpress
44) 1076 +006 Bahamut (+1)<br />
45) 1070 +003 wegra2007 (+1)
46) 1067 -004 Freelance-Magician (-2)
47) 1048 +000 HeRetiK <br />
48) 1045 -002 angstdrillhead
49) 1031 +000 GAMECUBICLE
50) 1027 +000 2good2b4goten
51) 1007 +000 BMX007
52) 0985 +000 Static
53) 0984 +000 kospas
54) 0973 +000 Dxkpower
55) 0970 +000 carmelhadinosaur
56) 0965 +000 Nylo
57) 0956 -001 sixflab
58) 0938 +000 Darklilangel23
59) 0924 -001 RenegadeGirl
60) 0920 +000 VelvetDarkRocks
61) 0915 -001 U-Frontin
62) 0871 +000 Th-e
63) 0866 +000 Daedo-The-Mofo
64) 0865 +000 Jeffshaw
65) 0865 +000 Starberry
66) 0842 +000 ornery-scotsman (+1)
67) 0841 +000 Blackplastic (+1)
68) 0841 +000 TheSoulMan (+1)
69) 0837 -006 Dew (-3)
70) 0832 +000 R3dF0x
71) 0825 +000 wegra2
72) 0816 -001 Shikyoh
73) 0810 +000 FireHound
74) 0808 +000 Fatblimp23
75) 0797 -001 RandomFreak
76) 0791 +000 rtil
77) 0789 +000 Xalyx
78) 0785 -001 vdibv
79) 0769 +000 Cajunspirit
80) 0763 -002 AnzRage
81) 0759 +000 RoweNuts
82) 0755 +000 mjnoir1
83) 0753 -001 EZ3
84) 0750 +000 Havok44
85) 0746 +000 Admiral8Q
86) 0743 +000 Geminate
87) 0716 +000 bumcheekcity
88) 0716 +000 OCP-Lock
89) 0713 +000 MasterStalker
90) 0708 -001 SwitchBladeClock
91) 0705 -001 Zamochit-1
92) 0703 +017 Blaklyon (+3)
93) 0701 +000 Legionnaire-X (-1)
94) 0691 +000 Hydecka (-1)
95) 0690 +??? Aci6 (New)
96) 0689 +006 Seamonky (+1)
97) 0687 +000 MappyTheKlown (-3)
98) 0687 +009 Coop83
99) 0684 +000 Ventar (-3)
100) 677 +000 Canas (-1)
101) 677 +001 ThreeStar (-1)
Most reviews written: Cyberdevil
Most reviews lost: XwaynecoltX
Most ranked up: Blaklyon
Most ranked down: Ventar, MappyTheKlown, Dew
New: Aci6
Off: - (tie)
Top 10 this week:
01) +145 | Cyberdevil
02) +034 | milinko959
03) +017 | Blaklyon
04) +009 | Darkside7000
05) +009 | Zouk
06) +009 | Coop83
07) +006 | DUDE4U
08) +006 | Bahamut
09) +006 | Seamonky
10) +004 | S-K
At 12/9/07 01:47 PM, Auz wrote:At 12/2/07 04:17 PM, Coop83 wrote: Added myself onto the list there :PSorry about that :)
Yeah, but as I'm sure you understand, Coop = Perfectionist :P
94) 0691 +000 Hydecka (-1)
95) 0690 +??? Aci6 (New)
96) 0689 +006 Seamonky (+1)
97) 0687 +000 MappyTheKlown (-3)
98) 0687 +009 Coop83
99) 0684 +000 Ventar (-3)
Thanks for the update, Auz. A decent showing this week and I think that I can turn up the amount of reviews per day to grab myself a few ranks. The one problem with this is that people's paces really do change dramatically from week to week.
Top 10 this week:
01) +145 | Cyberdevil
02) +034 | milinko959
03) +017 | Blaklyon
04) +009 | Darkside7000
05) +009 | Zouk
06) +009 | Coop83
Tied for fourth, which effectively becomes fifth most reviews this week. Aci6 has written at least 13 reviews this week to reach that high in the list :P
At 12/9/07 01:49 PM, Auz wrote: Most reviews written: Cyberdevil
Lets see how many weeks in a row I can stay #1 , , ,
Most reviews lost: XwaynecoltX
Thanks for another update AUZ
At 12/9/07 01:49 PM, Auz wrote: Top 10 this week:
01) +145 | Cyberdevil
02) +034 | milinko959
A large gap there...and another big week for cyberdevil. Keep it up!
At 12/9/07 01:47 PM, Auz wrote: You´ll do that? Aw man, thanks a lot! =)
If gfox is fine with everyone I'd do on my updates, yeah, I'd be happy to update the list regularly.
Update #116
Thanks for the update Auz.
44) 1076 +006 Bahamut (+1)<br />
6 reviews written, not bad. :) To make it better, I went up a rank.
45) 1070 +003 wegra2007 (+1)
I wonder when he'll pass me again.
At 12/9/07 01:49 PM, Auz wrote: Most reviews written: Cyberdevil
Congrats again on most written reviews.
Most ranked up: Blaklyon
Top 10 this week:
07) +006 | DUDE4U
08) +006 | Bahamut
09) +006 | Seamonky
Ah, I nicely tied with DUDE4U and Seamonky this week. :) I'm satisfied.
Alright, got computer access back (been about 90% without it for a few weeks), so I'm gonna start reviewing again, hehe.
Not just saying it this time, I already wrote two :P
At 12/9/07 05:05 PM, Cyberdevil wrote: Lets see how many weeks in a row I can stay #1 , , ,
Guess this makes 3. 170 reviews, that´s pretty sick :p
Update #117
1) 17186 -008 XwaynecoltX
2) 15951 -002 KWAS71KCK
3) 05066 +023 milinko959
4) 04976 -001 MI4-REAL-2001
5) 04745 +003 YoinK
6) 04628 -004 RyanAn
7) 04537 +170 Cyberdevil
8) 04228 -007 M-A-R-C-U-S
9) 04044 -003 Hamy-jamy
10) 3715 -002 Molotov
11) 3407 -003 j00bie
12) 2511 -001 Bezman
13) 2294 -002 Violet-AIM
14) 2055 +000 thepromaster
15) 2026 +000 artificial
16) 1840 -001 Compdude
17) 1811 +000 AfroUnderscoreStud
18) 1663 -004 SeizureDog (+1)
19) 1648 +000 RemRulzz (+1)
20) 1646 -029 DUDE4U (-2)
21) 1608 +000 jonthomson
22) 1539 -003 iscrulz
23) 1484 -001 AntiGravity
24) 1436 +006 wizardman
25) 1406 -001 DevastatoR-da-X
26) 1399 -001 Frenzy
27) 1380 +000 MegaGold
28) 1379 +000 Michelangelo
29) 1355 -002 Evil-C
30) 1315 -013 ramagi
31) 1284 +003 S-K (+1)
32) 1282 +000 zeppelinstl2007 (-1)
33) 1248 -001 Archile
34) 1247 +001 Zouk
35) 1212 +000 Livecorpse
36) 1205 +000 Chris-Aldin (+1)
37) 1190 -018 MAYORMCHEESE (-1)
38) 1179 +001 IceDragon64
39) 1167 +001 Darkside7000
40) 1156 -002 bila
41) 1131 -016 TigerChick
42) 1115 +000 OrgGladiator
43) 1087 +005 hongkongexpress
44) 1083 +007 Bahamut
45) 1070 +000 wegra2007
46) 1066 -001 Freelance-Magician
47) 1058 +031 2good2b4goten (+3)
48) 1048 +000 HeRetiK (-1)
49) 1044 -001 angstdrillhead (-1)
50) 1028 -003 GAMECUBICLE (-1)
51) 1007 +000 BMX007
52) 0984 -001 Static
53) 0984 +000 kospas
54) 0970 +000 carmelhadinosaur (+1)
55) 0965 +000 Nylo (+1)
56) 0964 -009 Dxkpower (-2)
57) 0955 -001 sixflab
58) 0938 +000 Darklilangel23
59) 0923 -001 RenegadeGirl
60) 0921 +001 VelvetDarkRocks
61) 0915 +000 U-Frontin
62) 0871 +000 Th-e
63) 0866 +000 Daedo-The-Mofo
64) 0865 +000 Jeffshaw
65) 0865 +000 Starberry
66) 0842 +000 ornery-scotsman
67) 0842 +001 TheSoulMan (+1)
68) 0840 -001 Blackplastic (-1)
69) 0831 -001 R3dF0x (+1)
70) 0828 -009 Dew (-1)
71) 0824 -001 wegra2
72) 0816 +000 Shikyoh
73) 0810 +000 FireHound
74) 0808 +000 Fatblimp23
75) 0797 +000 RandomFreak
76) 0792 +001 rtil
77) 0789 +000 Xalyx
78) 0784 -001 vdibv
79) 0769 +000 Cajunspirit
80) 0763 +000 AnzRage
81) 0759 +000 RoweNuts
82) 0754 -001 mjnoir1
83) 0751 -002 EZ3
84) 0750 +000 Havok44
85) 0746 +000 Admiral8Q
86) 0743 +000 Geminate
87) 0716 +000 bumcheekcity
88) 0713 +000 MasterStalker (+1)
89) 0712 -004 OCP-Lock (-1)
90) 0708 +000 SwitchBladeClock
91) 0705 +000 Zamochit-1
92) 0705 +002 Blaklyon
93) 0703 +016 Coop83 (+5)
94) 0699 -002 Legionnaire-X (-1)
95) 0691 +000 Hydecka (-1)
96) 0690 +000 Aci6 (-1)
97) 0690 +001 Seamonky (-1)
98) 0687 +000 MappyTheKlown (-1)
99) 0684 +000 Ventar
100) 677 +000 Canas
101) 677 +000 ThreeStar
Most reviews written: Cyberdevil
Most reviews lost: DUDE4U
Most ranked up: Coop83
Most ranked down: DUDE4U
New: -
Top 10 this week:
01) +170 | Cyberdevil
02) +031 | 2good2b4goten
03) +023 | milinko959
04) +016 | Coop83
05) +007 | Bahamut
06) +006 | wizardman
07) +005 | hongkongexpress
08) +003 | S-K
09) +003 | YoinK
10) +002 | Blaklyon
At 12/16/07 03:51 PM, Auz wrote: 93) 0703 +016 Coop83 (+5)
That was a good week for reviewing for me :) Thanks to the requesters at the RRC for giving me so much work to do
94) 0699 -002 Legionnaire-X (-1)
95) 0691 +000 Hydecka (-1)
96) 0690 +000 Aci6 (-1)
97) 0690 +001 Seamonky (-1)
98) 0687 +000 MappyTheKlown (-1)
Thanks to all of you and your combined -1 review for allowing me to pass.
87) 0716 +000 bumcheekcity
88) 0713 +000 MasterStalker (+1)
89) 0712 -004 OCP-Lock (-1)
90) 0708 +000 SwitchBladeClock
91) 0705 +000 Zamochit-1
92) 0705 +002 Blaklyon
Shouldn't be too much trouble in gaining more positions this week.
Most reviews written: Cyberdevil
Sick pace, shame you didn't even gain a rank for it :P
Most reviews lost: DUDE4U
That's a lot of reviews to lose.
Most ranked up: Coop83
Ooh, me :)
Most ranked down: DUDE4U
Like I said - lots of reviews to lose.
Top 10 this week:
01) +170 | Cyberdevil
02) +031 | 2good2b4goten
03) +023 | milinko959
04) +016 | Coop83
One of four with double figures :) Can I get to 750 for Xmas? Probably not, but maybe for New Year :)
A pretty crappy week for me. I guess it was because I lose about 12 in one day...none of them were abusive though, which is good.
Very nice job to cyberdevil on another sick week.
Thanks for the update auz!
At 12/16/07 04:03 PM, Coop83 wrote:Most reviews written: CyberdevilSick pace, shame you didn't even gain a rank for it :P
It is. The gaps between the elites are too high. :(
Most reviews lost: DUDE4U
I empathize.
Most ranked up: Coop83
At 12/16/07 03:49 PM, Auz wrote:At 12/9/07 05:05 PM, Cyberdevil wrote: Lets see how many weeks in a row I can stay #1 , , ,Guess this makes 3. 170 reviews, that´s pretty sick :p
Yepp. I doubt I'll be able to get a 4th though, I'm going away on vacation on Wednesday, heh.
At 12/16/07 03:49 PM, Auz wrote:At 12/9/07 05:05 PM, Cyberdevil wrote: Lets see how many weeks in a row I can stay #1 , , ,Guess this makes 3. 170 reviews, that´s pretty sick :p
Update #117
Thanks for the update Auz.
43) 1087 +005 hongkongexpress
44) 1083 +007 Bahamut
Good, I'm nicely going up with reviews. :) I may or may not pass hongkongexpress next week and if I don't, then I'll have to wait a while before going up a rank again, or...
47) 1058 +031 2good2b4goten (+3)
Fall down a rank soon. :O
At 12/16/07 03:51 PM, Auz wrote: Most reviews written: Cyberdevil
Congrats once again. :O
Most ranked up: Coop83
Congrats to Coop on most ranked up. :)
Most ranked down: DUDE4U
New: -
Top 10 this week:
05) +007 | Bahamut
Yay, 5th place.
At 12/17/07 03:25 AM, Cyberdevil wrote: Yepp. I doubt I'll be able to get a 4th though, I'm going away on vacation on Wednesday, heh.
Hehe. Even if you didn´t go on a holiday, you probably wouldn´t have made it. DUDE4U wrote 354 reviews this week :o And he reached 2,000 reviews, so congrats to him.
Also, wayne seems to be back =)
Update #118
1) 17190 +004 XwaynecoltX
2) 15942 -009 KWAS71KCK
3) 05102 +036 milinko959
4) 04975 -001 MI4-REAL-2001
5) 04745 +000 YoinK
6) 04626 -002 RyanAn
7) 04605 +068 Cyberdevil
8) 04228 +000 M-A-R-C-U-S
9) 04040 -004 Hamy-jamy
10) 3716 +001 Molotov
11) 3406 -001 j00bie
12) 2513 +002 Bezman
13) 2293 -001 Violet-AIM
14) 2055 +000 thepromaster
15) 2026 +000 artificial
16) 2000 +354 DUDE4U (+4)
17) 1840 +000 Compdude (-1)
18) 1801 -010 AfroUnderscoreStud (-1)
19) 1662 -001 SeizureDog (-1)
20) 1647 -001 RemRulzz (-1)
21) 1607 -001 jonthomson
22) 1538 -001 iscrulz
23) 1483 -001 AntiGravity
24) 1436 +000 wizardman
25) 1406 +000 DevastatoR-da-X
26) 1399 +000 Frenzy
27) 1380 +000 MegaGold
28) 1378 -001 Michelangelo
29) 1355 +000 Evil-C
30) 1315 +000 ramagi
31) 1284 +000 S-K
32) 1282 +000 zeppelinstl2007
33) 1248 +000 Archile
34) 1246 -001 Zouk
35) 1211 -001 Livecorpse
36) 1205 +000 Chris-Aldin
37) 1189 -001 MAYORMCHEESE
38) 1182 +003 IceDragon64
39) 1172 +005 Darkside7000
40) 1155 -001 bila
41) 1131 +000 TigerChick
42) 1115 +000 OrgGladiator
43) 1088 +005 Bahamut (+1)
44) 1087 +000 hongkongexpress (-1)
45) 1082 +012 wegra2007
46) 1067 +009 2good2b4goten (+1)
47) 1066 +000 Freelance-Magician (-1)
48) 1048 +000 HeRetiK
49) 1043 -001 angstdrillhead
50) 1028 +000 GAMECUBICLE
51) 1008 +001 BMX007
52) 0984 +000 Static
53) 0984 +000 kospas
54) 0970 +000 carmelhadinosaur
55) 0965 +000 Nylo
56) 0964 +000 Dxkpower
57) 0950 -005 sixflab
58) 0937 -001 Darklilangel23
59) 0921 -002 RenegadeGirl
60) 0921 +000 VelvetDarkRocks
61) 0915 +000 U-Frontin
62) 0871 +000 Th-e
63) 0866 +000 Daedo-The-Mofo
64) 0865 +000 Jeffshaw
65) 0865 +000 Starberry
66) 0842 +000 ornery-scotsman
67) 0842 +000 TheSoulMan
68) 0840 +000 Blackplastic
69) 0835 +007 Dew (+1)
70) 0830 -001 R3dF0x (-1)
71) 0824 +000 wegra2
72) 0816 +000 Shikyoh
73) 0810 +000 FireHound
74) 0808 +000 Fatblimp23
75) 0797 +000 RandomFreak
76) 0791 -001 rtil
77) 0789 +000 Xalyx
78) 0784 +000 vdibv
79) 0769 +000 Cajunspirit
80) 0763 +000 AnzRage
81) 0759 +000 RoweNuts
82) 0757 +003 mjnoir1
83) 0751 +000 EZ3
84) 0749 -001 Havok44
85) 0746 +000 Admiral8Q
86) 0743 +000 Geminate
87) 0716 +000 bumcheekcity
88) 0713 +000 MasterStalker
89) 0713 +001 OCP-Lock
90) 0712 +009 Coop83 (+3)
91) 0708 +000 SwitchBladeClock (-1)
92) 0705 +000 Zamochit-1 (-1)
93) 0704 -001 Blaklyon (-1)
94) 0695 -004 Legionnaire-X
95) 0695 +004 Hydecka
96) 0692 +002 Seamonky (+1)
97) 0689 -001 Aci6 (-1)
98) 0684 -003 MappyTheKlown
99) 0684 +000 Ventar
100) 681 +004 ThreeStar
Most reviews written: DUDE4U
Most reviews lost: AfroUnderscoreStud
Most ranked up: DUDE4U
Most ranked down: Compdude, AfroUnderscoreStud, SeizureDog, RemRulzz, hongkongexpress, Freelance-Magician, R3dF0x, SwitchBladeClock, Zamochit-1, Blaklyon, Aci6
New: -
Off: Canas
Top 10 this week:
01) +354 | DUDE4U
02) +068 | CYberdevil
03) +036 | milinko959
04) +012 | wegra2007
05) +009 | Coop83
06) +009 | 2good24goten
07) +007 | Dew
08) +005 | Bahamut
09) +005 | Darkside7000
10) +004 | ThreeStar, XwaynecoltX, Hydecka
And I´d like to wish you all a merry christmas!!! =)
At 12/23/07 03:39 PM, Auz wrote: Hehe. Even if you didn´t go on a holiday, you probably wouldn´t have made it. DUDE4U wrote 354 reviews this week :o And he reached 2,000 reviews, so congrats to him.
WOW. That is a lot of reviews. What is the record for one week auz?
At 12/23/07 07:10 PM, milinko959 wrote:At 12/23/07 03:39 PM, Auz wrote: Hehe. Even if you didn´t go on a holiday, you probably wouldn´t have made it. DUDE4U wrote 354 reviews this week :o And he reached 2,000 reviews, so congrats to him.WOW. That is a lot of reviews. What is the record for one week auz?
IIRC, I set the record at 350 a while back. I'll have to check though.
If he did, looks I got myself a record to re-claim.
At 9/16/07 03:55 PM, Auz wrote: Recordslist update #6
Most reviews written in one week:
#/gain/user/date of record
01) +350 | wizardman (12/24/06)
02) +334 | XwaynecoltX (12/24/06)
03) +286 | XwaynecoltX (09/14/05)
Yup, I set the record at 350, and it looks like DUDE is the new record holder with his 354.
At 12/23/07 09:16 PM, wizardman wrote: Yup, I set the record at 350, and it looks like DUDE is the new record holder with his 354.
Woo, so that's the record, heh. If I ever get a week with a shitload of unfilled time, I plan on setting a new one . . .
At 12/23/07 03:40 PM, Auz wrote: 01) +354 | DUDE4U
Woah, that's a nice achievment . . . congrats on the 2000!
And I´d like to wish you all a merry christmas!!! =)
Merry Christmas to you too! :)
At 12/23/07 03:39 PM, Auz wrote:At 12/17/07 03:25 AM, Cyberdevil wrote: Yepp. I doubt I'll be able to get a 4th though, I'm going away on vacation on Wednesday, heh.Hehe. Even if you didn´t go on a holiday, you probably wouldn´t have made it. DUDE4U wrote 354 reviews this week :o And he reached 2,000 reviews, so congrats to him.
Fucking A! That's an obscene amount of reviews. Easily more than all the rest of us reviwers put together for this week. Congratulations to DUDE4U on the 354 record mark and on reaching 2,000 Reviews
At 12/23/07 03:40 PM, Auz wrote: 87) 0716 +000 bumcheekcity
88) 0713 +000 MasterStalker
89) 0713 +001 OCP-Lock
90) 0712 +009 Coop83 (+3)
91) 0708 +000 SwitchBladeClock (-1)
92) 0705 +000 Zamochit-1 (-1)
93) 0704 -001 Blaklyon (-1)
Thanks for the update, Auz. I struggled to write a number of reviews this week, but hopefully with the free time, I can bounce back and make a stab at getting my stats up to the 750 mark for the New Year. Yes, you heard it here first!
Top 10 this week:
01) +354 | DUDE4U
02) +068 | CYberdevil
03) +036 | milinko959
04) +012 | wegra2007
05) +009 | Coop83
Meh, 5th was a pretty good week, considering I've never normally got a chance of penning more than 30 reviews in any given 7 days.
And I´d like to wish you all a merry christmas!!! =)
And the same to you and everyone else as well :)
At 12/23/07 03:39 PM, Auz wrote: Also, wayne seems to be back =)
Yay, goold ol' ~X~ is back. :)
Update #118
Thanks for the update Auz.
42) 1115 +000 OrgGladiator
43) 1088 +005 Bahamut (+1)
Well, I've written 2 more reviews, but Saturday and yesterday, I was busy with my family and shopping. However, I'll try and keep on track with the flashes I review. It won't be enough to pass OrgGladiator, though, but if he remains inactive, I'll pass him in a few weeks time.
At 12/23/07 03:40 PM, Auz wrote: Most reviews written: DUDE4U
Congrats to DUDE4U on most written AND most ranked up.
Most reviews lost: AfroUnderscoreStud
I hope you're happy. :P
Top 10 this week:
01) +354 | DUDE4U
08) +005 | Bahamut
Ah, in the top 10 once again, that's good.
And I´d like to wish you all a merry christmas!!! =)
Merry Goatsemas. XP
At 12/24/07 09:08 PM, Dew wrote:At 12/24/07 03:51 AM, Darkside7000 wrote: Wow, 354! Thats excessive!Ya, but there not real reviews, all they are are some two line reviews, hell I could do 500 the way DUDE is doing them.
It's a bit of a grey area, as they're not abusive as far as I can tell. Their legitimate, just not very helpful, that's all.
I am mighty Sirguyman OR AM I?
Hail zeus!
At 12/26/07 05:25 AM, sirguyman wrote: I wish i had so many reviews!:-(Sad!
Wishing won't get it done, get out there and achieve your dream :)
You can start here. Don't come back til it's done, or you're fired.
At 12/26/07 05:25 AM, sirguyman wrote: I wish i had so many reviews!:-(Sad!
Get going then! :)
At 12/25/07 04:22 AM, Coop83 wrote: It's a bit of a grey area, as they're not abusive as far as I can tell. Their legitimate, just not very helpful, that's all.
Regarding Dude4U, I read some of his reviews for Afro_Stud's new series, and they were really crappy, to the point where it was pretty obvious he didn't even watch some episodes, and they were all pretty similar...along the lines of "lol that was great, on to the next episode! Keep it up!" I contacted Seamonky about it, and he gave him a 7 day deletions though.