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The Top 100 Reviewers List

484,352 Views | 4,900 Replies
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Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-04 10:19:49

At 10/4/05 01:53 AM, ozma98949188 wrote: YAY! I am almost in the top 100 reviewers! Being in college, i have little free time during the week to review and do newgrounds related stuff. But come this weekend, i am going on a review SPREE! 100 on friday, 100 on saturday, 100 on sunday! Having broadband helps! :P

Thanks for posting here, I haven´t noticed you yet, so I´m lucky you´re not in the top 100. Like Afro already said, doing hundred reviews in one day is nearly impossible, unless you write all one liners, but we don´t like those kinda people, so it´s better if you don´t do that and just try to write quality reviews. Anyway, still good luck with it (make sure you get in the top 100 before tomorrow, otherwise you´re gonna have to wait for another week).

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-04 10:44:01

At 9/30/05 05:21 PM, -Canas- wrote: I'm not too impressed by the two-line reviews.

Better than one line. :S Maybe his reviews are short, but seriously, I really can't be bothered to make so much reviews. He's made more reviews than I've made and he's only been on NG since May. :S

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-04 22:33:25

As for the guy that does 100 reviews a day, maybe he writes them , then posts them later? I don't know, but it would be hard to make 100 in a day, I can get maybe 10-20 good ones done in a day, heh. Still, his reivews are pretty nice, so I don't mind him in the top 100.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-04 23:09:36

At 10/4/05 01:53 AM, ozma98949188 wrote: YAY! I am almost in the top 100 reviewers! Being in college, i have little free time during the week to review and do newgrounds related stuff. But come this weekend, i am going on a review SPREE! 100 on friday, 100 on saturday, 100 on sunday! Having broadband helps! :P

Heh well, thats cool, 100 is ok but the quality really gets bad when one is at that high of a number, besides with the timer is 100 even possible unless you are not doing anything on that day.... i remember cyberdevil doing 100 a day even 200 at one point before the time and all....

Anyways i have not reviewd in a few days i was taking a break and working on my site....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-05 02:58:35

Over the course of my ban I was able to rack up around 100 reviews.

I hit 200 and 222 and I dread the next update :(

I want to die in a war

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-05 03:44:46

At 10/4/05 10:33 PM, wizardman wrote: As for the guy that does 100 reviews a day, maybe he writes them , then posts them later? I don't know, but it would be hard to make 100 in a day, I can get maybe 10-20 good ones done in a day, heh. Still, his reivews are pretty nice, so I don't mind him in the top 100.

I wanna hire a bunch of people to review for me. That would also work.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-05 15:09:39

Update time:

1) 12220 XwaynecoltX (+50 reviews)
2) 11067 KWAS71KCK (+85 reviews)
3) 04648 MI4_REAL_2001 (-3 reviews)
4) 04451 RyanAn (+6 reviews)
5) 04429 M-A-R-C-U-S (-6 reviews)
6) 04290 Cyberdevil (-5 reviews)
7) 04185 YoinK_VineS (-3 reviews)
8) 03665 j00bie
9) 02883 X-Naut (+19 reviews)
10) 2492 Hamy_jamy (-5 reviews)
11) 2459 Violet-AIM
12) 2169 thepromaster (-1 review)
13) 2079 artificial (-1 review)
14) 2052 EVIL-C (-1 review)
15) 1977 Compdude (-1 review)
16) 1921 DUDE4U (-3 reviews)
17) 1790 Afro_Stud (+96 reviews)
18) 1624 Seizure_Dog
19) 1603 jonthomson
20) 1555 AntiGravity
21) 1475 DevastatoR_da_X
22) 1463 Bezman
23) 1398 zackdaman03 (-1 review)
24) 1396 angstdrillhead (-2 reviews)
25) 1340 iscRulz (+1) (+10 reviews)
26) 1331 Livecorpse (-1) (-1 review)
27) 1249 Dxkpower (-1 review)
28) 1228 Tiger_Chick
29) 1179 OrgGladiator
30) 1175 -Mj (+1) (+10 reviews)
31) 1164 Archile (-1) (-1 review)
32) 1105 HeRetiK
33) 1060 kospas
34) 1052 ramagi (-3 reviews)
35) 0997 darkmage8
36) 0996 carmelhadinosaur
37) 0984 FatherGilpin (-1 review)
38) 0975 bila (+5 reviews)
39) 0968 Dizfunktion
40) 0944 The_Obsession (-1 review)
41) 0939 ShinKosai (+1) (+15 reviews)
42) 0932 Chris_Aldin (+1) (+10 reviews)
43) 0929 Darklilangel (-2)(+2 reviews)
44) 0921 Novocane
45) 0904 vdibv (-1 review)
46) 0871 Daedo_The_Mofo
47) 0867 MappyTheKlown
48) 0849 Mizz_Caramba
49) 0847 RandomFreak (-1 review)
50) 0844 FireHound (-2 reviews)

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-05 15:19:10

51) 0843 RoweNuts
52) 0842 Fatblimp23
53) 0831 GAMECUBICLE (+1 review)
54) 0815 EZ3
55) 0806 wegra2 (+2) (+10 reviews)
56) 0804 AnzRage (-1)

57) 0801 Havok44 (-1)
58) 0768 bumcheekcity (-1 review)
59) 0768 ornery_scotsman
60) 0767 RemRulzz (+12) (+85 reviews)
61) 0760 Zamochit- (-1)
62) 0747 Admiral8Q (-1) (+1 review)
63) 0740 MasterStalker (-1)
64) 0731 Jeffshaw (-1) (+3 reviews)
65) 0721 AncientX (-1)
66) 0713 pauliojr (-1)
67) 0711 xvllvx (-1) (-1 review)
68) 0703 Ventar (-1) (+2 reviews)
69) 0696 Hydecka (-1)
70) 0684 SwitchBladeClock (-1)
71) 0684 UND (-1)
72) 0682 RTFlash (-1)
73) 0682 -Canas- (+11 reviews)
74) 0670 stick0
75) 0666 swive
77) 0664 Geminate (+1)
76) 0663 doodytheclownfan (-1)(-2 reviews)
78) 0659 R3dF0x (+10 reviews)
79) 0643 PepsiClock
80) 0642 gfoxcook
81) 0641 jetninjin (-1 review)
82) 0641 MegaGold (-1 review)
83) 0636 Tha_Evil_Umpyre (-1 review)
84) 0626 Klacid
85) 0621 Pink_Floyd (+1) (+2 reviews)
86) 0620 Umsutfeersme (-1)
87) 0618 -Dawkins- (+1) (+1 review)
88) 0617 pickmeup (-1) (-1 review)
89) 0614 Master_Inuyasha
90) 0609 NasFlash (-1 review)
91) 0607 Beowulf_Hawk
92) 0603 crackakillin (+4)(+6 reviews)
93) 0602 ZombieLennon (-1) (-1 review)
94) 0600 cannibus_clock (-1) (-2 reviews)
95) 0600 HardJudge (-1)
96) 0597 agak12 (-1)
97) 0593 Legionnaire-X (-1 review)
98) 0592 dw817
99) 0589 Credic2 (New*) (+3 reviews)
100) 0587 tabitha123

Most reviews written: Afro_Stud (hooray!)
Most reviews lost: M-A-R-C-U-S
Most ranked up: RemRulzz
Most ranked down: Everybody with -1 behind their names =)
New* means that the user was bumped off before, but came back
Bumped off: innphernoe

Pfew, glad I could make it in one hour, from now on Updates will be done on Tuesday since I have more time then I'm going to sleep now, have a good night everyone.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-05 15:28:01

At 10/5/05 03:19 PM, Auz wrote:
Most reviews written: Afro_Stud (hooray!)
Most reviews lost: M-A-R-C-U-S
Most ranked up: RemRulzz
Most ranked down: Everybody with -1 behind their names =)
New* means that the user was bumped off before, but came back
Bumped off: innphernoe

Pfew, glad I could make it in one hour, from now on Updates will be done on Tuesday since I have more time then I'm going to sleep now, have a good night everyone.

OMG I'm first in most reviews written since the update, I haven't done as much reviewing recently, I even missed out on a whole day, when I saw XwaynecoltX hadn't been reviewing much either, I thought RemRulzz or KWAS71CK would get it. I never thought for one second that it would be me, as you can see it was damn tight between us three though.

It's a shame to see no-one new has managed to get on the list.

Congratulations to RemRulzz on getting most ranked up and congratulations to Credic2 for getting back onto the list.

And a special thanks to Auz for making this list, once again a great update, in fact I'd have to say this is my personal favourite update of all time :p

I hope to see XwaynecoltX back reviewing again soon(even though it means I won't get most reviews since the last update again).

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-05 15:41:44

awesome update
congrats Afro_Stud for getting most reviews, adn i can finally say that i did more reviews than Wayne on a certain day (Oct. 3, me 1 him 0 :P). I don't think he has to worry unless KWAS goes on a reviewing rampage.
I need to review some more. It's hard to do a lot in one sitting unless I'm doign just one series or author >_>.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-05 23:30:51

Heh congrats to the top reviewers for this update, ya i was abit slow, and whatnot, ya ill get back on the ball soon, but anyways congrats people....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-05 23:39:12

Thank you for taking the time for this list. It really helps people who aspire to get on that list.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-05 23:47:36

At 10/5/05 07:21 AM, BonusStage wrote: omg dawg I just noticed Wayne hasn't made a review since the first, oh meh lord he may have perished while trying to slay the dragon

haha nah just trying to work on some stuff and the rest was nice haha....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-06 11:18:21

Great update Auz and congrats to Afro and Rem and i gotcha on tuesdays. =)

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-06 11:21:27

At 10/5/05 03:09 PM, Auz wrote: Update time:

Nice update Auz! :D

At 10/5/05 03:19 PM, Auz wrote: Most reviews written: Afro_Stud (hooray!)

Congrats Afro!

Most reviews lost: M-A-R-C-U-S

He probably won't be bothered.

Most ranked up: RemRulzz

Congrats to him!

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-06 14:11:19

nice really happy with my resultat,almost in the top 50....

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-08 00:49:39

just to known is this list real,i mine there like 800000 account on ng any chance,someone missing in the list

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-08 09:55:06

At 10/8/05 12:49 AM, RemRulzz wrote: just to known is this list real,i mine there like 800000 account on ng any chance,someone missing in the list

Well of course there is a chance somebody is missing. There are currently 840,434 users, I dunno if this is also the amount of profiles, but people without a profile can't be seen. Also users with late sign-up dates are hard to find, and also users who made loads of reviews during the last couple of months, since I used the old top reviewers list to update and if they had a very low rank back then....(example: Chris_Aldin who was ranked 1600th in March).

There's a pretty big chance that some people are missing, but it probably aren't that many. If you ever find somebody, post it in this thread and I'll add him.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-08 13:03:36

thx for the info auz....

-canas-:what cant i say i try to make it longer,but when only under stand half the word you write not easy,i cant look at dictionnary for every word take long time to make review

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-08 13:13:31

At 10/8/05 01:03 PM, RemRulzz wrote: thx for the info auz....

-canas-:what cant i say i try to make it longer,but when only under stand half the word you write not easy,i cant look at dictionnary for every word take long time to make review

You could always write a longer review in french(I believe that's the language you speak) then use a translator to translate it and paste the translated text into your review space.

Here's a translator.

Vous pourriez toujours écrire une plus longue revue en français utilisez alors un traducteur pour le traduire et pour coller le texte traduit dans votre espace de revue.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-09 00:07:52

Hey hey! I have 604 reviews as of 10/9/05 at 12:06 AM (EST)... I guess you can add me to the top 100 list and i will post on here every so often to let you know when to increase my rank, or someone can check my profile every now and then because i am always reviewing , everyday. :)

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-09 09:14:40

At 10/9/05 12:07 AM, ozma98949188 wrote: Hey hey! I have 604 reviews as of 10/9/05 at 12:06 AM (EST)... I guess you can add me to the top 100 list and i will post on here every so often to let you know when to increase my rank, or someone can check my profile every now and then because i am always reviewing , everyday. :)

Nice. Haven't sene you before, so posting was probably a good idea.
And your reviews aren't one line, so that's good.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-09 09:19:07

I remember when i first started reviewing i didnt even know about the bbs, i just reviewed and all, sometimes the bbs can get in the way or vice-versa since the bbs is also another addicting element of newgrounds....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-09 09:22:40

At 10/9/05 09:19 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: I remember when i first started reviewing i didnt even know about the bbs, i just reviewed and all, sometimes the bbs can get in the way or vice-versa since the bbs is also another addicting element of newgrounds....


True, my reviewing rate has cut down dramatically since I've started using the BBS more, I used to write between 30-40 on average a day, now I write about 10 on average a day.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-09 12:23:57

Wow. Nice list.. how did you go around getting everyone's names?!

"Actually, the server timed out trying to remove all your posts..."


Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-10 00:20:03

Review/Response rate

View Your Reviews (12,265)
(With Responses Only (1,684))

How is everyones reviewing going? as for me im back on track after my 5 day review vacation....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-10 09:19:52

Reviews: 260

Replies: 83

I did the math earlier today and I should be in the list a month before christmas

I want to die in a war

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-10 12:59:40

At 10/9/05 12:23 PM, IWantSomeCookies wrote: Wow. Nice list.. how did you go around getting everyone's names?!

There was an old review list, so that was used, but some people will most likely be missed. The information mainly originally came from the old Top 100 reviewers list.

At 10/10/05 12:20 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: How is everyones reviewing going? as for me im back on track after my 5 day review vacation....

You should know my reviewing. Made ten reviews in a day and stopped at a cool number (333). *hopes to be in the mood for reviewing next Saturday and Sunday*

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-10 14:02:37

i dont really know where else to post this (maybe the reviewers club) but heres a little rant about how reviewers have been bothering me:

You know what i dont understand about reviewers? Whenever i view a movie in like the 50 of all time, all the reviews are like "This is the greatest movie ever"... If its the greatest movie ever how come its score isnt a perfect 5? it just angers me how people leave these crappy reviews when just about every movie can be made better...

Ok im done... My goal still is to get on this list.. Even though its never gonna happen... Unless i take over ~X~'s account...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2005-10-10 14:03:48

that list is old.