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The Top 100 Reviewers List

485,138 Views | 4,900 Replies
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Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-07 08:57:52

51) 0988 -002 Static
52) 0982 +003 BMX007
53) 0974 +000 Dxkpower
54) 0970 +000 carmelhadinosaur
55) 0965 -001 Nylo
56) 0960 +013 sixflab
57) 0947 +015 wegra2007 (+1)
58) 0940 -001 Darklilangel23 (-1)
59) 0929 +000 RenegadeGirl
60) 0925 -001 U-Frontin
61) 0919 +001 VelvetDarkRocks
62) 0877 +000 Th-e
63) 0867 -002 Jeffshaw
64) 0867 -001 Daedo-The-Mofo
65) 0858 +000 Starberry
66) 0843 -002 Blackplastic
67) 0842 +002 ornery-scotsman (+1)
68) 0838 -002 TheSoulMan (-1)
69) 0834 +000 R3dF0x
70) 0830 +000 wegra2 (+1)
71) 0828 -002 Shikyoh (-1)
72) 0816 +000 Fatblimp23 (+2)
73) 0815 -001 FireHound
74) 0813 -013 mjnoir1 (-2)
75) 0801 +000 RandomFreak
76) 0790 +002 rtil
77) 0788 +000 vdibv
78) 0772 -002 RoweNuts (+1)
79) 0770 +000 Cajunspirit (+1)
80) 0768 +000 Xalyx (+1)
81) 0767 +000 AnzRage (+1)
82) 0758 +000 EZ3 (+1)
83) 0754 +000 Havok44 (+1)
84) 0750 +000 Admiral8Q (+1)
85) 0746 -002 Geminate (+1)
86) 0728 -046 MappyTheKlown (-8)
87) 0728 -001 bumcheekcity
88) 0716 -001 MasterStalker
89) 0716 +000 Zamochit-1
90) 0715 +000 OCP-Lock
91) 0711 +000 SwitchBladeClock
92) 0710 -001 Legionnaire-X
93) 0695 -002 Hydecka
94) 0695 +039 dewclawedstormv1 (+5)
95) 0684 +000 Ventar (-1)
96) 0679 +000 Canas (-1)
97) 0675 +000 xvllvx (-1)
98) 0664 +000 ThreeStar (-1)
99) 0659 +000 Blaklyon (-1)
100) 654 +000 gfoxcook

Most reviews written: DUDE4U
Most reviews lost: MappyTheKlown
Most ranked up: dewclawedstormv1
Most ranked down: MappyTheKlown
New: N/A

Top 10 most written this week:
01) +116 | DUDE4U
02) +045 | milinko959
03) +039 | declawedstormv1
04) +022 | Darkside7000
05) +022 | Frenzy
06) +015 | wegra2007
07) +013 | sixflab
08) +012 | Bahamut
09) +011 | IceDragon64

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-07 11:28:33

Hey eeeeverrrybody!!

Dude4U wrote a lot of reviews!!!....and I know how....

Anyways -

I'm back! Look out Top 5 reviewers! ;0


How you doin?

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-07 19:43:41

At 10/7/07 11:28 AM, RyanAn wrote: Dude4U wrote a lot of reviews!!!....and I know how....

Keyboard + Mouse?

And thanks for the update Auz!

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-07 22:27:15

At 10/7/07 11:28 AM, RyanAn wrote: I'm back! Look out Top 5 reviewers! ;0


Good to see ya back. Let's see if you can knock out YoinK after I do.

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-08 01:45:06

07) +013 | sixflab

I really need to set aside some time to do reviews.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-08 11:00:41

At 10/7/07 08:55 AM, Auz wrote:
At 10/2/07 12:21 AM, ramagi wrote: Auz, you should change your links so it goes right to people reviews
Okay, no problem :)

That's a good idea. :)

Update #107

Thanks for the update Auz.

44) 1066 -002 angstdrillhead
45) 1064 -001 HeRetiK
46) 1055 +012 Bahamut

Good, I'm getting a bit back on track, although I doubt I'll do as good next week. :( Meh, we'll just see.

At 10/7/07 08:57 AM, Auz wrote: Most ranked up: dewclawedstormv1


Top 10 most written this week:
08) +012 | Bahamut

That's great. :D

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-08 11:01:00

At 10/8/07 10:45 AM, DewclawedstormV1 wrote: I thought I was on 700.. hm whatever. Anyway, now that we are on the sbject of bad reviewers, would Legionnaire-X be one?

I would say so. A lot of his reviews are just one line, and most of them aren't helpful at all.

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-14 16:25:06

At 10/8/07 10:45 AM, Dew wrote: I thought I was on 700.. hm whatever.

Hmm, must´ve mixed you up with Hydecka =/

Anyway, now that we are on the sbject of bad reviewers, would Legionnaire-X be one?

Well, they do say something about something in the flash instead of the "this was cool"-stuff you see with a lot of bad reviewers. But they´re not much more than one-liners, so yeah he isn´t a very good reviewers in my opinion.

Update #108
1) 17240 -008 XwaynecoltX
2) 15958 -005 KWAS71KCK
3) 04971 +002 MI4-REAL-2001
4) 04739 +040 milinko959 (+1)
5) 04733 +016 YoinK (-1)
6) 04623 +006 RyanAn
7) 04243 -003 M-A-R-C-U-S
8) 04073 +016 Cyberdevil (+1)
9) 04069 -004 Hamy-jamy (-1)
10) 3724 -009 Molotov
11) 3413 -003 j00bie
12) 2478 +002 Bezman
13) 2304 -002 Violet-AIM
14) 2064 -001 thepromaster
15) 2029 -001 artificial
16) 1846 -001 Compdude
17) 1829 -004 AfroUnderscoreStud
18) 1659 -005 SeizureDog
19) 1651 -001 RemRulzz
20) 1608 +000 jonthomson (+1)
21) 1537 -002 iscrulz (+1)
22) 1516 +014 DUDE4U (+1)
23) 1489 -004 AntiGravity (+1)
24) 1412 +000 DevastatoR-da-X (+1)
25) 1402 +000 wizardman (+1)
26) 1382 +000 Frenzy (+1)
27) 1379 -001 Michelangelo (+1)
28) 1373 +000 MegaGold (+1)
29) 1369 -279 Evil-C (-9)
30) 1328 +000 ramagi
31) 1285 -001 zeppelinstl2007
32) 1253 -001 S-K
33) 1253 +000 Archile
34) 1217 +000 Livecorpse
35) 1207 -001 Chris-Aldin
36) 1170 +025 MAYORMCHEESE (+4)
37) 1164 -001 IceDragon64 (-1)
38) 1163 -001 bila (-1)
39) 1163 +004 Darkside7000 (-1)
40) 1152 -001 TigerChick (-1)
41) 1132 +000 Zouk
42) 1123 -003 OrgGladiator
43) 1075 -001 Freelance-Magician
44) 1062 -004 angstdrillhead
45) 1062 -002 HeRetiK
46) 1055 +000 Bahamut
47) 1034 -001 GAMECUBICLE
48) 1027 -003 2good2b4goten
49) 1024 +001 hongkongexpress
50) 0990 -002 kospas

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-14 16:26:52

51) 0990 +008 BMX007 (+1)
52) 0988 +000 Static (-1)
53) 0974 +000 Dxkpower
54) 0970 +000 carmelhadinosaur
55) 0967 +007 sixflab (+1)
56) 0965 +000 Nylo (-1)
57) 0959 +012 wegra2007
58) 0939 -001 Darklilangel23
59) 0928 -001 RenegadeGirl
60) 0924 -001 U-Frontin
61) 0917 -002 VelvetDarkRocks
62) 0875 -002 Th-e
63) 0866 -001 Jeffshaw
64) 0866 -001 Daedo-The-Mofo
65) 0858 +000 Starberry
66) 0843 +000 Blackplastic
67) 0840 -002 ornery-scotsman
68) 0838 +000 TheSoulMan
69) 0833 -001 R3dF0x
70) 0828 -002 wegra2
71) 0825 -003 Shikyoh
72) 0816 +000 Fatblimp23
73) 0814 -001 FireHound
74) 0801 +000 RandomFreak (-1)
75) 0788 -002 rtil (-1)
76) 0788 +000 vdibv (-1)
77) 0775 +007 Xalyx (+3)
78) 0771 -001 RoweNuts (-2)
79) 0770 +000 Cajunspirit (-2)
80) 0765 -002 AnzRage (-1)
81) 0758 -055 mjnoir1 (-7)
82) 0758 +000 EZ3
83) 0753 -001 Havok44
84) 0746 -004 Admiral8Q
85) 0745 -001 Geminate
86) 0730 +035 Dew (+8)
87) 0727 -001 bumcheekcity
88) 0715 -001 MasterStalker
89) 0715 +000 OCP-Lock (+1)
90) 0713 -003 Zamochit-1 (-1)
91) 0709 -002 SwitchBladeClock
92) 0703 -007 Legionnaire-X
93) 0693 -002 Hydecka
94) 0693 -035 MappyTheKlown (-8)
95) 0684 +000 Ventar
96) 0679 +000 Canas
97) 0675 +000 xvllvx
98) 0664 +000 ThreeStar
99) 0663 +004 Blaklyon
100) 654 +000 gfoxcook

Most reviews written: milinko959
Most reviews lost: Evil-C
Most ranked up: Dew
Most ranked down: Evil-C
New: N/A

Top 10 this week:
01) +040 | milinko959
02) +035 | Dew
04) +016 | YoinK
05) +016 | Cyberdevil
06) +014 | DUDE4U
07) +012 | wegra2007
08) +008 | BMX007
09) +007 | sixflab
10) +007 | Xalyx

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-14 16:38:34

At 10/14/07 04:26 PM, Auz wrote: Most reviews written: milinko959


At 10/14/07 04:25 PM, Auz wrote: 29) 1369 -279 Evil-C (-9)


Thanks for the update Auz!!!!!!!!

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-15 04:43:45

Ranked down :(

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-15 06:20:29

Ooh, I'm still in the list, but slowly falling down, hehe. I Need to get back up again.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-15 06:43:31

Yes , It's good Rank. I agree that.

My Life is Time.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-15 10:45:03

At 10/14/07 04:25 PM, Auz wrote: Update #108

Thanks for the update Auz.

46) 1055 +000 Bahamut

Haha, I know, no reviews written for that week, but I decided to take a week off reviewing. :)

At 10/14/07 04:26 PM, Auz wrote: Most reviews written: milinko959

Congrats to milinko959 for most reviews written this week.

Most ranked up: Dew

Congrats to Dew for most ranked up.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-15 14:37:04

This review list is missing something. It's just that, I can't really put my finger on it. :/

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-15 14:39:44

At 10/15/07 02:37 PM, Seamonky wrote: This review list is missing something. It's just that, I can't really put my finger on it. :/

Lemme guess, you.

Oh, and I've actually been writing reviews the past wek, I just keep getting bunch deleted.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-15 14:51:02

At 10/15/07 02:39 PM, wizardman wrote: Lemme guess, you.

Yeah, I had to do that. XD

Oh, and I've actually been writing reviews the past wek, I just keep getting bunch deleted.

A great way to not get your review deleted is to write reviews on the most popular flash submissions. That will mean it's less likey for that person to delete their flash.

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-15 15:02:00

At 10/15/07 02:51 PM, Seamonky wrote: A great way to not get your review deleted is to write reviews on the most popular flash submissions. That will mean it's less likey for that person to delete their flash.

An even better way is to review flash that gets frontpage or is in a collection because those flash submissions can't be deleted.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-15 15:24:19

At 10/15/07 02:51 PM, Seamonky wrote: A great way to not get your review deleted is to write reviews on the most popular flash submissions. That will mean it's less likey for that person to delete their flash.

Welcome to the list Seamonky!

I usually review games that are at least two year old. I haven't lost very many doing it that way.

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-15 16:05:06

At 10/15/07 03:02 PM, YoinK wrote: An even better way is to review flash that gets frontpage or is in a collection because those flash submissions can't be deleted.

Yeah, I remember Tom saying something about front page submissions not being deleted. That is awesome to hear. I should go review some front page material right now. :D

Welcome to the list Seamonky!

Thanks, hope to be in the 1k area where you guys are at. :)

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-21 15:46:26

So, how's everyone doing?

There are some great animations as usual... Any favorites you would care to recommend?


How you doin?

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-21 15:58:01

At 10/21/07 03:46 PM, RyanAn wrote: So, how's everyone doing?

Great thanks.

There are some great animations as usual... Any favorites you would care to recommend?

Cosmos Chaos is a damn good film that I had the joy of watching earlier

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-21 16:40:55

Welcome to the list Seamonky!!! =)

and goodbye to gfoxcook :(

Update #109
1) 17235 -005 XwaynecoltX
2) 15965 +007 KWAS71KCK
3) 04980 +009 MI4-REAL-2001
4) 04791 +052 milinko959
5) 04741 +008 YoinK
6) 04640 +017 RyanAn
7) 04243 +000 M-A-R-C-U-S
8) 04117 +044 Cyberdevil
9) 04065 -004 Hamy-jamy
10) 3723 -001 Molotov
11) 3412 -001 j00bie
12) 2478 +000 Bezman
13) 2303 -001 Violet-AIM
14) 2064 +000 thepromaster
15) 2029 +000 artificial
16) 1846 +000 Compdude
17) 1825 -004 AfroUnderscoreStud
18) 1659 +000 SeizureDog
19) 1650 -001 RemRulzz
20) 1608 +000 jonthomson
21) 1536 -001 iscrulz
22) 1517 +001 DUDE4U
23) 1488 -001 AntiGravity
24) 1412 +000 DevastatoR-da-X
25) 1404 +002 wizardman
26) 1383 +001 Frenzy
27) 1379 +000 Michelangelo
28) 1373 +000 MegaGold
29) 1366 -003 Evil-C
30) 1328 +000 ramagi
31) 1285 +000 zeppelinstl2007
32) 1254 +001 S-K
33) 1253 +000 Archile
34) 1217 +000 Livecorpse
35) 1207 +000 Chris-Aldin
36) 1172 +002 MAYORMCHEESE
37) 1170 +006 IceDragon64
38) 1162 -001 bila
39) 1162 -001 Darkside7000
40) 1156 +024 Zouk (+1)
41) 1152 +000 TigerChick (-1)
42) 1123 +000 OrgGladiator
43) 1074 -001 Freelance-Magician
44) 1060 -002 angstdrillhead
45) 1059 -003 HeRetiK
46) 1055 +000 Bahamut
47) 1034 +000 GAMECUBICLE
48) 1033 +009 hongkongexpress (+1)
49) 1027 +000 2good2b4goten (-1)
50) 1000 +010 BMX007 (+1)

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-21 16:42:41

51) 0990 +000 kospas (-1)
52) 0987 -001 Static
53) 0978 +019 wegra2007 (+4)
54) 0974 +000 Dxkpower (-1)
55) 0970 +000 carmelhadinosaur (-1)
56) 0967 +000 sixflab (-1)
57) 0965 +000 Nylo (-1)
58) 0939 +000 Darklilangel23
59) 0928 +000 RenegadeGirl
60) 0923 -001 U-Frontin
61) 0919 +002 VelvetDarkRocks
62) 0875 +000 Th-e
63) 0866 +000 Daedo-The-Mofo (+1)
64) 0865 -001 Jeffshaw (-1)
65) 0858 +000 Starberry
66) 0843 +000 Blackplastic
67) 0840 +000 ornery-scotsman
68) 0840 +002 TheSoulMan
69) 0833 +000 R3dF0x
70) 0828 +000 wegra2
71) 0824 -001 Shikyoh
72) 0814 -002 Fatblimp23
73) 0814 +000 FireHound
74) 0801 +000 RandomFreak
75) 0789 +001 rtil
76) 0788 +000 vdibv
77) 0779 +004 Xalyx
78) 0770 -001 RoweNuts
79) 0770 +000 Cajunspirit
80) 0765 +000 AnzRage
81) 0758 +000 mjnoir1
82) 0758 +000 EZ3
83) 0752 -001 Havok44
84) 0746 +000 Admiral8Q
85) 0745 +000 Geminate
86) 0736 +006 Dew
87) 0727 +000 bumcheekcity
88) 0715 +000 MasterStalker
89) 0715 +000 OCP-Lock
90) 0713 +000 Zamochit-1
91) 0709 +000 SwitchBladeClock
92) 0703 +000 Legionnaire-X
93) 0693 +000 Hydecka
94) 0692 -001 MappyTheKlown
95) 0684 +000 Ventar
96) 0678 -001 Canas
97) 0668 -007 xvllvx
98) 0665 +002 Blaklyon (+1)
99) 0664 +000 ThreeStar (-1)
100) 662 +??? Seamonky (New)

Most reviews written: milinko959
Most reviews lost: xvllvx
Most ranked up: wegra2007
Most ranked down: TigerChick, 2good2b4goten, kospas, Dxkpower, sixflab, Nylo, Jeffshaw
New: Seamonky
Off: gfoxcook

Top 10 this week:
01) +052 | milinko959
02) +044 | Cyberdevil
03) +024 | Zouk
04) +019 | wegra2007
05) +017 | RyanAn
06) +010 | BMX007
07) +009 | hongkongexpress
08) +009 | MI4-REAL-2001
09) +008 | YoinK
10) +007 | KWAS71KCK

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-21 16:59:25

At 10/21/07 04:42 PM, Auz wrote: Most reviews written: milinko959

Yay, second week in a row. I think I will have a bigger week this time around, as well.

New: Seamonky

Welcome, hope to see you climbing the ranks each week.

Off: gfoxcook

A shame :(

Top 10 this week:
01) +052 | milinko959
02) +044 | Cyberdevil

Ahh, cool! some competition in the top 10!

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-22 00:27:59

So it takes 1000 reviews to break the top 50.

There's no excuse for me not to gain a spot next week. I mean, that's only 8-9 reviews. Plus whatever's deleted of course... Nice update.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-22 10:30:12

At 10/21/07 04:40 PM, Auz wrote: Update #109

Thanks for the update Auz.

46) 1055 +000 Bahamut

Whoops, I didn't review for another week. I really need to get back to it.

50) 1000 +010 BMX007 (+1)

Wow, now there's 50 people who have at least 1k reviews.

At 10/21/07 04:42 PM, Auz wrote: Most reviews written: milinko959

Congrats to milinko on most reviews written.

Most ranked up: wegra2007

Congrats to wegra on most ranked up.

New: Seamonky

Hey, welcome. :D

Off: gfoxcook

You slacker. :(

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-22 10:33:00

Lolm congrats Seamonky ;)

Long way before I reached a list like this, since I'm lazy.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-22 15:48:40

At 10/22/07 12:27 AM, wizardman wrote: So it takes 1000 reviews to break the top 50.

There's no excuse for me not to gain a spot next week. I mean, that's only 8-9 reviews. Plus whatever's deleted of course... Nice update.

Hey, where have you been? I thought you were going to start reviewing again, sometime soon.

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-10-22 23:50:27

I agree that . Nice Update.

My Life is Time.