At 7/8/07 05:05 PM, milinko959 wrote: Summer vacation is spent working :(
Meh... my summer time is mostly spent learning how to drive and working too :(
At 7/9/07 09:19 AM, Bahamut wrote: My summer holiday starts on my birthday, which is this thursday. :D However, I've got a 2 week holiday to Cuba starting from Saturday.
I know I´m a little late, but have a nice holiday :)
At 7/10/07 02:53 AM, YoinK wrote: 4,500 reviews!!!!
Nice milestone, congrats :)
At 7/14/07 02:43 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I have no summer. I get 26 weekdays a year off. Work. The slavery of the 20th/21st centuries. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FUN?
Is that including christmas and new years? 0_o
I may start reviewing again soon. At least up to 666 or something.
I've lost... 30+ reviews over the years. I should be so much higher. Yes, yes, I know I'm not alone. It's still frustrating.
30 reviews over a few years is really not that much :p We´ve had -100´s in a single week here (twice). But yeah I know how frustrating it can be.
Anyway, here´s the update for this week. I must say, the activity is really low again :s
Update #95
1) 17265 -007 XwaynecoltX
2) 15756 +088 KWAS71KCK
3) 04964 -002 MI4-REAL-2001
4) 04577 +006 RyanAn
5) 04509 +011 YoinK
6) 04272 -002 M-A-R-C-U-S
7) 04150 +043 milinko959
8) 04102 +007 Hamy-jamy
9) 04083 +000 Cyberdevil
10) 3507 -003 Molotov
11) 3432 -001 j00bie
12) 2364 +000 Bezman
13) 2318 +000 Violet-AIM
14) 2076 -001 thepromaster
15) 2036 +000 artificial
16) 1854 -002 Compdude
17) 1841 -001 AfroUnderscoreStud
18) 1684 -008 Evil-C
19) 1670 +000 SeizureDog
20) 1661 -001 RemRulzz
21) 1597 +011 jonthomson
22) 1532 +001 iscrulz
23) 1504 +000 AntiGravity
24) 1423 +000 DevastatoR-da-X
25) 1400 +000 wizardman
26) 1384 +000 Michelangelo
27) 1366 +000 MegaGold
28) 1335 +000 ramagi
29) 1327 +000 Frenzy
30) 1320 +000 DUDE4U
31) 1289 -001 zeppelinstl2007
32) 1256 +000 Archile
33) 1235 +000 S-K
34) 1224 +000 Livecorpse
35) 1167 +000 bila
36) 1157 -002 TigerChick
37) 1132 -001 MAYORMCHEESE
38) 1132 +000 Chris-Aldin
39) 1131 -001 OrgGladiator
40) 1095 +011 IceDragon64 (+2)
41) 1086 +001 Freelance-Magician (-1)
42) 1086 +001 angstdrillhead (-1)
43) 1065 +001 HeRetiK
44) 1061 +000 Zouk
45) 1042 +000 GAMECUBICLE
46) 1002 +001 hongkongexpress
47) 0996 +000 kospas
48) 0994 +000 Static
49) 0984 +001 Bahamut
50) 0977 +000 Dxkpower