At 11/26/06 04:02 PM, Starberry wrote: i don't know how you lose 152 reviews but .......... ok
Rage's topic apparently works wonders. Only explanation I got for THAT, wow.

At 11/26/06 04:02 PM, Starberry wrote: i don't know how you lose 152 reviews but .......... ok
Rage's topic apparently works wonders. Only explanation I got for THAT, wow.
Whats new in the world of Reviews???
As for me im almost done with requests done by frenzy (He likes large file movies :( for anyone who wants to be added to my list of movies to review, pm me with links (Yes im lazy)
Anyways thats all on my side that and i have been really addicted to maplestory its my new found love :)
Today seems like a big week for reviewing. I'm averaging about 15 per day, kwas is over 100, and you've got quite a few as well X.
And I will respond to your reviews right away too, x.
At 11/30/06 04:11 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Whats new in the world of Reviews???
As for me im almost done with requests done by frenzy (He likes large file movies :(
Sorry about that, i can't help the filesizes sometimes!
At 11/30/06 05:54 PM, Frenzy wrote:At 11/30/06 04:11 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: As for me im almost done with requests done by frenzy (He likes large file movies :(Sorry about that, i can't help the filesizes sometimes!
Ha its fine just takes me abit longer to get to them, but i should finish them up tonight.
At 11/30/06 04:35 PM, milinko959 wrote: Today seems like a big week for reviewing. I'm averaging about 15 per day, kwas is over 100, and you've got quite a few as well X.
Yeah i noticed, its looking good, i normaly keep track of about 5-10 high reviewers but as of late its just me you and kwass heh, keep up the good reviewing.
And I will respond to your reviews right away too, x.
Wow, I envy you guys. I've had NO time to do ANY reviewing in about a month. Thank god finals are in a couple weeks, then I'm going on a rampage similar to the one I did a while ago.
And can you review my flashes Wayne? I'll send the links if that's easier.
At 12/1/06 02:41 PM, wizardman wrote: And can you review my flashes Wayne? I'll send the links if that's easier.
Yeah just send me the links and ill add then to the top of my ever growing lists.
Congrats to Bezman on the 2000 reviews =)
Update #63
1) 15869 +169 XwaynecoltX
2) 13167 +122 KWAS71KCK
3) 04982 +013 MI4-REAL-2001
4) 04654 +000 RyanAn
5) 04320 -001 M-A-R-C-U-S
6) 04318 +000 YoinK
7) 04177 +000 Cyberdevil
8) 03554 -003 IxI
9) 03517 -001 Hamy-jamy
10) 3469 +000 j00bie
11) 2882 +091 milinko959
12) 2372 -002 Violet-AIM
13) 2112 -002 thepromaster
14) 2061 +000 artificial
15) 2045 +105 Bezman
16) 1895 -002 Compdude
17) 1888 -002 4653n7
18) 1793 -003 Evil-C
19) 1772 -005 DUDE4U
20) 1705 -001 WoebegonenessIsSad
21) 1682 +000 RemRulzz
22) 1585 +000 jonthomson
23) 1541 +002 Id-269500
24) 1524 +000 AntiGravity
25) 1443 +000 DevastatoR-da-X
26) 1390 +000 Michelangelo
27) 1331 +000 MegaGold
28) 1316 +000 ramagi
29) 1305 +000 zeppelinstl2007
30) 1289 -001 Archile
31) 1287 +000 Livecorpse
32) 1226 +006 Frenzy
33) 1199 +000 Dxkpower
34) 1188 -001 TigerChick
35) 1186 +010 S-K
36) 1160 +000 bila
37) 1149 -002 OrgGladiator
38) 1132 +000 Chris-Aldin
39) 1127 -002 angstdrillhead
40) 1120 -001 MAYORMCHEESE
41) 1115 +000 Freelance-Magician
42) 1081 -001 HeRetiK
43) 1030 +000 kospas
44) 1028 -001 Zouk
45) 1017 +001 GAMECUBICLE
46) 1012 -001 Xenomorphic
47) 0997 +000 Bahamut
48) 0984 -001 Nylo
49) 0978 +000 carmelhadinosaur
50) 0957 +000 RenegadeGirl
51) 0944 -001 U-Frontin
52) 0932 +000 Darklilangel23
53) 0915 -002 Th-e
54) 0897 +005 hongkongexpress
55) 0885 +000 Daedo-The-Mofo
56) 0868 +004 wizardman
57) 0864 +001 Starberry
58) 0862 +001 FatherGilpin
59) 0856 +004 Hard-Plastic
60) 0851 +001 Jeffshaw
61) 0848 +000 wegra2
62) 0839 +009 VelvetDarkRocks (+1)
63) 0832 -002 Fatblimp23 (-1)
64) 0827 +012 TheSoulMan (+3)
65) 0826 +000 FireHound (-1)
66) 0824 -001 MappyTheKlown (-1)
67) 0823 +001 R3dF0x (-1)
68) 0810 +000 RandomFreak
69) 0809 +000 vdibv
70) 0804 +000 RoweNuts
71) 0802 +000 ornery-scotsman
72) 0798 +003 BMX007
73) 0776 +000 AnzRage
74) 0774 +000 EZ3
75) 0774 +000 Havok44
76) 0769 +002 rtil (+1)
77) 0768 +000 Admiral8Q (-1)
78) 0754 +000 Geminate
79) 0749 +000 bumcheekcity
80) 0736 +000 Zamochit-1
81) 0727 +000 SwitchBladeClock
82) 0727 +000 MasterStalker
83) 0718 +000 OCP-Lock
84) 0714 +001 Cajunspirit
85) 0706 +000 Hydecka
86) 0702 +000 Xalyx
87) 0692 +000 xvllvx
88) 0691 +000 Ventar
89) 0680 +000 Canas
90) 0675 -001 pauliojr
91) 0669 +008 IceDragon64 (+1)
92) 0661 +006 Sir-CannibusClock (+1)
93) 0659 -002 UND (-2)
94) 0655 +000 stick0
95) 0651 -001 Bowserpants
96) 0650 +000 doodytheclownfan
97) 0649 +000 gfoxcook
98) 0644 +000 swive
99) 0641 -001 Credic2
100) 635 -001 RTflash
Most written this week: XwaynecoltX
Most lost this week: DUDE4U
Most ranked up: TheSoulMan
Most ranked down: UND
New: -
Top 10 this week:
01) +169 | XwaynecoltX
02) +122 | KWAS71KCK
03) +105 | Bezman
04) +091 | milinko959
05) +013 | MI4-REAL-2001
06) +012 | TheSoulMan
07) +010 | S-K
08) +009 | VelvetDarkRocks
09) +008 | IceDragon64
10) +006 | Frenzy, Sir-CannibusClock
Again,nice update. I'm surpried peopl ehad time this week, I had no time at all.
At 12/3/06 02:42 PM, Auz wrote: Congrats to Bezman on the 2000 reviews =)
Congrats to him for getting 2k reviews. :D
Update #63
Nice update Auz.
47) 0997 +000 Bahamut
Nothing new as usual. Still got Flash movies to work on and then I'll go and review a bit.
At 12/3/06 02:44 PM, Auz wrote: Most written this week: XwaynecoltX
Congrats to ~X~ for most written reviews.
Most ranked up: TheSoulMan
Congrats to SoulMan for most ranked up.
Congrats to -X-, IceDragon and other funky folk.
Hi Bezman,
I didnt even know i was in the top 100 until I put IceDragon64 into Google out of curiousity and it picked up this message of congrats from you! How strange and random that it should happen like that- I virtually never come here and barely know my way around.
Since I am going to spend more time writing and probably less time on NG, I may not be here for all that long. My success in publication is definately altering my priorities after all these years!
Ta for update and also congrats.
Congrats to all who are happy with their review numbers/quality. Or other stuff.
11) 2882 +091 milinko959
1118 to go...
15) 2045 +105 Bezman
1955 to go...
837 gap.
Considering the time I spent this week won't be available for a fair while, I may have made a foolhardy wager... ah well.
At 12/3/06 03:34 PM, IceDragon64 wrote: I didnt even know i was in the top 100 until I put IceDragon64 into Google out of curiousity and it picked up this message of congrats from you! How strange and random that it should happen like that- I virtually never come here and barely know my way around.
Since I am going to spend more time writing and probably less time on NG, I may not be here for all that long. My success in publication is definately altering my priorities after all these years!
Heh. Although it actually picks up Auz's message I think...
All the best in whatever you do.
:::Electric Earth Collab:::::::::Review Request Club:::::::::NG Calendar:::::::::Life is a playground so get out and play.:::
At 12/3/06 03:55 PM, Bezman wrote: Ta for update and also congrats.
Congrats to all who are happy with their review numbers/quality. Or other stuff.
11) 2882 +091 milinko9591118 to go...
15) 2045 +105 Bezman1955 to go...
837 gap.
Considering the time I spent this week won't be available for a fair while, I may have made a foolhardy wager... ah well.
I spent more time writing than I usually do as well, so next week will probably be slower.
At 11/26/06 06:55 PM, Bezman wrote: Things like making Flash?
More like, TV programs, films and video games ;)
I love you.
Please come to Glasgow and we can go out and boogie.
Oh my.
At 12/3/06 02:42 PM, Auz wrote: Congrats to Bezman on the 2000 reviews =)
Yes, congrats to him :)
16) 1895 -002 Compdude
17) 1888 -002 4653n7
Heh, same amount lost there.
Most written this week: XwaynecoltX
Congrats to ~X~ on writing the most reviews over this last week.
Most ranked up: TheSoulMan
Congrats to TheSoulMan on passing the most folk.
Nice update Auz, thanks for taking your time to do it =)
Most ranked up again, not bad for 12 lousy reviews. That's more than other weeks, I should improve a lot anyway.
Congrats to Bezman on the 2k reviews, woah!
And thanks Auz for the great update again ;)
Oh the update is here :)
Nice update once again, lots of reviews this week, and so starts the new week, anyways thanks for an update on the list auz.
At 12/3/06 02:42 PM, Auz wrote: Congrats to Bezman on the 2000 reviews =)
Yes, congratulations, that's a fairly high review point.
1) 15869 +169 XwaynecoltX
2) 13167 +122 KWAS71KCK
3) 04982 +013 MI4-REAL-2001
4) 04654 +000 RyanAn
5) 04320 -001 M-A-R-C-U-S
6) 04318 +000 YoinK
7) 04177 +000 Cyberdevil
8) 03554 -003 IxI
9) 03517 -001 Hamy-jamy
10) 3469 +000 j00bie
11) 2882 +091 milinko959
Wow, Milinko is a beast, haha, I haven't done any reviews what so ever for a long time and managed to go up a couple spots. Hopefully Joob Joob will lose another 10 or 20 reviews in the next month (joking Joobie you rock!)
Top 50 Reviewers
Top 200 Medal Points
Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR
At 12/3/06 11:10 PM, MegaGold wrote: Wow, Milinko is a beast, haha, I haven't done any reviews what so ever for a long time and managed to go up a couple spots. Hopefully Joob Joob will lose another 10 or 20 reviews in the next month (joking Joobie you rock!)
I wish he would! I really need all the help I can get to get that #10 spot.
Yeah milinko is a beast hehe, maybe by summer he will really be up there, im sure he wll though, he is a good reviewer with day to day activity.
I gots 400 audio reviews :) :) :) ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ 8D 8D
At 12/4/06 10:20 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Yeah milinko is a beast hehe, maybe by summer he will really be up there, im sure he wll though, he is a good reviewer with day to day activity.
By some time in the summer I should have at least 4k reviews, assuming that I keep on the same pace as I've been going, so lets hope.
At 12/5/06 02:30 PM, Melted-Plastic wrote: I gots 400 audio reviews :) :) :) ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ 8D 8D
Wow, you really have to be pretty high on that list...too bad there isn't an official one.
At 12/5/06 04:28 PM, milinko959 wrote: At 12/5/06 02:30 PM, Melted-Plastic wrote: I gots 400 audio reviews :) :) :) ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ 8D 8DWow, you really have to be pretty high on that list...too bad there isn't an official one.
Ya totally. Look how many this person has. Damn
Thanks for the update, Auz, and congrats to all award winners! I have a loong way to go before I rank up.
Well, now that I finally have internet at my new place, maybe I can catch back up with my reviews. I did several last night, anyways.
unban russianspy22
At 12/5/06 10:30 PM, MAYORMCHEESE wrote: Well, now that I finally have internet at my new place, maybe I can catch back up with my reviews. I did several last night, anyways.
Good to see you back...we need more good reviewers to be active.
At 12/7/06 01:05 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: 16,000 Reviews
~X~'re going to get more reviews than posts...
At 12/7/06 01:05 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: 16,000 Reviews
thats pimp