At 10/13/06 09:39 PM, Frenzy wrote:
What with all the review deletion, homework, tests, and the FAQ/Walkthrough I'm currently writing, I'm really getting sick of reviewing. It seems that I review a movie, another review gets deleted... to be quite frank, it really, really sucks, and I hope that they change the system when the new stuff arrives.
Are all of your reviews being deleted by mods, or are they being deleted due to old submissions being zapped?
My reviews drop away at least once a month, if not more often, and it's all the latter for me.
I can only imagine how much suck it is if you experience both types of review deletion, though you only have yourself to blame for the former, anyway.
Anyway, is anybody esle having the same problem? Because I really hope that I'm not the only one.
Of course you're not.
At 10/13/06 11:47 PM, wizardman wrote:
Just got a first e-mail regarding a review deletion
One of my earlier 1-liners in the April 2000 flashes. Most of those were awful, so I don't mind redoing them.
E-mail? I thought PMs were sent out, not e-mails.
I just wish I had PMs for all the reviews of mine I've lost, so I'd know which movies from 2000-2004 were deleted that my ancient reviews died along with. So look at this way, guys, at least when mods delete your reviews now, you KNOW what happened. Far better than never knowing and just watching your count drop and wondering if it was one of your fave movies from years ago that just died and took a review of yours along with it... whether the flash was proven to be stolen, or whether the author just decided he wanted it off NG and deleted it and asked Wade to remove it... wondering WTF happened, IOW, in a futile sort of way that doesn't merit any time wasting...
Yet I've fallen to the temptation at least twice to go back and find out what the hell it was that I lost. But it's hard to pin it down. I've only figured it out ONCE or TWICE in my whole 3+ years of reviewing... and once was back when I had less than 100 reviews, so at least it was easier to figure out back then.
At 10/14/06 03:17 PM, Frenzy wrote:
Interesting points there, X. And poor KWAS... oh well.
That may be the only time anyone's said poor KWAS in this (or the old review list) thread. Wowza.
Also, I think that they should make it that reviews for blammed and delted submissions stay in your profile, but have some indicator that the submission (for example the following text next to the submission name: (BLAMMED)).
That's be great. But just keep in mind, if you're hoping it would raise your review total and rank a lot, it would do the same thing for a lot of other people.
I can guarantee you I'd have over 800 reviews, instead of around 650, for one thing, if all blammed movies I've reviewed didn't take my reviews with them.
At 10/15/06 08:32 AM, Frenzy wrote:
How in the hell was this abusive?
"Well, I'm finally at my 1,000'th review! And I did it on this great flash. It was just great... the big, red 'B'. Everything. Great, StrawberryClock! This is also the first submission I've ever given a 10 to in a review. In 1,000 flashes. Great job!
I'm very angry at this whole system. I'm sorry, but cna somebody PLEASE tell me how this was a busive??
Half of your review is about yourself.
That's not abusive, really, but it is pointless. Pimping your stats in posts on the BBS is frowned upon somewhat. In reviews? It's insanely frowned upon. Reviews aren't the place to be saying you have 1000 reviews. Do that in this thread or over in level up!
And if you really have to say "HEY, 1000!" (because trust me, I probably did the same thing when I finally hit 500), then make sure you have a good long review to go along with it. Not just one line in between you talking about that pretty, shiny 1000 number.
Don't be angry about it, just REDO the review and stop complaining, eh? You could have been banned along with the deletion, so consider yourself lucky.