I wanna be on this list someday.
But I also wna to thva eeggs.
I wanna be on this list someday.
But I also wna to thva eeggs.
With 6 reviews Kronzo, you got a long way.
Currently at 682 reviews at the end of day 2 of my quest for 286+ reviews. (+55) I'm going to fail at my rate big time. Time tohit the main meat: Afro and bbq's flashes.
Everyone is now UNBANNED on reviews.....even KWAS haha.
At 7/27/06 12:09 AM, X-Naut wrote: Everyone is now UNBANNED on reviews.....even KWAS haha.
oh no... hopefully it will take kwas awhile to notice.... i've got this giant wart on my finger right now... so it bothers me when I type... :(
At 7/27/06 12:09 AM, X-Naut wrote: Everyone is now UNBANNED on reviews.....even KWAS haha.
That fucking sucks. Now that KWAS is unbanned, we will all have to see him writing shitty reviews again. :( And when he does review again, I expect myself whenever I submit any flashes, KWAS will go and review it.
~X~, you better get your ass to write a lot of reviews now before he catches up.
At 7/27/06 12:09 AM, X-Naut wrote: Everyone is now UNBANNED on reviews.....even KWAS haha.
Oh no... ooh, well, I'm gonna go write some more reviews! :D
At 7/27/06 12:35 PM, -Frenzy- wrote:At 7/27/06 12:09 AM, X-Naut wrote: Everyone is now UNBANNED on reviews.....even KWAS haha.Oh no... ooh, well, I'm gonna go write some more reviews! :D
Well, I'm going to try and catch up to you :P
I'm now down to 626 reviews. Some movie got deleted last night, I guess.
unban russianspy22
At 7/27/06 12:09 AM, X-Naut wrote: Everyone is now UNBANNED on reviews.....even KWAS haha.
Nooooo :(. At least he lost 17 more reviews.
Well, I'm up to 711 reviews (+84). I'm probabyl guaranteed first place this week IF I keep this pace. (Thogh with KWAS unbanned who knows)
Why is everyone unbanned? It doesn't make sense >:( I mean, look at Jetninjin's reviews, he still has very abusive reviews. Not to mention kwas and sir_cannibus_clock...
i feel as if i keep losing other reviews whenever i write a new one THIS IS SHIT
hahahha kwas i back! have fun.. just so u know, kronzo is trying to catch up with u guys as i speak...
At 7/27/06 09:16 PM, Kronzo_Productions wrote: hahahha kwas i back! have fun.. just so u know, kronzo is trying to catch up with u guys as i speak...
I just figures out that Kronzo w an alt accout. I kept think ing to myslef what you meant when you had still 6 reviews, but I get it now.
I am now over 100 reviews in under 3 full days, which means the record maybe out of reach, but this is still extremely fast for me.
At 7/26/06 07:50 AM, -Frenzy- wrote:
Lol, my first week on the list I get most written and most ranked up. I feel sos speacial. [sheds tears of joy]
Well, actually, I guess it was technically my 2'nd, since the first tiem your on the list your 'stats' (or number of rev iews) don't count.
My reviews: 758
Frenzy's reviews: 761
Sooo close, yet so far. Damn thunderstorms knockign off my power most of yesterday.
I'll catch up eventually (+131)
At 7/29/06 12:03 AM, wizardman wrote: My reviews: 758
Frenzy's reviews: 761
Sooo close, yet so far. Damn thunderstorms knockign off my power most of yesterday.
I'll catch up eventually (+131)
Oh my god...
I'm like +052 right now...
Frenzy's reviews: 778
My reviews: 800 (+173)
Holy crap, I did that many this morning? Wow. Okay, I'm taing a break un til tonight then, lol. *phew*
At 7/26/06 01:14 AM, MegaGold wrote: I've gave a couple of minutes to check how many times everyone has won the weekly most written. I've also made a list.
Hey thanks a lot for this. Both you and wizardman actually gave me a great idea to make my list better. I´m currently working on it and I might have a few small problems, but I think everything will be okay and ready by the next update. Anyway, you don´t mind if I use this list of yours, right? =)
At 7/29/06 05:05 PM, Auz wrote:
Hey thanks a lot for this. Both you and wizardman actually gave me a great idea to make my list better. I´m currently working on it and I might have a few small problems, but I think everything will be okay and ready by the next update. Anyway, you don´t mind if I use this list of yours, right? =)
Of course, I should be thanking you. Thanks for looking at people's ideas.
Top 50 Reviewers
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At 7/29/06 12:27 PM, wizardman wrote: Frenzy's reviews: 778
My reviews: 800 (+173)
Holy crap, I did that many this morning? Wow. Okay, I'm taing a break un til tonight then, lol. *phew*
Wow, you've past -Frenzy-! Keep up the good work wizardman, he's right on your tale. Still, I cannot believe you did so many, whenever someone gets over 100 in one week, that's an accomplishmant, but over 200? That takes some determination, c'mon, we're all cheering for you; you don't have to break the record, but at least get past 200 reviews in less than a week!
At 7/30/06 02:06 AM, Agak wrote:
Wow, you've past -Frenzy-!
Not for long, Agak, not for long.
At 7/30/06 05:22 AM, spoofal wrote:1) 11297 XwaynecoltXGood god...Thats alot of fucking reviews...
Check his profile now.
At 7/30/06 02:06 AM, Agak wrote: Wow, you've past -Frenzy-! Keep up the good work wizardman, he's right on your tale. Still, I cannot believe you did so many, whenever someone gets over 100 in one week, that's an accomplishmant, but over 200? That takes some determination, c'mon, we're all cheering for you; you don't have to break the record, but at least get past 200 reviews in less than a week!
Done, 200 reviews in a week now. I'm going to go for 300, but don't expect me to make that. I'm running out of short flashes and reviewing stamina.
God damnit, Kwas got unbanned. Why?
Congrats to Wizardman. That's a lot of reviews you wrote this week. You even passed
-Frenzy-. That's pretty crazy.
At 7/30/06 12:16 PM, owTolaH wrote: God damnit, Kwas got unbanned. Why?
At 7/30/06 12:16 PM, owTolaH wrote:
Congrats to Wizardman. That's a lot of reviews you wrote this week. You even passed
-Frenzy-. That's pretty crazy.
One thing I don't like how Wizardman is reviewing is he isn't even reviewing long movies. He is just reviewing to get higher on the list.
Top 50 Reviewers
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At 7/30/06 12:26 PM, MegaGold wrote:At 7/30/06 12:16 PM, owTolaH wrote:Congrats to Wizardman. That's a lot of reviews you wrote this week. You even passedOne thing I don't like how Wizardman is reviewing is he isn't even reviewing long movies. He is just reviewing to get higher on the list.
-Frenzy-. That's pretty crazy.
Both true and false. Yeah, now I'm reviewing Prikedelik's falshes as a boost to get a bit higher, but I also reviewed claveman, aqua life, and colleg euniversity this week, all of which are roughly 10-min flashes.
Shame I didn't have any ban. Anyway, I am not going to mass review for the moment, since I only review movies I'll get responsed.
It's enough for me being in the list :D
At 7/30/06 02:32 PM, wizardman wrote:
Both true and false. Yeah, now I'm reviewing Prikedelik's falshes as a boost to get a bit higher, but I also reviewed claveman, aqua life, and colleg euniversity this week, all of which are roughly 10-min flashes.
Sorry, for partially false accusasions. I checked a couple of you pages and even though you didn't watch anything in order, you did watch some long movies.
Top 50 Reviewers
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Lol, good job, Wizardman!
I'm still reviewing, but I've been reviewing a lot, andI'm bust from onday-Friday this week, so I'm probbaly not going to be reviewing as much. However, I did get over 800 reviews this week, so that's good! (I'm going to go for 1,000 reivews before the end of the summer!) :)
Oh fuck, you guys are starting to crawl up on me!
*gets to reviewing furiously*
unban russianspy22