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The Top 100 Reviewers List

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Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-17 10:02:00

Great update. About time Wayne reviews more than KWAS again.
I'm making it my goal today to get as close to beign on the list as possible.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-21 11:49:38

Update #30

1) 13614 -004 XwaynecoltX
2) 12859 +037 KWAS71KCK
3) 04693 -014 MI4_REAL_2001
4) 04573 +001 RyanAn
5) 04442 -001 M-A-R-C-U-S
6) 04310 +000 YoinK_VineS
7) 04288 -014 Cyberdevil
8) 03596 -019 j00bie
9) 03297 -001 X-Naut
10) 2479 -001 Hamy_jamy
11) 2442 +000 Violet-AIM
12) 2162 -001 thepromaster
13) 2076 +000 artificial
14) 2010 -003 EVIL-C
15) 1996 -004 -ABSENTMlNDED-
16) 1964 -001 Compdude
17) 1903 +000 DUDE4U
18) 1753 -001 Seizure_Dog
19) 1716 +002 RemRulzz
20) 1600 +000 jonthomson
21) 1584 +000 AntiGravity
22) 1474 -001 DevastatoR_da_X
23) 1470 +008 iscRulz
24) 1470 +011 Bezman
25) 1398 +000 zeppelinstl2007
26) 1383 -001 angstdrillhead
27) 1345 +004 -Mj
28) 1326 +000 Livecorpse
29) 1302 +001 ramagi
30) 1298 +001 Archile
31) 1247 +000 Dxkpower
32) 1219 +000 Tiger_Chick
33) 1182 -001 OrgGladiator
34) 1111 +005 0SK0 (+1)
35) 1110 +001 HeRetiK (-1)
36) 1101 +005 Chris_Aldin (+1)
37) 1099 +001 bila (-1)
38) 1052 -002 kospas
39) 1034 +000 MegaGold
40) 1000 -001 Nylo
41) 0994 +000 carmelhadinosaur
42) 0982 -001 Dizfunktion
43) 0982 +042 milinko959 (+5)
44) 0980 +000 FatherGilpin (-1)
45) 0962 +000 Renegade_Girl (-1)
46) 0953 +000 Zouk (-1)
47) 0950 +000 The_Obsession (-1)
48) 0945 -001 Darklilangel23 (-1)
49) 0936 -002 wegra2
50) 0933 +000 novocane

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-21 11:57:24

At 12/6/05 12:24 PM, -ABSENTMlNDED- wrote: After all, he is breaking rule 2:

Do not post TONS and TONS of crappy reviews just to get high in the rankings. If we catch someone doing this we will delete all their reviews- wouldn't that be a pain in the ass? Take your time and write a sincere review for every movie you wish to critique. Make sure your review is relative to the submission. Reviews that are found to offer no benefit to the author maybe deleted.

I think that when people break that rule, action should be taken, but it never is, both RemRulzz and KWAS71KCK deserve review bans and about 95% of their reviews deleted.

By my reading of that rule, all their reviews should be deleted. By my understanding of that rule, if I went and wrote say 400 crappy uninformative 1-2 liners, I'd deserve ALL my reviews deleted, just as the rule states.

At 1/3/06 09:45 AM, Auz wrote: And as promised, the numbers 101-150. Changes are all compared to 4 weeks ago and if BMX007 and Zouk were included.

101) 0601 +000 ZombieLennon (-1)
102) 0600 +000 HardJudge (-1)
103) etc. etc. etc. ....

Wow. That's a nice format... weekly top 100, double-fortnightly 101-150. Also, real dedication from you.

At 3/8/06 02:40 PM, -ABSENTMlNDED- wrote:
At 3/8/06 03:24 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Im trying a new way of Reviewing, it has 3 things, its in the last few reviews i have done , please check them out aand let me know what you think, is good, better, confusing what???

Disciss please...
I don't know ~X~ it looks a little odd, I prefer reviews to be all together rather than having different sections focusing on different things, but that's just me...

I already commented on the new style in the reviewer's club. I agree with Afrostud (I'll carry on calling him that whilst he plays with his name) - I once considered breaking up my reviews but decided that it's nice to be able to do reviews in different styles if you want, mixing it up.

It is awesome though, as it means you remember to put something in each category and is probably better for doing quick reviews, like is appropriate for on NG. Like I said before, I think -X-'s new review style is awesome and will ensure his reviews are a great help to all.

Hey, -X-, do you still do reviews on request?

I decided to change my reviews, inspired by -X-. I'm gonna address negatives and positives in its own section, rating each with up to 5-s or +s. That way, it can be easily seen just how good/bad I consider each aspect I comment on.

For games, I'll also mention my experience. (lives lost, etc.) in it's own section.

I think reviews are probably more entertaining to read as one long thing, but are more helpful in the long run broken up.

Take a look and let me know what you think of my new style.

At 3/14/06 11:38 AM, Auz wrote: Update #29

Thanks for doing this, Auz.

1) 13618 +036 XwaynecoltX
2) 12822 +029 KWAS71KCK

Glad to see -X- is doing more reviews than KWAS. I remember a while ago, -X- mentioned he'd get worried if he was ever less than 1000 in front of KWAS, but until then he could relax. Well, specially with his new style, I'd hate for him to lose ground.

-X-, it's time to open up the gap.

20) 1600 +000 jonthomson
21) 1584 +000 AntiGravity
22) 1475 +000 DevastatoR_da_X
23) 1462 +007 iscRulz (+1)
24) 1459 +000 Bezman (-1)

We'll see some movement there this week. I made a decision to review everything I watch, unless it's a game and I plan to replay and get further later.

I wanna spread the love, just like the others who do that already.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-21 12:03:49

51) 0918 +002 GAMECUBICLE
52) 0901 +000 vdibv
53) 0867 -001 Daedo_the_Mofo
54) 0851 +000 FireHound (+1)
55) 0849 -003 Fatblimp23 (-1)
56) 0848 -003 MappytheKlown
57) 0841 +000 RandomFreak
58) 0839 -002 RoweNuts
59) 0838 -001 Geminate
60) 0824 +006 Jeffshaw
61) 0814 +000 EZ3
62) 0812 +035 Bahamut- (+4)
63) 0803 +000 Havok44 (-1)
64) 0800 -002 AnzRage (-1)
65) 0785 +008 R3dFOx
66) 0778 -002 ornery_scotsman (-2)
67) 0773 +000 Admiral8Q
68) 0765 +000 bumcheekcity
69) 0753 +000 Zamochit-
70) 0744 +000 MasterStalker
71) 0734 +005 rtil (+1)
72) 0731 +000 SwitchBladeClock (-1)
73) 0721 +000 AncientX
74) 0704 +000 pauliojr (+1)
75) 0703 -001 xvllvx (+1)
76) 0703 +001 -Canas- (+1)
77) 0703 +003 BMX007 (+1)
78) 0699 -012 Hydecka (-4)
79) 0698 +000 Ventar
80) 0683 +000 UND
81) 0674 +000 Bowserpants
82) 0668 +015 Starberry (+4)
83) 0667 +000 stick0
84) 0666 -001 RTflash (-2)
85) 0664 +000 swive (-1)
86) 0664 +000 doodytheclownfan (-1)
87) 0652 +000 Credic2
88) 0650 +000 gfoxcook
89) 0646 -001 crackakillin
90) 0646 +001 jetninjin
91) 0644 +000 Tha_Evil_Umpyre
92) 0639 -001 PepsiClock
93) 0639 +000 -Dawkins-
94) 0636 -002 Sir_Cannibus_Clock (banned!)
95) 0635 +000 Tancrisism
96) 0631 +006 VelvetDarkRocks
97) 0621 +000 Klacid
98) 0621 +001 hongkongexpress
99) 0616 +000 Umsutfeersme
100) 615 +??? Agak (New)

Most written: milinko959
Most lost: j00bie
Most ranked up: milinko959
Most ranked down: Hydecka
New: Agak
Kicked off: pickmeup

Yah! a new member finally

Top 10 reviewers this week
01) +042 | milinko959
02) +037 | KWAS71KCK
03) +035 | Bahamut-
04) +015 | Starberry
05) +011 | Bezman
06) +008 | R3dFOx
07) +008 | iscRulz
08) +006 | VelvetDarkRocks
09) +006 | Jeffshaw
10) +005 | 0SK0 & Chris_Aldin & rtil

Oh and Bahamut and Afro, stop changing your alias goddamnit >=(

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-21 12:11:11

At 3/21/06 11:49 AM, Auz wrote: Update #30

Nice update Auz!

2) 12859 +037 KWAS71KCK

BURN IN HELL! I wrote just less than two reviews than him. If only I didn't lose some reviews over the week.

At 3/21/06 12:03 PM, Auz wrote: 57) 0841 +000 RandomFreak
58) 0839 -002 RoweNuts
59) 0838 -001 Geminate
60) 0824 +006 Jeffshaw
61) 0814 +000 EZ3
62) 0812 +035 Bahamut- (+4)

35 reviews made (well, review count +35, but I actually made 38 reviews this week, which is very good). Hopefully this week I can do slightly better. I plan to try and make around 40 - 50 reviews a week until I get to 1k reviews. All the users above me I should pass by next update as long as they don't make lots of reviews.

Top 10 reviewers this week
01) +042 | milinko959
02) +037 | KWAS71KCK

Congrats to milinko for making the most reviews this week. No congrats to KWAS.

03) +035 | Bahamut-

Me in third place. Maybe during the easter holidays, I could write around 100 - 200 reviews each week. :)

Oh and Bahamut and Afro, stop changing your alias goddamnit >=(

I've stop name changing for now. I was only Bahamut7 last week because of my review count.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-21 12:17:43

At 3/21/06 11:49 AM, Auz wrote: Update #30

Oh! Well, sorry Auz for breaking up your list...

1) 13614 -004 XwaynecoltX
2) 12859 +037 KWAS71KCK


First time I've seen a -ve number there.

3) 04693 -014 MI4_REAL_2001
4) 04573 +001 RyanAn
5) 04442 -001 M-A-R-C-U-S
6) 04310 +000 YoinK_VineS
7) 04288 -014 Cyberdevil
8) 03596 -019 j00bie

Woah... a lot of lost review...

19) 1716 +002 RemRulzz

They seem better than before... if he's still not using an auto-translator, he's got a really good handle on English. It always impresses me how good non-English speaking people are at putting the work necessary into learning the language.

20) 1600 +000 jonthomson
21) 1584 +000 AntiGravity
22) 1474 -001 DevastatoR_da_X
23) 1470 +008 iscRulz
24) 1470 +011 Bezman

I'm glad I haven't moved up. I get to see how much I can go up by next week... hehe

43) 0982 +042 milinko959 (+5)


62) 0812 +035 Bahamut- (+4)


Btw, what's with the %%% in your 'favourite films' bit?

66) 0778 -002 ornery_scotsman (-2)

Aww for '-2'. I kinda like the name.

78) 0699 -012 Hydecka (-4)


82) 0668 +015 Starberry (+4)

Fair enough, I suppose.

Most written: milinko959
Most ranked up: milinko959

Congrats again.

Oh and Bahamut and Afro, stop changing your alias goddamnit >=(

I just think Afrostud should stick with the Afro-prefix at least. But the fact that he's said he shall return to the Afro side gives me heart that he hasn't turned over to the short-haired side.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-21 12:38:14

At 3/21/06 11:49 AM, Auz wrote:

A LOT of deleted submissions this week, causing a load of reviews to go with them...

15) 1996 -004 -ABSENTMlNDED-

One deleted submission which I'd reviewed and 3 reviews of mine which I requested people to flag until they got deleted. The first part of the reviews where I broke the limit, since I wanted them gone, due to it being pointless having part of the review out there.

That's just proof that Wade doesn't check the flagged reviews and will just delete anything(not that we didn't know that already), I've lost 4 because of it now, including these 3.

I'll have them remade by next week, so unless I lose more reviews I should be on +3

24) 1470 +011 Bezman


At 3/21/06 11:57 AM, Bezman wrote: By my reading of that rule, all their reviews should be deleted. By my understanding of that rule, if I went and wrote say 400 crappy uninformative 1-2 liners, I'd deserve ALL my reviews deleted, just as the rule states.

Apparantly Wade said that, that rule is now defunct and users are allowed to spam as many reviews as they want. Which I think is fucking pathetic, since that means someone could just write 'I liked it'(or something equally as shit) for every review and could potentially get to 20K reviews within a matter of months.

I guess that will be something to expect in the future when they finally get around to removing that rule from the reviewing guidelines...

I decided to change my reviews, inspired by -X-. I'm gonna address negatives and positives in its own section, rating each with up to 5-s or +s. That way, it can be easily seen just how good/bad I consider each aspect I comment on.

For games, I'll also mention my experience. (lives lost, etc.) in it's own section.

I think reviews are probably more entertaining to read as one long thing, but are more helpful in the long run broken up.

Take a look and let me know what you think of my new style.

I really like the idea of the different amount of +'s and -'s to show how good and how bad specific parts of the Flash are. It works great.

Most written: milinko959

Congrats to milinko959 on 'Most Written' since the last update!

Most ranked up: milinko959

Congrats to milinko959 on 'Most Ranked Up'!

New: Agak

About time someone else made it, congrats to him on making the list!

Oh and Bahamut and Afro, stop changing your alias goddamnit >=(


At 3/21/06 12:11 PM, Bahamut- wrote:
2) 12859 +037 KWAS71KCK
BURN IN HELL! I wrote just less than two reviews than him. If only I didn't lose some reviews over the week

Remember, he'd have lost a bunch of reviews too, probably more than you did an' all.

At 3/21/06 12:17 PM, Bezman wrote:
19) 1716 +002 RemRulzz
They seem better than before... if he's still not using an auto-translator, he's got a really good handle on English. It always impresses me how good non-English speaking people are at putting the work necessary into learning the language.

They look better at a glance, but then you read them and see that they're utter drivel...

I just think Afrostud should stick with the Afro-prefix at least. But the fact that he's said he shall return to the Afro side gives me heart that he hasn't turned over to the short-haired side.


This current alias is unable to have an Afro-prefix, since I'm copying -ABSENTMINDED- in an attempt to fewl people.

Some it's worked on, others it hasn't...

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-21 21:52:54

At 3/21/06 12:17 PM, Bezman wrote:
At 3/21/06 11:49 AM, Auz wrote: 20) 1600 +000 jonthomson
21) 1584 +000 AntiGravity
22) 1474 -001 DevastatoR_da_X
23) 1470 +008 iscRulz
24) 1470 +011 Bezman
I'm glad I haven't moved up. I get to see how much I can go up by next week... hehe

1 rank for sure another if your writing more reviews than me this week. Then is 110 reviews until the next change. I must have 4 reviews deleted this week so 8 is still good for myself.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-21 22:11:07

I nominate this to be part of the user list

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-22 01:00:19

Glad to know i'm still standing while being inactive for so long.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-22 03:23:29

Good update, Auz... man, I so wish I had the time to review nowadays. I really think I'd enjoy getting back into it.
But no-can-do, it looks like...

Bezman, good to see you starting up again, now get to 20th already XD

X, you really need to drop whatever you're doing elsewhere and kick some Kwas butt, pls.

I think some people should organize a list of recommended movies for him to review as motivation.
Think about it. If you've written well over 10,000... what would drive you to continue on? Not as much as used to drive you, I'll tell you that.


Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-22 04:21:34

At 3/22/06 03:23 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:: X, you really need to drop whatever you're doing elsewhere and kick some Kwas butt, pls.

Haha, well im on vacation so afterwards ill get back to reviewing...

Think about it. If you've written well over 10,000... what would drive you to continue on? Not as much as used to drive you, I'll tell you that.

Well back then starting with my first review it was fresh new and not so repetitive, and i had a good feel for it, ill get back the 1000 gap soon...


Ha its cool i have my folders of movies to review with aprox 1500 movies per folder so the list goes on heh...

At 3/21/06 11:57 AM, Bezman wrote: Hey, -X-, do you still do reviews on request?

Yes i do just post a few links of whic ones you want reviewed, i normaly just review from my list so post a few links and ill get to them as soon is my vacation is over its almost done...

I decided to change my reviews, inspired by -X-. I'm gonna address negatives and positives in its own section, rating each with up to 5-s or +s. That way, it can be easily seen just how good/bad I consider each aspect I comment on.

Cool, im happy with my new style im sticking with it even if i cant write alot, its good for the quality and helping to others...

At 3/21/06 11:49 AM, Auz wrote: Update #30
1) 13614 -004 XwaynecoltX

Another nice review list update thanks again Auz, cant wait till i get off vacation and get back to some reviews...

OK back to vacation...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-22 20:01:37

At 3/22/06 04:21 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Haha, well im on vacation so afterwards ill get back to reviewing...

o rly ok well, enjoy it.

Well back then starting with my first review it was fresh new and not so repetitive, and i had a good feel for it, ill get back the 1000 gap soon...

yeah no shit.
But I like how you've mixed things up a little now with your structure and all.

Ha its cool i have my folders of movies to review with aprox 1500 movies per folder so the list goes on heh...

how do you select those?

Cool, im happy with my new style im sticking with it even if i cant write alot, its good for the quality and helping to others...

seems pretty effective.

Another nice review list update thanks again Auz, cant wait till i get off vacation and get back to some reviews...
OK back to vacation...

Yeah... I'm on school holidays for a few more days, and then I get stuck into a 12 week term haha.
There will be no sightings of me i'll tell ya that.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-28 08:49:37

At 3/21/06 11:57 AM, Bezman wrote: Wow. That's a nice format... weekly top 100, double-fortnightly 101-150. Also, real dedication from you.

Lol, I havenĀ“t updated that list for about 10 weeks. Everything on my computer was deleted a few weeks ago after a little accident, so I donĀ“t even have that list anymore sorry.

At 3/21/06 12:11 PM, Bahamut- wrote: I've stop name changing for now. I was only Bahamut7 last week because of my review count.

Good =)

At 3/21/06 12:17 PM, Bezman wrote: Oh! Well, sorry Auz for breaking up your list...

I donĀ“t think you did that on purpose so thatĀ“s okay.

At 3/21/06 12:38 PM, Ppink_Ssoda wrote: NEVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DAMN YOU!! >=(

Ppink_Ssoda wtf? someone took over your account or something?

Update #31

1) 13671 +057 XwaynecoltX
2) 12934 +075 KWAS71KCK
3) 04708 +015 MI4_REAL_2001
4) 04579 +006 RyanAn
5) 04444 +002 M-A-R-C-U-S
6) 04310 +000 YoinK_VineS
7) 04288 +000 Cyberdevil
8) 03597 +001 j00bie
9) 03301 +004 X-Naut
10) 2479 +000 Hamy_jamy
11) 2442 +000 Violet-AIM
12) 2162 +000 thepromaster
13) 2076 +000 artificial
14) 2010 +000 EVIL-C
15) 1996 +000 Ppink_Ssoda
16) 1964 +000 Compdude
17) 1903 +000 DUDE4U
18) 1753 +000 Seizure_Dog
19) 1720 +004 RemRulzz
20) 1600 +000 jonthomson
21) 1584 +000 AntiGravity
22) 1573 +103 Bezman (+2)
23) 1487 +017 iscrulz
24) 1474 +000 DevastatoR_da_X (-2)
25) 1398 +000 zeppelinstl2007
26) 1383 +000 angstdrillhead
27) 1346 +001 -Mj
28) 1326 +000 Livecorpse
29) 1302 +000 ramagi
30) 1299 +001 Archile
31) 1247 +000 Dxkpower
32) 1219 +000 Tiger_Chick
33) 1182 +000 OrgGladiator
34) 1119 +008 0SK0
35) 1110 +000 HeRetiK
36) 1105 +006 bila (+1)
37) 1103 +002 Chris_Aldin (-1)
38) 1052 +000 kospas
39) 1038 +004 MegaGold
40) 1014 +032 milinko959 (+3)
41) 1000 +000 Nylo (-1)
42) 0994 +000 carmelhadinosaur (-1)
43) 0985 +003 Dizfunktion (-1)
44) 0980 +000 FatherGilpin
45) 0967 +005 Renegade_Girl
46) 0952 -001 Zouk
47) 0949 -001 The_Obsession
48) 0945 +000 Darklilangel23
49) 0936 +000 wegra2
50) 0933 +000 novocane

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-28 09:06:38

51) 0924 +006 GAMECUBICLE
52) 0901 +000 vdibv
53) 0867 -001 Daedo_the_Mofo
54) 0851 +000 FireHound
55) 0849 +000 Fatblimp23
56) 0848 +000 MappytheKlown
57) 0841 +000 RandomFreak
58) 0839 +000 RoweNuts
59) 0838 +000 Geminate
60) 0833 +009 Jeffshaw
61) 0827 +015 Bahamut- (+1)
62) 0814 +000 EZ3 (-1)
63) 0803 +000 Havok44
64) 0800 +000 AnzRage
65) 0793 +008 R3dFOx
66) 0780 +002 ornery_scotsman
67) 0773 +000 Admiral8Q
68) 0765 +000 bumcheekcity
69) 0753 +000 Zamochit-
70) 0744 +000 MasterStalker
71) 0743 +009 rtil
72) 0732 +001 SwitchBladeClock
73) 0721 +000 AncientX
74) 0710 +007 BMX007 (+3)
75) 0704 +000 pauliojr (-1)
76) 0703 +000 xvllvx (-1)
77) 0703 +000 -Canas- (-1)
78) 0702 +034 Starberry (+4)
79) 0699 +000 Hydecka (-1)
80) 0698 +000 Ventar (-1)
81) 0683 +000 UND (-1)
82) 0674 +000 Bowserpants (-1)
83) 0667 +000 stick0
84) 0666 +000 RTflash
85) 0664 +000 swive
86) 0664 +000 doodytheclownfan
87) 0659 +044 Agak (+13)
88) 0652 +000 Credic2 (-1)
89) 0650 +000 gfoxcook (-1)
90) 0648 +002 jetninjin
91) 0646 +000 crackakillin (-2)
92) 0644 +000 Tha_Evil_Umpyre (-1)
93) 0640 +009 VelvetDarkRocks (+3)
94) 0639 +000 PepsiClock (-2)
95) 0639 +000 -Dawkins- (-2)
96) 0636 +000 Sir_Cannibus_Clock (-2) (banned!)
97) 0635 +000 Tancrisism (-2)
98) 0621 +000 Klacid (-1)
99) 0621 +000 hongkongexpress (-1)
100) 616 +000 Umsutfeersme (-1)

Most reviews written: Bezman
Most reviews lost: Daedo_the_Mofo, The_Obsession, Zouk
Most ranked up: Agak
Most ranked down: Tancrisism, Sir_Cannibus_Clock, -Dawkins-, PepsiClock, crackakillin, DevastatoR_da_X
New: -

Top 10 this week
01) +103 | Bezman
02) +075 | KWAS71KCK
03) +057 | XwaynecoltX
04) +044 | Agak
05) +034 | Starberry
06) +032 | milinko959
07) +017 | iscrulz
08) +015 | MI4_REAL_2001
09) +015 | Bahamut-
10) +009 | rtil & VelvetDarkRocks & Jeffshaw

Pfew many people were very active this week, thatĀ“s good. I hope you can keep this pace Bezman, it would be nice to see a new face in the top 10.

Oh and by the way, congrats to milinko959 on the 1000 reviews =)

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-28 09:45:59

At 3/28/06 08:49 AM, Auz wrote: DAMN YOU!! >=(


Ppink_Ssoda wtf? someone took over your account or something?

I just thought it was about time I revealed the real me...

15) 1996 +000 Ppink_Ssoda

I best get round to sorting those 3 reviews out...

Most reviews written: Bezman

GO! GO! GO BEZ!!!!!!

Finally, a top quality reviewer officially gets, most reviews written since the last update.

A huge congratulations to Bez!

Most ranked up: Agak

Congrats to Agak on 'Most Ranked Up'

Pfew many people were very active this week, thatĀ“s good. I hope you can keep this pace Bezman, it would be nice to see a new face in the top 10.

Yah it would be nice to see him there. Even though it would mean him passing me...

Oh and by the way, congrats to milinko959 on the 1000 reviews =)

Yes, congrats to him on reaching 4 digits.

Nice update Auz, thanks for taking your time to do it.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-28 10:26:02

At 3/28/06 08:49 AM, Auz wrote: Good =)

Oh, I'll only change names for the B/P update whenever I feel like changing.

Update #31

Nice update Auz.

At 3/28/06 09:06 AM, Auz wrote: 61) 0827 +015 Bahamut- (+1)

Well, 15...I know, I should've done better, but on Saturday, I got quite pissed off at certain things not working on my computer and Sunday, well, we all know what happened on Sunday.

Top 10 this week
01) +103 | Bezman

Congrats to him!

09) +015 | Bahamut-

9th, at least I'm in the top 10 again.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-28 20:26:46

At 3/28/06 09:06 AM, Auz wrote: Top 10 this week
01) +103 | Bezman

Shit, nice job bez

06) +032 | milinko959

Not a bad week for me, but I should really be doing atleast 5 per day.

Oh and by the way, congrats to milinko959 on the 1000 reviews =)


S&Box, the gameĀ Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-03-28 22:41:42

At 3/28/06 08:49 AM, Auz wrote: 22) 1573 +103 Bezman (+2)

103 reviews um congrats

23) 1487 +017 iscrulz

17 for me in a weeks is in my best pace.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-04-02 19:30:18

Sigh i miss my old account now i have to start all over again. :(

Sig by @Brokendeck

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-04-03 20:17:01

100)0568 Credic2
hmm i could beat that my goal is to be in the top 100 reviewers cool (starts reviewing)

In internet years i'm dead. *click sig to zoom zoom*

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-04-04 11:04:19

Update #32

1) 13682 +011 XwaynecoltX
2) 12982 +048 KWAS71KCK
3) 04714 +006 MI4_REAL_2001
4) 04586 +007 RyanAn
5) 04436 -008 M-A-R-C-U-S
6) 04309 -001 YoinK_VineS
7) 04289 +001 Cyberdevil
8) 03597 +000 j00bie
9) 03301 +000 X-Naut
10) 2479 +000 Hamy_jamy
11) 2442 +000 Violet-AIM
12) 2162 +000 thepromaster
13) 2076 +000 artificial
14) 2009 -001 EVIL-C
15) 1996 +000 Pink_Soda
16) 1964 +000 Compdude
17) 1902 -001 DUDE4U
18) 1750 -003 Seizure_Dog
19) 1721 +001 RemRulzz
20) 1600 +000 jonthomson
21) 1589 +016 Bezman (+1)
22) 1584 +000 AntiGravity (-1)
23) 1495 +008 iscrulz
24) 1474 +000 DevastatoR_da_X
25) 1398 +000 zeppelinstl2007
26) 1383 +000 angstdrillhead
27) 1346 +000 -Mj
28) 1326 +000 Livecorpse
29) 1302 +000 ramagi
30) 1299 +000 Archile
31) 1247 +000 Dxkpower
32) 1219 +000 Tiger_Chick
33) 1182 +000 OrgGladiator
34) 1123 +004 0SK0
35) 1110 +000 HeRetiK
36) 1109 +004 bila
37) 1105 +002 Chris_Aldin
38) 1052 +000 kospas
39) 1045 +031 milinko959 (+1)
40) 1044 +006 MegaGold (-1)
41) 1000 +000 Nylo
42) 0994 +000 carmelhadinosaur
43) 0985 +000 Dizfunktion
44) 0980 +000 FatherGilpin
45) 0968 +001 Renegade_Girl
46) 0951 -001 Zouk
47) 0950 +001 The_Obsession
48) 0945 +000 Darklilangel23
49) 0936 +000 wegra2
50) 0933 +000 novocane

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-04-04 11:26:01

51) 0926 +002 GAMECUBICLE
52) 0901 +000 vdibv
53) 0866 -001 Daedo_the_Mofo
54) 0851 +000 FireHound
55) 0849 +000 Fatblimp23
56) 0848 +000 MappytheKlown
57) 0840 -001 RandomFreak
58) 0839 +000 RoweNuts
59) 0838 +000 Geminate
60) 0838 +005 Jeffshaw
61) 0828 +001 Bahamut-
62) 0814 +000 EZ3
63) 0803 +000 Havok44
64) 0800 +000 AnzRage
65) 0793 +000 R3dFOx
66) 0782 +002 ornery_scotsman
67) 0772 -001 Admiral8Q
68) 0765 +000 bumcheekcity
69) 0753 +000 Zamochit-
70) 0751 +008 rtil (+1)
71) 0744 +000 MasterStalker (-1)
72) 0732 +000 SwitchBladeClock
73) 0721 +000 AncientX
74) 0711 +009 Starberry (+4)
75) 0710 +000 BMX007 (-1)
76) 0704 +000 pauliojr (-1)
77) 0703 +000 xvllvx (-1)
78) 0702 -001 -Canas- (-1)
79) 0699 +000 Hydecka
80) 0697 -001 Ventar
81) 0683 +000 UND
82) 0674 +000 Bowserpants
83) 0670 +011 Agak (+4)
84) 0666 -001 stick0 (-1)
85) 0666 +000 RTflash (-1)
86) 0664 +000 swive (-1)
87) 0664 +000 doodytheclownfan (-1)
88) 0652 +000 Credic2
89) 0651 +005 crackakillin (+2)
90) 0650 +000 gfoxcook (-1)
91) 0647 -001 jetninjin (-1)
92) 0644 +000 Tha_Evil_Umpyre
93) 0644 +004 VelvetDarkRocks
94) 0639 +000 PepsiClock
95) 0639 +000 -Dawkins-
96) 0636 +000 Sir_Cannibus_Clock (banned!)
97) 0635 +000 Tancrisism
98) 0621 +000 Klacid
99) 0621 +000 hongkongexpress
100) 616 +000 Umsutfeersme

Most written: KWAS71KCK
Most lost: M-A-R-C-U-S
Most ranked up: Starberry, Agak
Most ranked down: AntiGravity, MegaGold, MasterStalker, BMX007, pauliojr, xvllvx, -Canas-, stick0, RTflash, swive, doodytheclownfan, gfoxcook, jetninjin

Top 10
01) +048 | KWAS71KCK
02) +031 | milinko959
03) +016 | Bezman
04) +011 | Agak
05) +011 | XwaynecoltX
06) +009 | Starberry
07) +008 | iscrulz
08) +008 | rtil
09) +007 | RyanAn
10) +006 | MI4_REAL_2001 & MegaGold

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-04-04 11:33:23

At 4/4/06 11:04 AM, Auz wrote: Update #32

Nice update Auz.

At 4/4/06 11:26 AM, Auz wrote: 54) 0851 +000 FireHound
55) 0849 +000 Fatblimp23
56) 0848 +000 MappytheKlown
57) 0840 -001 RandomFreak
58) 0839 +000 RoweNuts
59) 0838 +000 Geminate
60) 0838 +005 Jeffshaw
61) 0828 +001 Bahamut-

Heh heh, I know, only 1 review, which is fucking bad. I wanted to get exactly 50% response rate for the response update, but Afro_Stud was too busy! >:( Well, if I do get to review this week, I should pass quite a lot of peopleup there. If I'm lucky to make over 100 reviews this week since my easter holidays start, I should be in the top 50. :)

Most written: KWAS71KCK

Dear KWAS, eat shit and die!

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-04-04 13:13:16

I'm going to start to write reviews now. Well I've been saying that for long now, but i'm going to do it. I hope I'll be able to write at least 10 reviews/day.

And Auz, you didn't update your sig, it ways update 3/28...




BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-04-04 17:22:34

At 4/4/06 01:13 PM, -Casualty- wrote: I'm going to start to write reviews now. Well I've been saying that for long now, but i'm going to do it. I hope I'll be able to write at least 10 reviews/day.

Sounds good, 10 a day is a nice pace, and will show good effects, good luck with that...

At 4/4/06 11:33 AM, Bahamut- wrote:
Most written: KWAS71KCK
Dear KWAS, eat shit and die!

Haha Poor KWAS haha...

At 3/28/06 08:49 AM, Auz wrote: Update #31
1) 13671 +057 XwaynecoltX
2) 12934 +075 KWAS71KCK

Aww yes i was abit lazy that week, ill have to work on that, anyways nice update Auz...

At 4/4/06 11:04 AM, Auz wrote: Update #32

1) 13682 +011 XwaynecoltX
2) 12982 +048 KWAS71KCK

Now this week was worse, im in the mood to review so ill pick it up for sure...

At 4/2/06 07:30 PM, Wegra2006 wrote: Sigh i miss my old account now i have to start all over again. :(

What was your acount before...?

At 3/22/06 08:01 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: dang...
how do you select those?

I have selected them over the years and it just bulds up over time i supose...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-04-04 17:24:57

DAWG how do you find this stuff out.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-04-04 17:30:01

At 4/4/06 11:33 AM, Bahamut- wrote: Dear KWAS, eat shit and die!

Ha, well, atleast we will all get happiness in knowing we write reviews that are much better in quality than his.

S&Box, the gameĀ Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-04-04 19:01:20

At 4/4/06 05:30 PM, milinko959 wrote:

Well this day was going to come, Milinko now has more reviews than me. Good job, but I'll try coming back up.

Top 50 Reviewers

Top 200 Medal Points

Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2006-04-04 19:07:21

whoa! I just noticed this list! I'm number 89, but I might be higher in the ranks by now. At least 75. Dude, you are awsome for making this list. This must've taken you forever!