Im like 2/3 of the way there.
This is so annoying, I was reviewing like mad, then my internet expired for a week. I just cant get back into it!
Someone help :(
Im like 2/3 of the way there.
This is so annoying, I was reviewing like mad, then my internet expired for a week. I just cant get back into it!
Someone help :(
Congrats to XwaynecoltX over 13000 reviews,that a whole of review made...
At 11/22/05 09:53 AM, Auz wrote: 15) 2006 +001 Afro_Stud
18) 1703 +012 Seizure_Dog
23) 1397 +010 iscRulz (+2)
30) 1188 +051 RemRulzz (+2)
I'm getting worried, the pace those three are reviewing compared to me, I can see me losing my 15th spot in a couple of months :(
Most reviews written: XwaynecoltX
Congrats to XwaynecoltX on msot written reviews again, keep at it, please don't let KWAS71KCK ever get it again.
Most ranked up: Bahamut7
LOL, Again Bahamut7 achieves something on this list, is there no stopping him?
What will he achieve next week on this list, stay tuned...
Congrats Bahamut7!
Congrats to:
XwaynecoltX, passing 13000 reviews
Congrats ~X~, not too far off 15K now
KWAS, passing 12000 reviews
The day he writes an actual review I'll congratulate him.
As always a special thanks to Auz for creating this list.
At 11/22/05 01:08 PM, RemRulzz wrote: Congrats to XwaynecoltX over 13000 reviews,that a whole of review made...
Thanks, they add up i supose...
At 11/22/05 09:53 AM, Auz wrote: # Reviews/Change/Alias
1) 13171 +244 XwaynecoltX
2) 12041 +212 KWAS71KCK
Not as close as i thought this week...
At 11/22/05 02:13 PM, Afro_Stud wrote: Congrats to XwaynecoltX on msot written reviews again, keep at it, please don't let KWAS71KCK ever get it again.
Ha i dont know if that would happen but as long as im still reviewing ill try my best though...
Congrats ~X~, not too far off 15K now
At 11/22/05 09:53 AM, Auz wrote: 1) 13171 +244 XwaynecoltX
Jeez, man! Don't you have a life???
HA! Just kidding. I think reviews are one of the most important part of NG, as it is really what helps aspiring flash artists. Great work on the reviewing and congratulations on getting 13,000 posts!
At 11/22/05 08:02 PM, EagleRock wrote: Jeez, man! Don't you have a life???
Haha ya i do my workload at work has been light last few months so im glad about that... and having wireless internet with my laptop is a plus...
At 11/22/05 09:53 AM, Auz wrote: Update #13, Part 1
Thanks for making another great update...
At 11/22/05 08:16 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote:At 11/22/05 08:02 PM, EagleRock wrote: Jeez, man! Don't you have a life???Haha ya i do my workload at work has been light last few months so im glad about that... and having wireless internet with my laptop is a plus...
Very nice. I can often sneak a few B/P's at work myself, but rarely do I get a chance to review. I wish I reviewed more often, but I usually am on NG when I'm doing other stuff, so I only really make reviews that I consider ones important to make.
Oh well. Happy reviewing!
Woohoo check it out:
View Your Reviews (1,000)
(With Responses Only (241))
Awesome i finally did it, its like a dream come true. I put a little extra effort into that 1000th review, not all that long but hefty anyways.
And keep going at it X, god of reviews on Newgrounds :P.
It's kind of sad to see me only go up 1, but I'm not going to be able to review much at all for a little while. (I think)
Top 50 Reviewers
Top 200 Medal Points
Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR
really those of you arguing about "accomplishing" anything on this list are pathetic. Namely bahamut7, parading around, yelling about how people ahead of him write less thoughtful reviews for amateur, mediocre cartoons that 15 year olds put together, at best (99% of the time.) if you're on this list, you've written a lot of reviews, and that's it. you're not any cooler or deserve any more respect than the next guy just because you write more shit. you're all losers for being on the list. lol.
Hmm you have 523 reviews. That is quite a bit compared to any random user. So you like to review in other words. So i dont realyl see the point in crying about it, people like to have somethingh to be proud of. And you my friend, are a great animator so you have that.
Well thanks, I mean i'm more proud of other things, I think that complaining about the quality of reviews on an internet community is a little sad still.
At 11/23/05 01:36 PM, AnzRage wrote: lol MegaGold your not lvl 13 yet :P
I was level 13. I had as much xp as I needed and I just seen today and it says that I need to get 2 more. So now I turned back to level 12. I think that is unfair.
Top 50 Reviewers
Top 200 Medal Points
Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR
New Replys to my reviews
View Your Reviews (13,186)
(With Responses Only (1,784))
Some of the movies in the portal have been better, but there has also been very little movies coming in this and last week...
At 11/23/05 09:50 AM, rtil wrote: really those of you arguing about "accomplishing" anything on this list are pathetic. Namely bahamut7, parading around, yelling about how people ahead of him write less thoughtful reviews for amateur, mediocre cartoons that 15 year olds put together, at best (99% of the time.) if you're on this list, you've written a lot of reviews, and that's it. you're not any cooler or deserve any more respect than the next guy just because you write more shit. you're all losers for being on the list. lol.
Everyone... a newb! Conrats on your excellent reviews such as:
Reviewer who review for the right reasons don't do it just for the review count but to help aspiring animators make improvements on their work. You may not think they make a difference, but they do. When you hit 1,000 reviews, you'll post it, and I bet you would be mad if no one complemented you.
Think before you type, type, delete it, type improved message, then press "Post It!"
At 11/23/05 08:24 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: New Replys to my reviews
View Your Reviews (13,186)
(With Responses Only (1,784))
Some of the movies in the portal have been better, but there has also been very little movies coming in this and last week...
From the reviews you've been doing for the past 2 weeks, no wonder there are a little bit of choice to choose from. Your a monster reviewer (I'm saying that in a good way) and the only thing I could suggest is maybe look in collections you like, choose random submission sometimes and maybe sometimes you can choose birthday flashes that are really old. Those are the only things I can think of the moment.
Top 50 Reviewers
Top 200 Medal Points
Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR
At 11/23/05 11:25 PM, MegaGold wrote: From the reviews you've been doing for the past 2 weeks, no wonder there are a little bit of choice to choose from. Your a monster reviewer (I'm saying that in a good way) and the only thing I could suggest is maybe look in collections you like, choose random submission sometimes and maybe sometimes you can choose birthday flashes that are really old. Those are the only things I can think of the moment.
Oh im not that worried i have hundreds of movies on my lists to still review i was just talking about the current portal of very little movies coming in and such...
View Your Reviews (812)
(With Responses Only (162))
What I have at the moment.
Top 50 Reviewers
Top 200 Medal Points
Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR
Woohoo, I didnt even realize that I was in the top 100 :)
At 11/23/05 11:15 PM, RyanAn wrote: Everyone... a newb! Conrats on your excellent reviews such as:
Reviewer who review for the right reasons don't do it just for the review count but to help aspiring animators make improvements on their work. You may not think they make a difference, but they do. When you hit 1,000 reviews, you'll post it, and I bet you would be mad if no one complemented you.
Think before you type, type, delete it, type improved message, then press "Post It!"
Yeah, great example. Too bad him and I are friends and I had already seen his cartoon twice before he put it on the portal.
Also, you may have not noticed, but I only give thoughtful reviews out to those who need it. All my joke reviews are for people I know are not serious about "animation".
And there's a lot of those.
When I hit 1,000 views I will kill myself. That being said, understand I don't care about your opinion, and I don't care abount Newgrounds. And there's nothing you can do that's going to stop me. Stop trying to correct "n00bs" and thinking you're all that because you have a fucking battle axe for an avatar and I don't. The more stats you rack up on this god forsaken site, the more of a socially dysfunctional crackpot you are. That's why you think everyone here requires praise for something like having written 1,000 reviews. Because you have nothing better to do.
By the way, don't ever talk to me again. I won't listen and I won't reply. So don't waste your time.
i will never be able to get into that list, i don't write much reviews cause i got nothing much to say anyway nice list, keep it up!
I know I've been going down on reviews for a couple weeks, but this will be much better.
Top 50 Reviewers
Top 200 Medal Points
Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR
At 11/24/05 09:10 PM, rtil wrote: When I hit 1,000 views I will kill myself. That being said, understand I don't care about your opinion, and I don't care abount Newgrounds. And there's nothing you can do that's going to stop me. Stop trying to correct "n00bs" and thinking you're all that because you have a fucking battle axe for an avatar and I don't.
To be honest it has nothing to do with what level or avatar that we have, but more that we care about reviews, and we may not beable to stop you, but im sure that wade doesnt like that users are making stupid reviews or reviews that dont even help the artist...
If you can help an artist thats fine, but if one just has abusive things to say they shouldnt say them at all...
At 11/24/05 09:51 PM, -Canas- wrote: Speak for yourself.
A Review mod would have seen any abusive reviews im sure, if not users would have informed them...
It was more of a figure of speech...
At 11/24/05 09:57 PM, -Canas- wrote: And here I was thinking I just did you and everybody else here a favour.
Guess not
Well you and i know very well something was done...
I just thought the whole thing was funny with his opinion and such, anyways, -Canas- yave you done any new reviews as of late??
At 11/25/05 05:05 PM, -Canas- wrote: 56/82 people found this review helpful. Did you?
57/83 now. That was one nice review.. lol.
Considering that I do not want to go against their wishes, I will make this non-descriptive and not directed at one person.
Actually, nevermind - I think I may.
This is a REVIEWERS List. People can discuss reviews and other reviewers. Don't feel like if you can call out one person you are safe from another doing the same to you. Give constructive critisms and not apparent demands. If you know the submitter, that leads some people to believe that you are giving a biased "review" and already have a preset disposition towards the author and their work. There is nothing wrong with confering with another animator/reviewer about content - But don't rate high just because they returned your email.
I do not expect a response, as one's supposed character in question is not one I would depend on.
I love showing off how not experienced I am.
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How do you guys find the top reviewers? How do you find out?