At 10/25/05 02:49 PM, Auz wrote:
Most reviews written: KWAS71KCK
Most reviews lost: M-A-R-C-U-S
Most ranked up: RemRulzz, Credic2
Most ranked down: PepsiClock, Chris_Aldin and The_Obsession
Congrats to KWAS71KCK on most reviews since the last update, it's nice to see someone else get most reviews since the last update.
Congrats to RemRulzz once again on most ranked up and also Credic2 this time, it's nice to see someone other than RemRulzz get that.
And as always a speical thanks to Auz for creating this list.
We have some new people at the bottom this time. Kwass has been writting the most reviews this week, instead of Afro_Stud or XwaynecoltX who usually wright the most.
Heh, I wrote a ridiculously long review a while back that was over the character length and when I went back it had been deleted, so I wasn't in a reviewing mood for a few days. Annoyingly it was at the one time recently when I actually had the time for reviewing, but now it's back to having to do all my coursework that has to be in when I go back to college on Monday.
And I've been made an admin over at some site that's being put together, so I've been busy with that too recently, whether it will actually be finished or not though is another matter.
And on top of that I'm an admin at another forum so I'm busy with that too, despite the inactivity there, though 6 members in 3 days doesn't seem all that bad.
Hopefully I'll have the time again soon to get back to my reviewing.
I'm kind of surprised to see that X didn't even manage 100 reviews, I wonder what his reasons are for his lack of reviews recently.