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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 02:35:02

At 3/28/05 11:37 PM, RedCircle wrote: Congrats to FIG!

I second that congrats. He deserves to be a mod.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 02:40:11

At 3/29/05 02:35 AM, _redruM_ wrote:
At 3/28/05 11:37 PM, RedCircle wrote: Congrats to FIG!
I second that congrats. He deserves to be a mod.

Congratulations again FIG! I promise, last congrats from me : P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 02:45:00

At 3/28/05 03:41 AM, Alkador wrote: If you come across this FIGMENTUM, I just saw some thing on the TV about some lady living in Nowra ripping off the government and centrelink on current affair in some run down place. Anyway, it's over and nothing that important.

Sounds interesting. I don't suppose you have a link to the story, do you?

Thanks for all the congrats, guys. That secret stealth was totally super l33t.

At 3/29/05 02:35 AM, _redruM_ wrote:
At 3/28/05 11:37 PM, RedCircle wrote: Congrats to FIG!
I second that congrats. He deserves to be a mod.

Whoa, my moddal brought you out of the woodwork!? Crazy. This has to be the first time you've posted here in months. I'm honoured to have you dedicate the post to me.

Pity you had to ruin the totally super l33t secret stealth though. : ( It was bound to happen soon anyway.


I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 03:48:25

At 3/29/05 02:45 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: Whoa, my moddal brought you out of the woodwork!? Crazy. This has to be the first time you've posted here in months. I'm honoured to have you dedicate the post to me.

I'd go to any lengths just to put a smile on your face and warm your heart (Feeling uncomfortable yet?).

Pity you had to ruin the totally super l33t secret stealth though. : ( It was bound to happen soon anyway.

Yeah, well an occasion like this is enough for me to voluntarily blow my cover. Guess it's time to resume stealth mode... ::Sneaks back into the bushes 10 feet away::.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 04:34:40

big congrats to;

Bahamut7; top 300 B/Per's
Iscrulz; 6000 blams { I am going for that currently too :) }
-idle-; 1000 exp points {the first millenium mark!}
Guthrie; 5000 exp. points {yes indeedy a grand accomplishment}
BonusStage; EG General and 9.00 voting power {Oh wow man! you go!}
Pure LionHeart; 10,000 posts, {it were a good weekend fer posting 'eh?}
jump3rboi; 1000 blams and EG Private {hang in there it's just getting to the fun part :) }
ShittyKitty; 4000 exp. points {good going }
OsAmARaMa; 1000 protect points {yes saving movies is getting hard these days 'eh?}
FIGMENTUM; modship! {very good choice! very good indeed. Why am I always the last one to find these things out? A conspiracy I tell ya}

thanks to:
Pure LionHeart
for the congragts; you guys rock!

Lets see;
I got 2020 exp. points and moved into the top 250 of B/Per's do those count?
and 5555 blams

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

old people say lol; and we still use these }{

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 04:46:01

At 3/29/05 02:45 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: Sounds interesting. I don't suppose you have a link to the story, do you?

I've been hunting for this for about an hour or so. It seems that the ACA website is the most crap website in terms of updating their news. I'll check the ninemsn website now. I can only find today's news there. Eh, I can't find ANYTHING. Egh, sorry man. Congratulations on your mod position. *remembers back to 'those' days.* You mod well.

How was my day you ask? Yeah, it was alright. I only now have 3 days until my school year ends and there were Parent Teacher interviews today, bring along student as well. All the teachers said I got good marks, which didn't help, but I'm about 70% satisfied with myself and school at the moment. I want to get better marks, but I'm working hard enough as it is. I'm looking a little forward to the April Regular Elections as of current and will be watching. How is everyone in their little areas of country?

Thanks to Tom for remembering that I'm an Save person. I have a higher ratio than Afterburner, might I add.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 05:09:56

At 3/28/05 04:29 AM, Alkador wrote: “Twenty percent.” Responded ramagi, who took a quick glance at the man’s face. She sighed as she looked to -Mazza-, who was staring at his husband to be.


Anyways, I don't feel like typing a whole new list, got way too much to do, so congrats to all who deserve it.

Especially congrats to FIGMENTUM for becoming a mod, you deserve it. Go ban some spammers now, you know you want to. Uhhh....sir.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 06:12:10

recent achievments:
5,000 exp.
4,000 reviews. - 1,356 responses.
9,000 blams.
4,000 protects.
<#100th for b/p.
nearly #600th for exp.
3,900+ posts.... soon to be 4,000.

anyways, Alk, get level 14 already dude :P ahaha.

good to see everyone's still truckin.
i got a new comp, its fucking amazing, i love it.
previously had:
P2, 350 Mhz,
3Gig HDD
8MB grapgics.
15" CRT monitor.

now i have:
P4, 3Ghz.
80Gig HDD
128mb graphics.
396mb RAM - will upgrade.
17" LCD monitor.

im lovin' it.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 06:21:48

Congrats to:

BonusStage - Elite Guard General. So damn close now.
ShittyKitty - 4000 EXP. Bastard 5.
OsAmARaMa - 1000 saves. I found it hard getting 1000 saves.
FIGMENTUM - BBS Mod. That's very nice. The BBS is more safer. And I think you've pissed off vibes, LOL.
IvanTuroc - 5555 blams, 2020 EXP, top 250 b/p. <_<
M-A-R-C-U-S - 5000 EXP, 9000 blams, 4000 saves. Too many acheivements.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 07:45:46

At 3/28/05 09:13 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: *Looks at post count* At last! It's about damn time, eh guys?

Big congrats Pure ! hope you got a good screenshot !

At 3/28/05 10:10 PM, BonusStage wrote: ELITE GUARD GENERAL, DUELED WITH 9 VP

Congrats Bonus, and nicly done with 9 VP : )

At 3/29/05 12:15 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Yay! 4000 points! (and 5 to boot)

Congrats SK ! ^_^

At 3/29/05 12:17 AM, OsAmARaMa wrote: Nice going on 4K EXP ShittyKitty.

Got my 1,000th PROTECTION point just moments ago. Only took me 2+ years.

Congrats Osama, thats pretty good pace your holding up ; )

At 3/29/05 04:46 AM, Alkador wrote: Thanks to Tom for remembering that I'm an Save person. I have a higher ratio than Afterburner, might I add.

How could i ever forget <3

At 3/29/05 06:12 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: recent achievments:
5,000 exp.
4,000 reviews. - 1,356 responses.
9,000 blams.
4,000 protects.
<#100th for b/p.
nearly #600th for exp.
3,900+ posts.... soon to be 4,000.

Wow thats a whole lotta achivements, well i guess thats what happens when you don'e post here enough ! ; )

im lovin' it.

Im not even going to comment on all that techno hizzle .

Congrats especially to FIGMENTUM on his modship !
Mike, im taking it your mod predictions on msn wern't completly blind... next in line Alkador !

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 08:14:53

3000 EXP

Hurray for me ! ;-)

Sig made by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 08:19:07

7,777 protects. I will now have a blue aura for the rest of the day. And my alt reached 4k exp.

Congrats to SK for passing 4k exp, Snowy for 3k exp and Bonus for getting EGG (and 9VP, love the 7% bonus, Bo*NO! BAD JOKE!).

Big congrats to FDA for becoming mod, wait, I mean the real F-man, the one, the F, the man, FIGGY. Who can ban MARCUS for getting too many round numbers, having a new computer and causing chaos with said things. Or not, enjoy your power.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 08:57:00

1,363 B/P. Jus t10 more points and I'm 1337. Now where are those crappy stick fightning flashes when you need em?
*hiding *


ffs. that is all.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 09:07:55

At 3/29/05 08:57 AM, STRYK3 wrote: 1,363 B/P. Jus t10 more points and I'm 1337.

Er... you've missed it by about 30 points :-)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 09:27:09

At 3/29/05 09:07 AM, jonthomson wrote:
At 3/29/05 08:57 AM, STRYK3 wrote: 1,363 B/P. Jus t10 more points and I'm 1337.
Er... you've missed it by about 30 points :-)

Damn. I just got bitchslapped.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

ffs. that is all.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 10:17:01

At 3/29/05 09:27 AM, STRYK3 wrote:
Damn. I just got bitchslapped.

You deserved it, learn your maths ;)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 10:24:40

At 3/28/05 04:29 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal - Part 3
3 - “Annihilation”

Aaaah, I've missed it yesterday, but now that I've noticed it, I got to thank you for this new (and good) episode Alkador. brokensaint will take it in the ass if you ask me :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 12:07:59

At 3/28/05 09:48 PM, cheesebizkit wrote: whats wrong with p-bots listings?

Nothing, I just never posted in there before much. Plus, i made sure to post in the earliest one, just for chuckles.

At 3/28/05 10:10 PM, BonusStage wrote: AWESOME :D

Yes indeedy.

OHHHOHOOH i got something too



At 3/29/05 12:15 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Yay! 4000 points! (and 5 to boot)

Nice milestone to break. Good job.

At 3/29/05 12:17 AM, OsAmARaMa wrote: Got my 1,000th PROTECTION point just moments ago. Only took me 2+ years.

Way to go, saving those flashes, man. Good job.

At 3/29/05 04:34 AM, IvanTuroc wrote: Lets see;
I got 2020 exp. points and moved into the top 250 of B/Per's do those count?
and 5555 blams

Good job, man.

At 3/29/05 06:12 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: recent achievments:

Oh so many achievements. Way to go!

At 3/29/05 07:45 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: Big congrats Pure ! hope you got a good screenshot !

Nope. As I said earlier, I don't bother with screenies anymore. :)

At 3/29/05 08:14 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote: 3000 EXP

Hurray for me ! ;-)

Hooray indeed. Congrats. :)

At 3/29/05 08:19 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: 7,777 protects. I will now have a blue aura for the rest of the day. And my alt reached 4k exp.

Congrats, man.

And congrats on the modship, Figmentium!

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 12:18:42

At 3/28/05 06:07 PM, 2creamnosugar wrote: So they kept your post count the same and just deleted all the ones in that certain place. Lucky you. ;)

I lost a post because of it. Doesn't really matter though, it's only one post.

Congrats to everyone who did something special today, I came off my ban today. Feels nice. I'll not make that same mistake again... :\

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 12:25:16

At 3/29/05 12:15 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Yay! 4000 points! (and 5 to boot)

Congrats on 4,000 you are working up that ladder, awsome...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 12:51:40

At 3/29/05 06:12 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: i got a new comp, its fucking amazing, i love it.
previously had:
P2, 350 Mhz,
3Gig HDD
8MB grapgics.
15" CRT monitor.

now i have:
P4, 3Ghz.
80Gig HDD
128mb graphics.
396mb RAM - will upgrade.
17" LCD monitor.

About time you joined us here in the 21st century. :-P Now you should buy a second LCD monitor like I'm doing. Then you'll be cool like me!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 13:02:50

Blargh, missed my Elite Guard Private by a long shot. >:(

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 14:29:11

w00t! Private First Class here I come!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 14:35:30

Well I finanly had a chance to check back in here after makign a suprise post when I was UOTD. Thanks to all that gave me congrats.
For those who said I should post more often.
I work full time plus I have a family to have fun with.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 15:27:34

At 3/29/05 02:29 PM, BillyTalent wrote: w00t! Private First Class here I come!

ahh, you actually caught your's in time though! >< congrats.

At 3/29/05 02:35 PM, BRGIAD wrote: I was UOTD. Thanks to all that gave me congrats.

Didn't even notice... congratulations!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 15:36:59

At 3/28/05 09:13 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: *Looks at post count* At last! It's about damn time, eh guys?

Congrats. It is about damn time.

At 3/28/05 10:10 PM, BonusStage wrote: ELITE GUARD GENERAL, DUELED WITH 9 VP

Nice! Congrats.

At 3/28/05 10:27 PM, -idle- wrote: Thanks Myst. I'm still kicking myself for missing all those deposits ; )
My next mile stone will be either EG Private or 2,500 posts.

Those are some nice milestones. I am trying to reach 3000 posts myself as we speak.

At 3/29/05 12:15 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Yay! 4000 points! (and 5 to boot)


At 3/29/05 12:17 AM, OsAmARaMa wrote: Got my 1,000th PROTECTION point just moments ago. Only took me 2+ years.

Saves can be a bitch, but a nice job. Congrats.

At 3/29/05 04:34 AM, IvanTuroc wrote: ...and moved into the top 250 of B/Per's do those count?


and 5555 blams

Nice! 5555 just looks cool.

At 3/29/05 06:12 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: rambling

Nice new comp, and nice achievments that you backed up there. Congrats.

At 3/29/05 08:14 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote: 3000 EXP

Congrats also.

At 3/29/05 08:19 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: 7,777 protects. I will now have a blue aura for the rest of the day. And my alt reached 4k exp.

Congrats to you both on youe saves and your alts exp. I dont understand why you switch your aura though?

At 3/29/05 10:17 AM, -Myst- wrote:
At 3/29/05 09:27 AM, STRYK3 wrote:
Damn. I just got bitchslapped.
You deserved it, learn your maths ;)

That whole situation is awkward. Addition was in the days of elementary school. : P

At 3/29/05 02:29 PM, BillyTalent wrote: w00t! Private First Class here I come!

Man, you just real in the achievments. Congrats.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 17:15:35

Check out my new birdie *strokes bird*

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 17:24:39

At 3/29/05 05:15 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: Check out my new birdie *strokes bird*

Nice, not long until the gold badges now... just waiting myself for another 10 points (god that didn't take long these past couple of days, must be doing 60/day) to rank up myself.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 17:38:21

My congrats list and stuff

At 3/28/05 09:48 PM, cheesebizkit wrote: whats wrong with p-bots listings?

I like posting in p-bot because I usually the highest level and post count in there and the newbies go I wish I had that much experience.

At 3/29/05 12:17 AM, OsAmARaMa wrote: Got my 1,000th PROTECTION point just moments ago. Only took me 2+ years.

Nice it probaly took me 1 and a 1/2 years to get that much

At 3/29/05 12:18 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: I haven't accomplished anything new in a long time....
Next Goal: Level 24 here I come!

Well it is a good level to have a sword doesnt get better, I am to anxious to get to level 16 I am counting down the days.

At 3/29/05 04:34 AM, IvanTuroc wrote: Lets see;
I got 2020 exp. points and moved into the top 250 of B/Per's do those count?
and 5555 blams

5,555 blams and a screeny to boot thats nice I hope I get 6,666 blam screenshot

At 3/29/05 06:12 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: recent achievments:

Alot better than me I am going for 5,000 post 1,000 reviews and 3,000 saves(which seems to take forever).

At 3/29/05 08:14 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote: 3000 EXP

i said it before and I will say it agian. In hundred days come back and post 4,000 exp achievement.

At 3/29/05 01:02 PM, High_Roller wrote: Blargh, missed my Elite Guard Private by a long shot. >:(
At 3/29/05 02:29 PM, BillyTalent wrote: w00t! Private First Class here I come!

Congrats to both dont be discourage when the next rankup is 1,000 or 1,500 like when I reached praporshchik.

At 3/29/05 05:15 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: Check out my new birdie *strokes bird*

haha I miss my birdie its going to be a long time for me to get the golden birdie EGColonel here I come. I even made a crappy paint sig about it.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-03-29 17:40:10

At 3/29/05 05:15 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: Check out my new birdie *strokes bird*

Aha, shit, that is huge. I should keep working at that too. Nice on ya man. Lookin' sharp.