At 3/12/05 03:14 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal - Part 2
Nice, excellent story as always Alkador. I look forward to the next installment. :)
At 3/12/05 05:16 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: Congrats, MI your basically a whole rank ahead of me now ! good job on the less.
Thanks. You don't know the suspence I was in waiting for that last point to clear. I was about to explode with suspence.
At 3/12/05 05:54 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: I've seen the chart. Someone posted it the other week. Forgot who it was, though.
Yeah. Someone asked about the exp to each level, and D0GMA posted it. I forget where. :/
Master_Inuyasha - Elite Guard Sergeant Major. Well, the last silver EG badge. Happy with that?
Kinda. I'm not looking to forward to the next badge. If you look at it closely, a part of it is offset. :\
At 3/12/05 07:21 AM, jonthomson wrote: OK, I'm just posting so I can see what level I am. I deposited earlier and it tells me I need four more points, but I look at a post earlier and it show level 17... hmm...
Yeah, you've been struck by HT52. :'( But you'll get there today if you haven't deposited yet. That or tomorrow.
At 3/12/05 07:52 AM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: Reveiw unbanned
I can finally reveiw again, too bad I dont feel like it right now :-p
I hear ya buddy. :) Cheers!
At 3/12/05 08:47 AM, BonusStage wrote: I'd rather power up my attack points to 999 and use Odessey, but it just looks ... so cool :D
XD Indeed it does. But I'd still chose the quad 7 attack. :o
Heh, now i'm LESS of one :D
" BBS Posts: 7,789 in total (23.955 per day) " Indeed we are going down. :o
y tank j00
haha i got one for each HUZZAH :D
Indeed. Special person is j00. :D
At 3/12/05 09:57 AM, ramagi wrote: You realize the blam club is dead right, and has been for some time.
Sorry to burst that bubble.
Shhh... do not anger him. Let him dream some more. :)
At 3/12/05 10:24 AM, _lightning_ wrote: I wonder if he knows he can all most never get any lower in his live right now. =/
Actually, one can. But I'm not getting into that, it's over, drop it.
At 3/12/05 01:24 PM, -Noir wrote: I just noticed how sad my b/p stats are. :(
truth hurts
Just b/p on occasion. Today has been a great day so far, try and get atleast 30 or so. :)
At 3/12/05 05:36 PM, _lightning_ wrote: Ads? What ads?
*Pets his firefox. :)
lol Lucky you. ;) I get that 'Pop Bush's pimple' thing and the duck hunter one all the time. ><
At 3/12/05 07:09 PM, Alkador wrote:At 3/12/05 06:37 PM, mr_putter wrote: The topic starter is now level 17, and was talking about him being level 11, so this thread must be ages old!I was shocked too when I first saw the topic. He's such a n00b you know. </sarcasm>
hehe. But just think, with out spancker making this thread, we wouldn't know eachother. :)
Congratulations to everyone and their Uber Coolio Acivements. :)
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Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.