Congrats to:
-ShittyKitty: #100 B/P rank. Awesome, now go for the top 50. Like me.
-Master_Takashi: Lv 11. Finally out of the level ten zone wich is now like the level nine zone used to be.
-Myst_Williams: 1,500 Blams, top 900 B/P. Yes, nearing the top 500 indeed.
-ramagi: 60,000 B/P. Double EGSC. Awesome. Close to 40,000 Blams, too.
-Kyle: Lv 11. Nice. Read above level 11 person's comment.
-EKRegulus: 20,000 B/P. Yes, the requirements for the top 50 are getting higher by the minute. Wich is quite obvious.
-YoinK_VineS: 10,000 Saves. So you're like triple listed now?
-cheesebizkit: 1,000 Posts. Nice.
At 3/2/05 01:58 PM, Denvish wrote:
While I'm here, I'd appreciate some opinions from my friends in Wi/Ht. Am I going overboard with locking topics? I'm inclined to lock a topic if the question has been answered, should I leave it open? Forget the fact that I'm a mod, and give me honest answers, please. I want to do what's best for Wi/Ht, but I'm currently relying solely on my own discretion, which may not always be right.
Yeah, you should definitely lock topics of wich the question has been answered, but only if there aren't any possible related questions or useful posts anymore.
At 3/2/05 03:42 PM, BoomBoomFire wrote:
hahah, the user -Kyle is one of the most entertaining people period and <3 in mathmatical terms is less than three ;)
Oh. Your stuff is too far-fetched :/