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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-14 17:13:57

At 2/14/05 04:59 PM, ramagi wrote: COngratz to everyone else. I have a BSS to clear up.

I can only hope you mean BBS...

And, uhhh.. I think im gonna leap frog another user on the bp area of things... but then it looks like theres a giant roadblock straight ahead >B(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-14 17:43:06

At 2/14/05 03:39 PM, BonusStage wrote: GOD DAMN, i'm too tired today
3000 XP points, took long enough

Thats right, you wear those two hats, you wear them proudly. XD Congrats. lol

At 2/14/05 04:11 PM, FBIpolux wrote: 2,000 posts :)

Nice Congrats. I'm almost to 5k. :P

At 2/14/05 03:46 PM, LeGioNNaiRe-X wrote: 2,000 Exp !!

lol I'm trying to get there. Congrats

On Valentine's Day too :o


At 2/14/05 05:13 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 2/14/05 04:59 PM, ramagi wrote: COngratz to everyone else. I have a BSS to clear up.
I can only hope you mean BBS...

Maybe she doesn't, maybe she ment 'Bull Shit System'? :^O

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-14 19:59:23

I think i'm getting better at the ol' animation lark...

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-14 20:24:31

Sorry man, i already have a valentine :)


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-14 22:07:30

I thought these numbers were interesting. I'm still shooting for EGSC and getting closer everyday. Syme is going to pass me this week for sure because I have 3 college exams this week. Just a perfect week to have exams....

BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 19,999 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 9,601 quality entries.

BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 20,001 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 9,602 quality entries.

I was waiting so long for the blams to reach 20,000 that I didn't get to copy it exactly the time when it his 20,000. hah oh well. Still is better to look at a 20k number of something for a change.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-14 23:00:36

At 2/14/05 10:20 PM, TowelWrappedChelle wrote: im starting to get tired of b/ping... has anyone else ever had that happen?

Ha! As a matter of fact, yes. I spent 22 hours straight on newgrounds, thought to myself "well damn, I've wasted way too much time on this" and I haven't so much as voted on a single movie since. Now I've pretty much quit newgrounds altogether. Go me.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 01:32:29

At 2/14/05 10:07 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 20,001 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 9,602 quality entries.

I was waiting so long for the blams to reach 20,000 that I didn't get to copy it exactly the time when it his 20,000. hah oh well. Still is better to look at a 20k number of something for a change.

:O that's a lot of clicking :O haha.
good to see j00bie around, i think this is his 2 week period of the year where he tries to be good...
then it's back to the "BAN ME" attitude XD hahahah.
well done to Dave on 4k exp, Bone-us on 3k exp, me on a 33.333% response rate in reviews, ME PASSING J00BOE (ages ago, but you know how much i like to brag XD just like Ramagi does about her mod status, haha.)

see ya round, everyone.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 02:01:20

At 2/14/05 10:20 PM, TowelWrappedChelle wrote: Congrats to everyone on their rank up ect, im starting to get tired of b/ping... has anyone else ever had that happen? im like so close to the Elite Guard Staff Sergeant too.

A little. I know it takes lot of time and lot of work before i get to next level, and i don't have that motivation i used to have when i began.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 03:17:55

At 2/13/05 10:24 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Meh, nothing special

Hah, I'm still not used to you having the flail and for a split second was thinking "tough fucking crowd".

^_^ Congrats MPA. Those are some serious point gains.

andithankya (and to all else who mentioned my stuff as well)

Thanks bud. Not only am I trying to keep you at bay, I'm also doing my best to catch bila but he's still pretty active on the portal. Once you leave bila and myself eating dust I assume you're gonna keep going until you pass fixit since he's dead in the water. What are you intentions as far as ramagi and gfox are concerned? I know I'll never catch them but you've definitely got the ability to claim the top spot if you so choose.

I've noticed you're steadily making gains on bila (and almost 2 digits away from him) so good luck with that. As far as my b/p intentions after passing you and bila (no offense heh AND as long as there are no surprises IRL unabling me to maintain pace) I plan on passing fixit in late April. Then I'm going to grab my screenshot, make a post about it, and just keep on going up to and beyond 50,000. Even if I keep up my pace for awhile I'll still have a very large gap when I hit the #3 spot to catch gfox. I'll see what I can do though.

At 2/13/05 11:52 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
ears perk up:::
I'd be interested to know his intentions as well. I'm sure he simply intends upon taking fixit down but would never DREAM of coming up to knock myself or ramagi down from the top 2 spots!!! NEVER EVER, right MPA, oh Tom Hanks buddy o' mine? #;-}>

Hah, all has been explained a few lines up and I bet you'll have Snow Problem finding it. Hiyoooooooo

Speaking of Tom Hanks, my 2 week bbs break means you're due for a better-than-ordinary Tom Hanks this week. That'll have to wait until tomorrow though, because it's 3:15AM and I'm just hoping this post is coherent. Forget about any after this.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 03:54:40

Alkador congratulates with a weak memory:
- ReconRebel with 28,000 blams. Nice work and keep it up. I thought you were depositing for me still? *feels guilty*
- j00bie for 13,000 something. That's lucky.
- Gfoxcook for 7,800 posts. You owe me a conversation on AIM. =P
Dave for 6,000 posts. I believe I'm beating you in the experience race.

School is like a maelstrom (look it up, one of my favourite words) of stress at the moment. Everytime I get settled, I get blasted with another package of homework and stress. Puff.
Now I have 4th leadership postion - Cultural/Music Captain. Hah, wish me luck there. As for the 3/4th leadership position, Student Representatitve Council, I heard that a lot of people voted for me.

I'm glad I wasn't voted as a regular. I don't have enough time to dedicate myself to NG as I was able to previously. If I have time, I'll get the next story up (haven't done it yet), so don't get your hopes up.

Anyway, how is everyone? I'm exhausted.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 05:04:49

Congrats to:

Ramagi for 39,000 Blams
Denvish for 20,000 Blams
BonusStage for 3,000 Experience <3
LeGioNNaiRe-X for 2,000 Experience

Minecraft server: alureon.net

PortalWatch 0.1 Alpha - Download

Sig by illicit

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 07:13:04

Grats out to Denvish (again) ramagi (again) Younk (again), you know what, you peope really need to stop this, ive typred your name that much over the last few weeks that i know how to type it with my eytes closed, my hands behind my back, and witha beer balanced on my head :D Well done guys.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 07:21:06

At 2/14/05 07:59 PM, Massacore wrote: I think i'm getting better at the ol' animation lark...

It's not bad Massacore, but where the hell is that stick omming from?1!#?

At 2/14/05 10:07 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: I was waiting so long for the blams to reach 20,000 that I didn't get to copy it exactly the time when it his 20,000. hah oh well. Still is better to look at a 20k number of something for a change.

I hate it when that happens, anyways congrats for your 20k YoinK.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 07:33:17

<3 YoinK. ^_^

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 09:41:36

At 2/15/05 07:13 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Grats out to Denvish (again) ramagi (again) Younk (again), you know what, you peope really need to stop this, ive typred your name that much over the last few weeks that i know how to type it with my eytes closed, my hands behind my back, and witha beer balanced on my head :D Well done guys.

I only mde one announcement in the last week, someone else made the other one for me. I didn'y care about it, it is minor.

Oh well congratz to everyon else. Off to class.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 10:41:38

At 2/14/05 10:20 PM, TowelWrappedChelle wrote: im starting to get tired of b/ping... has anyone else ever had that happen?

I dunno if I ever tire of it, but there are plenty of excuses for me to use to take a break from it. For instance the holidays slowed me down a lot.

At 2/14/05 11:00 PM, Pure_Greatness wrote: Now I've pretty much quit newgrounds altogether. Go me.

Quit?! For Shame! .... So does that mean you concede defeat to me in terms of B/P points? :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 11:41:35

Congrats to:

-Myst_Williams: 666 Saves. Sucks when you miss it, no?
-Bahamut7: 2,500 Blams. Nice.
-BonusStage: 3,000 Exp. You passed it now :(
-LeGioNNaiRe-X: 2,000 Exp. Similar to below.
-FBIpolux: 2,000 Posts. Similar to above.
-Dave: 4,000 Exp. Lots of Exp milestones today, and mine will be coming tomorrow.
-sketch0587: Lv 13 alt.
-YoinK_VineS: 20,000 Blams. Awesome.

At 2/14/05 11:45 AM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: Probably is. Did we ever determine whether or not fixit was a machine?

Come to think of it, we didn't.
My vote goes for android.

On another note, I got my first saviour movie in a very long time, even after voting 1 on the submission. Odd, no?

Nah, happens tons of times.

At 2/14/05 05:10 PM, LOL_alias_XD wrote: *demotivated* *changes alias* )':

All because of me.

At 2/14/05 07:59 PM, Massacore wrote: I think i'm getting better at the ol' animation lark...

You sure are, you've got a lot of potential.

At 2/14/05 10:20 PM, TowelWrappedChelle wrote: Congrats to everyone on their rank up ect, im starting to get tired of b/ping... has anyone else ever had that happen?

Don't think so...And if I ever did, it was only for a day or so.

Note to all those who have less than 18,001 B/P, you are not as good as me.

God-dammit, I was waiting for like twenty minutes at 17,999 B/P, and suddenly when I refreshed for the gazillionth time I had 18,001.

Can someone PSP me a nice screenie?

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 11:45:51

i got 2000 exp finally

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 12:53:50

At 2/14/05 06:32 PM, FBIpolux wrote: Hehe, that's great. I'm really slow as doing posts... I should maybe try to do a bit more. (Well, in fact, that's what I'm doing right now. I did like 500 posts in 1 month...)

Yeah, but you don't want to make spam posts. I mean geez, just look at the number ZeroAsALimit has, and his sign up date. His average number for posting is like 62.00 posts PER DAY. BTW, 5000 posts. :D

At 2/14/05 09:02 PM, sketch0587 wrote: Ever seen that movie, damn Ed Atlin is fuckin hilarious XD

Saddly I haven't. :'(

Yeah, this is bonus, but i just realized, I GOT MY BEST ALT TO 13, HUZZAH

Then if it's your alt, then why is it higher than your main? :o

At 2/14/05 10:07 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Still is better to look at a 20k number of something for a change.

Thats cool. Heh, I never got any screen shots of my 1k, 2k, or 3k blams, I always had the same problem. :(
But congratulations on your 20k, wanna trade? lol

At 2/14/05 10:20 PM, TowelWrappedChelle wrote: Congrats to everyone on their rank up ect, im starting to get tired of b/ping... has anyone else ever had that happen?

Yes, on numerous occaions. I get tired of seeing nothing of crap, thus, it is the basis for my next sig. "Newgrounds crap portal" or blam instead of crap. I just have to find the font that was used. If anyone knows what it's called, that would help bunches.

im like so close to the Elite Guard Staff Sergeant too.

Yep, you're only 205 away. Yea, it's the next hump in the b/p badges. Then I think 1,500 for the Praptorshlik[spelling]

At 2/15/05 03:54 AM, Alkador wrote: Anyway, how is everyone? I'm exhausted.

Just fine. A nice sunny/cloudy day outside, 63 degrees, and thou. :D

At 2/15/05 09:41 AM, ramagi wrote: I only mde one announcement in the last week, someone else made the other one for me. I didn'y care about it, it is minor.

Not to mention the nice little thread you had in general. I forget who started it. I think Osama did. Dunno for sure. :/

At 2/15/05 11:45 AM, cheesebizkit wrote: i got 2000 exp finally

Nice, now your only about 20 days away from level 11[if you count HT52 and all]

And a mere 5k posts for me. lol And then I think of how many posts Ozcar has.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 12:54:45

At 2/15/05 11:41 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats to:
-Bahamut7: 2,500 Blams. Nice.

Heh, thanks. And yes, it's a very nice number. It makes me happy. :) Anyway, congrats to:

BonusStage - 3000 EXP
LeGioNNaiRE-X - 2000 EXP
FBIpolux - 2000 posts
Dave - 4000 EXP
Kiba - Annoying Alias Changer
YoinK_VineS - 20000 blams (now get the EGSC badge)
cheesebizkit - 2000 EXP
X-Naut - Level 17 (You posted on the NG Total Listing and not the Level Up Lounge? WTF?)

The LUL seems a little inactive. Anyone gone on holiday?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 13:11:03

Congrats too:
} Bahamut 7-2500 blams
} Bonusstage-3000 exp
} Master_Inuyasha- 5000 posts
} Yoink- 20k blams- not far 2 EGSC commander now!!
} x-naut- level 17

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 14:12:23

<something original> to:
» Bahamut7 for 2,500 blams
» BonusStage for 3,000 XP
» LeGioNNaiRe-X for 2,000 XP
» FBIpolux for 2,000 posts
» YoinK_VineS for 20,000 blams
» cheesebizkit for 2,000 XP

Congratulations all of you, keep up the stat boosting :D

At 2/14/05 01:58 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: MUHA! I <3 Eldarion.
No wonder everyone likes you so much ; )

OMFG I LUF J00 T00!!11!!! <3

At 2/14/05 05:10 PM, LOL_alias_XD wrote:
At 2/14/05 08:54 AM, Eldarion wrote: Besser einen Verlierer als ein Arschstechniker >:(
Du bist nicht sehr nett. )':

Ich weiß >:)

Ich hatte Ihre Mutti gestern Abend. OMG PWNT!!11!
Ich auch. :D

Meine Mutti ist tot ;_;


Here's your screenie <3

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 14:47:32

At 2/14/05 05:10 PM, LOL_alias_XD wrote:
At 2/14/05 08:54 AM, Eldarion wrote: Besser einen Verlierer als ein Arschstechniker >:(
Du bist nicht sehr nett. )':
Ich weiß >:)

Ich hatte Ihre Mutti gestern Abend. OMG PWNT!!11!
Ich auch. :D
Meine Mutti ist tot ;_;

Please No funky German it just isnt fair on us non Germanee :-p

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 14:58:30

At 2/15/05 01:11 PM, NasFlash wrote: Congrats too:
} Bahamut 7-2500 blams

Since when did my name have a space in it? O.o Oh, I forgot two things:
1. Congrats to Master_Inuyasha for getting 5000 posts.
2. I have just entered the top 500 for b/p. Now try and get to the top 250.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 15:08:13

Eh, I'm ranked #888 for Exp. I guess it's a snazzy number. Kinda...

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 15:13:04

At 2/15/05 02:58 PM, Bahamut7 wrote:
At 2/15/05 01:11 PM, NasFlash wrote: Congrats too:
} Bahamut 7-2500 blams
Since when did my name have a space in it? O.o Oh, I forgot two things:

1000 apologies to you then, stupid mistake, any way congrats for top 500 bp , could take a while to get into top 250 though, also congrats to Senti for ranking #888 for exp!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 17:34:27

At 2/15/05 10:41 AM, phileeguy wrote: Quit?! For Shame! .... So does that mean you concede defeat to me in terms of B/P points? :)

Never! Ha, I was still ahead of you when I left a couple of weeks ago, but it looks like you've been going crazy as of late. Maybe, just maybe, I'll come back and stir things up a bit. You know, keep things interesting =D

At 2/15/05 02:43 PM, BareNakedMike wrote: Ho-ly-shit lol 22 hours? wow lol you didnt even eat or anything? I would have gone insane after half that. How b/p's did you get all together?

Well of course I ate, but I was in front of the computer monitoring the portal for that long. The sad part was, it was a pretty shitty day for submissions so I didn't even get over 200 after all that. It's funny though, I've had days where I've been b/p'ing for like 15-18 hours (crazy enough) and yet I still fell short of the total Denvish had for that day. It makes you wonder...


I may come back and start B/P'ing again, but that wont be for a little bit. My concern for the next little while is that when I leave newgrounds for a "break" if you will, I normally don't bother to even deposit during that period. It's been like 3 weeks of missed deposits already, so would anyone here mind depositing for me? I'll give the information to whoever offers (if anyone even does, and if they're arent some jackass heh).

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 18:14:39

At 2/15/05 11:41 AM, -Mazza- wrote: All because of me.

Heh, hopefully the guilt gets to you and you start cutting yourself and bleed to death. <3 :)

At 2/15/05 12:53 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: And a mere 5k posts for me.

Haha, is that why you've been posting more than usual it seems? Keep up this Wi/Ht activity and you might make the regulars in a few months. :D

At 2/15/05 12:54 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: Kiba - Annoying Alias Changer

Pfft, you're just jealous you didn't think of these screen names first. XD

At 2/15/05 02:12 PM, Eldarion wrote: Ich weiß >:)

Ich liebe dich. :D

Meine Mutti ist tot ;_;

Das ist schade. ;-;

At 2/15/05 02:47 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: Please No funky German it just isnt fair on us non Germanee :-p

Du bist eifersüchtig. ):<

And don't post so often, it makes you less cool, one post a year is good for you. :)

At 2/15/05 03:52 PM, BonusStage wrote: oh em gee, not yoink :O

What the crap, that makes no sense. >_>

I have nothing special going on, but I think I might be going on a strict alias a day diet now. XD

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 18:48:24

Phew, passed 20,000 b/p points today. 2/3 of the way to Supreme Commander.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-15 18:53:43

At 2/15/05 03:52 PM, BonusStage wrote: oh, BUT YOU HAVE

WOOT! Thanks! :D

At 2/15/05 05:45 PM, Grinler wrote: Sorry, I put the wrong link in.Here it is.

I'd advise all not to click on that. It auto DLs and you can choose to save it or open it. I opened and my virus detector found a Trojan Horse in it. So do not click that link.

At 2/15/05 06:14 PM, Jock-Jams wrote: Haha, is that why you've been posting more than usual it seems? Keep up this Wi/Ht activity and you might make the regulars in a few months. :D

I intend to come here often. Such fine people here. Much nicer than the people on the general fourms. lol

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature