At 2/12/05 11:41 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: no way! March 25th is my mom's b-day. I Don't Believe!
And a day after Myst's and my birthday.
At 2/12/05 11:41 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: no way! March 25th is my mom's b-day. I Don't Believe!
And a day after Myst's and my birthday.
At 2/13/05 12:27 AM, TheJoe324 wrote:At 2/12/05 11:41 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: no way! March 25th is my mom's b-day. I Don't Believe!And a day after Myst's and my birthday.
And a week after my birthday. :-O
Nice posts people.
It must be true what they say. Since light travels faster than sound, most people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Made another milestone tonight. Closing in on 30k.
I hit a solid VP of 6.50
Coming straight from the kid who said he wouldn't live to see 6.00 :)
I watched you get to 18k recon lol.. I was sitting there pressing reload... it jumped from like... 1797 to 18001 so I didnt get a screenie of the 18000 :( sorry :) But congradulations quite an accomplishment!
At 2/13/05 01:26 AM, Jamie_McGuire wrote: I watched you get to 18k recon lol.. I was sitting there pressing reload... it jumped from like... 1797 to 18001 so I didnt get a screenie of the 18000 :( sorry :) But congradulations quite an accomplishment!
Thanks Jamie, but it's 28k, not 18k. Then again, it's pretty much the same as winning the lottery after taxes so no biggie (lol). Nice batting average you have going there. Audio artist too! So you're actually a caddy? This wouldn't be one of your favorite movies would it? It's still one of mine.
Ho hum. Got woken up stupidly early (again) by the sprog, so may as well catch up on this:
Sort out anglican to:
-Immortal- - 200 saves, Police Lieutenant
-king-o-games- - satanic VP (6.66)
jonthomson - satanic post count (6666)
EKRegulus - EG Colonel, 13000 blams
-Mazza- 3.5 BBSPPD
dawsdani - EG Sergeant Major
Massacore - Police Sergeant
Tom_s00 - EG Sergeant First Class
FBIpolux - EG Staff Sergeant
fixit2 - 13000 BP
Myst_Williams - EG Private First Class
BonusStage - 16000 blams
Jamie_McGuire - 1000 saves
ramagi - 5000 posts, spammer ;)
ReconRebel - 28000 blams
SeeD419 - 6.5 VP
At 2/12/05 04:35 PM, FBIpolux wrote: I want everyone to tell me how much C they get :) (Post it after you done the test...) I want to be proud of the Wi/Ht members...
If I recall correctly, I got 7 C and 3 B
At 2/13/05 01:42 AM, Denvish wrote: ramagi - 5000 posts, spammer ;)
Hey now I leave that title to bonus his avg per day is > mine
At 2/12/05 10:31 PM, EKRegulus wrote:: At 2/12/05 09:33 PM, ramagi wrote:I got my own screenie of my 5K posts, which this is my 5000 post.Congrats and nice photoshopping cheat.. I mean skills :)
I didn't use photoshop to make that it called admertrative creativeness
made psot 5000 somewhere else got the screen shot then deleted it.
Congratz to
EKRegulus 13K blams.
ReconRebel 28K Blams (I could Make a 28k screenie for you)
At 2/13/05 01:21 AM, SeeD419 wrote: I hit a solid VP of 6.50
Congrats, just keep at it and you will be surprised how fast you gain in voting power.
7.00 isn’t far from your grasp!
At 2/13/05 04:00 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: Congrats, just keep at it and you will be surprised how fast you gain in voting power.
7.00 isn’t far from your grasp!
Hey, thanks Mike :)
I'd kill for your voting power though :P
Congrats to:
-Myst_Williams: EG Private First Class. Nearing 666 saves too, I see.
-Massacore: Police Sergeant.
-BonusStage: 16,000 Blams. I remember the times when you and I were equal in points. I miss those days.
-Jamie_McGuire: 1,000 Saves. Nice number.
-ramagi: 5,000 posts. Now go back to the future.
-EKRegulus: 13,000 Blams. I don't know, thirteen is an unlucky number :/
-ReconRebel: 28,000 Blams. Nearing EGSC there.
-SeeD419: 6.50 VP. 7.00 is more special.
At 2/12/05 06:15 PM, RedCircle wrote: How is everyone? Anyone hear me on radiogrounds? I DJed the first time two days ago, and it was fun as hell. I'll see if I can't get a more regular schedule....heck, any schedule would be nice.
Wow, it's been ages since I last listened to Radiogrounds.
At 2/12/05 06:23 PM, fixit2 wrote: It's a hint as to the future. ;) RAWR!!!
As in you're planning to overtake fixit? He's not number one anymore, so it's not special anymore.
At 2/12/05 06:37 PM, jonthomson wrote: Go to the main Firefox page, click on extensions and get Foxytunes.
At 2/12/05 06:38 PM, -Immortal- wrote: What's better between Firefox and the rest of the shit?
Tabbed browsing, built-in pop-up blocker, and lots more I don't feel the need to explain.
At 2/12/05 11:31 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Just this out, I just noticed this.
His exp points are 13,337... I bet everyone wishes they had a seven as the last digit of their exp points now.
Yes :(
At 2/13/05 12:34 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:At 2/13/05 12:27 AM, TheJoe324 wrote:And a week after my birthday. :-OAt 2/12/05 11:41 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: no way! March 25th is my mom's b-day. I Don't Believe!And a day after Myst's and my birthday.
And four months before my birthday!
At 2/13/05 01:42 AM, Denvish wrote: -Mazza- 3.5 BBSPPD
Finally, someone noticed! Thanks.
Been quite a nice amount of posts made since I was off the internet. Congrats to:
Inuzuka-Kiba - 13000 b/p points (I don't care what your fucking name is now)
Pure_LionHeart - Welcome back
Myst_Williams - Elite Guard Private First Class
BonusStage - 16000 blams
Jamie_McGuire - 1000 saves
ramagi - 5000 posts
EKRegulus - 13000 blams
stevezarebski - 13337 EXP
ReconRebel - 28000 blams
SeeD419 - 6.50 VP
Congrats to the dudes with 13k blams and 28k blams :)
#100 blams and #150 saves at the same time! Whee!
At 2/13/05 06:41 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: #100 blams and #150 saves at the same time! Whee!
Heh, congrats. And this is my 500th post. Screenshot anyone?
I think this is my 200th post or something... I'm too lazy to check my profile :)
At 2/13/05 06:49 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Heh, congrats. And this is my 500th post. Screenshot anyone?
Consider it done.
Ehm... Screenshot anywan? (Damn, that was noob-ish)
At 2/13/05 05:39 AM, SeeD419 wrote: Hey, thanks Mike :)
I'd kill for your voting power though :P
As long as you deposit everyday, and continue to gain B/P's you will probably reach an 8.90 VP in a little over a year.
However, at that time, I hope to at least have a VP of 10.00!
At 2/13/05 06:57 AM, Nake wrote: Ehm... Screenshot anywan? (Damn, that was noob-ish)
Congrats on getting 200 posts. I wasn't able to get a screenshot since it was too big, sorry. Besides, someone's likely to screenshot your 200th post soon.
Oh, and thanks for the screenshot SK. :D
At 2/12/05 04:35 PM, FBIpolux wrote: Hey guys, please take the time to respond at this. It's a little test I just written.
Done and done, i was b- c ..
At 2/12/05 06:11 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: OMG! Elite Guard Private First Class << I am.
I ranked up pretty quick. It wasn't too long ago i was getting Elite Guard Private,
Congrats Myst_W now onward to Sergent !!
At 2/12/05 06:15 PM, RedCircle wrote: How is everyone? Anyone hear me on radiogrounds? I DJed the first time two days ago, and it was fun as hell. I'll see if I can't get a more regular schedule....heck, any schedule would be nice.
I was looking forward to hearing that, but my stupid computer wouldn't let me connect !!?!?!
At 2/12/05 06:23 PM, fixit2 wrote: Thanks, but I've noticed you've always called me Kibia for whatever reason. I don't know if you are doing it to annoy or because you just don't know, but it's Kiba. XD
That was hoe i pronounced it to begin with, and somehow it been converted to the spelling of it lol, i know it's stupid i will make the effort to change to the correct spelling.
At 2/12/05 08:53 PM, BonusStage wrote: 16000 blam points, horray for me :)
Congrats Bonus, the portal did seem to have moved quickly last night, not that have any part in the action....dam GMT stuff.
At 2/12/05 08:56 PM, Jamie_McGuire wrote: 1,000 saves
Congrats dude, good job.
At 2/12/05 09:33 PM, ramagi wrote: I got my own screenie of my 5K posts, which this is my 5000 post.
I love time travel.
Congrats ramagi, screenies look so much better when your mod......
At 2/12/05 10:31 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Oh yeah, I also reached 13000 blams.
Gratulations Regulus = )
At 2/13/05 01:13 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Made another milestone tonight. Closing in on 30k.
Congrats Recon, you never fail to provide us with a cool Gif ^_^
At 2/12/05 08:23 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Same here Pure, that's why I have an account on Retrogade too. There's some good artwork on that site. So where have been all this time? Was it an unexpected vacation? Good to see you again.
Thanks. Yeah, it was unexpected. I've kinda been dealing with a lot of things, including a bout with depression, so honesty, the computer was the last thing on my mind.
Oh, and congrats to...
-Myst_Williams: EG Private First Class. Nearing 666 saves too, I see.
-Massacore: Police Sergeant.
-BonusStage: 16,000 Blams. I remember the times when you and I were equal in points. I miss those days.
-Jamie_McGuire: 1,000 Saves. Nice number.
-ramagi: 5,000 posts. Now go back to the future.
-EKRegulus: 13,000 Blams. I don't know, thirteen is an unlucky number :/
-ReconRebel: 28,000 Blams. Nearing EGSC there.
-SeeD419: 6.50 VP. 7.00 is more special.
And anyone else I may have missed with this stolen congrats list. Cheers! :)
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis
At 2/13/05 06:57 AM, Nake wrote: Ehm... Screenshot anywan? (Damn, that was noob-ish)
Take your pick... what's quite cool is that HT52 deposited in the couple of seconds between me grabbing these screenies =)
Grats everyone for their acheivements and stuff (see a list somewhere).
Im so fucking hungover. Last night was a riot, i was so drunk i couldnt beleive it, takes alot out of you beer does. I managed to fall of my computer chair, break a speaker and turn off my computer all in one swift fall, it would have been cool if i meant it, but alas.
Glad to see Pure post again, my old adversary, is back, well atleast for a post or three, good to see you.
I just made my first ever stick death animation, tell me what you think. Remember it's my first ever stick death :P
At 10/6/02 02:56 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: IM A LEVEL 11 NOW
ur level 17 now. haha.
im level 14, 15 in about a month :)
At 2/13/05 10:56 AM, B_M_W wrote: ur level 17 now. haha.
im level 14, 15 in about a month :)
I think i was a level 9 when he posted that. :P
At 2/13/05 09:23 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Glad to see Pure post again, my old adversary, is back, well atleast for a post or three, good to see you.
Ahhhh... the ancient rivally continues, my old foe. Good to see you around as well.
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis