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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 05:49:58

Congrats to:

-Hoody: Yay for similar numbers!
-RoweNuts: 5,000 Saves: When you get to 10,000 saves you'll probably be EGSC.
-Chrome-: 1,000 Saves: RoweNuts is better than you :(
-RageVI: 10,000 Blams: Finally on that Penta list.
-wismty: Lv 17: Now change the innaccuracy of your sig.

At 2/6/05 12:48 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Why do authors constantly badmouth their own work? Isn't there enough abusive reviews out there?

I know. Most new flashes are like 'I know it sucks, but please vote 5!'

Then my question would be why exactly I should vote 5.

On the other hand, overconfidence isn't good either("THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVAR"), but just annoying and usually not true.

At 2/6/05 03:52 AM, Alkador wrote: No, it's not ok. Yes it is, but just remember the person who started the big craze. ;)

Wait, that was you? Damn, and I thought I'd thought of it on my own :(

Yay for the number three!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 05:54:42

At 2/6/05 12:24 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote:
At 2/6/05 12:03 AM, RageVI wrote: 10,000 blams! And for some reason, it feels a hell of a lot more fulfilling than ranking up. A five digit number sure beats any badge!

well done. gotta say i love some of your music, too :P

A five digit number will place you on the pentalist. Congradulations on hitting 10,000 blams RageVI. In two weeks you can then see your name on the pentalist which should be nice.

saweet, i cant wait for that... i've got just over 8,000 blams now. i hope to get on that penta list by june. (school = no bp for my timezone).
YoinK, seems like you have around 1,085 more bp to get untill EGSC, that will be frickin sweet.
what will your next goal after that be? more posts/reviews? tell meh!
my BBS-whoreness level has just increased 10 fold. over the last 3-4 days i've gotten 50 posts atleast each day...
normally i'd be very happy with 10 or 15. XD hahaha.
but then again, i havent been getting enough reviews. so hopefully this week i will pull my head in and get my 10 a day that i'm aiming for... or 70 a week atleast. (im guessing i got around 40-55 this week... not good enough!).

ohh ooohh, and my response rate is at it's highest ever:
View Your Reviews (3,708)
(With Responses Only (1,228))
33.117%... im nearing my ultimate goal - 33.333%... but that additional .2% will be damn hard to get.
but not with the help of this ;P
tee hee hee!!!
later y'all!
(sorry i couldnt reply to any more posts, i have to go.)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 06:12:45

At 2/5/05 02:49 PM, -TRA- wrote: Bahamen7: I only started B/Ping not long ago. I 'd negnlected my account for a few months when I got to level 9 and I never B/P'd regularly.

So there. =P

I understand. I know not everyone is going to blam and save as soon as they get their account. However, I know you're going to keep blamming and saving, so that isn't a problem. Congrats on becoming a Police Sergeant and getting 3.333PPD. Also, congrats to:

RoweNuts - 5000 B/P points
Chrome- - 1000 saves
RageVI - 10000 blams
wismty - Level 17
-Mazza- - 13333 blams
ramagi - Owning me yesterday after looking at my profile message three minutes after I updated it

I'm an Elite Guard Sergeant now, but I failed to get a screenshot since I was too much in a panic voting on all of the under judgment flashes.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 07:15:04

I got 7,000 saves (about time, I'm going to sleep right now). My b/s-ing will slow down a lot as I have studying to worry about again (the holidays were quite nice though). Fortuantly I am near two other milestones, 18,000 blams and 25,000 b/p, so at least the first week of slowness will give me something.

Congrats to RageVI for EGLC and 10,000 blams, and Bahamut7 for EGS (and ramagi finding that message so quickly bothers me too, she has the best rank, whistle and now powers which could only come from the Q-Tip).

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 07:35:51

At 2/6/05 01:42 AM, wismty wrote: w00t, level 17!, although it might only last for a few hours because HT might bump me back to lv 16.

And it only took me 2 years and 3 months to achieve it!

haha, silly low level users. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 08:29:52

At 2/5/05 12:51 PM, -Myst- wrote:
At 2/5/05 08:46 AM, RedCircle wrote: Not saying that congrats lists suck, but 50 of them listing the same people is retarded, and NEEDS TO STOP.
I agree at 100%. Seriously, it's getting pretty ugly ... will anybody die if he doesn't get 10 congrats for any of his achievement? The better way to stop it would be to avoid to post useless achievements ... and more important, stopping congrating those.

See, it's really hard to determine what is considered congrattable, and what's not. I think that if someone in here gets an accomplishment, then they should be congratted unbiased. Some things are just harder for people to accomplish, either because of the time that they are on, the amount of time they spend, or the fact that some things are just harder to accomplish than others (reviews for example).

One thing that I'm glad about is that when people say, "I'm only X points away from Y rank or Z level," we kindly let them know that they haven't actually reached that rank or level, and we wait to congratulate them when they finally get it.

I mean ... do you have to post it each time you get 1000 points or 1000 posts? May be it does, if it takes you two months to reach them as I do :P but for those who it only takes a week ... I don't see the point ...

Meh, it's all in the eye of the beholder, and nobody can determine if that particular level or rank was easy or difficult to get. I definitely don't think we should exclude anyone from being congratted, so long as they actually get to a milestone.

Now congrats Rage on your rank-up, THAT's an achievement to be proud of ;)

Indeed. Congrats Rage. I'll see you on the Pentalist....um, when I get there. ;-)

At 2/5/05 01:09 PM, TheJoe324 wrote:
At 2/5/05 08:46 AM, RedCircle wrote: #4. BoD
You're just jealous.

ON NOES e-penis envy.

lewsur pic

Text? What text? I see no text here. =)

At 2/5/05 01:15 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 2/5/05 01:09 PM, TheOppressor wrote: *picture*
Oh snap.

WARNING: Brutal snappage here. Please remain in your seats with your headrests in the upright position.

At 2/5/05 01:20 PM, Eldarion wrote:
At 2/5/05 11:26 AM, RedCircle wrote: Here is what I'm talking about. See for yourself:
Hold on, I didn't copy that.

Mike, it's alright dude. You put time into it, and I'm glad. I'm just trying to get people to look at the concept, and try and cut down on the repetition. Not attacking what's already been done. I just needed an example, and that was the closest one I saw.

Thanks bro.

At 2/5/05 02:49 PM, -TRA- wrote: Woo!

Rank: Police Sergeant

YES! I'm always excited when you rank up, Will. I'm waiting for the day when you hit 10,000 total in your stats. Keep it up bud!

At 2/5/05 03:45 PM, _lightning_ wrote: I just lots all my internet data becouse of computer crash when trying to play a game that i haven't played for a while.

Dude, that sucks.

I feel sad. =[

I bet. Sorry man =(

At 2/5/05 05:19 PM, NasFlash wrote: I really dont know how i did that, i being stupid at the momnet.

I remember a long time ago when you used to frustrate me with some of your posts. Glad those days are over because you are really a cool guy. Glad to have you in Wi/Ht dude =)

At 2/5/05 05:59 PM, -Mazza- wrote:
At 2/5/05 08:46 AM, RedCircle wrote: #3. Congratulations lists:
What? I usually type my own congrats lists.

Um, that's fine bud. I wasn't mad about that. :-P

True, congrats lists are quite impersonal, but they do save space, and don't make posts look longer than they really are, and they also save time for me.

Hey, if that's what you wanna do, then do it. That's cool. I do think that they are EXTREMELY impersonal, but meh. To each his/her own.

Meh, I'll keep making congrats lists, but I'll just try and add a comment at the end of each achievement, to make them a little more personal and stuff. That okay with you?

Haha, why are you asking me? I just vented. I think that's cool what you are doing, so I have no complaints.

At 2/5/05 03:45 PM, _lightning_ wrote: I just lots all my internet data becouse of computer crash when trying to play a game that i haven't played for a while. So thats bye bye history, bookmarks, saved passwords, and every thing else i've collected since i got firebird.

I feel sad. =[
It could be worse....You could have lost your entire hard disc or gotten cancer or something.

SARS. AIDS. Much worse ;-)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 08:32:12

At 2/5/05 09:56 PM, RoweNuts wrote: I hit 5,000 p/p today....ugh, I need a break.

5,000 saves? Awesome! [Saves > Blams] anyday. Good job =)

At 2/5/05 09:56 PM, ramagi wrote: Well In some ways I agree with what Redcircle said.

Like "I'm going to sleep"? Roffles.

I have not minded the longs lists.

Neither do I, as long as they aren't copies of other lists.

More the people the feel the need to congratz everyone singly.
Meaning every time posts somethign they psot a congratz rather than waiting for several people to post things.

I understand why people do the lists. It's a lot to type everyday. You can almost guarantee that at least 10 or more people will have gotten something each day you sign on. It's inevitable.

At 2/5/05 10:04 PM, Chrome- wrote: I hit 1,000 protection points today.

Rock on dude!

At 2/5/05 10:49 PM, ReconRebel wrote: It's great reaching a heightened state of intoxication 'eh SCD? The after effects I can do without. I heard there's a drug that recently came out (I think in England) that lets you get hammered without waking up to a hangover. Heard anything about it?

It's called "water" =D

At 2/6/05 12:03 AM, RageVI wrote: 10,000 blams!

Awesome! Mucho congrats Rage. Pentalist, here you come!

And for some reason, it feels a hell of a lot more fulfilling than ranking up. A five digit number sure beats any badge!

Um, well....I have to disagree. Rank-up > everything else. Why? Because rank-up = VP boost

VP boost = Easier to kill Piconjo/StarSyndicate/-Error/Pube Shitheads.

At 2/6/05 12:48 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Author's comments: Be prepared to watch my reputation drop like a rock. * don't just vote low because they're sticks * Sorry for the size/shitty quality.

People are so dumb. They dig their own graves. I remember Denvish talking about it in his "Tips for Flash Authors"

Bad mouthing your own movie = instant -1 in score or something.

At 2/6/05 01:42 AM, wismty wrote: w00t, level 17!

It's still there, so official congrats wismty! Very professional.

At 2/6/05 03:52 AM, Alkador wrote: Add comments for a short and quick laugh!

Indeed. You put thought into it, and that's fine by me.

I do see your point about lists being stolen, which is just plain lazy and carmel being congratulated for her 1,000 reviews about 50 times.

Carmel = him* Glad you see my point. All is not lost ;-)

Re: Me

Ugh, well, hopefully you'll still be around, and I'll be definitely in your Free World, so we will cross paths.

At 2/6/05 04:39 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote:
In 2005, RedCircle got his tits in a twist about congratulatory lists

My tits still hurt ;_;



At 2/6/05 05:49 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Yay for the number three!

Wait, so that's like 4/9ths of EGSC just in blams? Excellent!

At 2/6/05 07:15 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: I got 7,000 saves

Jesus, you almost have as many saves as I do bp points. I'm insanely jealous. j/k Good job QwoxRox =)

At 2/6/05 07:35 AM, _lightning_ wrote: haha, silly low level users. :P

Hey, who you callin a user? lol

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 08:36:15


That is all. ;)

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 08:38:37

At 2/6/05 08:36 AM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: KIBATULATIONS TO RC!

That is all. ;)

Also OsAmARaMa, Maus and Afro_Ninja. We can worry less about the spammers now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 08:46:42

At 2/6/05 08:38 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Also OsAmARaMa, Maus and Afro_Ninja. We can worry less about the spammers now.

Yeah, I noticed that as well, after I went into general and saw there was a thread. I went to make one for RC there, but Wade had made a thread announcing them all. Very good choices indeed. =)

And I just got 9,000 blams. And made 3 posts in 10 minutes. That's so odd for me. =P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 08:55:24

At 2/6/05 07:15 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: I got 7,000 saves (about time, I'm going to sleep right now). My b/s-ing will slow down a lot as I have studying to worry about again

Congrats QwoxRox on your 7000th save.

Congrats to RedCircle on becoming a forum mod, you deserve it dude. (get on msn ! )

At 2/6/05 08:46 AM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: And I just got 9,000 blams. And made 3 posts in 10 minutes. That's so odd for me. =P

Congrats KIBIA, are you becoming a weekend poster? i haven't seen you about during the week much.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 08:58:51

Grats to RC =D Well done Mike, now ban that FLiXD fucker.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 09:01:39

well im back from being banned :) accomplishment!

ok well if you notice, I will keep it up for another minute or so, but I have reached 1000 exp!!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 09:27:36

At 2/6/05 12:48 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Well I'm sold. Let me dust off the "5" button.

Haha, that me made me laugh. Another classic is:
"i no it's crap but its my firts tiem jeez, give me a chance"

Really, I think direct exposure to those types of author's comments stimulates receptors in the brain and causes instant contraction of the muscles responsible for blamming shit to hell. Or something O_o.

At 2/6/05 08:29 AM, RedCircle wrote: Mike, it's alright dude.

No problem, RC, I just wanted to clear that up ;)

» RoweNuts 5,000 saves
» RageVI for 10,000 blams and entry to Gfox's 1337 list ;)
» wismty for LV 17, pity about losing the nunchucks, but that gauntlet looks cool too ;D
» TheJoe324 for crushing the feeble rebellion. ROFL.
» Qwoxyl for 7,000 saves, not far from double listed glory :D
» Inuzuka-Kiba for 9,000 blams, so close to the pentalist!

*trumpet fanfare*
Congrats to RedCircle, our newest BBS Moderator! It's nice to see a Wi/Ht? Member getting modded for a change. I know you'll do us proud Mike ^_^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 09:30:54

At 2/5/05 10:49 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
It's great reaching a heightened state of intoxication 'eh SCD? The after effects I can do without. I heard there's a drug that recently came out (I think in England) that lets you get hammered without waking up to a hangover. Heard anything about it?

Hmmm, no, havnet heard much mate, just rumours. But i will have to look into it. I heard milktree tablets take away a hangover, but im not going to some weird herbal shop to buy a pack of tablets for 50 quid just to not have hangovers, when it could be spent on booze :D

Ever been on autopilot? You know, where you're walking around talking to people yet when you hear about it the next day you don't remember a thing. That's scary.

Oh yes, i fucking hate that. One time (i dunno why im tellin you this) i woke up in my house after a binge, in some other persons clothes. I had got into a fight (won it :D) then went to my mates, pissed myself, then fell asleep. What a story that was the next day.

No problems SCD. The handy dandy metric conversion tables say 12 stone is the equivalent of 168 pounds or 76.2 kilograms. You weigh more than me bud! I'm around 5' 7" and 155 lbs (that's about 11.07 stone).

Hmm. Im not sure if thats right, but its possible. Im not a particularly big, or built (smart, either) guy, but i get on.

I love the warnings they put on the 80% alcohol. "Keep away from open flame."

Hehehe, thats when you get drunk the lighters come out and people start wasting booze on things other ran drinking it, fags.

So ask already!! If you plan on taking off on another... umm... adventure SCD, then send me (or another forum regular) an e-mail in advance containing your password so you don't start to slip.

Ok, but when i go on my "adventures" their normally spur of the moment, so i dont have things set up for me. But RedCircle has my pass, so if needs be, i will leave a post here and hopefully he picks it up at some point.

The Suwannee river? Why do I feel like forming the Wi/Ht? Quartet?

I think thats were the original saying comes from. I dunno why though, and i dont know why you feel like starting up a quartet, but if needs be, i will play triangle in the background :)

After 40 years, I finally found the woman that said those six words I've been waiting to hear all my life. "My father owns a liquor store."

OMG!!! Better marry her quick mate.

Grats to Rowen, Chrome, MrX(my man, still love your profile :D), Wismty on Level up to 17, sweetness.

And a big fucking CONRATULATIONSATIONSATIONS (echo) to my man of the moment RedCircle, im chuffed for you mate, well done man.

Nothing special for me to report, and i was heartbroken yesterday when Gfox told me i had missed his VP list because of numbers, bah. Next time i will be on it, hopefully.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 10:34:06

Thanks everyone. I was just about to go back to sleep after the first two posts on this page, when BAM. I saw these Extra buttons.

Hahahaha, I <3 you guys ^_^ Back to sleep now. *yawns*

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 10:43:44

Congrats to:

-Bahamut7: EG Sergeant: One of my favorite blue icons.
-Qwoxyl: 7,000 Saves: Too bad you didn't get all those milestones together.
-RedCircle, Maus, Afro_Ninja and OsamARaMa for being modded: I wish Wade would stop making people who are not me mods :(
-Inuzuka-Kiba: 9,000 Blams: Nearly on the Penta list.
-Jamie_McGuire: 1,000 exp: Nice number.

Thanks to:


At 2/6/05 08:29 AM, RedCircle wrote: Um, that's fine bud. I wasn't mad about that. :-P

Oh, I thought you meant that you hated all lists, but you only meant the copied ones.

Hey, if that's what you wanna do, then do it. That's cool. I do think that they are EXTREMELY impersonal, but meh. To each his/her own.
Haha, why are you asking me?

Because you scare me :(

I just vented. I think that's cool what you are doing, so I have no complaints.

I see.

It could be worse....You could have lost your entire hard disc or gotten cancer or something.
SARS. AIDS. Much worse ;-)

Or all three :o

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 11:00:42

At 2/6/05 09:27 AM, Eldarion wrote: » TheJoe324 for crushing the feeble rebellion. ROFL.

And we had 4 added to our ranks this morning.

A glorious victory indeed.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 11:05:23

Mike! I always knew you'd be good as a mod and I was just waiting for the time when you'd become one. Congratulations. Now ban Boner'sAge. ;) <3

Thanks for all the congrats on my new rank up, even though it sucks. I'll be on the Penta list in approximately... 4 years? =P

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 11:08:21

Woot! I just got a 5.55 voting power! (Ain't much, but I'm still a nOOb, remember?) :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 11:52:26

At 2/6/05 06:12 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: ramagi - Owning me yesterday after looking at my profile message three minutes after I updated it

Always glad to be of service

At 2/6/05 09:01 AM, Jamie_McGuire wrote: well im back from being banned :) accomplishment!

I always can arrange another one of those for you. :)

Well congratz to all the recent level/rank ups
Specail Congratz out to the New BBS mod.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 12:14:57

At 2/6/05 11:52 AM, ramagi wrote:
At 2/6/05 09:01 AM, Jamie_McGuire wrote: well im back from being banned :) accomplishment!
I always can arrange another one of those for you. :)

I was wonderng where youd gone to, Why'd you get abnned anyway??

Specail Congratz out to the New BBS mod.

Yea, congrats to RC, as well as Maus, Osamarama and Afro Ninja, but especially to RC as he is extra specially helpfull aroudn the wi/ht forum!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 12:16:26

At 2/6/05 11:52 AM, ramagi wrote: Specail Congratz out to the New BBS mod.

Are there really this many mods needed? I mean whats the use of having more then 5 mods on at all time? I'm sure 2 or 3 mods on at a time can miss some threads... BUT 4 or 5? =/

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 12:37:18

At 2/6/05 12:14 PM, NasFlash wrote:
Why'd you get abnned anyway??

Ramagi loves me too much

That is the only way Ramagi shows her affection towards me... 1 day of ban = 3925923939 hugs... Hell yeah im winnin!

At 2/6/05 11:52 AM, ramagi wrote:
I always can arrange another one of those for you. :)

NO Ill be a good boy I sware... see see... im good good ya hear me! GOOD!
*falls on the ground and starts twitching*

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 13:16:31

At 2/6/05 08:32 AM, RedCircle wrote: VP boost = Easier to kill Piconjo/StarSyndicate/-Error/Pube Shitheads.

Roffle. Good luck at blamming these flashes, especially the ones made by the star syndicate. It rarely happens unless it's an extremely shitty flash. You are against a few dozens of users who vote 2 or higher because they are fans, they made the flash or they simply want an easy protection point.

There's one thing that everyone here should remember: Some (not all of course) of the SS or Piconjo flashes deserve to pass so if you are blamming them ALL then you aren't voting fairly.

At 2/6/05 08:38 AM, Bahamut7 wrote:
At 2/6/05 08:36 AM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: KIBATULATIONS TO RC!
Also OsAmARaMa, Maus and Afro_Ninja. We can worry less about the spammers now.

-osamarama from the general forum
-maus who browses the general and the politics sections
-Afro_ninja that browses the general and the flash sections.
-Redcircle who mostly browses the wi/ht? and I dunno what else :D

It's obviously a better choice than general only users. :)

I honestly thought that we had enough mods. The current ones are simply inactive or lazy. If there were all like Bigbadron or thejoe324 then the forum would be completely clean. Oh well, congrats to all the new mods.

It doesn't matter how many there are, Bigbadron will always get the most lock pts HAHAHAHA!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 13:47:56

Well I was right about Ht knocking me back to level 16, but somehow that didn't felt as bad as it would normally feels, I love the nunchucks, it's like getting the second chance I never had, or something...

Anyway, I'm only 1exp point beneath level 17, so it's safe to say that I will have it for sure by my next deposit.

Thanks for all that congratulated, and congrats to everyone that ranked up.

Also very special congrats to all the new & secksey mods =)

Need help on beating Alkie Kong 2, brutal mode? click here.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 13:51:21

At 2/6/05 01:47 PM, wismty wrote: Well I was right about Ht knocking me back to level 16, but somehow that didn't felt as bad as it would normally feels, I love the nunchucks, it's like getting the second chance I never had, or something...

I think Humantarget and Pimp need to go on a two week holiday while some people get chance to level up easily. And no, there won't be any depositing for those two. But you will be a level 17 once you deposit tomorrow, which is okay.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 13:59:40

1-7-0-0-0 b-l-a-m-s-/-p--r-o-t-e-c-t-s-p-t-s!

Here's a lame screenshot:

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 14:01:09

At 2/6/05 01:59 PM, EKRegulus wrote: 1-7-0-0-0 b-l-a-m-s-/-p--r-o-t-e-c-t-s-p-t-s!
Here's a lame screenshot:

GAH! Dumb freakin lame post button..

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-06 14:04:45

At 2/6/05 02:01 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 2/6/05 01:59 PM, EKRegulus wrote: 1-7-0-0-0 b-l-a-m-s-/-p--r-o-t-e-c-t-s-p-t-s!
Here's a lame screenshot:
GAH! Dumb freakin lame post button..

Wow, congrats dude ... that's a freaking big amount :P