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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 18:26:01

Ooh, this feels good. My first condradulayshuns in AAAAAAAAAGES. Same old names though...

Shitkit and Bone-us for b/p milestones, Deckhead for protects, others for... other stuff and SCD! for 10000 posts (the only milestone I'll ever have the patience to get, and not for a heckuva long time)

I feel all flushed now ^_^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 18:51:55

Myst's Daily Congrats:
ReconRebel - 27000 blams.
ShittyKitty - 7000 blams.
SCD - 10, 000 posts (sorry i didn't do this sooner. I saw your 10, 000th post too, i just didnt think of coming here and giving you the congrats.)
BonusStage - Not sure what it is you got, you leveled up on your b/p points, correct?
ramagi - Top 40 exp pts.

And anyone else i might have missed with my quick skim through.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 19:21:30

At 1/14/05 06:52 PM, BonusStage wrote: I'll wait for more things to pop up for my awesome, BUT until then i believe EK needs a time out

Oh really? I think there is a difference between fun/amusing stuff and the trash going on involving that account.

EK that account is supposedly able to be "owned" by all the users that email the creator (Tom_s00) i believe of the account, and ask for the password, gfox, RC, IK (i think) and a few others have all posted with that account, it's kinda like the SS account, without the stupid :D

The Star Syndicate created their account for a reason. I still don't understand the purpose of the leveluplounge's alternate account.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 19:57:07

My RL birthday started 56 minutes ago, but I forgot how old I am

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 20:00:56

At 1/14/05 07:57 PM, Denvish wrote: My RL birthday started 56 minutes ago, but I forgot how old I am

Sorry for another, yet annoying, stupid question... whats RL mean?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 20:01:47

At 1/14/05 08:00 PM, Myst_Williams wrote:
At 1/14/05 07:57 PM, Denvish wrote: My RL birthday started 56 minutes ago, but I forgot how old I am
Sorry for another, yet annoying, stupid question... whats RL mean?

RL=Real Life, IRL=In Real Life

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 20:03:40

At 1/14/05 08:01 PM, Denvish wrote: RL=Real Life, IRL=In Real Life

Wow, okay now i am more confused. Real Life would be as in... i am 17 turning 18 in April because that is when i was born? And IRL is... uhh, i don't know all the internet terms.. please enlighten me with more detail if you you don't mind.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 20:05:28

At 1/14/05 08:03 PM, Myst_Williams wrote:
Wow, okay now i am more confused. Real Life would be as in... i am 17 turning 18 in April because that is when i was born? And IRL is... uhh, i don't know all the internet terms.. please enlighten me with more detail if you you don't mind.

Yeah, that's your birthday in real life, as opposed to your NG birthday, which isn't actually your birthday. IRL (in real life), used to refer to something which is actually happening in the real world, as in "Jack is a level 76 Dark Mage on the internet, but he's a spotty geek In Real Life"

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 20:07:57

Oh well, i don't pay attention to my 'internet life'... i get it now i suppose... just never heard it before. Thanks for explaining it to me.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 20:10:32

At 1/14/05 08:07 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Oh well, i don't pay attention to my 'internet life'... i get it now i suppose... just never heard it before. Thanks for explaining it to me.

No problems dude - any time. I see they've locked A very english post at last... man that thread was annoying.

Ah well, should probably get to bed. It's 1.30 and I have a 3 hour politics exam at half 9. No rest for the wicked... :(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 21:07:52

Harsh. You need over 17,000 points to make the top 50 blam/protect list now. I remember when the rank system was first introduced people were all excited about the new badges. Some people were instant Police Captains when it was implemented. I think ramagi started at the highest rank but what was it?

Also what's the deal with j00bie? I frequently see him cruising the forum. Not that I miss him but he's been gone a fairly long time. Any idea how much time he's got left to serve?

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 21:36:20

At 1/14/05 09:07 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Harsh. You need over 17,000 points to make the top 50 blam/protect list now. I remember when the rank system was first introduced people were all excited about the new badges. Some people were instant Police Captains when it was implemented. I think ramagi started at the highest rank but what was it?

Police Captain was the rank I had when it started, one other person had it at the time. there were only 3-4 at Police Lieutenant at the time. That is when the system started. By the tiem they had the list up for all to see I had several more ranks.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 21:37:37

oopsoe i missed out on my screenie well this one will have to do...

7,000 saves notbad i say...


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge


[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 21:43:55

At 1/14/05 05:29 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Screenie time. 9300 BP's and 7000 blams. :-D

hey, you're getting close to me now...
i better watch my back :P
i got 7,000 blams and 3,000 protects a few days ago.

At 1/14/05 09:07 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Harsh. You need over 17,000 points to make the top 50 blam/protect list now. I remember when the rank system was first introduced people were all excited about the new badges. Some people were instant Police Captains when it was implemented. I think ramagi started at the highest rank but what was it?

17k... hmm i have 16 and a half odd to go then :P haha.

Also what's the deal with j00bie? I frequently see him cruising the forum. Not that I miss him but he's been gone a fairly long time. Any idea how much time he's got left to serve?

yeh he browses the forums frequently, but i dont know why he's banned at the moment.
he got banned for like 1 week for 3 or 4 weeks in a row once...
but yeh i dont know why he's banned at the moment.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-14 23:20:05

At 1/14/05 09:43 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
hey, you're getting close to me now...
i better watch my back :P
i got 7,000 blams and 3,000 protects a few days ago.

As did I, so you better watch out doubly because I'm creepin up behind you slowly but surely.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 00:02:11

2 big accomplishments for me today!

-Level up to lvl. 13!
-Rank up to Lt. Colonel.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 00:03:39

At 1/15/05 12:02 AM, Swive wrote: -Level up to lvl. 13!
-Rank up to Lt. Colonel.

And all on the same day? Congrats, man!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 00:47:07

Congratz to
Swive Level and rank up
deck_head_tottie 2K saves
BonusStage rank up
ShittyKitty 7k Blams almost rank up
XwaynecoltX 7K saves

Well since it is now offical in my time zone
Denvish Happy B-Day
For your B-day I'll distract your computer you run away.
Make sure you enjoy yourself IRL.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 01:13:17


Warning: Screenie may look too good to be true.

Congrats to king-o-games for EGSS, ramagi for becoming #39, Recon_Rebel for 27,000 blams, Slightly_Crazy_Dude for 10,000 posts, DHT for 2,000 protects, Bonus for EGBG, SK for 7,000 blams, Denvish for RLB-Day and 7,000 saves (and it's already 7,001! I have a Paint screenie if no one else got you a screenie), ~X~ for 7,000 saves, and Swive for EGLC and level 13.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 01:17:19

i got to Elite Guard Colonel just today. Awesome that I got it just before the list updates, I think. I was kind of expecting a bit more of a boost in my VP than .12 though. Ehhh, it adds to it so its fine I guess.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 01:55:42

At 1/14/05 07:57 PM, Denvish wrote: My RL birthday started 56 minutes ago, but I forgot how old I am

Happy birthday. You know how old you are, you simply don't want to tell us :)

Congrats to:
-Wayne for his 7000 saves.
-Swive for level 13 and becoming an elite guard lieutenant colonel.
-Qwoxyl for becoming an elite guard lieutenant general (no mistake this time :D)
-Quickfox for becoming an elite guard colonel.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 02:27:44

Big congratlolulolation to SCD for reaching 10k posts in two years!!


Sorry i havent been here in a while, just couldnt think of what to post.... :P
Anyways, yesterday i had 4 submissions on RG's top 50, so that might be a congrats worthy i dunno heheh...
Also im near 4,500 posts it might be a nice NUMBer...
I've reached recently 1000 reviews also (exactly 3 months ago was the forth time)...
Im about half way there to level 15...
Oh yeah, and few days ago my VP rose by 0.01!!!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 02:50:45

Congrats to the WayneColt for making 7k saves... now he has at least 7 thousand of everything... everything being.. exp points, reviews, pos, blams, and saves. that must be nice.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 03:02:24

War of the Portal – Part 2
1 - “Solutions”

The room was dark and the few candles lit did not help very much at all. The lighting was poor but that did not stop the man from writing his papers, with the sound of his pen hardly scraping the thick paper that he had gathered from the portal. But the portal did not exist anymore. Of course, it couldn’t have been just anyone that would have sealed the portal. It must have been some of the guards. The man swallowed air as he looked over his notes, his ideas and plans. Of course, there had to be someone to seal the portal which was very typical. People saving the world.
“Stupid,” The man said. He smiled at the thought of people being stupid. But very little mattered to him now. The last time he saw a person was the day the portal was sealed, the day he saw the people descend into the portal. He had to find them. He had to meet them. Of course, he thought he could find them easily since he too was very capable in the Power. But using it was slightly difficult after the sealing had occurred. It felt as if some form of buffer had been slowly spread over the portal, like butter on bread.
Little did those people know that they were not alone and that their journey had truly begun. He turned to face the man who had been speaking to him.
“What’s stupid master?” The man sitting behind him asked.
“Nothing Tom,” Said the man with a deep voice. “Please do go on.”
“Very well,” this Tom said. “As I was saying, the virus was perfect until they adapted to it. Of course, not all viruses are bad as what people believe. It seems that from we have seen, the submissions have mutated to a third level and we can only assume that they will become even stronger. More importantly the virus th–“
“Stop.” Said the man. He already knew what Tom was explaining, as it was all old news. He wanted something new, something fresh in knowledge.
“My virus is out there and I asked you to gather new knowledge on the subject. You disappoint me Tom. I think I will have to meet these people without you.” The man stood up, staring at the man, making sure that he kept a firm hold on his tongue. Say the wrong words and the man would go against him. It was an option that Tom might be willing to take if the man pressed on.
“Stay here. I shan’t be long.” The man laughed as he left the small room. Maybe he really was insane after all.

“Any luck?” Asked M-A-R-C-U-S.
“(( NOTHING ))” Replied XwaynecoltX. “I can’t see anything wrong with him.”
“Maybe we should keep him,” Suggested RedCircle.
“We could do that,” Added Recon_Rebel. “But what if he goes wild?”
“What if he doesn’t?” Thought Qwoxyl.
“I see nothing in there,” Commented Slightly_Crazy_Dude, who was assured himself it was safe.
“Well, he seems safe enough,” Smiled BonusStage. “And he could help us, I mean, find a cure.”
“He looks too cute to kill,” Randyrandy tried to touch it, but pulled his hand back at the last second.
“Oh you wimps,” RedCircle picked the baby submission up. “I’ll take care of him.”
”You always wanted a submission, didn’t you RedCircle?” Recon_Rebel’s curled, suggesting a smile.
“Sure did. Hopefully this one will be just fine. Let’s head back guys.” Slightly_Crazy_Dude said.
BonusStage moaned. "I swear SCD, that's the ten thousandth time you've said 'Let's head back'!"

The room was small, but it would have to do. The laboratory had small tubes of chemicals and compounds piled carefully on the shelves, used for the experiments that would aid them.
“Is it nearly done?” Asked Gfoxcook.
“Nearly there,” Said ramagi, who was focusing very hard with using the correct amount of chemicals. “I just have to put some Sorbic acid and a tad of Potassium benzoate.”
“Make sure you add some of this,” YoinK_VineS pointed to the test tube with blue liquid.
“Can I ask why you’re putting in food additives?” Asked Jonthomson.
“I think ramagi knows what she’s doing.” Said D0GMA, who had a new black silk cloak replacing the previous one which never seemed to wear.
“She’s really good with this stuff you know,” Smiled -Mazza-, who ensured that ramagi heard his compliment.
“Yeah, she is perfect, isn’t she?” Smiled YoinK_VineS.
“This is a laboratory,” Coughed TheJoe324, who watched ramagi mix the chemicals slowly above the Bunsen burner. “Not a flower store.”
“Roffles,” FIGMENTUM laughed at the guard’s joke. “You nearly done ramagi?”
“Just have to add a bit of this polymer and…done.”
Everyone stared at the small vial of red liquid that ramagi had produced so carefully.
“It is done. We have a cure for the virus.”

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 05:33:55

Congrats to:

-deck_head_tottie: 2,000 saves
-BonusStage: EG Brigadier General
-ShittyKitty: 9,300 B/P and 7,000 Blams
-XWayneColtX: 7,000 saves
-Denvish: Happy Birthday!
-Swive: lv 13, EG Lieutenant Colonel(YOU BETTER NOT CATCH UP TO ME)
-Qwoxyl: EG Lieutenant General
-QuikFox: EG Colonel
-carmelhadinosaur: 1,000 reviews

At 1/14/05 01:56 PM, SeeD419 wrote: Blah, blah, blah. I need to post a message somewhere so I can see my sig and get the link from it. This will in turn enable me to paste that link on 'the alliance' forums and successfully be able to post with my sig.

Couldn't you just check one of your older posts?

At 1/14/05 02:28 PM, KlBA wrote: -Mazza- for death! Wait...er...no, I don't just want -Mazza- to die because he took my part in the story. >_>

Maybe you can come back as a ghost or something :O

At 1/14/05 03:41 PM, BonusStage wrote: Yeah ... mazza is awesome :)

I agree.

At 1/15/05 03:02 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal – Part 2
1 - “Solutions”

Hooray for the sequel!

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 06:13:05

At 1/14/05 01:54 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote: Just a small bundle o' joy.
2,000 protection points.

Congrats d-h-t = )

At 1/14/05 05:18 PM, BonusStage wrote: bla.....

Congrats Bonus even if you were beaten too it : )

At 1/14/05 05:29 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Screenie time. 9300 BP's and 7000 blams. :-D

Grats some nice numbers there SK.

At 1/14/05 06:52 PM, BonusStage wrote: EK that account is supposedly able to be "owned" by all the users that email the creator (Tom_s00) i believe of the account, and ask for the password, gfox, RC, IK (i think) and a few others have all posted with that account, it's kinda like the SS account, without the stupid :D

wat , wat ,wat ! it's true i have the password to the account but i diddn't create it. I leave it to you to find out who did. Silly BonusStage

At 1/14/05 09:37 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: oopsoe i missed out on my screenie well this one will have to do...
7,000 saves notbad i say...

Not bad indeed Congratz wayne.

At 1/15/05 12:02 AM, Swive wrote: 2 big accomplishments for me today!
-Level up to lvl. 13!
-Rank up to Lt. Colonel.

Double wammy !
Big congrats Swive, their some good acomplishments there.

At 1/15/05 01:13 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: RANK UP! EGLG!
Waring: Screenie may look too good to be true.

Wow it is too good to be true !!! Grats Qwox : )

At 1/15/05 02:27 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Anyways, yesterday i had 4 submissions on RG's top 50, so that might be a congrats worthy i dunno heheh...

would it be completly against the rules if their was a LUL on retrogade ? it would probably be of use....

At 1/15/05 03:02 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal – Part 2
1 - “Solutions”

Amazing story Alkador, even better becuse it think i was in it ........

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 06:20:26

Alkador congratulates:
- RageVI for reaching level 17. Do people really like nunchucks?
- Denvish for becoming Elite Guard Lieutenant General. Happy Birthday!
- cheesebizkit for reaching 500 posts. Remember: don't spam.
- BonusStage for obtaining a VP of 8.00 and becoming Elite Guard Brigadier General. I'm gonna catch up. =P
- --delteated-- for posting in here. I saw your named mentioned the other day! Good to post in here again.
- -king-o-games- for becoming an Elite Guard Staff Sergeant. Damn these low level n00bs beating me.
- ramagi for reaching the top 40 exp. Someone's soing a lot better than I am!
- Recon_Rebel for 27,000 saves. Good on you. Saves are the future of this world, so keep up the good work.
- Wi/Ht? LUL for becoming the club with thesecond most number of posts. You beat all those n00bs now.
- Slightly_Crazy_Dude for 10,000 posts! Oh man, this has to be the best feat made on this humungous list! Well done man!
- Level-Up-Lounger for reaching level 3. Can't wait until level 10.
- deck_head_tottie for reaching 2,000 protection. You're my hero. (PS. for those who don't know, I love saves).
- ShittyKitty for 7,000 blams. Silly low levelers beating me.
- XwaynecoltX for 7,000 blams as well. 3,000 to go.
- M-A-R-C-U-S for 7,000 blams and 3,000 blams a few days ago. THat probably means some kind of rank up eh?
- Swive for getting his bat and befcoming a Lieutenant Colonel. They should say Kernel.
- Qwoxyl for becoming an Elite Guard Lieutenant General. Someone's doing better than me.
- Quikfox for becoming Elite Guard Colonel. I believe that we have met someplace?
- carmelhadinosaur for reaching 1,000 reviews I think. If not, good work anyway.

My rank ups? Um, does under 1,000 exp sound good as well as a current rank of 999? I also have 1,333 saves and mep.

Never miss a day on Wi/Ht? otherwise you have longer lists on congratulations to do. I wish I hadn't missed my deposit yesterday.

Also SCD, you can do your parody, I don't mind. Thanks to Mazza and Tom who is in my story.

Alkador's Offer
Is there anyone in the top 100 who wants blam points? I rarely touch the '1' button so I felt that it might be more useful with someone else? Anyone interested?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 06:33:02

At 1/15/05 01:13 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: RANK UP! EGLG!

shit. j00 = lots of bp.

Warning: Screenie may look too good to be true.

euhm, or not. you're missin an E!!
hahaha. i know that the BBS - being the bitch it is - wont allow the width of that whole row or writing... im always cutting off that e, damnit!

Congrats ramagi for becoming #39,

yeh well done on that Ram, exp is hard to move up in ranks when youve got so much.

Recon_Rebel for 27,000 blams, Slightly_Crazy_Dude for 10,000 posts, DHT for 2,000 protects, Bonus for EGBG, SK for 7,000 blams, Denvish for RLB-Day and 7,000 saves (and it's already 7,001! I have a Paint screenie if no one else got you a screenie), ~X~ for 7,000 saves, and Swive for EGLC and level 13.

yes yes and congrats to all of those people too!
haha, its cool that a couple of people that post in here are right on my tail in BP...
DRD is #125 i think, ShittyKitty not far behind...
but HOT DAMN im #121! booyackasha!! hahaha.
Alkador: nice story mate. AND I GOT A WHOLE TWO LINES!! w0000000000000!!! hahahah.
when are you going to start posting the last part up in LNL?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 06:40:08

At 1/15/05 06:20 AM, Alkador wrote: Alkador congratulates:
- XwaynecoltX for 7,000 blams as well. 3,000 to go.

yeh... come to think of it he will probably be the first (or one of) to have all of his stats over 10,000... thus making him some sort of penta list king :P
hes got 10k reviews and blams, 7k protects, 7.7k posts, and 8.4k exp...
he will get there pretty darn soon. im saying sooner or later his experience will be his lowest stat.
if he deposits everyday, that means i estimate he will have every stat over 10k in... 160 days. 5-6 months...

- M-A-R-C-U-S for 7,000 blams and 3,000 blams a few days ago. THat probably means some kind of rank up eh?

my last rank up was at 9,500 bp. my next is at 11,000. currently at 10,417.... so 583 to go.
shouldnt take me all that long.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-15 07:41:44

EK, calm down about all the Level-up-Lounger talk. 9 posts so far...c'mon man, it barely spams up anything.

Congrats eveyone. I am now in the top 700 of users for Exp. Yay.

I'm about 98% sure that this pic is gonna look retarded, but I still have to post it to find out. Don't hate me if it sucks.

Love you all <3

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge