At 1/9/05 01:55 AM, EKRegulus wrote:
Congrats to Kiba for 2525 exp. pts.
OMG OMG OMG. EK solved the riddle. Smart one is he. ;)
At 1/9/05 01:58 AM, _matt_ wrote:
Yes, we shall ):<
Haha, well maybe if you were someone we loved we'd dedicate the page to you...but it seems the entire page did not in fact talk about you. ;)
At 1/9/05 03:28 AM, EKRegulus wrote:
hahaha, I discovered it first! Hell maybe not but I'm the first typing it in the LUL!
Um...yeah....yesterday he went and alerted everyone about it by noting that she was only 1 experience away from his own rank-up and that she would be level 16 today. >_>
At 1/9/05 03:40 AM, Alkador wrote:
Alkador congratulates:
- Inuzuka-Kiba for 11,111 b/ps and 2525 exp. Omedetou Kiba-kun. Kiba-kun wa totemo hayai ne!
Yay, we can talk in Japanese and no one will know what we're saying...except maybe randyrandy. But I'm in control of his account right HAH. ;) Come to think of it he's still been managing his deposits and I haven't had to do it for him yet. >_>
Ok, I was just seeing if you would notice and you did. I'll change it back now. Please don't become mentally distressed.
Oh but it's too late, I've already found someone new to be friends with. *Goes off to play tiddlywinks with -Mazza-.* ;)
At 1/9/05 04:17 AM, -Mazza- wrote:
Congrats to:
-Inuzuka_Kiba: 11,111 B/P, 2525 exp
Yay, I usually never get this many congrats. Random picture spamming must be working. XD
Yeah, we don't need Alkador to play tiddlywinks. ;)
Pssh, you never post in general anymore.
OH YEAH! >:O Oh yeah. :O oh yeah... :( fine.... :'(
Heh, you made it sound as if you actually noticed me when I posted in general and as if you would notice me again if I posted there. But that's a lie. ;_;
At 1/9/05 05:12 AM, Qwoxyl wrote:
16,666 blams
Pfft, the 1 ruins it. We don't love ones. ):< Congrats. =P
Qwoxulations to Kiba for EGFL (and 11,111 b/p, and while we're at it, 2525 exp which I and many other 0 people can't get).
Haha. I'm just that special. ;o I can't wait for 5,555 experience. XD And then many years down the road 55,555 experience. ;)
At 1/9/05 05:44 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
lol, everyones saying that now.
Marculations to MEH!
Gez, what a trend I ended up starting. What's next? TRAtulations? ramagilations? d0gmatilations?
At 1/9/05 07:58 AM, Alkador wrote:
I'm not going out with you anymore now.
?_? We were going out? Since when my good sir? >_>
Hmph, so much for that Katana I gave you.
You gave it to me? More confusion. I know for a fact that I've always been going out with -Mazza- and he gave me the katana. :o
At 1/9/05 08:28 AM, BonusStage wrote:
OMFG j00r XP = dat *DANCES*
EK got it first, therefore...YOU FAIL. ;)
At 1/9/05 09:07 AM, Eldarion wrote:
Cheers to Inuzuka-Kiba.
Congrats to:
Kiba for EG First Lieutenant, and 11,111 b/p points
Listed twice because I'm just that much better than everyone else. ;p
888th post
Kibatulations!!! Only I am cool enough to do that, in case any of you copy cats are reading this. :o
At 1/9/05 09:28 AM, Bahamut7 wrote:
First, congrats to:
Thobbe - Level 11
Inuzuka-Kiba - Elite Guard First Lietenant, 11111 blam/protect points
Like omg. You can't congrat Thobbe. ):< Only I can because he's my b/p rival. RAWR! D:<
Elite Guard Private First Class
Kibatulations!!! ;)
At 1/9/05 12:44 PM, Tom_s00 wrote:
<-------------I got all the onezzzzz
Liek omg. Kibatulations. xD
At 1/9/05 12:54 PM, SeeD419 wrote:
I'm alive.
Hi SeeD. Enjoy your stay away from NG? =P
And you don't need to know Nihongo like me, alk, and randy to solve this next riddle. I've been on a roll lately. :o