At 1/5/05 06:45 PM, jonthomson wrote: Post number 6,000.
Sweet Number!!!
Sig made by MuffDiver102

At 1/5/05 06:45 PM, jonthomson wrote: Post number 6,000.
Sweet Number!!!
Sig made by MuffDiver102
D0GMA's spurious pain-killer induced theories *cough* hallucinations:
fixit was not actually a program, but was really the programmer. Ya_Ya was the program and killed the programmer so it could go out on its own.
gfoxcook and D0GMA are both originally alt accounts of Newgrundling, who's account is now owned by Bedn, ergo Bedn is typing this.
Alien Hominid is a result of Tom playing Pacman while completely stoned and thinking to himself, "what if all these pills were steroids?"
Recon's alt accounts are Afterburner, angstdrillhead, asdfsdfg, and aviewaskewed. bila is the "fifth alt" he never mentions where he thinks people can here.
On Halloween, moongod went trick-or-treating dressed up like the picture in his "profile."
fixit is an joint alt of gfox and D0GMA. fixit stopped voting when Greg changed the password and forgot it.
Hitler was Toocool's attempt at an "evil twin." He's since lost the password and started over as ceagle (Nerf-By-Wade©) and Blam_Zombie.
Slowbro will start BPing again this summer and will make intelligent posts during his reappearance.
Nijsse is an alt of Syme's and she is simply keeping the accounts close to make it "look good."
Xwaynecoltx has so many reviews because he's actually testing out the theory that, "if you have 10,000 monkeys tapping away at keyboards in the basement, eventually they will generate all the works of Shakespeare."
RedCircle really liked the idea I had of changing his name to PinkTriangle, but believes that if he takes it everyone will think he is a Commie.
EKRegulus will actually stop whining about who is on the Races lists when he's included in one.
Tamarat69r really does look like that when sitting around at home.
If -Gooie- and -Gooch- ever mated, their child would take the screen name -Goochiegoochiegoo-
ornery_scotsman is actually nice guy who lives in Seychelles, and is eighth in line for the Zulu throne.
D0GMA will eventually reveal that Recon's assessment was mightyt close; D0GMA is a Cylon.
Ho hum, lets try this again. Grats to:
BurningTire - 1000 exp
Bahamut7 - 500 saves
-TRA- - Police Officer, 1700 posts
Captan-T - Level 9, Security Guard
Jonus010 - Police Officer
mineworker - Elite Guard Private
Snowy_Beast - 1666 posts
ManateeGod - Elite Guard Corporal
ShittyKitty - 2222 saves
Alkador - 2700 posts, 1400 BP
GoatPOWER - 5000 exp
Inuzuka-Kiba - 7777 blams
j00bie - 3333 saves
Syme - Level 14
-Mazza- - 12000 blams, top 60 BP
jonthomson - Elite Guard Captain
carmelhadinosaur - EG Lieutenant Colonel
Shpouiten - Level 14
Pure_Greatness - EG Second Lieutenant
DRD1982 - EG Second Lieutenant, Level 14
M-A-R-C-U-S - EG Second Lieutenant, #7 reviewer, 1000 responses
wismty - EG Brigadier General (aka the best badge)
YoinK_VineS - 18000 blams
ramagi - 54000 BP, 36000 blams, 3333 posts
MPA - 5000 EXP, #6 BP
Nijsse - EG Lieutenant General
Toocool100 - Level 17
BonusStage - Top 2000 exp
carmelhadinosaur - 5000 saves
jonthomson - 6000 posts
At 1/5/05 07:56 PM, D0GMA wrote: D0GMA's spurious pain-killer induced theories *cough* hallucinations:
gfoxcook and D0GMA are both originally alt accounts of Newgrundling, who's account is now owned by Bedn, ergo Bedn is typing this.
Haha, at last the truth is out
Xwaynecoltx has so many reviews because he's actually testing out the theory that, "if you have 10,000 monkeys tapping away at keyboards in the basement, eventually they will generate all the works of Shakespeare."
lol, classic
If -Gooie- and -Gooch- ever mated, their child would take the screen name -Goochiegoochiegoo-
at the age of 18 months...
Good luck with the drug-enforced restraints. Probably best to spend much time sleeping...
At 1/5/05 07:56 PM, D0GMA wrote: ....
Oh My God....
you've just killed my brain cells
Sig made by MuffDiver102
At 1/5/05 07:56 PM, D0GMA wrote: D0GMA's spurious pain-killer induced theories *cough* hallucinations:
Oh no, this just can't be good. I wonder what you have in store for us all this time. =)
fixit was not actually a program, but was really the programmer. Ya_Ya was the program and killed the programmer so it could go out on its own.
But, didn't fixit go inactive before the whole Ya_Ya craze that had been sweeping us lately??? o_O
gfoxcook and D0GMA are both originally alt accounts of Newgrundling, who's account is now owned by Bedn, ergo Bedn is typing this.
Well I can't argue with that one. Considering I'm originally one of your accounts. =)
Alien Hominid is a result of Tom playing Pacman while completely stoned and thinking to himself, "what if all these pills were steroids?"
Hmm, I could have sworn he got the idea from playing Pong. ;)
Recon's alt accounts are Afterburner, angstdrillhead, asdfsdfg, and aviewaskewed. bila is the "fifth alt" he never mentions where he thinks people can here.
Oh, so much alt account mischeif going on here. Just think how high Recon's main account would be if that was true and all of those b/ps were under it. :O
On Halloween, moongod went trick-or-treating dressed up like the picture in his "profile."
Haha, I could see that. Even though he's adult. >_>
fixit is an joint alt of gfox and D0GMA. fixit stopped voting when Greg changed the password and forgot it.
Actually, ramagi decided to bribe Wade who then ordered Bedn to hack the account, even though Wade could have accessed it himself he wanted to check on Bedn's hacking skills, and change the password so Greg couldn't get in anymore. >:O
Hitler was Toocool's attempt at an "evil twin." He's since lost the password and started over as ceagle (Nerf-By-Wade©) and Blam_Zombie.
Well it's a lot harder for him to get away with nothing but blams, because then you look like a blam-whore even if you aren't. Thus, toocool has the advantage. ;)
Slowbro will start BPing again this summer and will make intelligent posts during his reappearance.
Now I just can't see that happening. =P
Nijsse is an alt of Syme's and she is simply keeping the accounts close to make it "look good."
Well it just seems we are all each other's alts. There is actually only 1 user on NG. XD
Xwaynecoltx has so many reviews because he's actually testing out the theory that, "if you have 10,000 monkeys tapping away at keyboards in the basement, eventually they will generate all the works of Shakespeare."
Actually, Wayne doesn't use monkeys. He found that apes have a higher probability of hitting the correct amount of keys at once based on their hand size. That's the real reason the keyboard isn't in order alphabetically, it was made specifically for that purpose. ;p
RedCircle really liked the idea I had of changing his name to PinkTriangle, but believes that if he takes it everyone will think he is a Commie.
Or he'll be ridiculed because the name would associate him with being gay, which is not accepted on NG due to the controversy. ;_;
EKRegulus will actually stop whining about who is on the Races lists when he's included in one.
But he's already in them and still whines. X_x
Tamarat69r really does look like that when sitting around at home.
That was he never does sit around at home. o_o
If -Gooie- and -Gooch- ever mated, their child would take the screen name -Goochiegoochiegoo-
Actually it'd probably be more along the lines of -goo-goo-chooie-.
ornery_scotsman is actually nice guy who lives in Seychelles, and is eighth in line for the Zulu throne.
He's actually the 6th now. The other two were swiftly killed in a freak toaster accident.
D0GMA will eventually reveal that Recon's assessment was mightyt close; D0GMA is a Cylon.
Never. Ever. Period.
Inuzuka-Kiba is actually EVERYONE's alt account, yet everyone believes they are controlling it independantly. Whenever they see a post they didn't make they just assume they made it when they are drunk.
Randyrandy is actually the account of two seimeise twins conjoined at the nose.
There is an actual level 31, it was obtained by BonusStage during a glitch and has been forever lost since.
Tim is actually a very active poster on the BBS and just goes and accesses someone else's account to keep his own post count down.
The Wi/Ht isn't a stat forum.
Kibatulations to anyone who got a rank-up or a cool number since I've been away. ;-D
Wi/Ht? #28
Inuzuka-Kiba is actually EVERYONE's alt account, yet everyone believes they are controlling it independantly. Whenever they see a post they didn't make they just assume they made it when they are drunk.
Randyrandy is actually the account of two seimeise twins conjoined at the nose.
There is an actual level 31, it was obtained by BonusStage during a glitch and has been forever lost since.
Woah whats all this? O_O;;; BTW why not make me a 2 headed turtle with a pink shell? Im in love with a turtle atm! Anyways..i cant be on alot anymore and maybe 2 weeks!! i got daily of 5 blams/protect today because i have to go to another state to go to school..i come home 6 pm and change outta uniform, eat dinner, homework..and my dad wont let me use this comp but right now he gone. Also bro wont let me use his comp even tho its not his, and NG doesn't work on his comp no more. Im also losing connection in 2 days to get DSL which can take weeks to connect.. X_X;; Glad to see you still remember meh :P I hate going to new school =( byebye! ( week maybe? there goes my average of 40BP+ daily crap)
At 1/5/05 09:26 PM, randyrandy wrote: stuff
How do you magically appear at the mere mention of your name and are able to respond to my post within mere minutes and then suddenly vanish again? Also, stop posting like me. Now you have even ME convinced you are my alt account. >_>
At 1/5/05 09:33 PM, BonusStage wrote: stuff
Nah, that's the level 0 account silly. ;)
Wi/Ht? #28
At 1/4/05 08:09 PM, MPA wrote: Recon and D0GMA, won't you be my neighbors?
Resigned to wearing a cardigan sweater and loafers 'eh MPA? You should stick to feeding the fish and playing with puppets ;-)
At 1/5/05 12:24 PM, ramagi wrote:At 1/5/05 12:16 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote: Oh dear, J00bie's in trouble. </old news>to keep this topic on topic if your interested in why go post and read the following topic. id=214962
Just did ramagi. So am I to understand that j00bie and his buddies created over 60 alternate accounts solely for the purpose of mass voting? That's crazy. I'm glad admin finally decided to check out the IP addresses. What I don't understand is why j00bie would risk his account over something like this.
At 1/5/05 01:03 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Forgot to deposit yesterday i think, too drunk.
So send someone your password so they can watch your back when you've been out drinking you beer sodden bag of shit.
At 1/5/05 07:56 PM, D0GMA wrote: Recon's alt accounts are Afterburner, angstdrillhead, asdfsdfg, and aviewaskewed. bila is the "fifth alt" he never mentions where he thinks people can here.
Heh, I currently have the passwords to five accounts. No further clues will be given at this time. You should know at least one of the alternates by now. He's a creature of the night ** hint, hint **
Speaking of bila, I haven't seen him around much. Gone back into hibernation has he?
D0GMA will eventually reveal that Recon's assessment was mightyt close; D0GMA is a Cylon.
You mean the human looking ones right? Somehow I can't picture you as a metallic robot with a sweeping red light for an eye.
At 1/5/05 09:16 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: Oh, so much alt account mischeif going on here. Just think how high Recon's main account would be if that was true and all of those b/ps were under it. :O
If I didn't waste time boosting stats with the alternate accounts my post count would be considerably higher Inuzuka and my blam/protect points would place me between fixit and bila on the top 50.
It appears I had 3 posts deleted during my days off.
... someone has been digging for dirt.
Congrats to:
-carmel for his 5000 saves
-jonthomson for his 6000 posts
At 1/5/05 07:56 PM, D0GMA wrote: D0GMA's spurious pain-killer induced theories *cough* hallucinations:
fixit was not actually a program, but was really the programmer. Ya_Ya was the program and killed the programmer so it could go out on its own.
Does that mean Ya_Ya will try to gain the top spot he always wanted. I knew that the program (Ya_Ya) was jealous of the programmer(fixit).
EKRegulus will actually stop whining about who is on the Races lists when he's included in one.
ROFL! That might not be true but yeah, I'm very jealous. I always wanted to be part of these races. I dream about it every night.
I can imagine it.
190 n/a Regulus
:P weeee
Welcome back into the LUL. :O
oh yeah, and skip my posts. There are some comments you should avoid if you are in a bad mood. Like the time I typed that you were boring... I MEAN .. uh-oh!
At 1/5/05 09:16 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: But, didn't fixit go inactive before the whole Ya_Ya craze that had been sweeping us lately??? o_O
Ya_Ya backstabbed fixit and then he created an account just for itself.
We browse in a crazy virtual world.
But he's already in them and still whines. X_x
what the hell? I never was in a race. You are right about the whinning though :D
At 1/5/05 07:56 PM, D0GMA wrote:
Hitler was Toocool's attempt at an "evil twin." He's since lost the password and started over as ceagle (Nerf-By-Wade©) and Blam_Zombie.
your not insinuating that hitler is my creation are you? ::Cries at the thought of blamming something::
Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig /1049194/1
Were the results for the '2005 Newgrounds Awards' posted? I've been away for two days so a link would be appreciated. Also, I noticed _lightning_ missed a deposit. I never received his password via e-mail so it's not my fault. Once again we're tied for experience and I'm not about to miss another deposit. If I can pull ahead of _lightning_ the only Wi/Ht? member that'll have more experience than me will be Jessica_.
Three-fourths of the way to 10k posts. Do I get a cookie?
War of the Portal
8 - “The Guards”
The small group had now arrived at the bottom of the valley like crevice, looking towards the grey metal building that apparently rested over the portal, where the crimson ray of light still shone from. It seemed like an ancient industrial factory, worn from the ages it had first been built there.
“This is it,” YoinK_VineS said, who looked up to see how far they had climbed down. “There should be a door just around the corner there. Let’s go.”
“So what did this virus do?” Asked Inuzuka-Kiba, who kept at pace with the others.
“We aren’t so sure. We do know that it made the submissions crazy enough to escape the portal. The submissions could not handle the virus, so they’ve adapted to it. That could explain those submissions we encountered.”
The group turned the weed filled corner of the building, turning to face a large metal door that kept the building shut. Ramagi walked towards the door, rapping her fist hard, ensuring that her knocks could be heard.
“Who is it?” Whispered a voice behind the door.
“It’s me Marcus.” Sighed ramagi.
“Oh, right,” Replied M-A-R-C-U-S. The door opened slowly, giving the uncomfortable sound of wear. Some shivered at hearing the sound of the door screech.
“Who are they?” He asked inquisitively.
“These are people who have come a long way to get here. Don’t just stand there, let us in!” YoinK_VineS muttered something under his breath, too quiet for anyone to pick up.
Ramagi and YoinK_VineS led the group in as M-A-R-C-U-S slammed the door behind them, causing a few to jump. They were led through several dark, unlighted corridors, unsure as to where they were heading. They began to slow pace as they realised they heard the humming sound of energy that came from the portal. They turned the corner as they saw three men facing the bright ray of light that appeared to shine below them in the next room. They were standing in a room that seemed to have everything pushed to the walls, glass on the floor and a single wooden table dragged to the middle of the room, papers stuffed on top of it. Through the windows, seemed to be a crater of scarred earth, the centre being the small hole of light where the sound seemed to resonate from.
“We’re here,” Said ramagi as the three men turned around.
“Gfoxcook! Is that you?” Gasped FIGMENTUM, walking to the man who had silver gauntlets bound to his hand.
“Yes, it is me. It is good to see you again FIGMENTUM. I am gfoxcook for those who do not know me. The man next to me is Jonthomson and the other man is TheJoe324.”
“Only three of you?” Slightly_Crazy_Dude walked to the men as she studied them, surprised to see so few guards.
“Yes, only the three of us,” Responded Jonthomson. “We have no time to ask for names now; we have to get into the portal. There has been no release of submissions since that solar eclipse.”
”What was up with that?” Asked XwaynecoltX.
“The balance of this world is broken,” Said gfoxcook. “When there is a balance of good and bad submissions, the balance of this world is normal. This balance can be anything from the weather, conditions of areas and anything else that affects this world. The worse the balance, the more in trouble we are. That eclipse was a sign that times are short.”
”What do you mean?” Asked Recon_Rebel.
“There has been no release of these submissions. When the portal erupted, most of the guards were killed in the explosion. We just happened to be safe from the blast. There are many factors to correct this state of imbalance. The first step is to prevent any more submissions being released into this world. In order to do that, we must seal the hole that has opened in the portal, which is directly behind me.”
“So are you saying we have to go…now?” Asked Qwoxyl, who seemed startled at the speed of the matter.
“Yes,” Replied TheJoe324. “Except…two, four…seventeen of us can’t all go down there. It’s dangerous!”
”Then who will go down?” Asked RedCircle
“We three must go down as we have already gone down there. Yoink, ramagi, we’ll need your rods to borrow. Who wants to come with us?” Jonthomson walked to the broken windows, overlooking the destruction that stood before him. “They will come soon and more than ever. If we don’t seal the portal now…who knows what will happen.”
Oh dear...somebody mind explaining what happened to j00bie and why? I assume voting without watching movies, but what was the consequence?
Ooh, and I made my 6,000th Blam Point today. I didn't even realize it until I checked my profile and figured it was worth a sceenie. Yeh.
Congrats to:
-Jon: 6,000 posts
-Sentinel_specter: 6,000 Blams
Why is this list so short?
At 1/5/05 12:24 PM, ramagi wrote: to keep this topic on topic if your interested in why go post and read the following topic.
Whoops, you already posted the link, no need for mine then.....I didn't notice the next page.
At 1/5/05 12:39 PM, jonthomson wrote: I know I'm moving up a couple of places because of Wade's mass pwning.
I probably won't be, I don't recall any of the SS being in front of me in the list.
Yay for you, though :P
On an unrelated topic, I downloaded the Ikaruga soundtrack last night. It kicks ass.
*Downloads soundtrack aswell*
Yes. It's unbelievably difficult but fucking fantastic. Cost me about £20 as new off Ebay, that's your best bet to get a copy.
Really? I could have sworn I saw it in a store over here not too long ago...
At 1/5/05 07:56 PM, D0GMA wrote: D0GMA's spurious pain-killer induced theories *cough* hallucinations:
That's all pretty extreme.
But at least the truth has finally been revealed.
At 1/5/05 09:47 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: How do you magically appear at the mere mention of your name and are able to respond to my post within mere minutes and then suddenly vanish again? Also, stop posting like me. Now you have even ME convinced you are my alt account. >_>
He probably uses the same methods Humantarget uses in the General forum, he also posts whenever his name is mentioned.
At 1/6/05 03:26 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal
8 - “The Guards”
Another great story. Thanks!
At 1/6/05 03:40 AM, Sentinel_specter wrote: Oh dear...somebody mind explaining what happened to j00bie and why? I assume voting without watching movies, but what was the consequence?
Wade deleted the Star Syndicate's Blam/Protection points and Experience points because they were cheating.
Congrats to:
-BonusStage for his 14000 blams.
-Sentinel for his 6000 blams.
Look at my exp. rank :D
At 1/6/05 02:30 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Were the results for the '2005 Newgrounds Awards' posted? I've been away for two days so a link would be appreciated. Also, I noticed _lightning_ missed a deposit. I never received his password via e-mail so it's not my fault. Once again we're tied for experience and I'm not about to miss another deposit.
Three-fourths of the way to 10k posts. Do I get a cookie?
You didn't get my pass becouse i'm not of to rome yet. And no you will never win!
At 1/5/05 08:00 PM, Denvish wrote: carmelhadinosaur - EG Lieutenant Colonel
Yay! Wait a minute, does this means that im becoming EGLC from 16,500 b/p? Haha i tough it was 17k or something :D
carmelhadinosaur - 5000 saves
At 1/5/05 10:56 PM, EKRegulus wrote: -carmel for his 5000 saves
Yay now i passed it ;D
At 1/5/05 07:56 PM, D0GMA wrote: D0GMA's spurious pain-killer induced theories *cough* hallucinations:
Thanks for that dogma how much truth was involved we'll never know but thanks anyway : )
1/6/05 03:40 AM, Sentinel_specter wrote:
Oh dear...somebody mind explaining what happened to j00bie and why? I assume voting without watching movies, but what was the consequence?
Long story..... im sure someone else but me will fill you in....
Ooh, and I made my 6,000th Blam Point today. I didn't even realize it until I checked my profile and figured it was worth a sceenie. Yeh.
Congrats Sentinel = )
At 1/6/05 06:22 AM, BonusStage wrote: Guess how many blams total i got yesterday :D:DD:D
Bonus join in the random number picture craze........
Congrats Bonus = 0
At 1/6/05 06:56 AM, EKRegulus wrote: Look at my exp. rank :D
Ha ha, thats rules EKR congrats.
At 1/6/05 10:42 AM, Level-Up-Lounger wrote: If you would like access to this account, please feel free to email me. Also, the associated email account is also available for communal use.
Quick let me have!!!! </sarcasm off the scale>
Rank up !!!!!
i got it yesterday but my free trial for my screenshot program ran out so i was looking for anouther program, my hunt was unsucessfull so its going to have to be a copy and past.......
Rank: Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 2,938 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 1,070 quality entries.
Congrats to:
jonthomson - Elite Guard Captain, 6000 posts
Snowy_Beast - A post count with 666 in it
Toocool100 - Level 17
ramagi - 3333 posts
Inuzuka-Kiba - 7777 blam points
BonusStage - top 2000 EXP
carmelhadinosaur - 500 saves
Sentinel_specter - 6000 blam points
EKRegulus - 1337th highest EXP
Tom_s00 - Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
Congrats to all on any and every thing they've done that's cool or nifty or whatnot!
At 1/1/05 10:18 AM, Eldarion wrote:At 12/31/04 06:29 PM, -Mazza- wrote: The Tim? The allmighty two-post admin(or did he post some more)?OMFG!!! Tim made his third post just days ago!
Praise Tim!
Tim's Posts.
WHAT?!?! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. ;_;
He was awesome as the one-post admin. I was shocked when he became the two-post admin, but I got over it and it was working for him... but three? I'm not sure things will EVER be the same now.
At 1/1/05 08:13 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I didn't invent multi-quote replying. But I did perfect its use on Wi/Ht?.Ah, but it was your speciality before it came into widespread use :)
On Wi/Ht?, sure. Not in the wider internet. Although I did make SOME use of it on usenet back in the 90s. I still was nowhere near a trailblazer when it comes to online multi-quote replying, that's all I'm saying. #;-}>
I was j/k ;)
Hey, it's better than multiposting.
Well, I have to do both, much of the time. #;-}>
It's better than making tons of SMALL pointless posts, I think you mean.
Yes, that has to be high on many people's lists. I think we all have a little OCD in us, it's what keeps us coming back to NG every day:)
And congrats on moving up to #2 on the b/p list! I love that pic of you fighting fixit!
Thanks. And yeah, so do I. I wish I remember who made it. Someone remind me, if you actually remember who it was. I forgot to put it in the filename when I saved it. Bleh.
At 1/1/05 10:33 AM, jonthomson wrote:At 1/1/05 03:35 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Congrats to GlitchMaster for beeing the first to review at 2005!!!Must have reviewed on a blammed flash then. The review log shows CylinWolf at 12 seconds.
Now I don't feel too lame for having checked that myself! I thought about saying the same thing to carmel in my catchups, but I was running out of space + the blammed flash possibility occurred to me, so I didn't think there was much point.
At 1/1/05 10:33 AM, Denvish wrote: 4 page-catchup... a happy 2005 grats to:
gfoxcOOk - taking down the robot for #2 BP rank
Thanks, dENvish. O_o
At 1/1/05 10:48 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote:At 1/1/05 10:33 AM, jonthomson wrote: Must have reviewed on a blammed flash then. The review log shows CylinWolf at 12 seconds.Haha, you have the real log, i guessed ;D
Its from here, made the most sense that the first review would be to the first movie d;D
Oh wait, so you just went to the obits and found the first blammed movie and found the first reviewer in the list?
I hate to break it to you, but the reviews on a graveyard page of a blammed movie... are in order from lowest profile ID# to highest profile ID# (i.e. oldest user to newest user). The order has NOTHING to do with the order the reviews were made, like with normal, protected movies' review listings. So...
Since there were like 4 reviews to that movie, the chances of it being the one you said it was are.... 25%. :::shrugs:::
At 1/1/05 12:22 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: grats Geefocks for teh big move up, now its just ramagi and you will be number 1, i expect that next year :) Grats Kiba and TRA and anyone else i missed.
Thanks, SCD. I won't be #1, though, unless ramagi changes her mind (she recently said she's done with semi-retiring, like she did back at 36,000 b/p, so she will continue to get points without stopping... the only thing that will change is the rate). It would take MONTHS of me moving faster than ramagi to catch her, and that just isn't going to happen. I don't have the time to shoot for gold for weeks on end. I have a hard enough time getting GREEN a few times (I think I'm up to 5 now, mostly in November and December... not too bad considering how blue/non-coloured my September and October were).
At 1/1/05 02:40 PM, TheJoe324 wrote:At 1/1/05 08:13 AM, gfoxcook wrote: What is WRONG with you people?! I'm surprised ramagi hasn't come along and killed you all and then hacked your accounts beyond recognition!I didn't see YOU wishing her congrats on her 180 saves and level 4.
The fact that I capitalise her name properly out of respect for her fellow undercaseness serves as all the congrats she could ever want! No words of congrats for her 180 saves and level 4 are needed when I lowercase her name without effort or thought, such a present... such a gift... is that. #;-}>
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 1/1/05 03:50 PM, -Mazza- wrote:At 1/1/05 08:13 AM, gfoxcook wrote: all undercase, foolios! No caps allowed for the following names: ramagi, gfoxcook, fixit, bila (?)... LEARN IT AND LEARN IT WELL! #;-}>Alright, Gfox.
My nickname is a different story. I don't mind GFox, Gfox, or gfox for it. It's the full name that should not be fucked with. :::nods:::
AND HEY! Can anyone guess what I got myself for New Year's Eve/Day and my half-birthday?! Anyone? Anyone? :::whistles innocently:::Cancer?
Seriously, I have no idea.
I got myself past that damned robot on the top 50 b/p list, silly! Tell me you were just playin'. There was tons of stuff UNDER that paragraph you quoted all about me passing fixit and then the pic of me fighting fixit teh robot. o_o
At 1/2/05 09:39 PM, MPA wrote:At 1/1/05 08:13 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 12345 and 54321... such wonderful b/p numbers...How does that one ying-ying twin song start out? 3-6-9, rrything fine? Something like that. I thought you'd also like my hitting 36,000, thanks for the grats. (thanks to all actually)
And guess what they add up to together.... 66,666... my ultimate b/p goal. :::dreams:::
Ying-ying twin song? Do you mean yin-yang? I have no idea what you're on about. O_o
But anywho. Of course I'd like you hitting 36,000! I liked Dogma hitting it, too. It'd been too long since anyone had hit it (Bila and Recon being so far above it now, of course).
Gregorio Fox: Congratulations on being number two. Nice half-birthday/New Year present.
Yo. Thanks.
At 1/3/05 09:19 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: and, noticing there was 10 minutes to the next update of that list, i thought i'd sneak ahead, and wala.
(cough)... voila... (cough)
At 1/4/05 06:16 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote:At 1/4/05 05:55 PM, BonusStage wrote:yea, it should be interesting though to see how close the numbers will be to 20k blams and 10k saves... i really hope to get 10k saves before 20k blams though... cuz then the numbers will be aligned better inside of the profile.At 1/4/05 12:10 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: I just hit 18k blams.. w00t. so now i'm about 2,000 blams away from 20k blams... and less than 1,400 saves away from 10k saves.pfft you'll probably get to 20,000 blams first too, god it is so funny when people get to EGSC and have less than 10,000 saves since the ratio is SUPPOSED to be around 3 to 1 XD
Good luck with that. A few hours ago, my profile was reading:
Oh, what I would have given for that 8 right there to be a 9. Back at 45,000 b/p, I was around 27,000 blams, 18,000 saves... I needed 3,000 blams and 2,000 saves to hit 50,000 right at 30k/20k, and... in the end, I was pretty damned close. But not close enough.
30,000 (3,000 blams, check)
19,900 (1,900 saves, ... 100 short... ah well)
So anywho. 30k now, 20k in a few days. I'll be fudging on my screenshot and on the pentalist update, though. Even if I have to cost myself points. I might be at like 30,100 and 19,950 by Saturday, but I'll say I'm at 30,000/20,000 (50 less b/p than I'll actually have, in that example). Or hell, 30,030 and 20,020 or something. Just... something cool for the list update. :::nods:::
At 1/4/05 10:54 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Great job MPA. You finally passed the very slow dogma. Who/whatever known as dogma currently seems almost inactive in the portal so the expected fight that we saw coming several weeks ago didn't happen. :(
Not slow. Stopped completely. Dogma is trying to retire at 36509 (stands for EGS(C)#09, which is the rank she was at when she hit EGSC, ya see). "Expected fight" between Dogma and MPA was only expected by those of us who didn't know about Dogma's plans to retire at that number (she's made them clear for almost half a year, I believe).
At 1/5/05 09:17 AM, ramagi wrote:At 1/5/05 02:42 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I didn't miss this one.Thanks for the screenie saved me time.
Sure thing, ramagi. I couldn't help but notice the 3333 over in Dogma's topic, even before I checked your post history and saw your "I'm liking 3s tonight" post in here and decided to do a screenie of the moment. #;-}>
At 1/6/05 11:13 AM, Level-Up-Lounger wrote:At 1/6/05 11:10 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:Don't be sarcastic. I put a lot of time into this.At 1/6/05 10:42 AM, Level-Up-Lounger wrote: If you would like access to this account, please feel free to email me. Also, the associated email account is also available for communal use.Quick let me have!!!! </sarcasm off the scale>
Yet the best profile ID# you could snag was 1085855!?! ... unfortunate. ;_;
:::thinks about donating his 999999 or 1000000 account for use as a communal Wi/Ht? account... then thinks the better of it:::
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 1/6/05 12:27 PM, gfoxcook wrote:At 1/1/05 12:22 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: grats Geefocks for teh big move up, now its just ramagi and you will be number 1, i expect that next year :)Thanks, SCD. I won't be #1, though, unless ramagi changes her mind (she recently said she's done with semi-retiring, like she did back at 36,000 b/p, so she will continue to get points without stopping... the only thing that will change is the rate).
Yep I'm not sitting idle I don't like my corrent numbers, even though I have a number I am going to stop at for maybe 5 minutes and pay homage too. I have a while for that to happen though.
Also Congratz to.
jonthomson 6k posts
Sentinel_specter: 6,000 Blams
BonusStage 14K blams
EKRegulus rank up
Tom_s00 rank up
At 1/6/05 01:09 PM, ramagi wrote: EKRegulus rank up
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I'm not an elite guard major yet. That screenshot was there to show everyone that I'm ranked 1337th on the experience ranking.
Nice, I have 1337 blam points with a screenshot. :D Also, not far away from the next rank now.
At 1/6/05 01:11 PM, EKRegulus wrote:At 1/6/05 01:09 PM, ramagi wrote: EKRegulus rank upRiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I'm not an elite guard major yet. That screenshot was there to show everyone that I'm ranked 1337th on the experience ranking.
opps I should have caught that, I was tring to catch up between stuff at the University. You still have a while before I track you exp wise. There are some WI/HT memebrs that are off on my exextended list.
At 1/6/05 12:40 PM, Level-Up-Lounger wrote:At 1/6/05 12:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Yet the best profile ID# you could snag was 1085855!?! ... unfortunate. ;_;Eh, it's not so bad. At least it's only got 4 different digits in it. Kinda rolls of the tongue, don't you think?
Well, it ain't eight-three-seven five-three-oh-niiiiiiine, but it's okay, I suppose. Still too hard to remember, though. 1088888, on the other hand.... But personally, I woulda waited and tried to snag 1111111. Which'll be becoming available before we know it.
Damn you and your quick-off-the-markness! *shakes fist*thinks about donating his 999999 or 1000000 account for use as a communal Wi/Ht? account... then thinks the better of it:::
Quickness in making the above joke just now? Or quickness in snagging both of those account ID#s in the first place? #;-}>
At 1/6/05 01:09 PM, ramagi wrote: Yep I'm not sitting idle I don't like my corrent numbers, even though I have a number I am going to stop at for maybe 5 minutes and pay homage too. I have a while for that to happen though.
Well, I thought 54321 was pretty cool, but you blew right by that one (I was hoping to see it on the top 50 b/p that day, but oh well), so... I guess you mean 55555?
I dunno if I'll be stopping there personally, but I definitely will be at 66666. I think I'll probably make that the first number I stop on. Unless, I guess, I'm getting really burned out on b/ping by the time I'm getting near 60,000, in which case I could see semiretiring there if I must.
Anywho... 7600 posts, and while I may review 10 movies later... no more posting for now. I am OVERJOYED to say that I've caught up on ALL the dozen-or-so major topics in Wi/Ht? over the past day or two. Lately, that's a real achievement for me. :::wipes sweat off brow:::
So... Done for the day... and, in fact, you guys probably won't see me around until Saturday, when I'll be delivering the VP and pentalist updates on schedule at some point during the day. In around 12 hours, however, I'll be hitting level 18 at long last.
I don't mean to suggest, BTW, that I hate this level or anything. 17 is nowhere NEAR the pain of 14 or 23. It's just that I don't dig the bronze gauntlet all that much (it's a real anticlimax after the wonderfulness of 15 and 16, mostly)... and silver is my favourite metallic colour, so... I'll be enjoying the silver gauntlet a lot more. And I get it tonight, so... woo hoo!
level 18.... and 30,000 blams... and 20,000 saves... for a total of 50k... and from #3 to #2, passing fixit...
The first week or so of 2005 has turned out/is turning out REALLY awesome for me here on NG. #;-}> Have a great rest-of-the-week, people. I'll see ya on Saturday. BYE!
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
Congrats to:
Bahamut7 for his 1337 blams.
At 1/6/05 12:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Not slow. Stopped completely. Dogma is trying to retire at 36509 (stands for EGS(C)#09, which is the rank she was at when she hit EGSC, ya see). "Expected fight" between Dogma and MPA was only expected by those of us who didn't know about Dogma's plans to retire at that number (she's made them clear for almost half a year, I believe).
mmm okay, I just didn't know that dogma planned to retire.
At 1/6/05 01:16 PM, ramagi wrote: opps I should have caught that, I was tring to catch up between stuff at the University. You still have a while before I track you exp wise.
Everyone makes mistakes no matter what is the situation :D
I didn't make a comment about your list, I simply thought that the 1337 number was cool. I know that I'm very far from making that list but I'm slowly and certainly getting closer every day.
There are some WI/HT memebrs that are off on my exextended list.
I believe you. Could it be redcircle, drimaki and redrum?
BTW, can I call you the queen of typing mistakes? :P
Wow, the "Wi/Ht? Level up! Lounge" has become quite a welcoming and warm community. It didn't used to be like this, and I'd obly get like one congrats or something, but at least 5 people congratulated me on my accomplishment yesterday. Thank you guys, it's nice hearing stuff like that.
I finally made it under the 1,000 mark of Exp. Points. Bah, it took forever though, over a year at Newgrounds. Oh well, It's crazy to knock off a whole digit in my Profile. :D
At 1/6/05 02:04 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Well, it ain't eight-three-seven five-three-oh-niiiiiiine, but it's okay, I suppose.
Sorry, gfox, but that's 867-5309...
At 1/6/05 12:27 PM, gfoxcook wrote: but three? I'm not sure things will EVER be the same now.
He made a 4th post 3 days ago.