At 12/29/04 02:30 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
(correct me if I'm wrong)
You're right. Basically, the requirement to get into that gold range goes up the more the deity user flags and whistles, thus anyone in that range can have it.
(gfox, jonthomson, newgrundling)
Hmm, I'd say as of now the only one who's still close enough to squeeze into that gold range is gfox. newgroundling has probably fallen back a lot from the range, and jon's computer troubles probably pushed him back as well. And gfox who is probably the closest is still relativly far away I believe.
At 12/29/04 02:39 PM, -TRA- wrote:
I knew that! Honestly, I just thought I'd give you a bit of recognition for your part in the story.
God damn, I'm tired. Sorry, Alky. Really. :'(
Heh, I didn't do as much as Alk did, but thanks for the "recognision". =) I'm sure alk will forgive you. =D And go to bed if you're tired, after all, with those IP problems you don't really have anything to do. XD
At 12/29/04 02:39 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
Well that's not what I had originally meant, but it's always good to keep up the b/ping. I was talking about the nominations and such the first time around. >_>
At 12/29/04 02:39 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
Stop copying me, only I am allowed to be the one who says how he isn't going to be on the Regulars list for a while due to the countless mistakes I have made. ):<
I noticed that you were posting on most topics of this BBS's section lately which makes you the main contender.
Heh, me? The main contender? Probably in 5 months when all the other main contenders have made it in. >_>
oh yeah, you can also call me EKRegulus :D
Oh yeah, you can be the next one voted into the list. *Hint hint* And can I call you EK for simplicity? ;D
At 12/29/04 03:13 PM, -Mazza- wrote:
So much thievery in the LUL lately....
Why can't we all just get along?
You're just complaining because I have your bat and the other little children have your soon-to-be pipe. :o
Well I know someone didn't vote for me. ;_;
No you aren't, because you have cooties.
That's not true....ok it is. *cries* =(
The point right over there......
Right over where? X_x
Pssh, I'll just gets me some of them fancy bionic eyes.
Too bad you can't find them. Zomg =P
Y...Yeah...That's what I said....
Yeah, that is what I said. =)
It's a risk I'm willing to take.
Fine, doom NG if you must. ;_;
*Knows that you are probably just playing along and have no idea what those are.* =P
I'm sure they didn't. I was never born, either.
I knew it all along. >:D
Congrats to _Luis_ for UOTD!
Yeah, me and him were joking on AIM earlier about how much spam he was going to recieve throughout the course of today. :o
-Mazza-, it's been fun, but I'm going to put a halt to the spammy parts of our convoration and only keep it to the parts we need from now on, ok? This is the last spammy one. =P