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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 03:24:11

I'm just now starting to post but Good job.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 04:14:14

At 11/28/04 02:02 AM, RedCircle wrote: ...and we have IQ's over 3? :-P~~~~~

"Mommy, what's an IQ?"

Seriously, if you want to see something MIND blowing, then take a look at Bonus's first few posts in the LUL. They are intelligent, and aren't 1 line posts... I wonder what happened?

He met j00bie. : (

At 11/28/04 02:31 AM, Afterburner wrote: ... so we could send BonusStage far enough into the past that he would be deceased in the present?

Good idea Afterburner! I was thinking of sending myself back in time, back to the good old days, but your way would solve having to do it again upon return to the BonusStage era!

BonusStage might even enjoy living in the Stone Age with a bunch of Neanderthals, posting his spam all over the cave walls.

Haha. "BonusStage wuz ere." "and ere." "and ere."

At least he wouldn't have to worry about mods.

Unless the cave Elders beat him with their clubs for going over the cave rules.

Could we send j00bie with him??

We most definitely could. I can think of a few other people who could do with a vacation also...

Anyone remember jonthomson? He missed yesterdays deposit. Now I'm not saying he's left NG, but... he missed yesterdays deposit... : (


I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 05:09:38

I can't believe I waited the whole freakin night to get these 10-12 blams... oh well, I finally reached 8000 blams! I will enjoy it and I will also enjoy my headache!

Wow, you guys really motivated me, especially cyberdevil, sakura and any close opponent that had a decent pace.
Last week was insane! Everyone beside me were just increasing their pace whenever I came close of them. Even -myst- woke up during a few hours.

I passed you 3 freakin times cyber ... grr stay behind me! I have a nice advantage now but I still don't trust you hehe =)

Next objective: 11000 b/p pts. I will get it this week.

Time to go back to that blamming/protecting madness! hahaha! :P

Here's a screenshot:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 06:13:49

At 11/28/04 05:09 AM, EKRegulus wrote: Next objective: 11000 b/p pts. I will get it this week.

Yeah, you are getting close to my 12,900 bp's...SLOW DOWN >:O

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 06:21:48

At 11/28/04 06:13 AM, RedCircle wrote: Yeah, you are getting close to my 12,900 bp's...SLOW DOWN >:O

Not to worry RedCircle, I'm seeing myself with a lot of free time in the future. I should be able to take you down effortlessly. Would you like a drink to help wash the dust down? There'll be a lot of it mate, I'm telling you.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 06:39:57

At 11/28/04 12:42 AM, SevenStar wrote: Level 12 and Elite Guard Brigadier General. Hawt indeed . ;D

Congrats on the level up, but you're getting too close to me, and this week's a bad week for me, so try to slow down for a few days, k?

At 11/28/04 12:52 AM, ramagi wrote: Well just in case ~x~ is not paying attention

Go X, that is very sweeeeeeeeeeeeet.

At 11/28/04 02:02 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote:
At 11/27/04 09:08 PM, Qwoxyl wrote: 20,000 points! TWO-THIRDS OF THE WAY TO THE LAST RANK!
I edited it. lol Congrats!!! and Happy birthday too dude :-D

Thanks, but you weren't invited to the party for pointing out one of my other mistakes RC, oh wait, you're FIGMENT, silly me, I saved you some beer since the cake disappeared rather quickly. Now that I think about it, if you were Red (but your name shows you're clearly not) I shouldn't of told him he wasn't invited, it probably would of have upset him. Good thing I'm responding to you FIGGY.

At 11/28/04 01:09 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: Yeah, what's wrong with the year 2003? A lot of great things happened in that year. Like (arguably) my account creation. And Qwoxyl's account creation. Not to mention Slightly_Crazy_Dude, Denvish and RedCircle. There was also a site layout update (although still not completely done). And best of all, BonusStage wasn't around. Oh, to have a time machine...

Oh yes, truely a great year. Cool people signing up, cool site update. But no Bonus, it's like an alternative universe that you could stay in forever.

Thanks FIGGY. I appreciate that.

You seem to be responding to yourself, okaaaaaaay..

Seriously, if you want to see something MIND blowing,

BOOM! That gives a new meaning to the term brainstorm.</bad joke> Too bad he changed.

At 11/28/04 01:43 AM, wismty wrote:
w00t!, 3000 posts... Too the collection! *takes screeny and saves* =)

Congrats, the collection must be pretty big by now.

At 11/28/04 05:09 AM, EKRegulus wrote: I can't believe I waited the whole freakin night to get these 10-12 blams... oh well, I finally reached 8000 blams! I will enjoy it and I will also enjoy my headache!

I can't believe it either, but it was worth the wait (not sure about the headache), congrats.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 08:42:08

At 11/27/04 09:08 PM, Qwoxyl wrote: Rank: Elite Guard Brigadier General
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 14,572 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 5,432 quality entries.

Big congrats Qwox = )

At 11/27/04 08:42 PM, Denvish wrote: Anyway... you may worship me now...


At 11/27/04 11:05 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Unfortunately I didn't but I made a post about it the second I saw it in my profile. If I can find it I'll post the page number later on (this is a big topic ya know).

Don't put yourself out Recon, i just thought it wouid have been cool if you have a pic.

At 11/28/04 01:32 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: LVL 18
POSTS 7,000

Huge congrats wayne X

I would say not a bad day...

suppose it was ok...

At 11/28/04 05:09 AM, EKRegulus wrote: I can't believe I waited the whole freakin night to get these 10-12 blams... oh well, I finally reached 8000 blams! I will enjoy it and I will also enjoy my headache!

Congrats EKR , you sure do seem to have spead up recently : )

Can someone tell me the reason for RC and FIG's crazy impersonations?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 09:13:10

Congrupercalefragilsticexpealidocioutions to:

Tom_s00 - EG Sergeant/3000 BP
Inuzuka-Kiba - 2500 posts
Qwoxyl - 20000 BP
SevenStar - Level 12 & EG Brigadier General
wismty - 3000 posts
EKRegulus - 8000 blams

MASSIVE congratulations to:
XwaynecoltX - Level 18, 7000 posts, 9600 reviews


At 11/28/04 08:42 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: Can someone tell me the reason for RC and FIG's crazy impersonations?

Yeah, I'm also rather confused by the strangeness

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 09:24:00

Congratz to.

Tom_s00 - EGS/3000 BP
Qwoxyl - 20000 BP
wismty - 3000 posts
EKRegulus - 8000 blams
XaynecoltX - Level 18, 7000 posts, 9600 reviews
Damn ~X~ you remember waht outside looks lke right.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 10:41:58

At 11/28/04 02:02 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: Heh, nice numbers Josh. So, does your Grandfather not believe in AIM or something? Sheesh...

I just didn't want to install anything funny on his machine, and then be responsible when something goes wrong. You never know... And I should smack you for switching profiles with Figgy. I noticed his profile first, and I was able to pull up my Total Listing and figure out who it was.

Thanks FIGGY. I appreciate that.

But what about Shitty? OH...WAIT...*hits head* He joined up in the Middle Ages...lol

Yup yup. I'm an oldie.

New pic! Sixes, and 6000 blams!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 10:48:36

At 11/27/04 11:05 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
Nope. Think of some nut sitting in a massive hotel that's temporarily closed for the winter typing the line I mentioned over, and over, and over...

Best book i have ever read :)

Who the Hell is Andy and how did I annoy the poor bastard?

Eh Andy is me, but i cant remember typing this last night *boggled*

Grats everyone especially ~X~, so this is what you were talking about :) well done. I stayed up to 4:30 am last night doing fuck all but post, and i missed the bus to a party i was going to this morning, im fucking quite pissed about it, i cant beleive ive missed the opportunity of a free bar *weeps*

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 10:54:52

Hey anyone, remmember me??

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 11:05:15

And now my long post for the day heh thanks to everyone who gave me congrats sorry if i missed anyone...

CONGRATS qwoxyl for his 20000 b/p pts

SevenStar wrote
Level 12 and Elite Guard Brigadier General. Hawt
indeed . ;D

CONGRATS And yes it is very Hawt...

Inuzuka-Kiba wrote
Congrats ~X~

Thanks and congrats to you on your 2500 posts...

EKRegulus wrote
Congrats to wayne for his level 18


EKRegulus wrote
I can't believe I waited the whole freakin night to get
these 10-12 blams... oh well, I finally reached 8000
blams! I will enjoy it and I will also enjoy my headache!

CONGRATS on the 8,000 blams very nice indeed...

wismty wrote
w00t!, 3000 posts..

Cool 3k posts notbad at all CONGRATS...

YoinK_VineS wrote
Congrats on leveling up to level 18
XwaynecoltX. Now you should level up
to 10k reviews. haha you're getting closer too.
Looks like it's time to update that sig
pic again too.

Thanks Yoink yes 10k Reviews are coming up give me a few weeks maybe less heh, now if omly Carmell can get back online i could get my sig heh anyways thanks...

RedCircle wrote
Anyone remember jonthomson? He missed
yesterdays deposit. Now I'm not saying he's
left NG, but... he missed yesterdays
deposit... : (

Maybe he just forgot, we cant forget about Jon he is the review lister updater heh...

Tom_s00 wrote
Huge congrats wayne X


Denvish wrote
MASSIVE congratulations to:
XwaynecoltX - Level 18, 7000 posts, 9600 reviews

Cool thanks ya it was a long day...

ramagi wrote
XaynecoltX - Level 18, 7000 posts,
9600 reviews Damn ~X~ you remember
waht outside looks lke right.

Haha im not sure but i did pick up some lunch (Chicken U-Don) (SP?)

Now starts a new day haha, anyways thanks everyone it was a fun day, and now my next goals in-sight...

EXP 8000 (In a few days maybe a week)
REVIEWS 9,700 (3 Days or less)

And thats as much as i know heh...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 11:28:23

Ack, what's with all this name changing? It's freezing my brain! :(

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 11:33:25

2,222nd post.

Nifty screenie.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 11:34:48

Yeaa, I thought it would be a good idea to "not" post the picture and then double post it becuase I am awesome...

...It makes sense...

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 11:38:50

At 11/28/04 11:28 AM, -TRA- wrote: Ack, what's with all this name changing? It's freezing my brain! :(

Name changing is awesome, you should try it some time.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 11:40:10

At 11/28/04 11:38 AM, BizarroTheJoe324 wrote:
Name changing is awesome, you should try it some time.

Whats with you using that shitty account when you have a perfectly good other one ?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 11:42:50

Congrats ~X~. And to everyone I missed in forever. Hopefully the person behind me passes me so I have someone to persue.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 11:52:14

At 11/28/04 11:40 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Whats with you using that shitty account when you have a perfectly good other one ?

What's so wrong with using a name holder account :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 11:59:09

At 11/28/04 11:40 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Whats with you using that shitty account when you have a perfectly good other one ?

What's with you not using a perfectly good alt account?


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 12:02:28

At 11/28/04 11:59 AM, BizarroTheJoe324 wrote:
What's with you not using a perfectly good alt account?

Um, good point, but the truth is, i dont have an alt account, so i dont use one :D

Maybe i should get one, but i would forget about it easily.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 12:09:52

At 11/28/04 01:32 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Haha well i was paying attention but i needed like 15 reviews for another little stat so giving me 3 for the day...

Gez, it takes me forever to make one review, and you talk of 15 as if they are nothing. Heh, I guess I'm not into the stat as much as you are.

LVL 18
POSTS 7,000
I would say not a bad day...

I don't think anyone could complain with stats like those. You better update that sig of yours for 9,600 reviews. It's going to be weird seeing you with a different coloured glove.


~Not X~

At 11/28/04 01:39 AM, EKRegulus wrote: And best of all, BonusStage wasn't around. Oh, to have a time machine...

To send yourself back and be prepared to flame Bonus to death the second he becomes a member so he'll quit the site? >_<

Congrats to wayne for his level 18, to qwoxyl for his 20000 b/p pts and sevenstar for his level 12.

*Congrats too* Laziness, you gotta love it. =D

At 11/28/04 01:43 AM, wismty wrote: w00t!, 3000 posts... Too the collection! *takes screeny and saves* =)

Oh a collection, which ones did you save? Congrats too.

At 11/27/04 08:42 PM, Denvish wrote:
Anyway... you may worship me now...

;_; Now you're 1337er than me too. ;_;

At 11/27/04 10:04 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
The eights have it!

You're good at finding these things aren't you? O_o

At 11/28/04 02:02 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: But what about Shitty? OH...WAIT...*hits head* He joined up in the Middle Ages...lol

Wait...more time machine stuff? o-o

Seriously, if you want to see something MIND blowing, then take a look at Bonus's first few posts in the LUL. They are intelligent, and aren't 1 line posts... I wonder what happened?

It's like a disease, the people who come here as good posters look at all the spam and stuff in general and over time...*cries* just so horrible. ;_;

Hey, even though my sign-up date was in 2003, I really wasn't even a forum lurker until May of 2004...

Even though mine says 2002, I wasn't even an NG lurker until June 2004. I'm slower...nothing to be pround of. ;_;

At 11/28/04 02:31 AM, Afterburner wrote: ... so we could send BonusStage far enough into the past that he would be deceased in the present? It would be like an early Christmas. BonusStage might even enjoy living in the Stone Age with a bunch of Neanderthals, posting his spam all over the cave walls. At least he wouldn't have to worry about mods. Could we send j00bie with him??

Time machine...TIME MACHINE....what's with all this time machine nonsense?? Your idea is better than mine was anyway. =P

At 11/28/04 04:14 AM, RedCircle wrote:
BonusStage might even enjoy living in the Stone Age with a bunch of Neanderthals, posting his spam all over the cave walls.
Haha. "BonusStage wuz ere." "and ere." "and ere."

Sad thing is, that might not be far off the truth if this time machine did exist. o_O

We most definitely could. I can think of a few other people who could do with a vacation also...

*Stops hanging around with Bonus in attempts to not be thrown into this time machine thing.* (>_<)

At 11/28/04 05:09 AM, EKRegulus wrote: I can't believe I waited the whole freakin night to get these 10-12 blams... oh well, I finally reached 8000 blams! I will enjoy it and I will also enjoy my headache!

Heh, I've done that before, and then...I dunno...I slowed down. I was up where you all were, that of course was before my 3 week vaction from NG, which I'm now regretting because I see where I would be. >_<

Next objective: 11000 b/p pts. I will get it this week.

Anyway congrats and hope to see you get that soon. =D

At 11/28/04 09:13 AM, Denvish wrote: Congrupercalefragilsticexpealidocioutions to:
Tom_s00 - EG Sergeant/3000 BP
Inuzuka-Kiba - 2500 posts
Qwoxyl - 20000 BP
SevenStar - Level 12 & EG Brigadier General
wismty - 3000 posts
EKRegulus - 8000 blams
MASSIVE congratulations to:
XwaynecoltX - Level 18, 7000 posts, 9600 reviews

I congrats everyone there too, just incase I managed to miss someone. *Let's Denvish do all the work and I do all the congrating.*

At 11/28/04 09:24 AM, ramagi wrote: Congratz to.
Tom_s00 - EGS/3000 BP
Qwoxyl - 20000 BP
wismty - 3000 posts
EKRegulus - 8000 blams
XaynecoltX - Level 18, 7000 posts, 9600 reviews
Damn ~X~ you remember waht outside looks lke right.

O_O That's basically exactly what Denvish posted, except for one tiny thing. I was left out, I feel so hated now. ;_;

At 11/28/04 09:44 AM, BonusStage wrote: (you already know what's coming) i wish i had 8000 blams :_<

It was funny the first tim---actually no, it wasn't funny then, and it still isn't. >=(

I can feel the love, by the person who comes once in a month and posts something about me or j00bie, and then goes into hiding again, its almost endearing, ahh so cute :)

Well, he could be like you and spam all the time, but does he? No.

Because .... you suck :o

So do you. *Posts aim convo.* >=D <3

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 12:11:05

At 11/28/04 10:41 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: New pic! Sixes, and 6000 blams!

Dammit, how do you notice these things? >_< Congrats I guess. =P

At 11/28/04 10:54 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Hey anyone, remmember me??

Maybe, maybe not. It depends, do you come bearing gifts from your journey outside of NG? If not then we don't know or love you. If yes, then WELCOME BACK! Hit any new rank ups lately carmel? :o

At 11/28/04 11:05 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Thanks and congrats to you on your 2500 posts...

<3 *Congrats fest*

EXP 8000 (In a few days maybe a week)
REVIEWS 9,700 (3 Days or less)
And thats as much as i know heh...

Heh, you must know a lot to be able to remember which flash you've reviewed and not try to review one again only to get an error message saying you've already reviewed it. And now you'll be hitting 10,000 very, very, very soon. Congrats on all that hard work. =D


~><~ :o

At 11/28/04 11:28 AM, -TRA- wrote: Ack, what's with all this name changing? It's freezing my brain! :(

Haha, don't talk about name changes...I might start up again if you give me any ideas. >=P

At 11/28/04 11:33 AM, Sentinel_specter wrote: 2,222nd post.
Nifty screenie.

Wait...what screenie? Anyway....congrats....

At 11/28/04 11:34 AM, Sentinel_specter wrote: Yeaa, I thought it would be a good idea to "not" post the picture and then double post it becuase I am awesome...
...It makes sense...

:o Why hello there Mr. 1337 spammeh. Heh, jk. Honest mistake...or was it a mistake. *Insert bad redition of the X-files song here.*

At 11/28/04 11:40 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:
At 11/28/04 11:38 AM, BizarroTheJoe324 wrote: Name changing is awesome, you should try it some time.
Whats with you using that shitty account when you have a perfectly good other one ?

Well, alt accounts are sexy, I mean, who doesn't want one? ^o^

At 11/28/04 12:02 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:
What's with you not using a perfectly good alt account?

Silly Bonus, we all know you have at least 7 accounts under your control. >=(

Um, good point, but the truth is, i dont have an alt account, so i dont use one :D
Maybe i should get one, but i would forget about it easily.

I have one, it's only purpose is to hold names. Of course...with all those other names I've had....I may want to keep them under my control too...oh nevermind...I don't need that many accounts. Or do I? >=D
Well that's it for my very long post that no one will read, or probably even skim. Oh well. ;_; *Hopes this all posts as one post and I don't have to break it up into 2 posts.* Ach, looks like I do have to. Dammit, I hate that. >_<

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 13:02:32

Alt accounts are fun?

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 13:28:48

At 11/28/04 12:19 PM, BonusStage wrote: Against me the whole time eh Amir? I see how it is. :)

Well of course. I mean who would want to hang out with you. >=P <3
PS: Maybe we should just have Wade delete our accounts. :o

At 11/28/04 01:20 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 11/28/04 01:02 PM, RedCircle wrote: Alt accounts are fun?

Well, to people like Bonus the extra spam they allow is fun.

"Trading" basic identities on NG is fun?

Wait...what? I am missing something here.....AGAIN? >_<
*Switches names with Bonus to confuse people* :o
PPS: How dare you not worship the new ending song. >=( Don't worry, they change it often, there are many, and they are all cool. =D

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 13:31:36

*worthless rhyme*
15k, yay.

Hahaha congrats RC on leveling up 3 levels in few days!! (yesyesyes i know the real story! What dont you think i know he switched with LF?) COPTEROFL

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 13:33:48

Wow this is really all about stats. My level, reviews, and posts pale in comparison to all yours.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 13:39:00

At 11/28/04 12:11 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: Wait...what screenie? Anyway....congrats....

Thank you.

o Why hello there Mr. 1337 spammeh. Heh, jk. Honest mistake...or was it a mistake. *Insert bad redition of the X-files song here.*

SpAmmZ0Red!!!! I am no longer l337. And what about hte x-files...I don't get it. Kinda.... Thanks anyways, I think...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-28 13:40:03

At 11/28/04 12:11 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: Heh, you must know a lot to be able to remember which flash you've reviewed and not try to review one again only to get an error message saying you've already reviewed it.

I have a system so i dont get an error that i reviewed it again, it workes for me...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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