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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 01:03:25

At 11/18/04 12:55 AM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: So...um...why do they do that? Can't just put the # of posts that the thread has instead of the number of replies, it only sounds more logical to go by total posts rather than total replies. Maybe they consider the first post to be the actual thread....wait....this is so confusing, I know how it works and all....I just don't understand WHY they decided to set it up that way...

lol, take it up with liljim or whoever the hell formates this site :P
i would say that its reasonable logical... sort of...
in the bbs menu thingy, with all the threads listed.... it shows the number of replies, doesnt it? and in here it sais the number of replies aswell? yeh.... i dont see how its confusing. because the person that MAKES the thread isnt really replying to it are they?

Special little things I achieved lately (or will achieve soon):
Broke the 2000 exp mark. ^_^
Broke the top 170 b/p mark. =D
Will (hopefully) break 2,500 posts soon. =P
Will (also hopefully) break 7.00 VP soon. =)
Became the user most likey to have a prolific amount of text faces in his posts. >=)

well done, thats some nice stuff....
well, if only you'd deposited more often, you'd be like level 16 or something, wouldnt you?

Became the user most likey to have a prolific amount of text faces in his posts. >=)

wtF? lol...
eh, you have fun with that ^_^ hahaha.
i mostly use these: :) :P :D :( :'( XD XP.... and ive just discovered X).... which is mega cool!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 02:44:34

Well, hello to everyone.

I'm sorry for not being around as much this week. There seems to be a certain hell that my life wants to go through right now that I just cannot avoid.

First off, while I was working last Sunday, my father met me in the bar area at Outback and told me that my Grandfather passed away. Totally sucked, but I kinda knew it would bound to happen soon.

On Monday, I received news from my Dad that we were going to be flying to the funeral in Maine this weekend. I then had to cancel my Saturday shift so that I could be there. I also worked that night.

On Tuesday, my band had that show in West Virginia. We got up at 8am (which is usually my bed-time) and drove for 6 hours to some middle-of-nowhere College, then played (which was awesome!). We stayed up drinking some beers and went to sleep at 5am.

Today, I had to get up again at 8am, and drive back to MD (where I live) and then immediately get changed and drive to work (on 3 hours of sleep). I got home a couple of hours ago...ugh...I am officially tired as hell.

Tomorrow, we have another show, but this time, it is in DC, so that won't be bad.

Friday, I am going to fly out to Maine and stay there until Sunday. I don't know the ins-and-outs of the Funeral arrangements yet, but it will be nice to see the family.

Sunday, I'll be coming back to MD and resuming my life as normal. Unfortunately, I'll miss out on a lot of money to be made...(I really hate talking about money at a time like this, but finally being on my own makes it much more "in my face" then it ever has been before)...

Anyway, hopefully, I'll be back to my regular self come Monday. I haven't replied to anything lately, but please don't be offended. I have just not had a single waking moment of sanity lately...
I noticed that Marcus got his Bat. Good job man!

How has everyone been doing? Big shout out to my Members and Regs!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 03:24:59

Marcus! Congrats on the bat. <secret envy> :P

Whew! 653 b/p and climbing. I'm not stopping damnit!! I've about lost my mind! Holy shit? My voting power just went up. Lol, I didn't even notice. New VP: 5.81. It's creepin, but its goin up, and thats what counts damnit!

Other than that, I'm busy tryin to level up this stupid whistle...

Congrats to anybody I missed

Minecraft server: alureon.net

PortalWatch 0.1 Alpha - Download

Sig by illicit

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 03:42:43

Good job on your high VP Seed!

I just got a base VP of 6.00 today! Yay ^_^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 04:32:14

At 11/17/04 09:45 PM, _matt_ wrote: I finally reached 1337 blams, and i hope to get that fancy little new badge by the end of the week :)

congrats, j00 = teh 1337

At 11/18/04 03:42 AM, RedCircle wrote: I just got a base VP of 6.00 today! Yay ^_^

congrats, VP is always good

now on to the blammobile! *runs off in a batmancostume*

P.S.: Bonus, i hate you, i reall do <3

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 05:10:16

Great big huge catch-up posts:

At 11/15/04 02:19 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Yayay i finally passed Shpoutien! ;D
At 11/15/04 03:05 PM, Sentinel_specter wrote: It's been a long treck, but I now stand at over 5,000th Blams.
At 11/15/04 04:41 PM, ramagi wrote: Experience: Ranked # 40 out of 626,033 users!
At 11/15/04 06:00 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: I have OFFICIALLY gotten 2,000 protects now.
At 11/15/04 10:01 PM, philonous wrote: Huzzah and hurrah, I've hit Elite Guard Sergeant
At 11/17/04 12:05 AM, -Kyle wrote: Ahh, finally level ten, I have now rose above all of the little level nines!
At 11/17/04 01:10 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: I also have some nifty numbers to show off,
At 11/17/04 03:06 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote: I just got
4000 BPs
At 11/17/04 09:45 PM, _matt_ wrote: I finally reached 1337 blams

Grats all =)

If I missed anyone, tough :-P~~~

At 11/15/04 11:26 PM, MPA wrote: I've always been partial to the capital A at the end of a name myself. :dumb smirk:

/me reaches down to smack around the newbie SC

At 11/16/04 03:46 AM, BilA wrote:
for clarification, Bila is a name in Russia, I'm BIL A.

You sure that's not Bill W.?

At 11/16/04 07:30 AM, SeeD419 wrote: This has always confused me,

Stat Topics aren't allowed. Everyone on NG (potentially) has a profile for a reason. No need to have a "Post your popularity here!" thread. Level up (blam/protect or experience) threads and threads about how many posts you have are also not allowed.

The language of the rule and the intent are two different things. The purpose, as you can see from the examples given, is to keep people from cluttering the forums up with, "look what I did today," shit.

There are at least five of these and they're pretty popular, pages in the hundreds. The name "level up" is even in the name of this thread, but how did it manage to get past the mods like that? It's been bugging me forever, I was just hoping somebody would answer it so I didnt have to ask it. :( didnt happen.

The thread started before those rules were in place, and Wi/Ht? was long without moderators minding it, even once there were mods. By the time anyone started trying to shape things up in here, it had evolved into more of a hang-out/club thread than the original posts would indicate. Additionally, it gives people the outlet to crow about their accomplishments.

At 11/16/04 11:21 AM, Jen_the_Great wrote:
My damn life is always getting in the way of Newgrounds too.

Tell it to stop. Shoot it if it doesn't listen.

Anyway, I'm posting to annouce that after much hard work I finally made it into the top 100 of both experience and b/p. I won't have internet over Christmas break, so it won't last, but I'm happy while it does.

Grats on both. The easy way to keep the XP up is to have someone deposit for you while you are gone. It's quite common, so I'm surprised you didn't think of it.

At 11/17/04 04:53 AM, DareDevilGuy wrote: YAY! i haven't deposited for like 4 months, and i went one level back, now i need more than 600 xp points to get back at it, YAY!

LOL oopsie. Welcome back DDG =)

At 11/18/04 02:44 AM, RedCircle wrote: Well, hello to everyone.

As you know I just went through something similar, so I feel for you. Muddle through the week as best you can ... and just think, this weekend you will only be one state away from actually seeing me ;)

Speaking of which, today I'm two years old, so take a look at this

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 05:12:16

At 11/18/04 02:44 AM, RedCircle wrote: I haven't replied to anything lately, but please don't be offended.
I noticed that Marcus got his Bat. Good job man!

hahahah. o well... you are tired i guess :P lol.
and thanks. heh, the day you stop depositing... ohhh that will be the day... LITERALLY!
also, dont ask me to deposit for you if you ever go away. chances are i will go and simply not deposit for you so i can get ahead of you in exp... seriously, dont ask me to do it.

How has everyone been doing? Big shout out to my Members and Regs!

X-) that beh meh!
lol. im good. just had squad training for tennis... so im a btit tired. im gona enjoy my night with some starcraft and solo....
mmmm... solo...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 05:12:25

At 11/18/04 05:10 AM, D0GMA wrote:
At 11/17/04 04:53 AM, DareDevilGuy wrote: YAY! i haven't deposited for like 4 months, and i went one level back, now i need more than 600 xp points to get back at it, YAY!
LOL oopsie. Welcome back DDG =)

thanks, i thought people forgot about me, lol

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 05:20:17

At 11/18/04 03:42 AM, RedCircle wrote: Good job on your high VP Seed!

Thanks man!

I just got a base VP of 6.00 today! Yay ^_^

Congrats! (Hah, just wait till I pass him!) Oh shit....I didn't type that did I? I mean umm, I wish you the best! Uhh...DAMNIT! :P

Lol, but seriously man congrats, I've been waiting for a VP of 6.00 for quite some time, can't wait till I hit it!

Minecraft server: alureon.net

PortalWatch 0.1 Alpha - Download

Sig by illicit

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 05:24:44

At 11/18/04 05:10 AM, D0GMA wrote: Great big huge catch-up posts:

but somehow you miss me :)

Grats all =)

If I missed anyone, tough :-P~~~

you are a cold bastard. thats happened twice. ive posted multiple times on the page, and you AND Denvish have missed it...

Speaking of which, today I'm two years old, so take a look at this

lol. go check out that thread... i posted some uber sweet paintness. hahahahhaah.
i should become a pro at that.
*lol biggest joke ever :P~~~*

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 05:29:38

At 11/18/04 05:24 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 11/18/04 05:10 AM, D0GMA wrote: Great big huge catch-up posts:
but somehow you miss me :)

That's what happens when I go through 7 pages at once ;)

Grats all =)

If I missed anyone, tough :-P~~~
you are a cold bastard.

or bitch ...


Well, grats on 13 then =)

lol. go check out that thread... i posted some uber sweet paintness. hahahahhaah.
i should become a pro at that.
*lol biggest joke ever :P~~~*

Heh ...replied. I wouldn't have bothered to comment in the thread just yet, except that a couple of people were confuddled ... not knowing that they aren't supposed to know and all that.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 05:57:23

At 11/18/04 05:29 AM, D0GMA wrote: That's what happens when I go through 7 pages at once ;)


or bitch ...

omg shut up i dont care.

Well, grats on 13 then =)

thank you... (i was gona say Sir, but you know... you have to be the way you are...)

Heh ...replied. I wouldn't have bothered to comment in the thread just yet, except that a couple of people were confuddled ... not knowing that they aren't supposed to know and all that.

lol... again, shut up :)
read the other posts now.
i really DO HAVE !##& SKILLS!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 06:52:47

At 11/18/04 06:25 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 11/18/04 05:12 AM, DareDevilGuy wrote: thanks, i thought people forgot about me, lol
And you are? ):<

you just can't stop making fun of me, can you? =(

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 07:10:28

At 11/18/04 06:52 AM, DareDevilGuy wrote:
At 11/18/04 06:25 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 11/18/04 05:12 AM, DareDevilGuy wrote: thanks, i thought people forgot about me, lol
And you are? ):<
you just can't stop making fun of me, can you? =(

Who are you? Only cool people go into my memory.

The worst member.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 07:15:36

At 11/18/04 07:10 AM, macdeth wrote: Who are you? Only cool people go into my memory.

i asked for it, didn't i? *runs away crying*

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 09:04:10

At 11/18/04 12:42 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: lol, that EK, always rubbing people the wrong way... especially when he starts spreding his knowledge about reviews to me on MSN... pphh yeh, like i didnt already know all that stuff... you worthless chat bot XP XP XP

worthless chat bot heh? Alright, you found me!
Can you pass me your bat for one second? I need to beat someone :O

hehe just joking :D

Did I mention how much I love this forum? When looking for the essence of maturity this is the place to be. I bet BonusStage would agree with me. He so grown-up.

HEY, acting imature is good. Everytime that I act like a moron, people notice me! I prefer to be bashed than ignored.

</imaturity on>
<imaturity off> or is it? :O

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 09:05:36

As of now, I have (and in a few minutes, broke) 1000 save points.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 09:10:15

At 11/18/04 09:05 AM, agatio wrote: As of now, I have (and in a few minutes, broke) 1000 save points.

congratulations, i've never been very good ad saving submissions...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 09:11:39

At 11/18/04 09:04 AM, EKRegulus wrote: </immaturity on>
<immaturity off> or is it? :O

Nobody saw that mistake, k?

Congrats agatio, you are only 9000 saves away from the pentalist! :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 09:14:37

HUGE Thanks to Dogma!!! Congrats for beeing the first to congrats anyone in the last 3 page ^^

77BPs to go before Ramagi reclaim her title w00t!!

Sig made by MuffDiver102

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 10:37:29

At 11/17/04 09:46 PM, MPA wrote:
SCD: Did you have a whiskey night when you broke your hand? Care to give a quick backstory as to why it happened? Grats on 9k posts btw, that's well up there.

Yes i had whiskey that unfortunate night. Backstory = My mate phones and asks me to come up and have a drink as the rest of my mates are there, i go up, drink whisky beer and wine. One of my "mates" cant take a joke. We talk to each other like we hate each other, calling each other dicks fuds etc.. when they do something wrong or say something daft. This one guy was abnormally stupid this night so he got a bigger share of the swears. so he asked me why this happened i told him, he didnt like it, i said if your gonna hit me it better be hard enough for me not to hit you back, he hit me square in the jaw, it wasnt bad, so i done him in, then realised my drink was still in my mates house so we both went and got it. That is when i rtealised there was something wrong with my hand. Excuse the miss-spellings and grammer and punctuation, this is rather difficult you see.

Thanks to D0GMA for missing me out on grats, what abitch ;)

Grats Agatio on 1k saves well done, im almost there myself.

Daredevil, dont worry about those wind up merchants, just take the piss outta them, especially that Bonus one, hes a pussy.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 10:55:36

At 11/18/04 10:37 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Daredevil, dont worry about those wind up merchants, just take the piss outta them, especially that Bonus one, hes a pussy.

he IS BonusStageUnlocked, right? cause i know the fellow than, i'm sure it's him, he's always making fun of me =P

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 12:20:53

At 11/18/04 09:14 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote: HUGE Thanks to Dogma!!! Congrats for beeing the first to congrats anyone in the last 3 page ^^

77BPs to go before Ramagi reclaim her title w00t!!


/me bites nails

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 13:18:19

OMFG I Just hit 10,000 reviews everyone congrats me now muhahahha along time but i finnaly did it 10,000 reviews suckas....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 13:25:25

At 11/18/04 01:18 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: OMFG I Just hit 10,000 reviews everyone congrats me now muhahahha along time but i finnaly did it 10,000 reviews suckas....


holy fuckingcrap, you're the review master ~X~, stop reviewing, so it will stay at 10,000 :P
congrats mate

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 13:35:10

At 11/18/04 01:25 PM, DareDevilGuy wrote:
At 11/18/04 01:18 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: OMFG I Just hit 10,000 reviews everyone congrats me now muhahahha along time but i finnaly did it 10,000 reviews suckas....
holy fuckingcrap, you're the review master ~X~, stop reviewing, so it will stay at 10,000 :P

Holy fuckingcrap, you're a tool. You might wanna check his profile to see what the number REALLY is before congratulating someone...

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 13:37:07

At 11/18/04 01:25 PM, DareDevilGuy wrote: holy fuckingcrap, you're the review master ~X~, stop reviewing, so it will stay at 10,000 :P
congrats mate

Hhaha sorry DDG i think i was off by a few numbers hehe, i think i might stop at 10k but i dont know heh...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 13:37:58

At 11/18/04 01:35 PM, RedCircle wrote: Holy fuckingcrap, you're a tool. You might wanna check his profile to see what the number REALLY is before congratulating someone...

he lied to me =(
i just assume it, i mean, i always do, i'm just not very msart i guess, damn it )=

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 13:50:46

At 11/18/04 01:35 PM, RedCircle wrote:
Holy fuckingcrap, you're a tool.

Fucksake RC can you be anymore harsh on the guy, calm down man.

At 11/18/04 01:37 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
Hhaha sorry DDG i think i was off by a few numbers hehe, i think i might stop at 10k but i dont know heh...

Your a tool ~X~ yet another reason im beginning to get pissed of at you, when, my report is done im posting it in the LNL, you have been warned old boy.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-18 13:58:54

i don't know what's wrong with me today, i just keeping making these dumbass remarks and lots of typo's, must be sleepy or something...

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