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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-15 21:59:31

At 11/15/04 06:35 PM, BilA wrote:
At 11/15/04 03:06 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I bet he was bullied in grade school a lot.
bullied in grade school worse than you? ;) or me?

Ouch, eeek, ack! Not quite BilA, I stood my ground.


What's up with the capital "A" at the end of your name? Change?

Can you say hammered beyond belief and ready for bear?!?

I'm stuck inside the Jolly Green Giant's wedding ring!!!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-15 22:01:58

Huzzah and hurrah, I've hit Elite Guard Sergeant and hopefully if I can get a couple more blams and protects, will soon be entering the top 500 b/pers.
Of course, now rank-ups begin to get a little trickier. Ho-hum, I guess that just means I'll have to raise my b/p rate. Ah well, it's not like I needed to have a life outside the computer...

Also, congrats to everyone since my last post (so many people!). Extra special congrats to MPA for hitting EGSC - it's a really impressive achievement! :-D

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-15 22:02:18

At 11/15/04 09:59 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Ouch, eeek, ack! Not quite BilA, I stood my ground.

Ex-Military and a Security Guard, I'd say you sure did!

What's up with the capital "A" at the end of your name? Change?

I think it looks damn good, better then the small a.
There's something about the capital at the beginning and the end that I like about it

BilA > Bila

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-15 23:26:12

At 11/15/04 09:59 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: you say hammered beyond belief and ready for bear?!?
I'm stuck inside the Jolly Green Giant's wedding ring!!!

Heh I see you're enjoying your "weekend." Are you posting from a buddies house?

At 11/15/04 10:02 PM, j00bie wrote: BilA stuff

I've always been partial to the capital A at the end of a name myself. :dumb smirk:

Grats out to:
Ramagi for the big 4-0
EKR for the 2ndL
Sentinal for 5kb &
phil for sarge

I was in a generous mood today and decided to help out Tom 'n' Company (T&C) by purchasing AH from AH.com It would've been just a rental by me if it were made by anyone else, but T&C have brought NG a long long long way and I wanted to show my support. I'm sure it'll be fun to play and the 29.95 price tag wasn't too much of a stretch for me to make.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-15 23:41:09

Finally, the time has come, I have reached 500 posts. I am now half-way to 1,000 posts.

Congrats to all of those have deserved their congrats.

:D Yay.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 02:48:32

Hey RC, get on AIM already!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 03:41:05

At 11/16/04 02:48 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Hey RC, get on AIM already!!

Heh, all I can say is WOW. That stuff looks amazing SK ^_^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 03:46:04

At 11/15/04 09:59 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 11/15/04 06:35 PM, BilA wrote:
At 11/15/04 03:06 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I bet he was bullied in grade school a lot.
bullied in grade school worse than you? ;) or me?
Ouch, eeek, ack! Not quite BilA, I stood my ground.

hehehe good for you, I never was acually bullied much either because I grew quickly and was stronger than the bullies two classes above me. >;)


What's up with the capital "A" at the end of your name? Change?

for clarification, Bila is a name in Russia, I'm BIL A.

Can you say hammered beyond belief and ready for bear?!?

LOL yeesh I can say hammerered!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 06:10:57

At 11/16/04 05:54 AM, BonusStage wrote:
Oh come on, that life outside i have just began to realize how it is, of course i am not LEAVING NG, but i've been spending more time elsewhere, and its been so fun ^.^

Lol, the outside life is actually fun, you should try it some time you know, but still go on NG, koolest ever. And i'd love to BonusStage leave NG, that would never happen, but for me, im not leaving, and no one better or else i dunno.......

well i know this is useless but i changes my nick the first time in the 11 months ive been here, and id like to thank RC for depositing for me.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 07:30:39

Ramagi - 268 b/p for fixits downfall

At 11/15/04 11:41 PM, -Kyle wrote: Finally, the time has come, I have reached 500 posts. I am now half-way to 1,000 posts.

I feel ya man, this is my 450th post!!!!! W00T!

At 11/15/04 09:59 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: you say hammered beyond belief and ready for bear?!?

I say it looks like Recon's back in the Alcoholic's club

At 11/15/04 06:42 PM, BilA wrote: that stat HAS ALREADY BEEN PETITIONED, and I guess it wasn't worthy because it never went into effect. So none of us know how many of are whistles were good .

Damnit, and I thought I was being original too! Well shit, I guss there's just no hope then :( I'll just flag insanely and hope for the best :P

At 11/15/04 05:00 PM, j00bie wrote: Nothing new or interesting on my end, except for a nifty screeny.

Nice screeny man! Ooh shit...heres that "jealousy" feeling again. Deep, deep breaths...In, out, in, out...

At 11/15/04 03:28 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote: Huge congrats!! I can't wait to get 5000Blam and 2000 Saves.. it seems so far away from my actually stands :'(

You have no idea...

At 11/15/04 01:06 PM, ramagi wrote: Trust me you would not like that feature. Nor would anyone one else with whistle ambitions. I actually could not tell you acutlatly how many I have marked anymore I lost count after the first month. Lets put it this way think in the four digit area.

Christ, four digit area? That's pretty crazy.. You'd think they'd give you a shit whistle because they'd get tired of dealing with all the reviews you flagged, lol :P Congrats on the diety whistle, not sure how long you've had it. Lookin good though, that nice little halo on it has probably brought rage, anger, frustration, and jealousy to many. Hey.....wipe that smile off your face!

At 11/15/04 11:34 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: Im with you on that level 11 does suck, but 12 ownz so im just looking forward to that at the moment.

Absolutely :) Level 14 is another good one, don't think I'll be seeing that around for a little bit tho :P

Go for abusive reviews all the way thats how i got my shinny silver whistle : )

LoL, yeah, just realized that recently. I completely forgot about those damn reviews, never really saw the advantage in flagging them as a n00b. Sure enough though, I flagged about 10 or so last night, I wake up and my whistle is still normal. I'm clueless as to how many I need in order for my whistle to level up, I guess just flag like a madman and never give up! :P

Yer pretty stupid, i wouldn't be suprised if there was a 'level up club' in clubs and crews section soon.

This has always confused me,

Stat Topics aren't allowed. Everyone on NG (potentially) has a profile for a reason. No need to have a "Post your popularity here!" thread. Level up (blam/protect or experience) threads and threads about how many posts you have are also not allowed.

There are at least five of these and they're pretty popular, pages in the hundreds. The name "level up" is even in the name of this thread, but how did it manage to get past the mods like that? It's been bugging me forever, I was just hoping somebody would answer it so I didnt have to ask it. :( didnt happen.

Minecraft server: alureon.net

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 08:24:13

At 11/16/04 07:30 AM, SeeD419 wrote: There are at least five of these and they're pretty popular, pages in the hundreds. The name "level up" is even in the name of this thread, but how did it manage to get past the mods like that? It's been bugging me forever, I was just hoping somebody would answer it so I didnt have to ask it. :( didnt happen.

The Wi/Ht forum seems to be considered an exception to this rule - in fact, a couple of the stats threads are maintained by mods (gfoxcook & jonthompson). As someone once said before, a stat-based site like NG is inevitably going to give rise to stats threads. So long as they're kept under control, I think the admins tend to just turn a blind eye to them *crosses fingers*. Also, most of people who hang out in this forum, although stat-obsessed, are sensible and helpful members of the NG community and are not trying to harm NG in any way by being involved in this kind of activity. If anything, stats threads will pull more people of this type onto the BBS; which surely can't be a bad thing... can it...?

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 09:34:26

At 11/15/04 03:28 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote: Come on!! I know you can do this!! I'm sure you can!! Just give a lil push... just get 6 great week out of the next 2months and you could be in that Elite List!! Even if you don't stay there long; just getting into that list is an amazing accomplishement!! You must give try it out?
Don't you agree?

I totally agree. Altough i ofcourse will be happier to get on the list with alot more saves. Perhapse i should stop voting low already and start my toocool time? ;D

At 11/15/04 03:32 PM, BonusStage wrote: I remember doing that 4 weeks ago OMGOMGMOGMMOGMOMGO BBUURRRNNN ;P, congrats as well ;D

Hahaha you are HELLa fast! Coolol thx! ;D

..........................................You have seen the differences to get to top 50 these days right ):<, he won't not for a LONNNGGGG TTIIIMMEEE :(

I want to see the light :(

At 11/15/04 03:53 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote: That's not correct. If he only raise his BPs by 15% He'll be in the top 50 in 145days!! Right before wismty. That's assuming if everyone stay rofly at the same rate.

Sure they do, everyone is waiting for me!! ;D

But... what if carmelhadinosaur double his ratio of BPs? He could be in the elite top 50 list in less than 29days! ^^ So it's possible... will it happen? I don't know... but if carmel would match MPA ratio for the next 2 months; it could happen.

HHhhhhh!! Damn that sounds tasty!! I want to get be a b/per! That will be my future job!! ROFLCOPTER maybe i need to hire someone to put me in the top 50 or just steal all the other acounts! ROFLAIRPLANE i should just start remmembering my good b/p times and go back to them d;D

At 11/15/04 05:00 PM, j00bie wrote: carmelhadinosaur - passing Shpoutien

Yayaya! Thanks! ^^ Oh and check this out, i think you didnt see it ;D

At 11/15/04 06:35 PM, Shpouiten wrote: I almost completely stopped getting points. But congrats nonetheless.

Thanks ^_^ I remmember the time you were b/p hella fast! haha that was cool heh.... Why did you almost completely stopped?

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 10:38:13

At 11/16/04 08:24 AM, Denvish wrote:
At 11/16/04 07:30 AM, SeeD419 wrote: There are at least five of these and they're pretty popular, pages in the hundreds. The name "level up" is even in the name of this thread, but how did it manage to get past the mods like that? It's been bugging me forever, I was just hoping somebody would answer it so I didnt have to ask it. :( didnt happen.
The Wi/Ht forum seems to be considered an exception to this rule - in fact, a couple of the stats threads are maintained by mods (gfoxcook & jonthompson). As someone once said before, a stat-based site like NG is inevitably going to give rise to stats threads. So long as they're kept under control, I think the admins tend to just turn a blind eye to them *crosses fingers*. Also, most of people who hang out in this forum, although stat-obsessed, are sensible and helpful members of the NG community and are not trying to harm NG in any way by being involved in this kind of activity. If anything, stats threads will pull more people of this type onto the BBS; which surely can't be a bad thing... can it...?

Actually, the only thread that is in direct violation to the "no stat topics" rule is this one. Every other one isn't a thread that people "boast" about their stats. They are lists, and that seems to be the loophole that allows them to stay alive.

Now, this thread on the other hand has just been a much appreciated exception to the rule (and has kept a handful of members together in this forum). It is nice because helping out n00bs and others with questions can get real boring without something to do in the meantime, like post in the Lounge!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 10:39:01

At 11/16/04 09:34 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote:
Thanks ^_^ I remmember the time you were b/p hella fast! haha that was cool heh.... Why did you almost completely stopped?

I don't have time to be on newgrounds anymore. Some could say I got a life !

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 11:21:09

At 11/16/04 10:39 AM, Shpouiten wrote: I don't have time to be on newgrounds anymore. Some could say I got a life !

My damn life is always getting in the way of Newgrounds too.

Anyway, I'm posting to annouce that after much hard work I finally made it into the top 100 of both experience and b/p. I won't have internet over Christmas break, so it won't last, but I'm happy while it does.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 11:24:42

Well yesterday i posted that i staved my hand, shame really, but i now realise by the big cast wrapped around it that its broken, shite.

So i think its gonna take me all week to get to 9k posts which issadly my next big thing to happen. O'ne handed posts are very difficult.

Grats anyone i missed.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 11:47:22

At 11/16/04 11:21 AM, Jen_the_Great wrote: Anyway, I'm posting to annouce that after much hard work I finally made it into the top 100 of both experience and b/p. I won't have internet over Christmas break, so it won't last, but I'm happy while it does.

SWEET!! Huge congrats here!!

Sig made by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 11:54:25

I know it me... but I find it's pretty weird I got...

2730 Blams
1200 Saves.

It seems flush everywhere

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Sig made by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 12:03:55

Congrats to:

gfoxcook - For being so old
carmelhadinosaur - For passing Shpouiten (even if you can't spell his name)
Sentinel_specter - For killing 5000 movies
ramagi - For passing Yota
Inuzuka-Kiba - For having pity on 2000 movies
philonous - For getting Elite Guard Sergeant
-Kyle - For posting spam 500 times
Snowy_Beast - For having the sexy numbers all at once

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 12:19:02

At 11/16/04 12:03 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Congrats to:

gfoxcook - For being so old
carmelhadinosaur - For passing Shpouiten (even if you can't spell his name)
Sentinel_specter - For killing 5000 movies
ramagi - For passing Yota
Inuzuka-Kiba - For having pity on 2000 movies
philonous - For getting Elite Guard Sergeant
-Kyle - For posting spam 500 times
Snowy_Beast - For having the sexy numbers all at once

Congrats to all of them and congrats to me for,

Did I heard about post 50th?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 12:20:28

At 11/16/04 11:21 AM, Jen_the_Great wrote: Anyway, I'm posting to annouce that after much hard work I finally made it into the top 100 of both experience and b/p. I won't have internet over Christmas break, so it won't last, but I'm happy while it does.

Congratz...too bad about x-mas break. That kind of sucks for you.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 12:23:35

At 11/15/04 03:05 PM, Sentinel_specter wrote: It's been a long treck, but I now stand at over 5,000th Blams.

Congrats to you : )

At 11/15/04 04:41 PM, ramagi wrote: Experience: Ranked # 40 out of 626,033 users!

Congrats Ramagi, and not long till you hit the top spot in b/p looking forward to it?

At 11/15/04 10:01 PM, philonous wrote: Huzzah and hurrah, I've hit Elite Guard Sergeant and hopefully if I can get a couple more blams and protects, will soon be entering the top 500 b/pers.

Congrats hopefully i'll be getting there soon too. : )

At 11/16/04 07:30 AM, SeeD419 wrote: Absolutely :) Level 14 is another good one, don't think I'll be seeing that around for a little bit tho :P

I'll be satisfied when i reach level 13, its pretty cool. and yer 14 is nice too but when/if i ever get to 16 i will be a happy chappie is my fav : )

LoL, yeah, just realized that recently. I completely forgot about those damn reviews, never really saw the advantage in flagging them as a n00b. Sure enough though, I flagged about 10 or so last night, I wake up and my whistle is still normal. I'm clueless as to how many I need in order for my whistle to level up, I guess just flag like a madman and never give up! :P

Keep at it and soon you ill get your reward, remember, you only get your whistle points when the review is deleted by Wade so just sit tight and keep marking them reviews you will get it in the end : ) good luck.

At 11/16/04 11:21 AM, Jen_the_Great wrote: Anyway, I'm posting to annouce that after much hard work I finally made it into the top 100 of both experience and b/p. I won't have internet over Christmas break, so it won't last, but I'm happy while it does.

Congrats Jen tis' a good achivement : )

At 11/16/04 11:24 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Well yesterday i posted that i staved my hand, shame really, but i now realise by the big cast wrapped around it that its broken, shite.

Fighting again S_C_D ? tut, tut, tut......

So i think its gonna take me all week to get to 9k posts which issadly my next big thing to happen. O'ne handed posts are very difficult.

That sucks : ( hope you have a quick recovery.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 12:37:09

Well, having just hit 3 blam points, I have some breaking news for all my fans.

I must retire from blamming and saving. Now, now, don't cry for me, because some day, I may return. But untill that day, I don't want to see any tears, or and mouring for me.

God speed all my fans,

-Jerry Garcia, aka Sad Jerry.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 12:46:19

At 11/16/04 12:23 PM, Tom_s00 wrote:
Fighting again S_C_D ? tut, tut, tut......

Yeah, but if i broke my hand, imagine what his face looks like :D

That sucks : ( hope you have a quick recovery.

Thanks, me too.

Grats Jen, thats unfortunate though about not having Internet access over the holibobs.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 14:04:52

I've actually given up B/Ping lately. I might start again sometime, but until then I can't be arsed.

The lights get switched on in Plymouth on Thursday. I'm going to ask this girl I met at work to come in with me, but I don't know if she's working on Thursday or not. *sigh* Such is love...

...Everybody ok? :)

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 14:42:04

Congrats to Inuzuka-Kiba (2000 saves), Philonous (Rank Up)
Fixit and Ramagi were are looking at you!

At 11/16/04 12:03 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Congrats to:
Snowy_Beast - For having the sexy numbers all at once

Thanks ^^ If I would have wait a little I could have had 1475post.... ^^

Sig made by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 16:07:16

Sentinel_specter - 5000 blams
philonous - Elite Guard Sergeant
-Kyle - 500 posts
Snowy_Beast - Cool screenie/numbers

Congrats! And thanks to anyone who gave me congrats. ;o Now I just need to rank up...it'll only take another month or two. =P Level 11 isn't that far off though...*hint hint* =D

Side note, if anyone knows where I can download a program that let's me use hiragana, katakana, and/or kanji it'd be greatly appreciated. My computer doesn't want to display those symbols when I go to a site in Japanese >=(. All I get are a bunch of ????????s. It's annoying, I mean I take a Japanese class and I have no way to use it if my comp doesn't accept it. ;_;

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 16:27:48

At 11/16/04 04:07 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: -Kyle - 500 posts

Ahh, thanks.

At 11/16/04 12:03 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Congrats to:
-Kyle - For posting spam 500 times

Yeah buddy!

At 11/16/04 07:30 AM, SeeD419 wrote: I feel ya man, this is my 450th post!!!!! W00T!


At 11/16/04 05:54 AM, BonusStage wrote: Heh h silly Kyle with your gaining of many b/s but not too many posts ;D, congrats

Well, for me, b/p-ing is addictive, posting isn't.

Thanks. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 22:19:06

I finally got my 600th review.
What a slacker I've been.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-16 22:21:51

At 11/16/04 10:19 PM, BilA wrote: woot!
I finally got my 600th review.
What a slacker I've been.

Congrats, and trust me, you're no slaker. I've been at 72 reviews for quite some while, and don't plan on seeing them rise anytime soon. Oh well...

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature