At 11/4/04 04:49 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
oh no, ofcourse not. i myself have an alt, i signed up for it over a month ago...
a newly aquired level 9 account since 3 hours ago! hahaha.
Grats =) I just hit the point where I have no accounts that will level up within 2 months. Even though levels are meaningless, it's kind of sad.
but what im asking you is... how many b/p points do you have on your alt?
All accounts = over 65k BP. Once I stall this one I can get back to work.
well, thats all very bad ass of you... but wtf do you mean by 'clans'? how tf, do you have clans, on a website like this? or are you talking about online gaming or something man... i got no idea.
In Diablo II, there's one clan war (of 4) that's never been traced back to me. I started that one in 2000 and when I quit playing last year everyone who still played hated each other.
Before that was Archmage, an online, turn-based, strategy game. Started at least 6 there.
There was some online strat game my brother got me into before that ... started some guild wars there ... was kind of fun to log on and see half the city in flames from the guilds fire-bombing each other's shops. Forget the name but it was British I think. Only got a couple going before I moved on to AM.
Before that was Case's Ladder Euchre, back before Yahoo figured out how to make a ranking system. No real clans or guilds there, but there were cliques. I'd get an alt in good with one, playing really well with them right up until a critical game against me (or a friend of mine) ... then mysteriously tank it ... all the while spreading rumours of what some other clique was saying about them. Funny thing was, when I finally got caught at it, they runged me for "ladder manipulation and collusion," (only runged me, and only one ID) and it took me all of a day to go from 20000 back to being ranked 3rd.
eh, you're a good little 'thing' now, but...
Yeah, well, if you say so. What's that saying? 51% sweetheart ...
WHO IS THIS JC? AND WHERE CAN I GET ONE? lol, is there like an NG rule stating you cant use programs to get bp's? or is it already illegal to have devises like it anyways?? you must explain...
Yes it's illegal. JC got too full of himself and made a program that auto-voted for users. He claimed it was to point out a loophole in the voting. IMO the way to point out a loophole is to e-mail liljim, as we've done here. He distributed it and a lot of people used it. A lot of people got busted down to 0XP citizen for using it. The basis was that it read the html that gave the author's BA on UJ flash as you mouseover. IIRC if it read a C+ or better it voted to save it, and if it was D+, F+, or a new author, voted to blam it. Maybe it was B+ and higher it saved ~shrug~