At 11/5/04 12:49 AM, EKRegulus wrote:
The best french courses you could find are in Quebec and France. It's better to learn it where most people use it.
ever noticed how the average European person can speak atleast 2 languages?? it pisses me off, that we're so uneducated...
Lorsque tu utilises le pronom "tu", n'oublie pas d'ajouter un "s" à la terminaison du verbe au présent. Je suis certain que tu le savais, mais ça me dérangeais trop pour que j'évite de faire une remarque.
umm, indeed. lol. i've only started to learn about the verbs and stuff a week or two ago. its simply been building my vocab over the past few years, and learning the extreme basics.
i would think you said something like " 's' terminates the present tense of a verb. you are certain that i -something-. (what does trop mean again? i should know it). and then you said something about something or other :P all new words for me. :)
Here's how I would type it ( I will keep it simple): Quelle surprise! Tu habites à Gatineau. Est-ce que tu utilises régulièrement le français? J'ai appris ce language, mais je ne suis pas encore assez à l'aise pour finir mon paragraphe en utilisant le même language avec lequel je l'ai commencé.
'what a suprise! you live in Gatineau.' i have no idea what the next sentence means... 'i can speak a little of the language, but i cannot understand more than a paragraph'.... well, i really have no idea, but something along those lines... maybe.
<--- If you can understand exactly what I just typed, you aren't that bad
well, i've got no fucking idea :P
P I probably made 2-3 mistakes but it doesn't matter on the internet. I didn't follow any french courses since 2 years mainly because I'm learning something else at a bilingual university where most teachers know much more about their subject than the language that they use. It obviously hurts the quality of my sentences.
eh, yeh i guess. so, you dont speak french as a first language? eh... i learnt just today how to use the verbs avoir, etre, aller and faire in past tense sentences... i think im AWESOME! haha.
It's good to know that you know something about the place where I live. :)
lol, i've never heard of Gatineau! XP hahaha. i had a look see in your profile :P
have you got MSN? i've got a French exam coming up :P hahah.