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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 04:25:08

At 11/1/04 03:43 PM, cheesebizkit25 wrote: there i now have 1000 points and therefore can make a post that isnt a waste of space

No, it's what this thread is here for. Congrats!

At 11/1/04 04:15 PM, D0GMA wrote: Woot!!

Now watch me forget to Special Mention me in the Blam thread ....

Huge congrats on that! I'm still aiming for 10,000, so I can finally get into gfox's 10,000+ listing.

At 11/1/04 07:34 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: Yay im close to getting a 10.00 Post per day count i cant wait.

Congrats! I'm still aiming for 4.00 myself, I wish I'd have posted more in my first year on NG.

At 11/1/04 08:04 PM, -Kyle wrote: -1500 saves


-Congrats to RedCircle
-Congrats to anyone else who deserves it
-800 pages in the LUL


At 11/1/04 08:12 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: side not question: did Tanner change his name to something like Life(something)... ?
coz i saw some one with like 16,(986) posts yesterday...

Yeah, Tanner changed his name to TheyLive. Don't know when he did that, though.

At 11/1/04 11:06 PM, Dave wrote: I was in the portal and i noticed I had a high voting power. I finally reached in the 7.00! Woo hoo! Must have had a rank up. *checks* Yep.

Thanks for voting, Dave!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 5.77 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 22% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 7.04 votes!

Now this is a lame badge ):<

It sure is. I hated it too when I got it. Luckily, I got rid of it :P Only 1,000 more points and you'll have a better badge.
Still, congrats :P

At 11/2/04 12:41 AM, Bila wrote: I don't often try for the quickdraw of the day.
There is a listing somewhere of who's been getting it most often?

I never try it, since it's usually 5 AM here when the contest starts. Crappy timezones.

At 11/2/04 02:48 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: hahah, oh man, you have no idea how good you got it.
last time i ran adaware (over a week or two ago) i had over 850 spywares identified, and i couldnt delete them for some reason.
im on a Pentium 2, 350MhZ, with 128mb of RAM...
you sir, do now know how it feels :P

Same here, when I last ran Spybot: S&D my computer froze up. Twice.

At 11/2/04 03:28 AM, Erpherman wrote: 200 reviews :D

Congrats, even though your reviews are rather short.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 04:57:29

At 11/2/04 04:25 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Yeah, Tanner changed his name to TheyLive. Don't know when he did that, though.

eh, i dont know why he did that...
oh, maybe thats because ive NEVER EVER TALKED TO HIM? hahahaha.

Now this is a lame badge ):<

right you are.

It sure is. I hated it too when I got it. Luckily, I got rid of it :P Only 1,000 more points and you'll have a better badge.
Still, congrats :P

yeh, i had that badge for a while...
hmm... yes, about a month i had it :)
the next one is a lot better, then the one after is better still.

I never try it, since it's usually 5 AM here when the contest starts. Crappy timezones.

hahaha. before daylight savings kicked in (3 days ago), 12am NG time was 2PM here, so i was at school every weekday...
but now because of daylight savings (the northern and southern hempispheres turn their clocks an hour OPPOSITE to each other = 2 more hours difference) means that now 12am ng time is at 4PM!! hahaha.
im gona go for it every day if i remember!!! lol!

Same here, when I last ran Spybot: S&D my computer froze up. Twice.

lol, yeh that happened to me aswell... now i just dont run it at all, and im at one with t3h pop ups.
NB: i recently bought a stress ball, and installed punching bags in my room.

At 11/2/04 03:28 AM, Erpherman wrote: 200 reviews :D
Congrats, even though your reviews are rather short.

it would seem his posts, too... ._.
mine are big :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 05:20:27

congrats to RedCircle and i was just wondering..... how do you become a Wi/Ht memeber? (i know that i can't become a member yet, but maybe in the future....)

ffs. that is all.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 05:32:34

At 11/1/04 03:43 PM, cheesebizkit25 wrote: there i now have 1000 points and therefore can make a post that isnt a waste of space

Grats =)

Too bad we can't get you to tutor Marcus in forum etiquette ...

At 11/1/04 04:35 PM, FBIpolux wrote: ===> I was asking... how can we become Wi/Ht official members?? I see that RedCircle just get to it, and I was questionning about how could I become one?
At 11/2/04 05:20 AM, one-way wrote: congrats to RedCircle and i was just wondering..... how do you become a Wi/Ht memeber? (i know that i can't become a member yet, but maybe in the future....)

Spend a lot of time hanging out in this forum. This lets the members of the club get to know you.

Provide useful information to the people who post questions, don't spam, and don't make a nuisance of yourself. This lets the members see you in a positive light.

Wait. There's an election every 2-6 months. We each get to vote for one person. Most votes gets in.

It's not actually anything official. That group of Wi/Ht? members is really just a club that happens to not be based in the C&C forum. This thread is essentially our club thread.

At 11/1/04 05:10 PM, Tom_s00 wrote:
Grats on the big Two Five DOGMA well done : )

Thanks much

-just reached 1500 exp-

and grats :)

At 11/1/04 07:02 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: I SWEAR!! it wasnt spam, just lots and lots of postin :P

Random gibberish is spam. End

haha, i knew that D0G would bitch about it :P

Some dogs are always bitches ...

CONGRATS!! D0G, well done, you old... dog? lol.
25k blams is huge... 5 times what i have :) haha. congrats.

Thanks =)

At 11/1/04 06:09 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Grats D0GMA

Thanks much :)

Someone just got 7 VP, who was it ?!?!?

Hmmm .... I give up. Who?

At 11/1/04 11:06 PM, Dave wrote: I was in the portal and i noticed I had a high voting power. I finally reached in the 7.00! Woo hoo! Must have had a rank up. *checks* Yep.

Ah, so SCD meant you lol

Now this is a lame badge ):<

Sergeant ranks suck, period. Too damned many of them.

At 11/2/04 12:09 AM, Bila wrote:
At 11/1/04 03:43 PM, cheesebizkit25 wrote: there i now have 1000 points and therefore can make a post that isnt a waste of space
1000 points at what

1k XP.

At 11/2/04 02:07 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Congrats to D0GMA for 25k blams

Thanks :)

At 11/2/04 03:28 AM, Erpherman wrote: 200 reviews :D

Grats :)

At 11/2/04 04:25 AM, -Mazza- wrote:
Huge congrats on that! I'm still aiming for 10,000, so I can finally get into gfox's 10,000+ listing.

Thanks. You should be able to easily make it by the next update. 15 blams/day should be more than enough.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 05:33:42

At 11/2/04 04:57 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: eh, i dont know why he did that...
oh, maybe thats because ive NEVER EVER TALKED TO HIM? hahahaha.

He did it because he changes his name every day. Well, not every day, but still, pretty often.

yeh, i had that badge for a while...
hmm... yes, about a month i had it :)
the next one is a lot better, then the one after is better still.

I agree. I got rid of it in a week, maybe two weeks, though.

hahaha. before daylight savings kicked in (3 days ago), 12am NG time was 2PM here, so i was at school every weekday...
but now because of daylight savings (the northern and southern hempispheres turn their clocks an hour OPPOSITE to each other = 2 more hours difference) means that now 12am ng time is at 4PM!! hahaha.
im gona go for it every day if i remember!!! lol!

Lucky you.

lol, yeh that happened to me aswell... now i just dont run it at all, and im at one with t3h pop ups.

Lol, totally 'zen'.

NB: i recently bought a stress ball, and installed punching bags in my room.

I used to have a stress-ball, but it exploded.
In the car. And that sucked.

At 11/2/04 05:20 AM, one-way wrote: congrats to RedCircle and i was just wondering..... how do you become a Wi/Ht memeber? (i know that i can't become a member yet, but maybe in the future....)

Leeboy answered that question on the previous page.

At 11/1/04 05:18 PM, leeboy105 wrote: Do your best to post informative and helpful answers to questions posted. We just try and help out if possible.

If you do this, you may be nominated by the current members in an election. You win the election and you're in basically.

Voila :P

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 05:38:57

At 11/2/04 04:08 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 11/2/04 03:28 AM, Erpherman wrote: 200 reviews :D
i would bag you... for spamming... but you are talking about reviews here, so i cant help but say congrats :)
7,200 bp :)

Congrats to you too,

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 05:51:03

At 11/2/04 05:33 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Voila :P

ohhhhhh....... come on ppl! ask questions!
*looks at the watch*
this is taking long..... but i think its worth it

ffs. that is all.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 06:03:54

Wow, I have been so distracted with the Versus thread "debates", D0GMA and my Submission Statistics Thread, and working, that I haven't posted congrats in here in a few days. Bad me :-D

(Elite Guard) Major Congrats to Denvish AND Bonus!!! Way to go guys!!! That badge is so secksay ^_^
(Elite Guard Sergeant) Major Congrats to M-A-R-C-U-S. Hahaha, I love the fact that those have "Major" at the end!

1,000 save points for FBIpolux! You portal protector, you.

MPA got 29,000 bp's!! I KNOW you can taste EGSC. I wonder what it tastes like. Hmmm, possibly Shnazberry?

Excellent work on killing 25,000 of those "shit" movies D0GMA. That is hard work! ...and right before your "stall." Good timing!

Congrats to Tom_s00 for reaching Elite Guard Private First Class! ^_^

Slightly_Crazy_Dude and Dave now have 7 votes to throw at those crappy flashes? Oh man, they all better watch out...heh heh. Good job guys!

Holy crap!!! Bila, and Recon are 3 bp's away from each other! Grats for Bila, but damn man, give yourself some room ^_^ haha...

Hope everyone is doing well. I'm almost at 2,000 saves, but I'll post about it when it actually happens...wait...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 06:05:26

Mornin' all. Seems about time to catch up before this gets out of hand again.

Congrats to:

David_Deluxe - EG Police Captain
FBIpolux - 1000 BP
LUL - 800 pages
SpinTolk - EG First Lieutenant
-Mazza- - 24,000th post in LUL
Erpherman - Level 12 & 200 reviews
cheesebizkit25 - 1000 exp
-Kyle - 1500 saves
Dave - 7.0 VP
Tom_s00 - 1500 exp
M-A-R-C-U-S - Crowned Wi/Ht King Spammer

Slightly larger congrats to:
RedCircle - Wi/Ht #21 (once again for good luck)
MPA - 29000 BP - Good job!
D0GMA - 25000(!) blams. It's OK, you can stop now.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 06:07:47

At 11/2/04 06:05 AM, BonusStage wrote: OMG ONEWAY I GOTS A KWASCHUN, HOW DEW U DEPOSIT O.0

can you refhrase that in english? ireally didn't understand that

ffs. that is all.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 06:13:38

At 11/2/04 06:07 AM, one-way wrote:
At 11/2/04 06:05 AM, BonusStage wrote: OMG ONEWAY I GOTS A KWASCHUN, HOW DEW U DEPOSIT O.0
can you refhrase that in english? ireally didn't understand that

I think he was attacking n00bness with n00bness...

<3 teh bonus.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 06:17:39

no, really i don't get this. can somebody explain plz?

ffs. that is all.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 06:39:48

At 11/2/04 06:17 AM, one-way wrote: no, really i don't get this. can somebody explain plz?

anyone? isn't this supposed to be a helping thread?

ffs. that is all.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 06:40:03

At 11/1/04 03:11 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: (i wonder who is the youngest Wi/Ht? member?... probly Red :P)

Heh, if everyone's age is correct, then I am the fifth oldest Wi/Ht? Member(That is, if I was born before Wayne, because he is also 23)...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 06:41:35

At 11/2/04 06:05 AM, Denvish wrote:
D0GMA - 25000(!) blams. It's OK, you can stop now.

Almost there. My stall point is 36,509. I'm going to park short of it and wait for Wade to clear flagged flash ... just in case I get points off at least the malicious flags. Once that mass deletion goes through I'll come back on this ID and get the last few points I need.

At 11/2/04 06:17 AM, one-way wrote: no, really i don't get this. can somebody explain plz?

He "n00b"ed the phoenetics. Sound it out.

At 11/2/04 06:05 AM, BonusStage wrote: OMG ONEWAY I GOTS A KWASCHUN, HOW DEW U DEPOSIT O.0

OMG one-way, I have a question, how do you deposit?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 06:47:11

At 11/2/04 06:17 AM, one-way wrote: no, really i don't get this. can somebody explain plz?

What haven't we already explained? Remember last page, where -Mazza- quoted leeboy105, then said Voila? That is the answer to your question.

If you still can't find it, the here it is:

At 11/1/04 05:18 PM, leeboy105 wrote: Do your best to post informative and helpful answers to questions posted. We just try and help out if possible.

If you do this, you may be nominated by the current members in an election. You win the election and you're in basically.
At 11/2/04 06:39 AM, one-way wrote: anyone? isn't this supposed to be a helping thread?

This thread is for posting about Level Ups, Rank Ups, and other accomplishments.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 06:52:39

At 11/2/04 02:48 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 11/2/04 02:07 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: I wish, the amount of problems (and spyware programs) I have on the computer is scary.
hahah, oh man, you have no idea how good you got it.
last time i ran adaware (over a week or two ago) i had over 850 spywares identified, and i couldnt delete them for some reason.
im on a Pentium 2, 350MhZ, with 128mb of RAM...
you sir, do now know how it feels :P

Good grief, that is bad. I had 100 at most at one time (however, the number of infected files is still huge) and a lot of them disappeared (or became better at being undected).

Still, I don't think anyone has helped SCD yet (or knows anything about virtual memory). I would do a search, but I'm going to sleep now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 06:54:43


Yeah thats a shame buddy, the amount of shite on my computer is unbeleiveable, but i guess you expect that from a family computer.


No i wasnt talking about Dave, ask RedCircle he seems to be the only one who noticed, and i thought you guys could read sarcasm aswell. Bastards.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 07:21:16

Whish OS are you running? Because I used to get constant 'Run out of Virtual memory' messages (and BSODs) on 98, even with a 1.8Ghz CPU & 320RAM - it would only use about half of the resources before displaying those. When I upgraded to XP (which I fought against for a long time...), all those problems stopped, and the OS actually does use the full power of the hardware.

In terms of Spyware, a combination of Spybot S&D with current updates & internet protection on, andSpysweeper (not free) for a one-off scan, works well for me. A firewall (recommend Tiny Personal Firewall or Sygate) & antivirus (NAV or other). If you're familiar with registry, there also a great little utility called HijackThis that is definitely worth running occasionally. I also tend to use Windows Washer (not free) on a weekly basis to clear caches & temps.

And if all else fails, there's always the ultimate way to clean up your computer: format C:

Hope some of that is useful to you.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 07:22:32

At 11/2/04 06:54 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:

No i wasnt talking about Dave, ask RedCircle he seems to be the only one who noticed, and i thought you guys could read sarcasm aswell. Bastards.

You might want to learn to read sarcasm yourself. I knew it was you and I was teasing you about not actually coming out and saying it.





Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 07:29:33

At 11/2/04 06:47 AM, RedCircle wrote:
At 11/2/04 06:17 AM, one-way wrote: no, really i don't get this. can somebody explain plz?

i meant what that other guy wrote:
i understood that wi/ht thing election when -Mazza- explained it to me

ffs. that is all.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 07:40:27

At 11/2/04 07:21 AM, Denvish wrote: SCD:
Whish OS are you running? Because I used to get constant 'Run out of Virtual memory' messages (and BSODs) on 98, even with a 1.8Ghz CPU & 320RAM - it would only use about half of the resources before displaying those. When I upgraded to XP (which I fought against for a long time...), all those problems stopped, and the OS actually does use the full power of the hardware.

Iam running XP at the moment, yes. I just need a solution to get some extra free space, because when i actually look at whats on my computer, there isnt that much compared to what used to be on it. I dont even have Fireworks and Freehand on it anymore as i used to, but its running like shit.

I have no real problems with spyware, everything is fine in my books, i run adaware quite alot so its not too bad, but i somehow think this has something to do with me not being able to use firefox anymore aswell, meh.

And if all else fails, there's always the ultimate way to clean up your computer: format C:

NoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo !!!

Hope some of that is useful to you.

Oh yes indeed, i will take all of it onboard and check my system again after i get home from work.

D0GMA The onl double bluff works every time, chill out, ffs.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 07:49:31

At 11/2/04 05:32 AM, D0GMA wrote: Sergeant ranks suck, period. Too damned many of them.

Six isn't that many.....Elite Guard ranks, now those are overused ;P

Thanks. You should be able to easily make it by the next update. 15 blams/day should be more than enough.

Yeah, probably. And if I don't, I'll certainly get it on the update after that.

At 11/2/04 07:29 AM, one-way wrote: i meant what that other guy wrote:
i understood that wi/ht thing election when -Mazza- explained it to me

I didn't explain it, I merely copied leeboy's explanation, as I said.
And Bonus is making fun of you :P
Also, D0GMA has taken the liberty of translating it a little higher on this page, too. As he said, Bonus n00bified the phonetics, and if you say it out loud you'll hear 'Oh my god, one-way, I have a question: How do deposit?
......It's a retorical question.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 08:19:28

Well damn people slow down, like you jumped 3 pages in the last 24 hours, and the result of that will end up in this mad long post here god its gonna take me like 30 minutes to do this post i could have 20 reviws in that time sheesh, well anyways here it goes internet dont fail me now...

cheesebizkit25 wrote
there i now have 1000 points and therefore can make a
post that isnt a waste of space

Congrats 1000 points of something... ~X~

D0GMA wrote
25,000 blams

WOW Congrats I will bow now... ~X~

Tom_s00 wrote
-just reached 1500 exp-

Not a bad number congrats... ~X~

Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote
Indeed, Recon, get your finger out your arse please
and spread the chocolaty love :P

Damn recon what have you done to thease poor youngins to get them so pissed haha... ~X~

Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote
Someone just got 7 VP, who was it ?!?!?

Congrats on whoever got this 7.00 VP my guess is BEDN... ~X~

Marcus wrote
I SWEAR!! it wasnt spam, just lots and lots of
postin :P haha, i knew that D0G would bitch
about it :P

OMG Post whore haha... ~X~

Marcus wrote
i just got 7.57 2 days ago or so :)

Cool congrats almost at 7.58 haha... ~X~

Crossofdevil wrote
Yay im close to getting a 10.00 Post per day count
i cant wait.

Congrats i think, not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing... ~X~

-Kyle wrote
-1500 saves

Congrats protecting is hard to do keep it up... ~X~

Dave wrote
Your blam and protection points gave you an
additional 22%

Congrats 22% is cool i remember getting that, keep blamming and saving... ~X~

Samju wrote
do you guys do anything else, but view newgrounds?
don't you guys have something else to do aswell,
maybe eat or sleep, talk to some people or
something... it just seems a tad lame to me.
but then who am i....

What are you on this is life this is what we do now come on join us in our world, yes take the candy 2 years from now you will be telling the same thing to somebody... ~X~

Erpherman wrote
200 reviews :D

ROFL Hahahahahahahahhahahaha... ~X~

-Mazza- wrote
I'm still aiming for 10,000, so I can finally get into
gfox's 10,000+ listing.

Tell me about it it seems like forever that ill make that list anyways congrats in advance... ~X~

RedCircle wrote
1,000 save points for FBIpolux! You portal
protector, you.

I have no idea who this FBI guy is but congrats to whoever the hell he is... ~X~

MPA wrote
29000 BP

WOW Thats awsome congrats I bow to you aswell... ~X~

Whew damn ok well that took me some time i hope it was worth it haha, anyways congrats to everyone...

And one last ~X~ for the road...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 11:07:59

At 11/2/04 06:05 AM, Denvish wrote: Mornin' all. Seems about time to catch up before this gets out of hand again.

Congrats to:

M-A-R-C-U-S - Crowned Wi/Ht King Spammer

NO he spams everywhere.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 11:18:27

At 11/2/04 05:51 AM, one-way wrote: ohhhhhh....... come on ppl! ask questions!
*looks at the watch*
this is taking long..... but i think its worth it

Have patience young grasshopper.

At 11/1/04 11:06 PM, Dave wrote: I was in the portal and i noticed I had a high voting power. I finally reached in the 7.00! Woo hoo! Must have had a rank up. *checks* Yep.

Double congrats DAVE = )

Now this is a lame badge ):<

It's not so bad.

At 11/2/04 03:28 AM, Erpherman wrote: 200 reviews :D

Grats: )

At 11/2/04 06:03 AM, RedCircle wrote: Congrats to Tom_s00 for reaching Elite Guard Private First Class! ^_^

Thanks RC , noticed your membership in the sig looks cool, how does it feel to be ' in wit da crew'.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 11:58:50

At 11/2/04 11:52 AM, FBIpolux wrote:
FBIpolux - 1000 BP
Hey... its not B/P its Protection, 1,000 protections... that's a bit difference ;)

sorry. my bad

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 13:14:28

At 11/2/04 06:05 AM, Denvish wrote: M-A-R-C-U-S - Crowned Wi/Ht King Spammer

;( I was crowned King Spammer on another forum I regular. Shame I'm not king in this one! *sobs*

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 13:42:35

Quick one-off congrats to ramagi...

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-02 13:45:31

At 11/2/04 01:42 PM, Denvish wrote: Quick one-off congrats to ramagi...

Wow what a cool screenie! :D
Congrats ramagi! =)

BBS Signature