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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 20:10:44

At 3/29/03 08:03 PM, arrows_eleven wrote: Well, as for me my goals are as follows:

1. To rule the world - Don't under estimate me, most world leaders had very humble beginings.

It will be interesting as to whether you achieve this goal. If you do, make sure to give us all here at NG a shout out! And fund NG exclusively ;)

2. To become the most popular NG user and to be the #1 blammer/saver.

How far are you willing to go to become most popular? You could change your current sig to "If you are 1337 click here" and then link to your profile ;) And do you only want it for one day?

I'm sure you could become #1 blam/saver if you neglect your social life and need for sleep long enough.

3. To finally get some pu tang.

This one made me laugh. I'm sure you'll get it eventually, even if you do hire a hooker.

I come here every day to become a stronger voter so I can rub it in your faces.

Aint it true, aint it true. A lot of people do that, including me. Hell, it's my main goal!

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 20:19:53

At 3/29/03 08:03 PM, arrows_eleven wrote: I come here every day to become a stronger voter so I can rub it in your faces.

Sure, you can do that. In the end though, when you're voting power is higher than the rest of our's, we'll be rubbing our successful lifestyles in your face. We'll be earning a good wage and making a prosperous living, because we knew when to draw the line. Meanwhile, even McDonald's won't accept you, because you wasted so much valuable time on a website, so you could rub a lousy little number in our faces.

It's all about priorities my friend, I hope those are just you're goals as a newgrounds user, and not as an individual altogether.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 20:27:05

At 3/29/03 07:56 PM, Mr_James wrote: I'm just wondering Recon, what brings you back to NG day after day? What is it that hooks you?
You're often posting about cruising up the Top 50 Blam/Saver List, but are you aiming for the #1 spot? That is definitely a long-term goal, just like my current one is (acquire a voting power of 10).

I enjoy the conversation most of the time, and some of the topics & pictures are pretty funny. My friends think I'm nuts hanging on a site where the average age is 13 to 18 (with me fast approaching 40). The main reason is like I said earlier, I spend at least 40+ hours on-line due to work. When I get on site I simply log-on and periodically check Newgrounds for new submissions, replies to posts, etc. I've made some friends here so I'll always stop by to say hello although I can see a drop in my on-line time towards the summer (for obvious reasons). I'd like to make the top 10 at some point, but catching ramagi is damn near impossible. She made 120 points in one night! If I can reach Elite Guard Second Lieutenant or higher, I'll be content. Congrats on being the 8th 'Where is/How to?' member, and didn't you level up as well? I'm going to talk a stroll through the building and see if there are any weird-ass experiments going on (I've seen a few). Check with ya later bud!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 20:33:39

At 3/29/03 08:27 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Congrats on being the 8th 'Where is/How to?' member, and didn't you level up as well? I'm going to talk a stroll through the building and see if there are any weird-ass experiments going on (I've seen a few). Check with ya later bud!

Thanks for the congrats. Yeah, I did level up, but I had ranked up about 10 minutes earlier and posted about that so I didn't really want to post about a level up that soon.

Weird experiments eh? That quite tickles my fancy. Do you mind explaining about one or two you have witnessed or do you have to keep confidentiality?

As most of you know, spancker recently got AIM and we have been talking to msafreak a lot, trying to find out about him. Spancker and I have come across some fascinating details, and spancker will be revealing our findings on the whole thing real soon-like.

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 20:41:02

Seems we all got played for chumps!
MSafreak told myself he lived with his Grandpa who pimps and beats him and shit but chekc this out little covo between him Mr_james and another user:
bullyzx: goku
bullyzx: and brothers or sisters?
GokuLV500: yep twin bro
bullyzx: mom died and dad died 9-11 my sis is 16
GokuLV500: thats what i have hes an asshole
GokuLV500: o god
Thurbonator: you have a sis now!
GokuLV500: sorry to hear that
bullyzx: yes
Thurbonator: before it wa sjust you and grndpa
bullyzx: i have a sis
Thurbonator: changing your story again?
GokuLV500: o shit
bullyzx: gtg

Notice he leaves after confronted?

I got in a AIm chat iwth him and Mr_james were we both confronted him he ran again dont believe this bullshit he just want pity and he wants to be me he looks up my past nad claims to like everyhting i like proof he wnats to mimic me and is totally pathetic:

bullyzx: what ur favorite color?mines red the color of blood
Phantom spancker: i liekred too
Phantom spancker: your mimicing me
bullyzx: that is my fav coor
bullyzx: color*
Phantom spancker: yuor copying my reason too
Phantom spancker: strange
bullyzx: favortie sport? i like basket ball
bullyzx: same as u
Phantom spancker: no you dont
Phantom spancker: now your jsut trying to copy me
bullyzx: yes i do
Phantom spancker: stop it!
bullyzx: no i realy do i swear i like basketballl
bullyzx: u have a bb gun?
bullyzx: or paintball?
Phantom spancker: BB gun
Phantom spancker: how are oyu learning all this
Phantom spancker: is ssee your reading my old psots

Copies me again but this is the clencher he said he would steal goat boy!
That fucker!
He said love the movie jay and silent bob when i asked what happens in it to prove it he didnt respond hes mimicing me hes jsut al oser and hes just been CLOCKED!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 20:48:27

At 3/29/03 08:41 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: He said love the movie jay and silent bob when i asked what happens in it to prove it he didnt respond hes mimicing me hes jsut al oser and hes just been CLOCKED!

In case no-one has this knowledge, bullyzx is msafreak's AIM name and Thurbonator is mine. Spancker's is obvious. I have the jay and silent bob conversation below.

bullyzx: hi
Phantom spancker: hey
bullyzx: what was tha thing u said about a 2 day trial?
Phantom spancker: FFS
bullyzx: ffs?
Phantom spancker: your fucking deaf ubt here it is for the alst itme
Phantom spancker: you prove your seripus aobut not posting
Phantom spancker: ever
Phantom spancker: and ill be your firend
bullyzx: oh
Phantom spancker: if posilbe
bullyzx: :-P
bullyzx: so you like aim?>
Phantom spancker: no it blows dogs for quaters
Phantom spancker: but its needed to tlak to certain suers
Phantom spancker: and firneds
bullyzx: lmao
bullyzx: did u recently turn 13 or ur turning 14 soon?
Phantom spancker: im turning 14 soon
Phantom spancker: i tpye way too fast
Phantom spancker: too many errors
bullyzx: ' ' ' ' '
| | | | |
happy BIRTHDAY! blow out the candles!

bullyzx: ^^
Phantom spancker: how bout no
bullyzx: whats up?
Phantom spancker: just watching a movie tlaking to people and NG
bullyzx: what movie?
Phantom spancker: Magnolia
bullyzx: that has alot of f words rite?
Phantom spancker: yep
bullyzx: is that why u took it out?
Phantom spancker: alott of porn related words
bullyzx: my favs are american history X,jay and,jay and silent bob strike back,
Phantom spancker: no they arent yourj sut sayign hat becuase i like them
Phantom spancker: dont try it
Phantom spancker: you read my profile im not stupid
bullyzx: no
Phantom spancker: sure
bullyzx: i like bob and silent bob strike back
bullyzx: its funny
Phantom spancker: fine then what happens in it?
bullyzx: :-D

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 21:15:53

Well... interesting. That still doesn't explain why he's so fascinated with spancker. I do have one thing to say though...
spancker you like basketball?? Ahhhhh loser!!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 21:21:08

What basketball rocks i still dont know hwy he likes me but still its kinda fucked up

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 21:26:46


bullyzx: hey
Thurbonator: hello
bullyzx: where phantom?
Thurbonator: he's not on his pc
bullyzx: why is he mad at me now?
Thurbonator: same reason as always
bullyzx: no he was nice today
Thurbonator: was he now...
bullyzx: no thats why im confused
bullyzx: tell him im gonna post on where is how to since the deals off
Thurbonator: why is the deal off
bullyzx: casue he told me to fuck off
Thurbonator: i think that was in order seeing as you were saying fuck goat boy
Thurbonator: you lied about your life as well
Thurbonator: pretty much everything you typed was a lie
bullyzx: yes i know
Thurbonator: why
Thurbonator: why did you lie!?
bullyzx: so he would feel bD AND BE MY FRIEND
Thurbonator: as we all assumed
bullyzx: well
bullyzx: hi
bullyzx: hi
bullyzx: hu
bullyzx: hu
bullyzx: .
bullyzx: .
bullyzx: jsut tryin sum thin
Thurbonator: yeah spamming
bullyzx: :-D (This was extremely large in size)
Thurbonator: You have sunk to an extreme low. I cannot believe that you would do all that you have done. I dont want to be seen with you again. I'm going to block you now, and don't try to contact me again.

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 21:36:45

Begin of new banning petition for telling people that shit but look at he guy, Try hard loser........

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 21:40:32

Basketball sucks. This is the sport of gladiators my friend . . .

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 21:44:40

Recon i toally agree but rmember i live in UK we dont get major hockey out here but i do like that game "punch him in the fucking neck number 12!"
Basketball is one of the only american sports we get over here also MSAfreka lives in New Jersy somewhere so if you live there nad see that kid please put paain on him and vndialism his home also feel free to dit that icture as you want :-D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 22:00:27

New petiton to ban msafreak with the new evdience against him proved.....

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 22:01:13

At 3/29/03 09:44 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: Recon i toally agree but rmember i live in UK we dont get major hockey out here but i do like that game "punch him in the fucking neck number 12!"
Basketball is one of the only american sports we get over here

Yeah, it kinda helps when you live in the country that invented the sport. Hey spancker, did you know basketball (in addition to hockey), was invented in Canada?

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 22:05:47

At 3/29/03 09:40 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Basketball sucks. This is the sport of gladiators my friend . . .

I have a funny basketball pic...

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 22:40:14

At 3/29/03 10:05 PM, Mr_James wrote:
At 3/29/03 09:40 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Basketball sucks. This is the sport of gladiators my friend . . .
I have a funny basketball pic...

Those kids are ingenious. I remember my best friend and I were walking through a park where we found a large plastic lid (like a frisbee). Well next thing you know we're marking out the pitcher's mound, distance from the plate etc. Frisbee baseball was born! I've known the guy now about 25 years, he's married with a wife and daughter. I have to visit him soon or he'll disown me!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 23:12:11

I'm sorry to say GuineVir has been retired. Looks like a nice group of people in the 6000 to 7000 category.
Time for a more appropriate weapon, heh heh.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 23:28:19

At 3/29/03 11:12 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Time for a more appropriate weapon, heh heh.

Whoa! That sure is a more appropriate weapon haha. It wouldn't do anything to this guy though. He's got the bounce effect!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 23:32:02

At 3/29/03 11:28 PM, Mr_James wrote:
At 3/29/03 11:12 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Time for a more appropriate weapon, heh heh.
Whoa! That sure is a more appropriate weapon haha. It wouldn't do anything to this guy though. He's got the bounce effect!

I can deal with the cartoon Mr_James, but I don't think I'd want to see the real life version!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 23:42:44

At 3/29/03 11:32 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I can deal with the cartoon Mr_James, but I don't think I'd want to see the real life version!

HELL NO! That's the sort of thing you leave riiiiiight alone! He'd keep this dragon satisfied for a long time though...

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-29 23:59:45

At 3/29/03 11:42 PM, Mr_James wrote:
At 3/29/03 11:32 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I can deal with the cartoon Mr_James, but I don't think I'd want to see the real life version!
HELL NO! That's the sort of thing you leave riiiiiight alone! He'd keep this dragon satisfied for a long time though...

Hahaha! That's a neat gif. The dragon is my sign in chinese astrology. What's yours? If you don't know just search the web, it goes by the year you were born, not the month. Speaking of which. . .
When's the last time you ate chinese food?

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-30 00:32:53

At 3/29/03 11:59 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Hahaha! That's a neat gif. The dragon is my sign in chinese astrology. What's yours?

According to http://chinese.astrology.com/ I am a Rabbit. This is what it said about me:

Timid and attractive, the Rabbits of the Chinese Zodiac tend to act more like bunnies, whether they like it or not! This Sign is extremely popular and has a wide circle of family and friends. Its compassionate nature leads it to be very protective of those it holds dear, but where romance is concerned, the Rabbit's sentimentality can lead it to idealize relationships. The sweet, sensitive Rabbit often ends up giving more of itself to a partner than is realistic or healthy. The good news is, when this Sign goes off-balance, the Rabbit's core group of friends and its stable home life help bring it back to center.

The Rabbit is a rather delicate Sign that needs a solid base in order to thrive. Lacking close, supportive friends and family, the Rabbit might just break down in tears at the first sign of conflict. Emotional upsets in this Sign's life can even lead to physical illnesses. Rabbits dislike arguments and other conflict and will try anything to avoid a fight; this results in something of a pushover nature. Rabbits can also lapse into pessimism and may seem stuck in life -- often to mask their insecure natures. Rabbits tend to move through life's lessons at their own, rather contemplative pace; it's a waste of time to become exasperated with this Sign's seeming disinterest in facing its problems and conquering them.

With the right partner -- meaning someone whose high principles won't allow it to take advantage of this sensitive, giving Sign -- the Rabbit can make an incredibly loving and protective partner or family member. Rabbits love to entertain at home and always make sure their house is comfortable and tastefully-furnished. What Rabbits need most is a stronger sense of self-worth and the security that comes with it. Their discerning natures, coupled with some hard-won assertiveness, will help these happy creatures go far.

The most compatible match for a Rabbit is the Goat or the Pig.

The majority of that is absolute bullshit. I'm nothing like what they say. I'm going to go for a swim.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-30 00:58:02

At 3/29/03 11:12 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I'm sorry to say GuineVir has been retired. Looks like a nice group of people in the 6000 to 7000 category.
Time for a more appropriate weapon, heh heh.

I don't know why, but I like that picture a lot. It kinda says, "Mess with me and you're dead".

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-30 01:38:28

At 3/30/03 12:58 AM, Transformers wrote: I don't know why, but I like that picture a lot. It kinda says, "Mess with me and you're dead".

Thanks Transformers, haven't heard from you in awhile. Your BBS sig in red, you acquired that when Newgrounds was testing different text colors, am I right? We less vigilant get nothing * sob *
The rabbit, hey Mr_James? I like how you summed up your analysis in one line.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-30 02:21:16

Well I guess I'll shine some light on this gloomy, uneventful evening and say that I just leveled up to Elite Guard Private First Class. I suspect I shall be moving into the top 100 soon, and I should be getting a few more points on average as I'm starting my spring break.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-30 02:27:32

At 3/30/03 02:21 AM, Heavy_Metal_Dude wrote: Well I guess I'll shine some light on this gloomy, uneventful evening and say that I just leveled up to Elite Guard Private First Class. I suspect I shall be moving into the top 100 soon, and I should be getting a few more points on average as I'm starting my spring break.

Congrats Heavy_Metal_Dude! When you say you'll be starting your spring break do you mean you'll be spending your time off on-line? Hey, do you want me to make you a sig pic? If yes you'll have to wait until tomorrow as I'm running short on time here.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-30 03:47:11

At 3/30/03 01:38 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 3/30/03 12:58 AM, Transformers wrote: I don't know why, but I like that picture a lot. It kinda says, "Mess with me and you're dead".
Thanks Transformers, haven't heard from you in awhile. Your BBS sig in red, you acquired that when Newgrounds was testing different text colors, am I right? We less vigilant get nothing * sob *

Yeah lucky me I guess :) I don't think I can change it or it will be gone forever because LilJim fixed the HTML coding (I think) :'(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-30 04:45:29

Recon's git that badge i like *extremely jealous*
Well odne dude now your in the big time but ive got caught back (Fucking parents) i was doing so well but then they came.......LOL
I think i level up in about 10-12 days.....

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-30 05:06:31

At 3/30/03 02:27 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Congrats Heavy_Metal_Dude! When you say you'll be starting your spring break do you mean you'll be spending your time off on-line? Hey, do you want me to make you a sig pic? If yes you'll have to wait until tomorrow as I'm running short on time here.

For sure I won't be spending all of my time off online, as I hope to make the most of my holiday and perhaps enjoy the outdoors a little more. I will be getting a little more time in though. I just simply have very little time during the regular week, I'm usually quite busy with school and such.

Thanks for the sig pic offer, I noticed when you guys were all having a hayday at that flaming text site. I think I might check it out for myself and see what I can come up with, it is kinda neat. If I run short on any ideas though, I'll be sure to look to you for help.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2003-03-30 07:12:38

At 3/29/03 07:14 PM, arrows_eleven wrote:
At 3/29/03 06:59 PM, _lightning_ wrote: damn you never sleep??
I don't get it, somehow I give people the illusion that I never sleep.

well me be becouse your on ng 24 hours a day