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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-12 20:21:10

damn this is a big ass thread

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-12 20:27:31

At 10/12/04 08:12 PM, j00bie wrote:
Though people call it 'SS Mass Voting', it is the works of several people. The SS just uploads a movie, AIMs a bunch of people and it WILL get auto-protected.
There is no point in losing the blam to it, just vote a 2 (like I do) and get on with it.

Vote on it as it deserves ... which is usually zero.

Be a sheep if you like, I'll continue to make my points ON a flash rather than from it when the need arises.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-12 20:29:51

At 10/12/04 08:21 PM, phat_matt77 wrote: damn this is a big ass thread

That comment was totally unecessary. This thread is about rank-ups, level-ups, stats, stats ranking and anything else similar. If you are going to type something that isn't worth reading then don't press on "post it".

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-12 20:33:55

At 10/12/04 08:29 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 10/12/04 08:21 PM, phat_matt77 wrote: damn this is a big ass thread
That comment was totally unecessary. This thread is about rank-ups, level-ups, stats, stats ranking and anything else similar. If you are going to type something that isn't worth reading then don't press on "post it".

Don't think you're gonna get through to him. Have a look at the rest of his posts... presumably he was dropped on his head at birth.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-12 20:42:11

At 10/12/04 08:33 PM, Denvish wrote:
Don't think you're gonna get through to him. Have a look at the rest of his posts... presumably he was dropped on his head at birth.

Yeah I just noticed it. His posts are as short as sks's old posts that were deleted but that guy makes dumber posts than sks. That's just sad.

Dogma is on my side :O Vote what a flash deserves, not what it will get. I admit that your opinion decides what deserves to be on the portal but from I read, you thought it didn't deserve to be here. Following the massive votes that help some crappy flashes to survive just to get protection pts is lame. We have enough crap on the portal, no need to add more.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-12 20:48:36

All monosyllabic one lined spammy responses make Noir a dull boy. :(

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-12 20:59:37

At 10/12/04 08:42 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
Dogma is on my side :O Vote what a flash deserves, not what it will get. I admit that your opinion decides what deserves to be on the portal but from I read, you thought it didn't deserve to be here. Following the massive votes that help some crappy flashes to survive just to get protection pts is lame. We have enough crap on the portal, no need to add more.

I used to vote for points, so the high horse I'm on isn't all that tall. Still, by the time I hit ~5k I was doing what I do now.

If the flash needs a 0, it gets it. If the author needs a smack in the head, everything gets a 0 until I get bored or they wise up.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-12 21:06:17

Well, last post I guess...
Ill just start rambling on about small things, because I have nothing big to post right now.
I was nearing #5 review spot, until cyberdevil became active and reviewed like a bitch.
I have 3081 reviews now, and 318 responses -- 3081/318 (nifty).
Im almost 350 away from rank-up (though thats a long shot still).
I passed both that Dark_Ture guy Ive been chasing for a while, and spancker.
Im in the top 150 of B/Ps.
Tomorrows deposit will probably get me to 7.50 VP.
And I have this cool screenie, cheers!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-12 21:43:57

At 10/12/04 07:38 PM, D0GMA wrote: Grats and well done =) .17 +VP on a 2% rocks!!

Now catch Syme already sheesh lol

thanks, but Syme seems to be very difficult to pass. With exams week after week in college and work.. it's tough to find enough free time to really sit around all day and vote. Also, Syme seems to have cranked up her pace.. she'll pass the few ahead of her fairly easily just from viewing the stats.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-12 22:33:02

At 10/12/04 10:24 PM, _Bonus_Power_Ranger_ wrote: i always have good long responses ....

Yours aren't long, they're just a lot of short responses glued together into a gfox-like multipost ;-P

While I'm at it, I've got a couple of cool stats to share: 2345 experience, and I finally got 1.000 posts per day! Yay!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-12 22:44:56

At 10/12/04 10:33 PM, Shat_the_Kat wrote:
Yours aren't long, they're just a lot of short responses glued together into a gfox-like multipost ;-P

While I'm at it, I've got a couple of cool stats to share: 2345 experience, and I finally got 1.000 posts per day! Yay!

You are so unoriginal. We both have the same amount of experience.

No congratulations for you. :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-12 23:17:33

At 10/12/04 10:44 PM, EKRegulus wrote: No congratulations for you. :D

Oh man...EKR laying down the law!!

Well, I predict that you both will have the same amount of XP on Jan 1, 2005. If one of you has a lower amount, then they will get a swift kick in the butt.

Syme has been a machine for a while...she is definitely a force to be reckoned with.

Also, I got home early today :-D I just walked in the door about 15 minutes ago...man it feels good ^_^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-12 23:47:31

At 10/12/04 10:24 PM, _Bonus_Power_Ranger_ wrote: meaning that evantually you'll be the next 13.00 VP person :o, only a few more left Vince, don't give up ;P

not necessarily... _altr_ and Captain_Bob still have a shot to be the next at 13.00 VP.. i think i'm going to be slowing down a little in b/p points in the next few days just cuz i have a huge Law mid-term exam for college.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-12 23:52:16

At 10/11/04 07:46 PM, D0GMA wrote: There's also the fact that people get more motivated as they near a goal. lee had been muddling along at 20-40/day for some time, but his pace has been increasing as he gets closer to SC. You'll likely be around 28k (give or take a couple hundred) when he makes it.

Indeed they do, I've noticed his rising pace too. 28,000 you say, I'll remember that and see how close you were. If I'm less than 100 away from that you win EXTRA and we all know extra is better right? (I dunno either)

Congrats on passing Recon in blams btw.

MPA as SC is a scary enough thought ... doing it on Halloween was going to be overkill ;)

Roar and what have you.

At 10/11/04 07:47 PM, leeboy105 wrote: I've calculated using my average of abput 50 points, that it should take me about 20 days to get to EGSC. For MPA to beat me, he'd have to average about 165 or so - pretty much an impossible task even for a b/ping machine like MPA.

Yeah, 165 per day would require no sleep ever.

At 10/11/04 08:03 PM, _Bonus_Power_Ranger_ wrote: though the shit = shift one was very enjoyable ^_^

[easy pun] Yeah, it was quite the shitty typo wasn't it. [/easy pun]

At 10/12/04 08:21 PM, phat_matt77 wrote: damn this is a big ass thread

Thanks for pointing that out. I was about to write my sociology paper on how the small LUL thread contributes to the xenocentrism of many small villages in Malaysia. BOY WOULD I FEEL DUMB WHEN MY PROFESSOR HANDS ME BACK MY PAPER WITH THE FOLLOWING IN RED MARKER " F: YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE WRITING ABOUT BECAUSE THE LUL IS A BIG ASS THREAD"
Thanks again for the heads up phat_matt77.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 00:24:39

At 10/12/04 11:52 PM, MPA wrote:
Indeed they do, I've noticed his rising pace too. 28,000 you say, I'll remember that and see how close you were. If I'm less than 100 away from that you win EXTRA and we all know extra is better right? (I dunno either)

Do I get a cookie from the j00bie stomping girl scout?

Congrats on passing Recon in blams btw.

Thanks much =)

And while I'm back here ... (position paper type stuff and all that) supporting arguments for my aformentioned voting habits before anyone decides to try and take me to task for them:

Back when Wade originally posted the fact that there was a serious issue with users voting 0 on virtually all entries coming through the Portal, a large series of debates spun up. (granted, the issue has never really gone away, it merely rears its ugly head periodically instead). Most of this was due to people not understanding what he was trying to say. The simple fact has always been that NG wanted to protect the chances of an artist to have his flash listed on the Portal. Once it makes it in, all bets are off.

Originally posted in Terminate Accounts?.

At 2/5/03 02:28 PM, WadeFulp wrote:
At 2/5/03 08:39 AM, SoulRifter wrote: No one ever answered my question: Can we vote 0 on movies which have already been protected, such as top 50 movies? And if not, why?
You can, but we'll know. However, we feel our users should have the right to shape the TOP 50 as they see fit. However, voting 0 on good movies just to get something they like better higher in the TOP 50 list results in all the TOP 50 movies getting lower and lower scores. That is why no movie holds over a 4.00 for long and eventually averages out around a 3.77.

At no time is any mention ever made of constricting the voting of users after a flash has passed judgment. The primary concern has always been to give flash a fair shake at making it when they are first submitted. Once it makes it in, all bets are off.

Furthermore, in Should bad voters be punished?

At 1/21/03 12:17 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Here is what we are sending offending users at the moment. We're trying to warn people that they are under watch, but not totally accuse them at the same time. :) Kinda like "You're on our radar, be careful, but we will check you out further before we do anything" hehe:

"We are now closely monitoring user votes on NEW submissions. You have been found to be voting 0 on many good entries. Please take time to watch each submission before you vote on it. By voting 0 on these entries you lose your chance to gain a PROTECTION/SAVE point which helps accumulate your TOTAL vote points (BLAM + SAVE) which determines your vote rank and vote bonus. If you continue to vote recklessly and endanger good Flash movies your experience points, and voting points, will be reset. We realize some movies with high scores maybe stolen, malicious, etc and voting 0 on these types of movies is perfectly justifiable. Before we would take any action we would review the submissions being voted down to be sure they are legit and do not break any Portal violations.

Below is a list of movies you were found voting 0/1 on that ended up being protected with a 2.70 or higher:"

Again, the emphasis is upon ensuring that flash entries have a valid chance to make it into the Portal. The focus of attention is upon how users vote while a submission is under judgment. Once they make it in, all bets are off.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 00:30:13

Hey D0GMA,

I vote zero on flash in the top 50 that i feel doesn't deserve to be on the list and i dislike. But at the same time i vote up the flash in which i feel deserves to be on the list. Prowlies at the rive... Salad Fingers Episode 2.. are examples of great flash in my eyes.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 00:40:26

At 10/13/04 12:30 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Hey D0GMA,

Hey Yoink.

I vote zero on flash in the top 50 that i feel doesn't deserve to be on the list and i dislike.

Wade said this:

At 2/5/03 02:28 PM, WadeFulp wrote: However, we feel our users should have the right to shape the TOP 50 as they see fit.

He doesn't track voting habits of users on movies after they pass judgement. He is just concerned about the UJ movies.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 00:55:49

At 10/13/04 12:40 AM, RedCircle wrote: He doesn't track voting habits of users on movies after they pass judgement. He is just concerned about the UJ movies.

oh okay, well underjudgement varies.. sometimes a movie that i do not like but i know for sure that it will be protected.. i'll vote the 2. If it is very original with great detail and everything it gets the 5, if it's pure shit then it gets the 0. 0,2, and 5 are really the numbers i only use for underjudgements.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 01:10:22

At 10/13/04 12:30 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Hey D0GMA,

I vote zero on flash in the top 50 that i feel doesn't deserve to be on the list and i dislike. But at the same time i vote up the flash in which i feel deserves to be on the list. Prowlies at the rive... Salad Fingers Episode 2.. are examples of great flash in my eyes.

I was doing a, "just in case." The last major commentary I proferred got j00bie up in arms over my supposed discrimination in how I applied my statements. "Just in case," he, or anyone else, decided to give me shit for the fact that I'll fire off zeroes at the people I think need to go out and buy a clue, I'm pointing at a short pier off which they can go take a long walk.

You are well within the parameters defined in Wade's comments. You don't need to defend yourself to me.

At 10/13/04 12:40 AM, RedCircle wrote: He doesn't track voting habits of users on movies after they pass judgement. He is just concerned about the UJ movies.

Based on the other comments in the threads, they do track it (or at least have access to it), they just don't care. It's kind of like when you're driving along the road. Most of the things you do wrong don't matter ... right up until the cop decides to nail you. Then he'll give you a ticket for everything under the sun for which it's possible to ticket you. They don't care about your voting habits until you do something seriously wrong (like vote 0 on everything coming in the portal) at which point they'll pull out the books on every other thing you've done wrong.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 01:39:18

At 10/13/04 01:10 AM, D0GMA wrote:
At 10/13/04 12:40 AM, RedCircle wrote: He doesn't track voting habits of users on movies after they pass judgement. He is just concerned about the UJ movies.
Based on the other comments in the threads, they do track it (or at least have access to it), they just don't care.

Well, of course they "track" it. They have all the information stored on their database servers, and they can pull up anyone who they want to. So, yes, by your definition of "tracking", they keep all user's votes in databases.

I guess your definition and my definition of "tracking" are somewhat different. I define tracking a person's voting habits as looking at that particular users votes activily. Sure, the admins have all the information at their disposal (and they can track anyone), but actually "tracking" everyone would be quite resource-draining and silly given Wade's prior comments of only caring how people vote on UJ's.

I see what you meant when you said "or at least have access to it". But that is different from activily looking at one's votes.

Then he'll give you a ticket for everything under the sun for which it's possible to ticket you.

Well, that kinda depends on the cop, now doesn't it, eh?

Back to NG:

They don't care about your voting habits until you do something seriously wrong (like vote 0 on everything coming in the portal) at which point they'll pull out the books on every other thing you've done wrong.

Heh, I think that just the act of "voting 0" on everything would be enough reason to take action upon the given user. I wouldn't think that they would need to "pull out the books" on everything else that person has done. They'd just Term the account, or reset everything and it would be enough.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 05:51:17

At 10/13/04 12:40 AM, RedCircle wrote:
At 10/13/04 12:30 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Hey D0GMA,
Hey Yoink.

Hey Blue

I vote zero on flash in the top 50 that i feel doesn't deserve to be on the list and i dislike.

sounds like a plan.

Wade said this:

At 2/5/03 02:28 PM, WadeFulp wrote: However, we feel our users should have the right to shape the TOP 50 as they see fit.

yeh, i think that is reasonable.

He doesn't track voting habits of users on movies after they pass judgement. He is just concerned about the UJ movies.

yah yah... im starting to hate all of those piconjo and SS fans... i vote 0 on their movies... but they always have like a 2.5 UJ score!! :@ANGER:@ hahah.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 06:50:29

Congrats j00bie D0GMA, Yoing and Marcus and Eldarion (looks like your storming ahead with the race buddy :()

Hmm an interesting debate, i tend not to vote on the top 50 unless its extremely neccesary, i try and get all my points from the UJ section for my deposit, meh, thats my opinion.

MrX, i dont think i will try that suggestion for a hangover cure, it sounds quite revolting, i'll stick with another beer :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 07:24:44

Congrats to Snowy Beast, YoinK_Vines, j00bie and ShattyKatty, and anyone else I might have missed.

And to add to the debate, I rarely even vote on top 50 movies that I think are actually good, just because I know my vote won't even matter a lot. I will, however vote high on a flash that should be in the top 50, and on flashes that shouldn't be in the top 50.
And the admins can track accounts that vote improperly? I thought that was just a fairytale. I mean, sure, it's all in their database, but tracking every single user that votes on UJ movies would be craziness.
Oh well, I'm in no danger considering I usually vote fair on UJ movies.

At 10/12/04 01:31 PM, TheRotArm wrote: Wow, Mazz. You look quite odd as a lvl 13, I'm used to seeing you as a 12. I'll get you confused with Shpouiten now! :shakes:

Nyah nyah, pheer my confusingness :P
Meh, if I changed my aura to red you'd confuse me with Baron, and if I'd change it to green you'd confuse me with....Someone...who has a green aura.

At 10/12/04 02:15 PM, Eldarion wrote:
At 10/12/04 01:19 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Gaze in awe at my awesome MS paint skillz.
OMFG TAHT SUXS, GRR... >:( [[[{{(((AINGRY FAIC)))}}]]]

Don't you think I have 'sic' 'skillz'?

At 10/12/04 05:19 PM, cesardaman_iac wrote: What's worse is when you deposit before HT and level up, then HT deposits and drops you back a level...

Yeah, that happened to me when I reached level 11 or 12.

It sucked :(

At 10/12/04 08:12 PM, j00bie wrote: Though people call it 'SS Mass Voting', it is the works of several people. The SS just uploads a movie, AIMs a bunch of people and it WILL get auto-protected.

It's like the Blam Club, only more evil.

At 10/12/04 08:21 PM, phat_matt77 wrote: damn this is a big ass thread

You figured this out just now?
And this topic is bigger.

At 10/12/04 08:33 PM, Denvish wrote: Don't think you're gonna get through to him. Have a look at the rest of his posts... presumably he was dropped on his head at birth.

Meh, Newgrounds is filled with them :P

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 07:25:19

Grats to Eldarion for 2k blams, Snowy (what, I liked TinTin) for 'whistler' level and a big congrats for Yoink for rank up.

As for voting, if anything you should vote 5 on SS and 0 on the turd that actually deserves it. Probably not, but voting 0 on their dozens of movies should put a dent in the BA, not that it would matter, they would vote them up again... argh, not much we can do. But throwing 0s at bad entries should always be the number one thing you should do, especially if you were like me and didn't hear about it until now as it's already got the turd, so I just gave a 0. Top 50 is fine by me, vote 5 on whatever you want (unless it's something like Lincoln Frog, vote 0 on all really bad flashes).

At 10/12/04 10:30 AM, TheRotArm wrote:
At 10/12/04 07:03 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: It wasn't very nice spelling my name with a K either.
I just feel like making fun of you.

Yes, cruel irony, I know. And a :P to you too.

At 10/12/04 04:40 PM, _Bonus_Power_Ranger_ wrote:
At 10/12/04 04:07 PM, _Black_Power_Ranger_ wrote: Rofl. bonus power ranger!
Indeed my inspiration was you of course <3

Not another one, so when do I see the bad guy (I can't remember his name, it's been a long time) who (hopefully for once) kills you all?

At 10/12/04 08:44 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: I hope they add more levels by then or at least give us the year that the text search will come back.
Lots of stuff

Well anything's better than the number of level 9s we currently have, I mean it, even if there was a choice only for level 9 to change that icon or keep it, that would be better. For people who would suddenly be closer to another level, it would depend on how high they are already. I couldn't imagine all the level 9s who would then be close to level 10 would just decide to deposit, most on the BBS see it as pointless and probably a lot of people who don't visit the BBS would be happy with their 5VP. Although people high up wouldn't want to go down 10 levels just to be back at their favourite icon.

The 10 base VP will probably remain, so any added levels will have no effect on that. Points aren't going to magicially increase, just more levels, which have no effect on points or VP at all. They're dependent on the highest level user's points, look good and nothing more. For example, adding more whistle levels would be good in my view, but ramagi controls the levels and whistle power. It would encourage users to whistle more, but there's not a bonus in whistle points or anything, it just shrinks the gap.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 08:02:00

At 10/13/04 07:41 AM, FBIpolux wrote: Argh! 10 more b/p to get Corporal, and 16 more exp to get level 10!!! Hurry up!

Heh ... I've been within a handful of 24k blams for the last six hours. Every time I think I've got it ... my blam point(you heard me, it's MY ($875a(z5^T^@#^% blam point dammit) keeps getting flagged.

/me is highly frustrated and starts gnawing on ice cubes ...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 08:15:16

At 10/12/04 11:47 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: i think i'm going to be slowing down a little in b/p points in the next few days just cuz i have a huge Law mid-term exam for college.

Heh, law's the reason that I've slowed down to a halt of recent.

Anyway, does anyone know how to get Firefox to show you the most recent cached version of a site (that's no longer responding)? Or the directory that Firefox holds its cached information in?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 08:39:52

At 10/13/04 08:15 AM, jonthomson wrote:
Anyway, does anyone know how to get Firefox to show you the most recent cached version of a site (that's no longer responding)? Or the directory that Firefox holds its cached information in?

In the file menu, try to select "Work Offline" then type in the adress you want to go to. I think it should work.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 10:13:33

At 10/12/04 08:21 PM, phat_matt77 wrote: damn this is a big ass thread


At 10/13/04 07:24 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats to Snowy Beast, YoinK_Vines, j00bie and ShattyKatty, and anyone else I might have missed.

Thanks a lot... and I want to challenge you... ohh Mighty lvl13 -Mazza- ;-)
I'll bet you 20 that I'll be 3100 BPs before you reach 12,000!
Are you up to the challenge? ;-)

Sig made by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 10:25:48

At 10/13/04 10:13 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote: I want to challenge you... ohh Mighty lvl13 -Mazza- ;-)
I'll bet you 20 that I'll be 3100 BPs before you reach 12,000!
Are you up to the challenge? ;-)

Yeah, and I bet you that I won't!! Ohohohoho. So droll...

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-13 11:05:06

At 10/13/04 10:13 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote: Thanks a lot... and I want to challenge you... ohh Mighty lvl13 -Mazza- ;-)
I'll bet you 20 that I'll be 3100 BPs before you reach 12,000!
Are you up to the challenge? ;-)

Sure, why not :P
But 20 what?
It'll take a while until I reach 12,000 though.

fucking magnets man how do they work