At 10/4/04 01:24 AM, RedCircle wrote:
Thanks for the "BlueCircle" paint pic, Qwoxyl. That made me laugh. ^_^
Good, and the reason I even made it was because some new person who wanted to make a movie about this lounge (before you ask, I don't know why either), and he needed a drawing and your sig was the first thing to come to my mind, and it gets less interesting from there.
Which leaves one question, WHY DO YOU HAVE A BLUE STAR IN YOUR SIG? WHY?!!!
At 10/4/04 03:15 AM, -Mazza- wrote:
Oh well. I'm going to be really original and say 'I've got wood!'
Well I'm going to be even more original and say "STFU n00b!". Congrats for the bat.
At 10/4/04 07:19 AM, NameChanginIs4LoZ3r5 wrote:
At 10/4/04 01:03 AM, Qwoxyl wrote:
lol. I always wanted to know what a j00bie looked like.
I thought it'd be obvious, mr. MS paint ):<
Are you kidding, that would have taken weeks to figure out. I'm so glad you drew it for me, now I die happy. And did you ever notice how everything sounds better with a Mr in front of it? Mr Perfect, Mr Wrong, Mr Impossible, why I think I'll make a series about all the Mr ____s.
At 10/4/04 08:03 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:
At 10/3/04 05:55 PM, Qwoxyl wrote:
Well I already made one, but now I've betterised it (gfox now has a g).
Sweet, i have a mace and a knife, lol. Im gonna make a class pic tonight with a few members in it, i think all the members woiuld be to bloody big.
A class pic? When you say members you mean us right (I think)? I'm now confused about what you're doing, but I want to see it when you're done.
Hmm, is it just me or has Gfox been away for an unusua amount of time even by his standards, or is it just me missing out again :)
I saw him yesterday, but he hasn't posted in here for a while.
At 10/4/04 08:15 AM, TheRotArm wrote:
I just signed up to NaNoWriMo, and now I have to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. It's not going to be easy, I can tell you!
You don't have to tell us it's hard, I would be really unlucky to write 50,000 words a year for assignments, let alone a novel. Maybe you can start one now and finish it next year so you'll be well prepared?