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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 10:59:03

At 9/30/04 08:04 AM, -Josh- wrote: Sure... Well anyways i just got my 1000th exp point, its taken ages, and got my 3 secret, im not gunna talk about the secret as if i do ill get banned, but W00T, 1000th exp, my first milestone in exp.

congrates i just passed mt 1000exp too not long till you hit lvl 10 no.

At 9/30/04 06:54 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: hmmm, not much else in the way of level ups for me lately... im close to getting 1.5k posts, and nearing (not very close to yet) 2.5k reviews... currently at 2324. so im 176 off.

There looks to be no stoppin you MARCUS on your reviewing rampage! You seem to be close to many achivements! well done to you sir.

At 9/30/04 06:51 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:
Hmmm interesting. Do you consider someone whos posts are higher than their XP's a spammer Recon ? Or even just annoying ? Everyone of them ? Meh.

Hmmm this cannot be tru what about new users and people who arnet evan bothed abouot depositing, just like to forums?

Personal bit: There seems to be alot of accout hacking? what is all this about??
Congrats too anyone i may have missed the past few page, the pace of this forum has certainly risen, its very hard too keep up with, esecially being British, with the time difference.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 11:10:44

At 9/30/04 10:59 AM, Tom_s00 wrote::

There looks to be no stoppin you MARCUS on your reviewing rampage! You seem to be close to many achivements! well done to you sir.

thanks very much! and hows this for a magic number!
View Your Reviews (2,333)
(With Responses Only (733))
haha, notice a pattern?? lol! also, i have been on a little search lately... i do believe that i only know of one user who has more responses to reviews that i do... thats XwaynecoltX, and he has like 1,000+
so if anyone has more responses than that, i'd really like to see em...

Hmmm this cannot be tru what about new users and people who arnet evan bothed abouot depositing, just like to forums?

yeh i guess... i mean some people just go on the BBS and thats all... hehe, i've seen this one guy around who has over 1,000 posts and hes on lvl 1! XD lol.
but i think that if someone deposits everyday thy're on NG, and has more posts, and they are short... then they're whores!! lol.

Personal bit: There seems to be alot of accout hacking? what is all this about??

its not hacking! because j00bie has no life, a few people place their profiles trust in j00bs when they go away, so that he may deposit for him. even though he doesnt deposit and simply spams though :P lol.

Congrats too anyone i may have missed the past few page, the pace of this forum has certainly risen, its very hard too keep up with, esecially being British, with the time difference.

yeh, this place grows like the LNL used to... i remember once it was frowing at a rate of around 6 pages a day for about a week once. that was incredible.
and you think you've got it tough??? hell, i dont think so.
on a weekday when im at school.... i get home at 2AM NG time, and i get off my computer at 7AM NG time. hows THAT for a time difference?! lol.
neways, heading off to bed now... 1am, and im tired. *yawns*

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 12:54:47

At 9/29/04 07:24 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: But you didnt change your profile pic hahahaha, change it now please :)

Doh. Completely forgot about that. Thanks for the heads up buddy :)
It's all present and correct this time :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 13:23:06

I haven't been posting much since I hit 1,000, for some reason. It's quite odd. Gaaah!!

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 13:35:42

Im Level 2... i think?? How does one check his own stats?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 13:46:20

At 9/30/04 01:35 PM, methook wrote: Im Level 2... i think?? How does one check his own stats?

Yes you are indee lvl 2 to check your stats click 'sign in' at the top of the screen, then click the 'view personal profile' link, to view all stats. or if you in the BBS click your name at the bottom of the screen. to get straight to your profile.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 14:36:44

yay i hit level 10 last week and got Elite Class Blam Rank

lucky me

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 14:38:03

At 9/30/04 01:35 PM, methook wrote: Im Level 2... i think?? How does one check his own stats?

For that you need a profile.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 15:03:34

Man why does the Portal have to be so slow??? I'm like 30 points away from ranking up. Come on people Submit stuff!!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 15:46:39

I didn't rank up, but I finally made it into the top 100 experience. Someone must have been getting lazy.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 16:00:00

At 9/30/04 03:46 PM, Jen_the_Great wrote: I didn't rank up, but I finally made it into the top 100 experience. Someone must have been getting lazy.

Experience: Ranked # 100 out of 600,918 users!
Blam/Protect: Ranked # 129 out of 600,918 users!
Those are some pretty dang good numbers you got!

Anyways, since theres been a massive lack of me posting in this forum, seeing as I have nothing major to talk about, I'll just pull a bunch of minor milestones out of my ass!
Nearing 2650 reviews, 6th top reviewer
Nearing 6850 Blam/Protect points
Tomorrows deposit will break 3200 experience
That's pretty much it...

I think im going to post a lot less for now....
I'm going to try and lower my post per day count to in the 7s again...
I prefer 7 PPD opposed to 8.
So this is my 2nd post today! Probably my last as well! ( unless MARCUS decides to post something fun in the reviewers topic =D, *koff HINTHINTMARCUSkoff*, or if gfox decides to log on and do some gfoxy goodness! =) )

Anywho, Im going to try and hit 2700 reviews today, because it seems like a fun number, I guess....

P.S., where have all the 'senior' users gone to... there's been a massive lack of users such as Recon_Rebel, Bila, jonthomson, Joe, etc....
I know D0GMA is away due to death in family, and I know i've seen recon post 1 time since my last few posts... but everyone else decided to disappear!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 16:09:17

At 9/30/04 05:52 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: ...Now if your post count is a great deal higher than your experience point total, well maybe it's about time you cut others some slack and shut your mouth for awhile.

*Shuts up* *Runs off to flame Crimson_Edge*

At 9/30/04 06:51 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Your friend Lionheart was looking for you old bean, i think he must want to speak with you for something :)

Nah, he was just the only regular user(I think) whom I hadn't seen yet since my triumphent return to NewGrounds. I was curious where the coolest old dude on NewGrounds was, is all. I miss his crazy stories. :)

At 9/30/04 10:29 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: whoa dude... you're treading thin ice there. get your facts straight!
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 17 crappy entries.
but man, i knew this one guy called -Lord_Blam-, he was no joker... man, after just over two months his average B/P per day was 88...
and then... he stopped. haha. he said 'theres no point'. o well. lol.

I remember good ol' Lord_Blam from the Addicted To NG Club. I swear, we molded that guy. He came in there, we let him in, back then known as ChopSuey or something like that. Then he started Blamming. And damn, did he ever go fast!

Also, congrats to everyone including Jen, Marcus' alt(I'm so proud) and everyone else(Too many to name off singly).

P.S. j00bie and Bonus, in notice of all your other..."accounts", now you know why I didn't give my accout to you guys. lol

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 17:09:28

I finally got to under 180th in the all time B/P rank. Yehy, I am nit much under, but it's still still good. I guess, I was actually surprised, considering I am not B/Ping toooo much. I know there are people out there that get hundreds of blams more than me, oh well.

I also am now less than 100 Exp. points away from level twelve! Yay! It's taken forever, and I never really liked level 11 much, so this is awesome. I really like level 12, just becuase it's rediculous. :D My goal is level 14 though. I doubt I will stop once I get there though. Oh well.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 17:40:40

At 9/30/04 05:09 PM, Sentinel_specter wrote: I finally got to under 180th in the all time B/P rank. Yehy, I am nit much under, but it's still still good. I guess, I was actually surprised, considering I am not B/Ping toooo much. I know there are people out there that get hundreds of blams more than me, oh well.

I also am now less than 100 Exp. points away from level twelve! Yay! It's taken forever, and I never really liked level 11 much, so this is awesome. I really like level 12, just becuase it's rediculous. :D My goal is level 14 though. I doubt I will stop once I get there though. Oh well.

Well then, congratulations and early congratulations indeed.

Level 12 seems ok, but I simply can't wait to hit Level 13. Finally, to be rid of the gloves. It'll be a grand day fo' sho'!

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 18:29:19

At 9/30/04 05:40 PM, -LionHeart- wrote:
Level 12 seems ok, but I simply can't wait to hit Level 13. Finally, to be rid of the gloves. It'll be a grand day fo' sho'!

Agreed, im a month off from getting my next level up, thats if i dont forget to deposit.

Congrats to Marcus, Jen (sweet jesus) and Sentinal, well done troops you done good :)

I have now just embarked on a ittle blam save war with Eldarion to hopefully get me more into B/Ping again, ive sacked off recently but this is the kick up the arse i needed :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 18:57:46

At 9/30/04 04:00 PM, j00bie wrote: Nearing 2650 reviews, 6th top reviewer
Nearing 6850 Blam/Protect points
Tomorrows deposit will break 3200 experience
That's pretty much it...

You are also nearing a totally virtual life :D j00bie and his computer are merged :O

P.S., where have all the 'senior' users gone to... there's been a massive lack of users such as Recon_Rebel, Bila, jonthomson, Joe, etc....
I know D0GMA is away due to death in family, and I know i've seen recon post 1 time since my last few posts... but everyone else decided to disappear!

Bedn is hungry. He needs to hack accounts! He took over all those accounts and he changed the passwords. HAHAHAH

On a serious note: ramagi and joe are posting more than usual right now, jonthomson said he had problems with his computer/connection (I can't remember), bila is still blamming/protecting, maybe he has nothing interesting to type and who's recon_rebel? I don't know that guy. I just know that he has over 30000 b/p.

gfoxcook said he was really tired on one of his last posts but he will be back.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 19:05:12

At 9/30/04 06:57 PM, EKRegulus wrote: You are also nearing a totally virtual life :D j00bie and his computer are merged :O

nearing a totally virtual life?
Emphasis on nearing
I think youre a couple weeks too late buddy! >=D

and who's recon_rebel? I don't know that guy. I just know that he has over 30000 b/p.

Well Recon_Rebel posted the 17th post on the previous page...
He used to post here a lot, but I think he stopped visiting here so much due to some 'issues' that happened on page 700 (if you go there, it'll become quite clear as to why he has been so 'angry').
Judging by his previous posts, he's been tootin around in the Clubs and Crews and General lately.

COME BACK RECON!!! WE MISS YOU + WE'RE SORRY ;_; ( I am at least =D)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 19:15:58

*Reads page 701, gets annoyed at j00bie*

Dude! Now we'll never hear more Recon_Rebel stories of Gold, Glory and Gospel! Aww man, come back, Recon!

See, I was keeping this place in order. There is always room for only one spammer. I, dubbed by a few in the Top Posters list as the "Intelligent Spammer" posted way too much and sometimes shouldn't have posted at all, yet made sure all my posts made at least some contribution to the topic and/or thread. You, j00bie, however, posted annoying AIM conversations that were pretty much nonsensical spam.
I'm ashamed of you.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 19:19:08

At 9/30/04 07:05 PM, j00bie wrote:

umm the page 700 that's where bonusstage and you posted some dumb aim discussions. Why would you get so excited to post first on the 700th page? kids... :D I didn't need to check that page, you should check it again because I'm sure that I have 1-2 posts on that page.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 19:26:56

At 9/30/04 07:15 PM, -LionHeart- wrote:
See, I was keeping this place in order. There is always room for only one spammer. I, dubbed by a few in the Top Posters list as the "Intelligent Spammer" posted way too much and sometimes shouldn't have posted at all, yet made sure all my posts made at least some contribution to the topic and/or thread.

Said who ? I remeber your posting spree like it was yesterday, infact i remember when you first started to post regularly here, you were abour 3000 behind me, now youve jumped ahead by 1000 or so, meh, its in the past and i now see that your past is firmy were it should be, in the past.

I'm ashamed of you.

Dont fucking start young man, i will take my slipper to your arse :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 19:38:02

*Knows when he's beaten* You win, SCD. Probably right, anyway.
I still miss Recon, though. :'(

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 19:44:44

At 9/30/04 07:38 PM, -LionHeart- wrote: *Knows when he's beaten* You win, SCD. Probably right, anyway.

Damn you to hell and back, giving up without a fight, anyway i was just kidding my young friend, you were one of the good guys, i rememer me you and Earfetish all fighting for places on Dobios list like it was yesterday. Ah goodtimes.

I still miss Recon, though. :'(

Yep i guess you do, as do we all.

At 9/30/04 07:41 PM, OsAmARaMa wrote: I'm finally in the top 1,000 for B/P. yay.

Well done, now its the long hard road ahead and you will battle for every place gained :P Just kidding, buts it does get tougher from here on in, enjoy my man.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 20:25:43

At 9/30/04 03:46 PM, Jen_the_Great wrote: I didn't rank up, but I finally made it into the top 100 experience. Someone must have been getting lazy.

Well there are a few inactives in the top 100 for exp. So as long as you keep depositign you will move up, eventualy. You passed Ryu_Kage. After lookign at the top 100 it may be a bit before you pass another person. Don't let that get you done, I have had a various periods where it takes me a while to move up. I'm in one of those now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 20:46:56

At 9/30/04 04:00 PM, j00bie wrote: P.S., where have all the 'senior' users gone to... there's been a massive lack of users such as Recon_Rebel, Bila, jonthomson, Joe, etc....

I've been lurking, but I've got more important things that NG to do nowadays.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 21:03:52

At 9/30/04 08:46 PM, jonthomson wrote:
At 9/30/04 04:00 PM, j00bie wrote: P.S., where have all the 'senior' users gone to... there's been a massive lack of users such as Recon_Rebel, Bila, jonthomson, Joe, etc....
I've been lurking, but I've got more important things that NG to do nowadays.

At least your missed :`(
Oh wait I don't care, nm.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 21:26:01


Level 13 is ok. I like the pipe better than the bat though. But yes, I will be happen when I get rid of the gloves aswell, although I don't mind level 12 nearly as much as I do level 11. Meh.

I made 4,444 blams today. Yehy.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 22:11:30

At 9/30/04 06:51 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Hmmm interesting. Do you consider someone whos posts are higher than their XP's a spammer Recon?

Come on SCD, I never said that. It'll be more explicable in my response to Tom_s00's post. If you're still interested just keep reading true believer.

Or even just annoying ?

Are you trying to start a fight you Darwinian nightmare? ** takes a defensive stance **

Everyone of them ?

Ummm... all of the above?


What the heck does "meh" mean anyway? It's bad enough trying to figure out all those bloody acronyms people use here. Meh.

Your friend Lionheart was looking for you old bean, i think he must want to speak with you for something :)

I'm still kinda in shock that he returned SCD. Good to see him back. OMG! Look at his post count! I guess I have no choice now but to hate him (lol).

At 9/30/04 07:17 AM, BonusStage wrote: heh well i do understand what you mean, but it is not that i don't post only the .... post whoring reasons, i do it because i see all of those, "wonderfully brilliant" topics in general.

I just love posts dripping with sarcasm BS (I'm serious). Anybody who can survive the dreaded "brain drain" from the general forum can't be all that bad. Try not to track in the mud when you return to the land of the living (metaphorical speaking).

At 9/30/04 10:31 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: Ahahaha! I don't think I have ever seen Recon say "n00b". This is one of them Kodak Moments!

What's all this about Baron? The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? I wanna be Michaelangelo!! (it's a nunchaku thing).

At 9/30/04 05:52 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: If you try (notice the key word here people) to deposit your 10 experience points on a regular basis you eventually amass a lot of points (even if you miss some days here and there).
At 9/30/04 10:59 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: Hmmm this cannot be tru what about new users and people who arnet evan bothed abouot depositing, just like to forums?

Maybe you should read my post again and rethink your statement Tom_s00. Sorry if I threw a curve ball in there but I tried to be as straightforward as possible. Definition of the English word try: An earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something.

At 9/30/04 07:15 PM, -LionHeart- wrote: *Reads page 701, gets annoyed at j00bie*
Dude! Now we'll never hear more Recon_Rebel stories of Gold, Glory and Gospel! Aww man, come back, Recon!

Hey -LionHeart-, long time, no see. No worries, I don't plan on leaving Newgrounds anytime in the near future (and thanks for the support, I mean it). I still have to reach level 25 before I make that decision. So where the hell have you been bud? I don't think the mods would ban someone for months on end but I could be wrong. If that was the case I'd assume admin wouId just hit the delete button ** gasp ** If you can't discuss it here just send me a short e-mail with all the juicy details. Knowledge is power and I'm an energy vampire!!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 22:16:26

Hello my fellow Wi/Ht?'s and lounge regulars, I am just popping in to "shoot the shit" if you will. I've been on a movie renting binge lately. I've watched 4 in the past 3 days and just got back from renting another. I'll probably watch it around midnight. (love the late night movie watchin') Nothing too exciting with me stats wise except for hitting 19,000 blams. (can't wait for 20,000) That's about it over on my end.

At 9/30/04 09:26 PM, Sentinel_specter wrote:
I made 4,444 blams today. Yehy.

Someone did that the other day if I remember correctly, congrats.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 23:06:07

At 9/30/04 10:16 PM, MPA wrote: Someone did that the other day if I remember correctly, congrats.

Oooh really, sweet. I'd find out who...but it's 11:00 and I have to finish homework. :( Maybe I will see tomarrow.

Thanks for letting me know, and thanks for the congrats.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-30 23:40:17

bleh I will just congratulate EVERYONE that ranked/leveled up lately because I rarely do it. I just want to show you guys that you have my support :D