At 9/13/04 08:19 AM, TheRotArm wrote:
I mean, if you get it, you get it, but if you don't it doesn't make that big a difference to your life.
Do blam points make a big difference to your life? What about reviews? Or posts? Unless you're an unbelievable Flash artist, nothing you do at NG will change your life. Unless you spend every waking hour here, but we're not talking about that...
At 9/13/04 02:20 PM, RedCircle wrote:
Halfway there ^_^
Hahaha! I love that picture RC. The speed lines got me.
At 9/13/04 04:53 PM, j00bie wrote:
Im surprised that mods still have a max/min character limit…
Especially when most of them don't post anything bigger than my penis.
I mean...
That just isnt very nice Mr. Cheesegod.
Mr who?
I'll remember this in the future >:(
Are idiots capable of remembering? :P
At 9/13/04 05:02 PM, Sentinel_specter wrote:
2,000 posts
Congrats SS. Damn man, you make it sound like you're leaving NG!
At 9/13/04 09:56 PM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote:
"BonusStage and j00bie gay bar"
Roffles. Perhaps if we made them a thread entitled that they'd satisfy their multi-quote post fetish there?
At 9/14/04 12:13 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote:
I've got wood!
And that qualifies for an angry face Baron? Congrats on getting the first weapon and being one step closer to your favourite level.
At 9/14/04 12:22 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:
only 32 b/p's away
At 9/14/04 12:45 AM, Continuum wrote:
only 55 away
At 9/14/04 12:50 AM, Smurfette_ wrote:
only 456 away
Not another surge...
Hey guys, what are in profiles? I feel like such a n00b for asking, but I've never seen one before and the concept sounds interesting.
At 9/14/04 12:54 AM, OsAmARaMa wrote:
It almost seems as though it takes less time to go from 10 to 11 than it did from 9 to 10.
The theory is it's because you're used to it. 9-10 feels like such a big gap because before then, you had only been needing 50 points for a level up, and now it jumps into the 800's. After you've done it once, you know it takes freakin' forever so you don't expect another level up for a long time. Level 11 creeps up on you in no time.
The return trip always seems shorter.
I feel so far behind all of you with my B?P points :-(
Maybe because you are? Haha OR, keep at it and you'll be in the high ranks no worries. A complete newcomer to NG might feel very far behind you in points!