At 9/2/04 08:32 PM, TypeNameHere wrote:
And you should be happy :( you earned it, and why not go for gfox's VP list, with just a few more rank ups you'd get on it easy, by the looks of it you've become sad towards NG :(
Well, thanks for the congrats, and thanks to anyone else who said congratulations to me. I am not sad toward NG. It's still my favorite site for the most part, I just realized there is so much more out there I could be doing. I have really slowed down in my b/Ping since the summer. I mean, that is like all I used to do. Now, I basically just do it to deposit and catch up on any new cool movies that are coming. I have also tried to be less and less of a user and more and more of a contributer. I have been working on flash a hell of a lot more since, I realized it is hundreds of times more rewarding than posting shit to people I don't even know.
Furthermore, with flash you get credit and feedback, and getting the highest rank in B/P's is impossible and will get you know where, unlike flash. I have been spending more time on my site as well.
I got a girlfriend, which is great, school started, so the workload is huge, and NG has just become a so much smaller part of my life. It's kinda sad. I will still visit the site regulrly, just rarely post and not b/p as much. I am here for the content and hopfully someday I will have some of my own works of art on here. That's a promise, I don't know when, but they will come eventually.
One: Aww go get some rest and get happy (OMG SEXUAL REFERENCE POSSIBLE :o)
Two: Well you could've faked one ;P
Three: HEY i congratulate everyone, Great job on both of those Sentinel you need to not give up though :)
Meh, I will continue with my slow lumbering speed of getting b/p but I won't shoot ahead and try and pass anyone. That is not my intention anymore as it used to be.
Well i never give anyone competition <,< >.>
Heh, that's nice to know.
Blah, you too someday will realize that NG isn't life. Even with your 3,000 + posts or whatever, you may think it's the greatest thing now, and I am not saying I didn't either, but there is so much more to life than NG. I still lone newgrounds, I just don't spend hours upon hours on it as I used to. It's more fun to go around with friends. Plus, with school starting, I have a lot more work and it's tougher to catch up on things here at newgrounds.
Time to stop typing. Just my thought's though, feel free to comment, but I can't promise I will responde.