At 8/31/04 10:46 PM, TypeNameHere wrote:
Hmmm it does seem that back then they would have been getting mass points every day, Joe has said he used to get some of those 100+ averages on your lists :\
Joe was nibbling at the red font a few times, or what would have bene the red font if it was at the site at the time, but none of those points he gained were in relation to ramping up the minimum. All of them came from his being around so much that he voted on UJ flash more often than he had been.
hmmm so taht means no points for anyone, oh to bad i guess :(
None of the "under 200" had been intended to go back under judgement ... even when they did squib the coding where it actually happened. My joke at the time was that Wade said "do this," James did, and while Wade was busy going, "Holy SHIT!!!!", James' response consisted of a raised eyebrow and, "well, that wasn't quite what we wanted to do ... "
The under 200 list was installed as a "secret" as it was taking us (those who knew about the project) "too long" to finish it off. Straight up ... At only 500 (or whatever it was) per day, I earned some kind of bonus (like at least bothering to give me the fucking points I earned on those mass flag deletions Wade has done) and that's nothing compared to what people like Joe and Greg (they are just the ones over 1k/day of whom I'm actually aware) deserved. Odds on they got jack shit for 5 months of work done for the benefit OF NG ... at the end of it everyone, including the wastes of air that voted 1 time, got a generic "thanks" ... better than nothing but FAR, far less than what was deserved.
Yeah, I'm still bitter and it fed into the rest of my other "issues." Those of you who know me know it takes more than a few incidents to set me off, so even when the last TWO times Wade did mass deletes of flagged entires exactly no one got any points at all ... 2500 flash in all, I didn't lose it. They add up in the back of my head though.
We're only now FINALLY getting the occasional point for flagged shit ... and not nearly as much as what we should be getting for them, but there's several people (not including me) that are owed 1k BPs off that crap. I'm only owed ~500.
The fact that NO ONE got ANYTHING off of that huge effort we all put forth for them in voting everything up to 200 played a large part in why I was so pissed off the FIRST time we got fucked over on the flag deletions. Even then, I was still on NG's "side," talking down people who were more pissed off than I was about having earned no points off 900 flash upon which we should have earned a LOT of BPs. "No one got anything, so we're all screwed. They'll fix it up for the next time" ... famous last words ...
When no one got any points the SECOND time, AND Wade had stated that we would be, there wasn't anyone left to talk ME down. When James is wandering in and out of thread putting people down, and everyone is ignoring that I've said anything at all? Yeah, at that point all bets are off.
The simple fact is, despite my prior comments that we all got screwed equally, that ONLY people who voted and flagged it got screwed, and those of us who actually give a shit got MORE screwed than others. I voted 0 on top of everything I flagged just in case something goofy happened and I wasn't going to get the Blam when it was deleted. It obviously didn't matter for shit ... I got 0 points BOTH times, and yes, I'm still REALLY pissed off about it, particularly since Wade stated we would AND then couldn't even bother to make a comment when he finally deigned to noticed that we had not gotten any, and yes, that's a large part of the reason why I look for everything wrong in anything they do now. The final straw was when I had (four separate times) brought something of significance up in News threads and couldn't even get an acknowledgement that I had said anything.
I should have realized, back at the first time,when JT and I BOTH brought up the FAQ errors, that I was wasting my breath requesting that NG actually do something. It's a fucking TEXT webpage, but apparently it's too difficult to read anything either of us write and actually fix what's wrong. If the FAQ were accurate, I'd have dropped from Major General to Lieutenant General the day they posted it. I've made (more than my share lol) mistakes on the EGRL while running it ... posting at the website at least allows me the luxury of being able to EDIT, which I have never been able to do here (I'm done being an apologist or excusing the nonsense, so don't even waste your time explaining why I can't edit here), and fix the error. They didn't post the FAQ itself in a News thread, just that they had updated it, so there's no excuse for it having gone this long being WRONG since it was posted.
If they listened to the people about ramping the minimum up to 300 votes, I'd most assuredly lose it. You ain't seen nothing if you think I've "lost it" on James, Wade, or Kam-ron ... that was just me being pissed. Let's just say that the insurance company of last person upon whom I "went apeshit" sued ME to recover the medical costs entailed by our encounter ... and lost.