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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 13:44:54

At 8/26/04 01:36 PM, j00bie wrote:
tom_s00 wrote something like.... (just look at previous post!)
my VP is bad :(
5.65 isnt that bad....
after youve hit level 9... your Base VP moves very very slowly... it's best just to keep BPing...
When you consider my sign up date... my stats arent too great...

yah, that is pretty good i kind of stoped at saftey patrol but i want the higher ones

Experience: Ranked # 5,286 out of 577,991 users!
Blam/Protect: Ranked # 11,648 out of 577,991 users!
Stickers: 0 (click to order)
Voting Power: 5.37 votes

Rank: Safety Patrol
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 87 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 49 quality entries.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 14:01:07

At 8/26/04 01:44 PM, -trix- wrote: yah, that is pretty good i kind of stoped at saftey patrol but i want the higher ones

You can't really do to much to increase your exp rank, except deposit every day... but your BP stats are kinda low...
BP would increase (obviously your Blams and protects), both your ranking, and Voting power...
Suggestion: Go to the portal, and start BPing, and never stop! EVER!
As for your whistle level... Everybody has silver, and I mean EVERYBODY! (excluding the few people who don't)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 14:40:19

At 8/26/04 12:06 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote:
Dont worry, someone will pass you.. im very close to him.. infact he's sitting inside of me right now.. muahhaaha lol congrats on whatever :D

Yeah, no doubt about that. You're still pretty young and have plenty of time to put into B/Ping. Only 45 to pass me !

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 14:50:41

At 8/26/04 02:40 PM, Shpouiten wrote: Yeah, no doubt about that. You're still pretty young and have plenty of time to put into B/Ping. Only 45 to pass me !

Hehe thanks Shpouiten! But unfourtenatly im gone in three days so i hape i'll pass you by then :D
And also i finally made 100 a day! I havent got 100 a day since the 8.18! haha lol 8 days ago...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 15:08:08

At 8/26/04 02:50 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: And also i finally made 100 a day! I havent got 100 a day since the 8.18! haha lol 8 days ago...

no li...
err, i mean... congrats!
Im lucky if I get 30 a day now...
busy, busy, busy.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 15:42:33

At 8/26/04 12:03 PM, Shpouiten wrote: Hey everyone, just a quick message to tell you I'm back !

Welcome back my good man, I did get you a few extra B/P when I voted to deposit your exp.
I hope your move went well, you'll have to tell us all about your new house!

Also, in other news, I am going to meet up with Bedn today, I am picking him up and we will go around some places! Never met an active Newgorunds member in real life, so this should be pretty cool.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 16:21:02

At 8/26/04 03:42 PM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: Welcome back my good man, I did get you a few extra B/P when I voted to deposit your exp.

Doesnt that mean (assuming your using the same computer for both deposits) that you are unable to get those BP Points? due to IP address and stuff.

Also, in other news, I am going to meet up with Bedn today, I am picking him up and we will go around some places! Never met an active Newgorunds member in real life, so this should be pretty cool.

now THATS something worth posting in the LUL, a Newgrounds 'accomplishment' if you ask me.
Any Idea where youre going? Why? When? How? Anyone else going with you?
Whatever youre doing, it should be fun...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 16:31:39

Since ppl are talking about there vp mine is 8.66 now. 5.93 base vp still getting closer to that 6 vp.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 16:43:39

At 8/26/04 04:31 PM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: Since ppl are talking about there vp mine is 8.66 now. 5.93 base vp still getting closer to that 6 vp.

Cool comgrats my vp is at 9.72 with 200 or 300 b/p's needed to the 40% bonus, im so lazy when it comes to b/p's



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 17:22:39

Hey guys, blam this flash real quick. It had a 3.38 when I 0'd it. People are obviously voting after watching 2 seconds of it. (it uses the star syndicates "fancy" pre-loader." The flash is only 3 frames long.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 17:42:09

At 8/26/04 05:22 PM, MPA wrote: Hey guys, blam this flash real quick. It had a 3.38 when I 0'd it. People are obviously voting after watching 2 seconds of it. (it uses the star syndicates "fancy" pre-loader." The flash is only 3 frames long.

yer i voted 0 on it earlyer i cant understand how such a crap entree is managing to pass judgment. People have been voting lighter the last hour or so.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 18:15:00

At 8/26/04 03:42 PM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: Welcome back my good man, I did get you a few extra B/P when I voted to deposit your exp.

Really ? Now I have another reason to thank you !

I hope your move went well, you'll have to tell us all about your new house!

I just moved because the program I study in wasn't given near my hometown. Switching from a 3000 people city to a 3 million people city is quite something ! I just live alone in a small apartment just a street away from my college.

Also, in other news, I am going to meet up with Bedn today, I am picking him up and we will go around some places! Never met an active Newgorunds member in real life, so this should be pretty cool.

I hope you will all tell us what happened when you met him !

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 18:19:46

Congrats j00bie on the 7 vp thats nice, i guess im not too far of it myself, a few more weeks maybe :) Congrats to Carmel and anyone else doing something good with thier account, well done lads.

Baron, i want a full report when you get back mucker, all the gory details about your "date" lol.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 18:34:44

I think somebody just keeps voting 0 on my movies...
everyday, the score lowers by 0.03, and the amount of views isnt increasing at all!
I thought this would happen, so I took precaution to check the numbers before I'm sure..
and I'm sure of this...

Too bad I cant track down the bugger..

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 20:26:49

Grats to Seraphius. Presuming that BIGMANBRAINY doesn't suddenly "wake up," he's the newest addition to the Top 50.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 20:52:18

At 8/26/04 02:01 PM, j00bie wrote: As for your whistle level... Everybody has silver, and I mean EVERYBODY! (excluding the few people who don't)

Yeah, like me, I have NORMAL.
I just saved "TTA episode 003"! Congrats to everyone, well back to more b/ping!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 21:15:26

At 8/26/04 01:06 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Rank-up! EGLC! And I was lucky enough to get 8.00VP. And I got a 0.12 increase for the first time.

Congratulations Qwoxyl. Beginning the hunt for that first General's star are ya? Weren't you the one who was worried about bringing down the overall stats of the Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge members? Pretty soon you're gonna have to be an Elite Guard Major just to make the top 50 list.

At 8/26/04 02:47 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: I should have known I had a problem when I went and bought a 2 foot long metal pipe to smoke out of.

It's not the size of the pipe but what you put in it that's important Mike. With me it's the amount of raspberry cider I have waiting in the fridge ;-) EeeeHaaaw!!

At 8/26/04 04:21 AM, RedCircle wrote:
At 8/25/04 11:00 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: My real alternate would probably stun most of you (lol). Oh what a wicked web we weave...
Oh god, do tell...we promise not to leak the info...

It is too much for one, but two it is meant for.
It will no longer exist, when the two become more.

Heh, Recon...Deposit man...it's still bronze! >:o

I didn't deposit my experience yesterday on purpose RedCircle. I waited for humantarget52 to deposit so I wouldn't do the one-day backslide. When I deposit tonight that silver gauntlet is mine for keeps. Watch my whistle drop to bronze (lol).

At 8/26/04 04:59 AM, FlGMENT wrote: My brain is officially ticked on Recon. I have theories already, but I'm going to be thinking this over for a while. Please don't declare your alt until I've had a good run, ok? <3

You have my word James. I'll even throw out a few obscure clues in some of my future posts (hope you can read between the lines haha). This could be like a mini Sherlock Holmes mystery! Elementary my dear Watson!

At 8/26/04 07:27 AM, BonusStage wrote:
He e-mailed me yesterday and should be taking back control by the end of the week.
And HOW long have you been depositing for?

Too freakin' long BonusStage. I'll still be depositing for 4 other people after the vampire returns.

Oh what a wicked web we weave...
You just try to make it so you can show a picture don't you ;P

Just playing by the rules kid... just playing by the rules ** huge smirk creeps across face **

And actually if i were to guess who you were i'd say Hice.

That's hilarious. So far some of you have guessed Dobio and Hice, two of my most favorite people on Newgrounds. What a wonderful world.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 21:30:37

At 8/26/04 09:15 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: That's hilarious. So far some of you have guessed Dobio and Hice, two of my most favorite people on Newgrounds.


My guess is that Dave_mac_daddy guy or whatever (check some pages back, level 3 noob spammer guy).

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 21:37:29

At 8/26/04 09:32 PM, BonusStage wrote: i bet he's the person in this profile picture

OMG Howd he get that picture of me! :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 21:45:51

I just leveled up! Not much, but it is a level up!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 22:00:16

At 8/26/04 09:54 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 8/26/04 09:45 PM, Legionere wrote: I just leveled up! Not much, but it is a level up!
how about skipping the next ones until 9, and try to get more b/s points :)

Don't be mean to the kid BS this is a level up topic! You are right tho!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 22:11:05

At 8/26/04 09:22 PM, BonusStage wrote: Well most favorite is either redundent and bad grammar, or you REALLY HATE THEM

It wasn't bad grammar BonusStage, it was just dripping with sarcasm like j00bie said.

... and by the way, hate isn't a big enough word.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 22:11:59

At 8/26/04 10:05 PM, BareNakedMike wrote: Hey everone I just Leveled up to 11! I wanted to know how long it will be till 12? last time when I came here and asked about getting to 11 someone said sometime around August and bam its Augest lol. Thanks.

assuming both you and HT deposit everyday...
It'll take you approximately 90 days.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 23:24:20

At 8/26/04 11:21 PM, BareNakedMike wrote: Damnit you are so gonna help me in my next math test or else. ^_^

God damn it BonusStage! I estimated 90 days, and then you go all with your mathematical crap and say 93... and now you're hoggin all the thanks!
GWAHRR!!!! AGNRE J00BAY!!! >=(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-26 23:28:59

As for being the first to deposit tomorrow, I quit!!! I'm too tired to stay up another 30 minutes!

Good luck to you all :D!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-27 00:02:45

Valiant effort carmel, but I beat you by one second. I came in second only to Crono. I remember when Joe used to get it right on 12.00.00 often.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-27 00:02:55

At 8/26/04 11:28 PM, j00bie wrote: As for being the first to deposit tomorrow, I quit!!! I'm too tired to stay up another 30 minutes!

Good luck to you all :D!

-Crono won, after him was MPA, then DOGMA and then me :P

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-27 00:20:33

At 8/27/04 12:02 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote:
At 8/26/04 11:28 PM, j00bie wrote: As for being the first to deposit tomorrow, I quit!!! I'm too tired to stay up another 30 minutes!

Good luck to you all :D!
-Crono won, after him was MPA, then DOGMA and then me :P

Heh...I got home at like 12:05am...so you all had no competetion :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-27 01:44:08

Horrah, Finally achieved Level 16 (Nunchaku!). Although I liked the paperclips, time would come that I would have changed. The time traveled quite quick this time around.

Early Congrats to Recon_Rebel on his Silver Gautlet!

Oh and to SLightly Crazy dude, I don't know if you read my post on those tutorials and ideas I gave, but I forget to add in this link. http://wynd.teamanime2k.org/wynd_tutorials_anime.htm
I found the Stick FIgure Poses very valuable.

-Have a Nice day

NG Review Moderator // Report Today!

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-27 01:48:42

Good job Bahamut! *jealous stare*

Also, thank you Qwoxyl for being the ONLY one to respond to my rant a few pages ago. That made me feel better :)