At 8/26/04 01:06 AM, Qwoxyl wrote:
Rank-up! EGLC! And I was lucky enough to get 8.00VP. And I got a 0.12 increase for the first time.
Congratulations Qwoxyl. Beginning the hunt for that first General's star are ya? Weren't you the one who was worried about bringing down the overall stats of the Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge members? Pretty soon you're gonna have to be an Elite Guard Major just to make the top 50 list.
At 8/26/04 02:47 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote:
I should have known I had a problem when I went and bought a 2 foot long metal pipe to smoke out of.
It's not the size of the pipe but what you put in it that's important Mike. With me it's the amount of raspberry cider I have waiting in the fridge ;-) EeeeHaaaw!!
At 8/26/04 04:21 AM, RedCircle wrote:
At 8/25/04 11:00 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
My real alternate would probably stun most of you (lol). Oh what a wicked web we weave...
Oh god, do tell...we promise not to leak the info...
It is too much for one, but two it is meant for.
It will no longer exist, when the two become more.
Heh, Recon...Deposit's still bronze! >:o
I didn't deposit my experience yesterday on purpose RedCircle. I waited for humantarget52 to deposit so I wouldn't do the one-day backslide. When I deposit tonight that silver gauntlet is mine for keeps. Watch my whistle drop to bronze (lol).
At 8/26/04 04:59 AM, FlGMENT wrote:
My brain is officially ticked on Recon. I have theories already, but I'm going to be thinking this over for a while. Please don't declare your alt until I've had a good run, ok? <3
You have my word James. I'll even throw out a few obscure clues in some of my future posts (hope you can read between the lines haha). This could be like a mini Sherlock Holmes mystery! Elementary my dear Watson!
At 8/26/04 07:27 AM, BonusStage wrote:
He e-mailed me yesterday and should be taking back control by the end of the week.
And HOW long have you been depositing for?
Too freakin' long BonusStage. I'll still be depositing for 4 other people after the vampire returns.
Oh what a wicked web we weave...
You just try to make it so you can show a picture don't you ;P
Just playing by the rules kid... just playing by the rules ** huge smirk creeps across face **
And actually if i were to guess who you were i'd say Hice.
That's hilarious. So far some of you have guessed Dobio and Hice, two of my most favorite people on Newgrounds. What a wonderful world.