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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 12:06:34

At 8/24/04 10:58 AM, j00bie wrote:
you better be right, I just got the final whistle on it
Blow My Whistle Baby

Its already on NG by a different author, and also http://www.t45ol.com/play_flash_us.php?ID=947

proof enough?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 13:03:29

At 8/24/04 12:07 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Finally less than 400 blam/protect points away from a blam/protect rank up. I'm so excited and so motivated to reach it. A VP of 12.00 will look cool. :)

That it will. I've noticed you chasing Syme ... apparently you've motivated her too lol Nice tweak to the 23 icon =)

At 8/24/04 10:03 AM, j00bie wrote:
I think someone on my buddy list is co-authoring me on utter crap.

I warned you about that.

At 8/24/04 11:52 AM, j00bie wrote:

That's the trouble with alts ... you always slip up and post with them at the wrong time at least once.

/me makes note of j00bie's alt.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 13:13:40

At 8/24/04 01:03 PM, D0GMA wrote: That it will. I've noticed you chasing Syme ... apparently you've motivated her too lol Nice tweak to the 23 icon =)

Yea Syme wasn't really doing much of anything before... until she saw the YoinK_VineS start going up the list. She's going for a lot of points now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 13:21:10

At 8/24/04 01:03 PM, D0GMA wrote: I warned you about that.

Yes you did...

That's the trouble with alts ... you always slip up and post with them at the wrong time at least once.
/me makes note of j00bie's alt.

I honestly don't have access to that guys account. He's a neighbour of mine, we were working on those 'voice-overs' together (and still are) but not one like THAT. We are currently doing dubs of the Fast and the Furious, NOT that retarded Power Rangers one.
When I talked to him via MSN messenger, he says that that wasnt him doing that... he changed his password (so he says) and says he never submitted any movies / didnt post that post up above...

The problem now is... if we planned on submitting anything soon, he's banned from submitting for 15 days due to the new rule...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 15:50:19

I know i've seen it before...
but you know how people were bitching and complaining about my BP stuff being wrong in my 'flash'?
I fixed the percentages, but apparently the numbers are still wrong, and... well, I dont know exactly what they are...
I want to get it updated tonight.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 17:15:34

That sux j00b...Why would anyone co-author you without your consent...If I were you, I would only add people that you trust...

Me maybe??? ha... :-P

Ha, it's cool...I only have three people on my portal buddies, and they were carmel, bonus and you...and I KNOW none of you would co-list me unless you all asked me...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 17:18:21

At 8/24/04 05:15 PM, RedCircle wrote: Ha, it's cool...I only have three people on my portal buddies, and they were carmel, bonus and you...and I KNOW none of you would co-list me unless you all asked me...

Im prolly not on your list anymore, i cleared my buddy list completely.
I had 9 people on mine... even though it has no real benefit whatsoever.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 17:27:35

At 8/24/04 05:18 PM, j00bie wrote: Im prolly not on your list anymore, i cleared my buddy list completely.

Weel, It says that you are, but feel free to remove me :(

I had 9 people on mine... even though it has no real benefit whatsoever.

Yeah, not that big of a deal...as I had said, I only have 3, and I have been talking to them for a while now, so I know that I am cool.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 17:35:32

Hooray! I have reached my 2000th blam today! Also I turn level 9 and I have to go to school tomorrow! Yay!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 17:53:13

At 8/24/04 12:07 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Finally less than 400 blam/protect points away from a blam/protect rank up. I'm so excited and so motivated to reach it. A VP of 12.00 will look cool. :)

Stay at it Yoink. There's not many people on this site with a voting power greater than 12.00 ** quietly sobs ** You're already a high level with regards to experience and you still have 5 more blam/protect ranks ahead of you to boost your voting power. I'd be laughing if I were you. By the way, sweet gif with the Q-Tip. Did you make that? Too bad you couldn't actually have that as you're level icon.

At 8/24/04 02:54 AM, Bila wrote:
At 8/23/04 04:32 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I remember when it was somewhere around 400 experience to gain a level and it's what now, 700?

Hey Bila, when you were a significantly lower level (say around 10th), how many points were needed to advance? Was the point increase implemented from the very beginning?

ouch! must you keep reminding me that I'm a senile old fart?
LOL, you kids in your early 40s are mean!

Are you kidding me?? You're about the only person on this site I get to tease about his age. Like it or not you're a year older than me and that ain't ever changing... old man.


I think that double bladed battle axe you're about to acquire would hurt me a lot more ;-)

I don't think you'll get an answer. It's easy enough just to find a picture of a gun online.....

No big deal Bila, I knew it was an Ingram anyway. I was just curious to see how knowledgeable he was. I still say the Beretta 9mm automatic is the most reliable pistol out there. You can hammer nails with it all day and still shoot a 1 inch grouping at 30 meters.

At 8/24/04 10:03 AM, j00bie wrote: I think someone on my buddy list is co-authoring me on utter crap. Im just going to remove everyone from my buddy list, it has no real benefits in the first place...

Haha! I've had G-Spot send me around twenty of those buddy requests (I just got another one about a week ago). I never accepted any of 'em because I'm not a flash artist, but when two decent flash artists get together as co-authors they can put out some cool stuff.

At 8/24/04 05:15 PM, RedCircle wrote: That sux j00b...Why would anyone co-author you without your consent...

I don't think that's possible RedCircle. If it were, there wouldn't be any need for Bee Bop to send out the portal buddy requests.

At 8/24/04 05:35 PM, The_Mindless wrote: Hooray! I have reached my 2000th blam today! Also I turn level 9 and I have to go to school tomorrow! Yay!

Congrats The_Mindless! Nice work. Also I turn level 18 in a few days and I have to go to work tomorrow! Yay!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 17:58:13

At 8/24/04 05:53 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: ...had G-Spot send me...
...need for Bee Bop to....

G-Spot? Bee Bop?
G-Bot :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 18:12:05

At 8/24/04 05:58 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 8/24/04 05:53 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: ...had G-Spot send me...
...need for Bee Bop to....
G-Spot? Bee Bop?
G-Bot :D

Hey j00bie! I have attention deficit disorder. It's not my fault I can't remember Tea Pot's name ;-)

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 18:28:08

At 8/24/04 06:11 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 8/24/04 03:50 PM, j00bie wrote: Help?

thats the problem bonus stage...
those numbers in the FAQ are WRONG!!!
I know people here know the correct numbers, which is what I'm trying to figure out...
The numbers currently in my flash are the ones in the FAQ, and... well... theyre wrong.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 19:21:05

Well i'll beleive it when i see it j00bie, i cant remember seeing any other names on that submition except yours, i didnt look though. I seen your alias, the opened the veiwing window, and watched it. It was bullshit, and it got a zero.

Just remembered, i know its nothing special but i got 3k exp points today woot.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 19:48:13

At 8/24/04 07:21 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Well i'll beleive it when i see it j00bie, i cant remember seeing any other names on that submition except yours, i didnt look though. I seen your alias, the opened the veiwing window, and watched it. It was bullshit, and it got a zero.

it was shit... though surprisingly funny.
It ends up my buddy downloaded Flash (OMG PIRACY) and dubbed over a power ranger clip he downloaded (OMG PIRACY).
he didnt even know how to change the frame rate... the movie he imported was 8FPS, the flash itself (the voices) was at 12FPS. It made no sense, lol.
After I 'told' him how to fix it (before exporting it), it was surprisingly funny.
Still blam worthy, but pretty funny :O.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 20:05:33

heh, I just noticed, that Recon levels up in about 3 days...
at least his icon change wont need as much re-adjustment compared to gfox's.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 20:23:01

good, then I can stop confusing the two...damn bronze glove

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 21:32:22

At 8/24/04 09:18 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: finally lvl 10 im sooooooooooo proud yay

Good job! Congratulations!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 22:02:41

At 8/24/04 09:43 PM, Crossofdevil wrote:
i dont get that one this is my 1337 post right here4 but y do u say tht.

You know? 1337 = leet = elite? Nerd words. eh....

Anyway, I copied it for ya...cool to have.

Here ya go:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 22:13:52

At 8/24/04 09:40 PM, BonusStage wrote: funks dat shizznit, why are they not correct, wouldn't you expect the FAQ to be correct :\

One of the reasons why I made my FAQ flash...
though people dont seem to read the authors comments very well...
Speaking of which... im still updating it... It's like version..
1.6 now or something, making newer/cooler lookin icons right now... but I still wouldnt say it's at its prime... it still needs work... so does it's score :(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 22:18:59

At 8/24/04 10:13 PM, j00bie wrote: Speaking of which... im still updating it... It's like version 1.6 now or something, making newer/cooler lookin icons right now... but I still wouldnt say it's at its prime... it still needs work... so does it's score :(

Jeff, you need to let it go man. I mean, it's in the netherregions of the portal. So someone would actually have to look it up to find it. The score ain't gonna go anywhere anytime soon. Best to work on a new one, put some dazzling graphics in it, maybe add a TMNT picture theme to it, and resubmit it fresh.

Well, IMO anyway...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 22:25:05

At 8/24/04 10:18 PM, RedCircle wrote: Jeff,

you know my name :O

I mean, it's in the netherregions of the portal. blah blah.

well, i WAS, but lookie here.
Score: 1.96/5.00 x 2 = 3.92/10.00 (Low)
Review: 7.00/10.00 = (High).

Im thinking there might be an Underdog portal award waiting for me in about 100 minutes.
So I'm trying to get this lookin as best it can just in case.
Im shocked as too how many 9/10 and 10/10 reviews it's received.
It's even in 8 peoples favourite movies! :O

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 22:32:25

At 8/24/04 10:25 PM, j00bie wrote: you know my name :O

I know where you live too...OMG!!

blah blah.

Ha, I actually said blah...damn, I am boring :(

well, i WAS, but lookie here.
Score: 1.96/5.00 x 2 = 3.92/10.00 (Low)
Review: 7.00/10.00 = (High).

Well, that angle was something that hadn't crossed my mind, so maybe you will get some attention after all!!!

Im thinking there might be an Underdog portal award waiting for me in about 100 minutes.

Wow, if I see that up there I am gonna leave you another review!!! ...oh, wait...I can't do that...Guess I will just have to fifen it again...

So I'm trying to get this lookin as best it can just in case.
Im shocked as too how many 9/10 and 10/10 reviews it's received.
It's even in 8 peoples favourite movies! :O

I am just glad you aren't doing an "err0r-" and striving for Turd...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 22:55:38

At 8/24/04 10:32 PM, RedCircle wrote: Well, that angle was something that hadn't crossed my mind, so maybe you will get some attention after all!!!

I'd update it now, but the fucking thing doesnt seem to want too.
everytime it's refreshed and exported, it's the same buttons as before!
And my mozilla is acting up again!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 22:57:59

At 8/24/04 10:55 PM, j00bie wrote: I'd update it now, but the fucking thing doesnt seem to want too.
everytime it's refreshed and exported, it's the same buttons as before!
And my mozilla is acting up again!

j00bie has teh anger >:o

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 23:44:29

Its been awhile yes i know but i wanted to stop in and say hello to you all - new and current members...................

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-24 23:57:46

At 8/24/04 11:44 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: Its been awhile yes i know but i wanted to stop in and say hello to you all - new and current members...................

theres only one new one since your last visit, and it aint me >:(
His name is Qwoxly or somethin.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-25 00:03:19

Ha. I dunno if this was a competition, but check out the LAST 50 DEPOSITS...

22. carmelhadinosaur 6/23/2003 M 3,825 12:00:08 AM, Aug 25, 2004
23. RedCircle 10/6/2003 M 3,040 12:00:07 AM, Aug 25, 2004
24. xanth 1/9/2004 M 900 11:59:59 PM, Aug 24, 2004

I win!!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-25 00:05:08

BAH! Missed Underdog
Winner Score = 4.38/10
Winner Review = 8.40/10
Difference = 4.02
j00bie Score = 3.92/10
j00bie Review = 7.00/10
Difference = 3.08

Wow, I wasnt even close! >:(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-25 00:08:04

Finally level 9! Now about over 72 days until I go up to level 10.