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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 21:20:30

At 7/20/04 07:19 PM, skullmaster wrote: i just made it to level 11 i pawn all the noobs that are less then me

you still have a few more hours... funny... HT must have deposited after you.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 21:24:28

At 7/20/04 09:13 PM, JohnLM89 wrote:
At 7/20/04 07:49 PM, j00bie wrote: View Your Reviews (700)
(With Responses Only (120))

700 reviews :)
yea but only 120 responses.... I had 400 Reviews and 156 responses

You see, the problem with that is... your profile only says that you have 84 reviews, and only 2 of those (that i found) have been responded too.
also, about 80 og yout 84 reviews are only 1 line long, the other 4 are a whopping 2.

I only have 120 responses because i don't vote either 10 or 0 on Big name movies with lots of reviews, so they don't get viewed as much, and the author won't respond saying "thanks for the 10"! or "STFU NOOB!!!"

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 21:29:16

At 7/20/04 08:52 PM, WhileYouWereOut wrote: Just look at the second page, all the posts made by Bedn.

His second page posts range from March 2002 - August 2003

At 7/20/04 09:13 PM, Shpouiten wrote:
Silly Clock, its Bend :)

Actually, It IS Bedn

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 22:31:10

At 7/20/04 09:29 PM, j00bie wrote: His second page posts range from March 2002 - August 2003

I didn't mean it as "all of the posts on the second page were made by him" I meant it as "look at all of the posts made by him" (The ones that say "It's bend" or "This is bend" or signed "JmBd" and such.) I had a feeling that would be confusing after I hit the post button.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 22:33:23

At 7/20/04 09:24 PM, j00bie wrote: and only 2 of those (that i found) have been responded too.

Use this, and just replace the ID with the users ID to see how many they have had responded to. So you were right, there were only 2.


The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 22:34:23

At 7/20/04 10:31 PM, WhileYouWereOut wrote: (The ones that say "It's bend" or "This is bend" or signed "JmBd" and such.)

He should be banned for hacking into others accounts. If WTFNOOB gets banned for jacking IWP's, then Tom and Wade are hippocrites(sp?). I'm not sure if they were banned though.

I had a feeling that would be confusing after I hit the post button.

Not confusing, I knew what you meant.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 22:35:03

I'm Bedn.

Since I just said that, it must be true. You can't just go by that.
It could've just been a hoax or something. And if Ben did have access to his account, doesn't mean he still does. But whatever.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 22:40:55

At 7/20/04 10:33 PM, WhileYouWereOut wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/port..._id=917784&has_responses=Y

cool, I'll remember that... (Saved in favourites as http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/readreview.php3?user_id=<USERID HERE>&has_responses=Y)

At 7/20/04 10:35 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: It could've just been a hoax or something. And if Ben did have access to his account, doesn't mean he still does.

Look at WhileYouWereOut's post a few posts up, it says

At 7/20/04 08:52 PM, WhileYouWereOut wrote: I was in a chat with him at the time and he was talking about how he had access to pimp's account.

I don't know how recent that is, but what the heck.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 22:43:54

At 7/20/04 10:35 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: I'm Bedn.

Since I just said that, it must be true. You can't just go by that.
It could've just been a hoax or something. And if Ben did have access to his account, doesn't mean he still does. But whatever.

[8:08pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> Pimp got 10 more exp again today
[8:08pm] <+Crono-> Thanks to your movie
[8:08pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> haha yeah
[8:08pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> Fabulous999 is referring Pimp too
[8:08pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> so is Poxpower and redmenace
[8:08pm] <YoinK> he is?
[8:08pm] <+Crono-> only a matter of time before he's level 30
[8:08pm] <YoinK> if i refer pimp.. will everyone vote dee five?
[8:09pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> yes

[2:30pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> i accidently got Pimp banned from NG BBS
[2:31pm] <+Crono-> •iLLiCit_JmBd• how did you do that?
[2:32pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> Posted a topic
[2:32pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> about fav outdoor activities

[5:25pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> Dobios just jealous because he dont have a level 29 pimp account
[5:25pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> haha
[5:27pm] <@TJ32> I bet he wouldn't have gotten it banned from the BBS

[11:16pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> rubbing it in, thats all Dobio
[11:16pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> Thank you for your deposit, Pimp! You now have 13,356 experience points. You need 20 more to get to level 30.

[3:25pm] <@TJ32> but he submitted that with his main account
[3:25pm] <+Captain_Bob> yeah Bedn has done it several times
[3:26pm] <+Captain_Bob> he is trying to get on the Top 50 like crazy
[3:26pm] <+Captain_Bob> I'm sure on his last movie he either referred himself or Pimp
[3:26pm] <jinmu> :O
[3:26pm] <+Dobio> he referred Pimp
[3:26pm] <+Dobio> he wants him to be level 30

[9:33pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> I made Pimp a light aura.
[9:33pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> Hehe

[2:52am] <iLLiCit_JmBd> I SHOULD BE #1
[2:54am] <+Dobio> you are number one
[2:54am] <+Dobio> Pimp
[2:54am] <iLLiCit_JmBd> I only posted as him for one day
[2:55am] <iLLiCit_JmBd> it was a favor for me referring him

These were all around the time that those posts saying "I'm bend" were made.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 22:47:08

At 7/20/04 10:43 PM, WhileYouWereOut wrote: [2:55am] <iLLiCit_JmBd> it was a favor for me referring him

These were all around the time that those posts saying "I'm bend" were made.

Do yea know what this "favor" was that Bedn was doing?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 22:50:25

At 7/20/04 10:47 PM, j00bie wrote: Do yea know what this "favor" was that Bedn was doing?

He said it right there. He was referring Pimp when he would submit his flash so he could be level 30 again, and getting other people to refer him as well. (So even though HT DID have people refer him, so did pimp. He's not any better.)

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 22:50:45

Well there i no denying that Bend did have access to the Pimp account. I'll give you that.
But the question is, does he still have access?

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 22:53:44

At 7/20/04 10:50 PM, WhileYouWereOut wrote: He said it right there. He was referring Pimp when he would submit his flash so he could be level 30 again, and getting other people to refer him as well. (So even though HT DID have people refer him, so did pimp. He's not any better.)

True, both did use it, but from what I hear, HT completly abused it bigtime. Was I misinformed?

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 22:55:27

At 7/20/04 10:50 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Well there i no denying that Bend did have access to the Pimp account. I'll give you that.
But the question is, does he still have access?

I don't know. Probably not.. (Since Pimp got banned from bend posting, I doubt he'd let him on it again.) But still, I don't trust anyone that trusts bend to use their account. Same thing that happened to macbeth. Bend had access to his account, and eventually led to him being de-review-modded because Bend unwhistled some submissions for personal reasons (friends with authors and such.)

But the main point here is that Pimp wasn't as innocent as he's made out to be, since he was also being referred. If HT got hundreds of points from referrals, Pimp would BE hundreds of points behind unless he got referrals as well. I believe that's mainly why they shut down the referral system. Because of the groups of people that would either refer pimp or ht because they wanted one of them to be level 30.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 22:57:31

At 7/20/04 10:50 PM, WhileYouWereOut wrote: He said it right there. He was referring Pimp when he would submit his flash so he could be level 30 again

Ohhh, I'm not familiar with that, I didn't have a Grounds Gold account when the Referral System was around.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 23:05:16

At 7/20/04 10:55 PM, WhileYouWereOut wrote: I don't know. Probably not.. (Since Pimp got banned from bend posting, I doubt he'd let him on it again.) But still, I don't trust anyone that trusts bend to use their account. Same thing that happened to macbeth. Bend had access to his account, and eventually led to him being de-review-modded because Bend unwhistled some submissions for personal reasons (friends with authors and such.)

Yeah, I remember hearing about that. You make a good point there.

But the main point here is that Pimp wasn't as innocent as he's made out to be, since he was also being referred. If HT got hundreds of points from referrals, Pimp would BE hundreds of points behind unless he got referrals as well. I believe that's mainly why they shut down the referral system. Because of the groups of people that would either refer pimp or ht because they wanted one of them to be level 30.

True. But by that logic, it wasn't really the fault of either of them, but the people who were referring them in the first place.

I guess it all comes down to who you wanna see Level 30 more.

P.S. Hasn't Wade threatened to delete Bend's accounts countless times? Why hasn't he? Just thought i'd ask since we're on the subject and that's be bothering me.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 23:19:33

Hey! Can you only submit stuff that is made in flash? Or can you use programs simular to it?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 23:23:52

Is it possible to level down?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 23:29:21

Dire, please heed gfox's wise words and group your questions in one post. Thank you.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 23:34:50

At 7/20/04 11:29 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Dire, please heed gfox's wise words and group your questions in one post. Thank you.

I'm sorry! I usually post my questions as soon as I think of them. Otherwise I might forget!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 23:36:58

At 7/20/04 11:34 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote: I'm sorry! I usually post my questions as soon as I think of them. Otherwise I might forget!

Okay, okay. Just try and remember that is all.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 23:40:51

At 7/20/04 11:36 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
At 7/20/04 11:34 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote: I'm sorry! I usually post my questions as soon as I think of them. Otherwise I might forget!
Okay, okay. Just try and remember that is all.

I'll try!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-21 02:30:36

At 7/20/04 06:57 AM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote:

Thanks, man.

At 7/20/04 06:02 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Well finally congrats chap, well done on finally defeating the menace that he was, and becoming new King of Saviours.....All hail King Gfox, lol.

Heheh. Thanks, SCD! I appreciated your rooting me on back when I needed 7 protectable movies to come through the portal...
... Now you're completely forgiven for passing me in posts. heh. #;-}>

At 7/20/04 06:08 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Oh, I forgot to congratulate gfox on becoming the "Savior King!" Congrats man!

:::bows::: Thank you, kind sir. And worry not, Toocool shall pass me someday, if he so desires. #;-}> For now, let's just cheer him on to catch fixit as well. Hopefully I'll have a bit of a cushion between him and me by the time that happens, though. :::nods:::

At 7/20/04 06:11 PM, jonthomson wrote: So I take it we can expect an update of the protectors list then? (bans for using an alt to get around overly nice main account post count)

I take it you didn't notice I bumped both the top 50 saves and top 50 blams topics to say that, basically? #;-}> Expect it by around the 26th or so.

And hey, no banning the Saviour Champion, damnit! #;-}> I ain't budging my 6369 postcount for a couple days here. Nifty on my screenies for a bit. Also, I'm ranked #39 in posts, and there's two people in the 6380s... so if I pass them both... RANKED #37. Ugly. So I might as well wait for Wonko-the-Sane (who's less than 40 posts behind me) to pass me and then I'll be #40 and move up to #38 once I get to 6400 posts, thereby safely avoiding the dreaded #37 ranking for any extended period of time. (gasp)

At 7/20/04 06:14 PM, j00bie wrote: congrats on becoming "The Winner" of being the Protecting Champion of NG.

Hooray! Thanks.

At 7/20/04 06:38 PM, MPA wrote: I starting thinking the you were going the "anyone can give a simple congrats like that, if I did, I wouldn't have the extravagent super posts like i'm in the middle of now." After Thinking all that I thought you were basically saying I was taking "short cuts" (for lack of a better word)... So i dunno, maybe that makes sense and you can see why my first reply was WAY OFF.

I see what you mean now, yeah. I obviously didn't intend to convey that message. Anyway, I can see how you misread the tone, but I still don't quite understand how you INSERTED a couple of words in there. #;-}> The whole "I mean" part explains it perfectly, though. And perhaps if I hadn't said "simple" before congrats, you wouldn't have had your sarcasm detectors go off in error. Ah well.

Anyway, I think most of us are glad you have de-crowned fixit in one way or another. Being the absolute number one in saves must be great, I applaud your accomplishment

Well, you promised to say something once I'd actually done the deed. So thanks! #;-}>

And yes, I'm quite glad to have him decrowned in ONE of the three b/p rankings, at least. ramagi will probably take him down in blams at some point... And both of us will probably take him down in overall b/p unless he reactivates. Anyway, if I couldn't have been the first to pass him in saves, I would have been happy for TooCool to do so. Just so long as that robot gets a little of what's coming to him, eh wot? #;-}>

Anyway, in celebration of my achievement, I have created the following faux Top 50 Saviors official listing! Well, okay, it's just the top 7 cause screenshots can't be THAT big here. Plus I didn't want to check THAT many people's savecounts. This is most of the people over 10,000, let's just put it that way... THE PROTECT HALL OF FAME, you might say:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-21 02:43:20

At 7/20/04 05:51 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
At 7/20/04 06:34 AM, gfoxcook wrote: BEH! What about BrigGen!? That's the best, hands down.
Coolest looking then. :)

That's what I meant about BrigGen's badge, damnit. If we're just talking which is the niftiest rank to be at, then obviously it's EGSC. I like the one-star general badge best, though. And the name, "Brigadier General" is nifty sounding, too.

Yay! Another Pimp supporter. :)
Do it! ...You know you wannna.

Perhaps, perhaps... I AM, after all, posting with my alt a bit more than usual yesterday/today.. hmmmm.

Yeah, you two should make the "People Who Tend to Misinterpret GFox's Posts" club on C&C. You crazy bastards and your not-being-able-to-comprehend-English-sentences-that-happen-to-be-complex-in
-their-wording. #;-}>

Hahahahahahahahhahaha. Okay, that's enough. #;-}>

At 7/20/04 07:11 PM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: I finally got 20,000 b/p points yay. Now Recon I will like my reward you said you would give me. This is a good accomplishment I think.

Congrats, IKRU! I remember my own 20,000ness. I think I was ranked 8 or 7 at the time. How times have changed for the 20k+ crowd, eh?

At 7/20/04 11:34 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote:
At 7/20/04 11:29 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Dire, please heed gfox's wise words and group your questions in one post. Thank you.
I'm sorry! I usually post my questions as soon as I think of them. Otherwise I might forget!

Try typing them down in notepad or another text editing program. Then you can compile a list of questions to post at once and not piss people off and cause them to invoke the wrath of gfox or whatever Pure was trying to do. You wouldn't want him to beg me to come on with my main account and lay down some post deletion, wouldya? #;-}>

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-21 02:44:25

... okay, now to address one big issue in several replies to several posts.


At 7/20/04 08:07 PM, Shpouiten wrote:
At 7/20/04 05:51 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: pimp
Why is everyone rooting for Pimp ? I mean, I'm not rooting for anybody in the lv30 race, but at least Humanterget posts sometimes ! Only when he is mentioned, but at least he posts !

Pimp posts, too. Check his most recent 2 or 3. He popped up in a thread here on this forum where I and some others were talking about him being a poor bastard for not being ahead of HT... to tell us that once he WAS indeed #1 and yadda yadda. And to say that he doesn't have multiple people depositing for him like HT does, and to claim that it was HT who did all the referral-getting, not him (at least I believe he said that). Anyway, that was the last he posted, but it was certainly more conversational than HT usually is. HT just pops into threads on General when someone talks about level 30 or him and gloats or pretends to be a noob and not know he's level 30 or something. #;-}>

At 7/20/04 08:31 PM, WhileYouWereOut wrote:
At 7/20/04 08:12 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: I just like Pimp more.
Anyone that lets Bedn use their account is a fool. And since he has stated that his account has never been stolen, he gave bedn access to it.

Maybe so. Or maybe he didn't want to admit that his password was so easily guessed, or that Bedn got the better of him like so many others... perhaps he's just prideful.

At 7/20/04 10:43 PM, WhileYouWereOut wrote: [11:16pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> rubbing it in, thats all Dobio
[11:16pm] <iLLiCit_JmBd> Thank you for your deposit, Pimp! You now have 13,356 experience points. You need 20 more to get to level 30.

Based on that line, the above depositing (which of course could have been faked, but you also pasted stuff about him changing Pimp's aura around.. and I'm sure you checked that in the profile at the time to make sure Bedn wasn't lying)... took place between August 18th and August 24th, somewhere in there, 2003.

And that was indeed back when the referrals were still around. They died less than a month later, in early September 2003. Presumably because of the latest round of Pimp/HT referrals. Clearly, Bedn's plan to get Pimp higher than HT didn't work, either due to a disabling of the system, a failure to get many referrals, or HT matching him referral for referral (must have a good spy network...).

I do remember that HT missed a deposit about a week before the referral system was introduced, but got 10 exp from a referral to stay on pace. He wasn't able to pull that miracle on April 2nd, 2004, however, when he fell from 30 ahead of Pimp (as he'd been for the better part of the past year at that point) to only 20 ahead, as he has stayed ever since.

At 7/20/04 10:55 PM, WhileYouWereOut wrote: I don't know. Probably not.. (Since Pimp got banned from bend posting, I doubt he'd let him on it again.) But still, I don't trust anyone that trusts bend to use their account. Same thing that happened to macbeth. Bend had access to his account, and eventually led to him being de-review-modded because Bend unwhistled some submissions for personal reasons (friends with authors and such.)

But the main point here is that Pimp wasn't as innocent as he's made out to be, since he was also being referred. If HT got hundreds of points from referrals, Pimp would BE hundreds of points behind unless he got referrals as well. I believe that's mainly why they shut down the referral system. Because of the groups of people that would either refer pimp or ht because they wanted one of them to be level 30.

That's all well and good, and I appreciate that you're just trying to set Pure and any others straight on Pimp's actual history... but I don't think it changes the minds of Pure, myself, or any of Pimp's other supporters. The reason *I* want him to be level 30, at least, is not because he's a "great man," or "never got referral exp" or any of that bullshit... it's PARTLY because he doesn't have as many people depositing for his account as HT does...

but it's mostly because ever since I started depositing regularly and paying attention to the top 50 lists and so forth, back in December 2002/January 2003... Pimp has been 30 or 20 exp behind HT... and I'm tired of that. I want things shook up a bit. Pimp #1 again for a time would be balanced. And then after Pimp's #1 for a year or so, I hope Shrapnel or someone else passes them both. But whatever, we'll see.

At 7/20/04 10:57 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 7/20/04 10:50 PM, WhileYouWereOut wrote: He said it right there. He was referring Pimp when he would submit his flash so he could be level 30 again
Ohhh, I'm not familiar with that, I didn't have a Grounds Gold account when the Referral System was around.

Sure you did. Your signup date is in April, 2003. As I just went over, the referral system was around until September. And hell, people were still talking about referrals for months after that, some people never realised they stopped, etc. etc.

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-21 04:04:29

At 7/21/04 02:44 AM, gfoxclock wrote: Based on that line, the above depositing (which of course could have been faked, but you also pasted stuff about him changing Pimp's aura around.. and I'm sure you checked that in the profile at the time to make sure Bedn wasn't lying)... took place between August 18th and August 24th, somewhere in there, 2003.

Yes. He also changed his profile message as well I believe. For a minute or two to prove he did in fact have access to the account. Then he changed it back.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-21 04:06:45

At 7/21/04 04:04 AM, WhileYouWereOut wrote:
At 7/21/04 02:44 AM, gfoxclock wrote: Based on that line, the above depositing (which of course could have been faked, but you also pasted stuff about him changing Pimp's aura around.. and I'm sure you checked that in the profile at the time to make sure Bedn wasn't lying)... took place between August 18th and August 24th, somewhere in there, 2003.
Yes. He also changed his profile message as well I believe. For a minute or two to prove he did in fact have access to the account. Then he changed it back.

Seeing is believing. Still, doesn't prove for sure that he let Bedn in. I can't remember what he said about Bedn using his account back when he was correcting you and I about his history.

It all comes down to who you believe: Bedn... Pimp... or neither.

Given your feelings about both of them, I'd assume you'd tend towards neither. Which means you shouldn't take Pimp saying his account wasn't stolen as necessarily true... and whether Bedn said he "hacked" Pimp's account or was just "borrowing" it is similarly unimportant, as he could be lying either way. Eh.

Fun fun fun! g'night all.

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-21 04:10:16

Pimp is still a better choice than humantarget.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-21 05:12:52

Some cool rank change:
Before today's update i was ranked 788 in exp, now im 769 :)
Three days ago i was ranked 98 in b/p, now im 91 :)
Also from now on i have 3000 protection points :)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-21 07:35:30

Thanks for the info Joe and Gfox, i read most of it last night but couldnt be arsed posting, im a lazy bastard sometimes :)

Np Gfox, its always cool to see somebody new at the top of the food chain :P

Finally im gunning for my first Elite Guard badge, i expect i will get it tommorow or the day after, w00t.