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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-19 18:54:07

Unfortunetly, I do vote but it keep saying "vote on 4 more movies" over and over....

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-19 19:08:29

At 7/19/04 06:54 PM, darkadvenger1 wrote: Unfortunetly, I do vote but it keep saying "vote on 4 more movies" over and over....

Do you have something that does not save your cookies go check in the options to see if it is saving the cookies and that should solve your problem

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-19 19:09:12

At 7/19/04 06:54 PM, darkadvenger1 wrote: Unfortunetly, I do vote but it keep saying "vote on 4 more movies" over and over....

This is a common problem. Check your computer clock is set on the correct time and date. Check if cookies are enabled. If those 2 methods don't work, clear your temporary internet files (do this last).

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-19 19:41:50

At 7/19/04 06:52 PM, -LoveKills- wrote:
Haha damn you blam whores are crazy haha j/k, i just cant find the time to do that much...

Well, im on holiday from work, and i dont need to start till 4pm tommorow, damn twilight shift. So im trying to make up for not getting alot on weekdays you know.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-19 20:37:01

OH jezzez i missed it, i got my fancy badge weeee finally i have one of dem dere special badges

XBL Gamertag: Dr Lipschitz /// Steam ID: Zippomatt /// League: Zippomatt


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-19 21:06:40

Thanks to everyone who congratulated me and I hope SCD makes his goal of 100b/s per day.

At 7/19/04 01:34 PM, -Morph- wrote: Hey everyone, this will be my last post in here for a long time

That's too bad, I hope I never get my internet connection taken away. Good to know someone's depositing for you.

A special thanks to Pure, SPG, Specter, Alpe, Kinetic, lilskater, Recon, -LoveKills-, SCD, BVBG, IKRU and all of the mods for being great at what they do.

Hmm, there's someone missing here... someone I know... Of course, leeboy. Oh well, it's hard to remember everyone, just remember someone when you come back.

see you in the (hopefully) not to distant future.

Goodbye, my signup date buddy.

At 7/19/04 08:37 PM, _matt_ wrote: OH jezzez i missed it, i got my fancy badge weeee finally i have one of dem dere special badges

Congrats, just don't miss the next one, or the one after that.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-19 21:15:35

How do you become the BBS user of the day???

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-19 21:28:17

Does anyone know where I can find more secrets? Not profile secrets, Newgrounds secrets. Like the one on the DBZ page. Where it says Dragonball Z you right click and press forward. Those secrets. It says that Newgrounds is full of them. But I looked everywhere but coldn't find any.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-19 21:41:31

Damn, Dire_wolf, of all those thread, why did you choose this thread to ask all you questions ? I suggest that over the next few days you write all your questions down then you make a big post asking them all.

At 7/19/04 09:15 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote: How do you become the BBS user of the day???

Qualification Criteria:
- user must have a profile.
- user must have posted to the BBS.
- user must have a picture in their profile.
- the picture must not exceed 40Kb in filesize.
- that's it. The rest's random.

At 7/19/04 09:28 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote: But I looked everywhere but coldn't find any.

Theorically, if you looked everywhere and couldn't find any, that should mean there are no other secrets. Because when you've looked everywhere, there's not other place to look for !

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-19 22:38:52

At 7/19/04 09:41 PM, Shpouiten wrote: Damn, Dire_wolf, of all those thread, why did you choose this thread to ask all you questions ? I suggest that over the next few days you write all your questions down then you make a big post asking them all.

Well this is a Where is/ How to forum so I can ask all the questions I want.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 00:06:33

Yee-haw! Finally broke through to level 14 tonight! There are so many people I'd like to thank right now. Um...Satan comes to mind. Thanks Satan ;-)

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

I used to be with it. Then they changed what it was.

Now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird and scary to me.

It'll happen to you!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 00:08:05

Later Morph! Hope to talk to you again sometime when the chance comes. I'll make sure to be online if you ever pop in. :)

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 00:10:38

Tonight is the night I have gotten 100 b/p in along time. And I actually haven't been trying to get points lately. Well I will get 100 once these UJ files get voted on.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 00:13:03

At 7/20/04 12:10 AM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: Tonight is the night I have gotten 100 b/p in along time. And I actually haven't been trying to get points lately. Well I will get 100 once these UJ files get voted on.

Ya know, that same thing is happining to me. The drive for it is slipping, I guess. I'm getting very few. Managed to get to #76 after about 3 days at #77, but that's nothing really.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 00:51:16

At 7/20/04 12:06 AM, mighty_potato wrote: Yee-haw! Finally broke through to level 14 tonight! There are so many people I'd like to thank right now. Um...Satan comes to mind. Thanks Satan ;-)

Congrats man, Youve been signed up for more than 2 years so you deserve a pipe by now at least =P

XBL Gamertag: Dr Lipschitz /// Steam ID: Zippomatt /// League: Zippomatt


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 01:00:13

At 7/19/04 02:34 PM, -Morph- wrote: Yeah i am, I'm giving it to SPG for depositing and i hope he treats it well, because after all, it is my account :-D I hope when i get back that I am about a level...13 or 14 but it might be a lot longer then that considering i am never getting the internet again.

Morph, how can you say with any degree of certainty... that you will "never [be] getting the internet again"?!?! That's a really foolish thing to say, unless you have a terminal illness or are 80 years old and dying tomorrow... or something like that.

I don't remember how old you are, but how do you know that in 10 years you won't be blissfully using the internet again, eh?

At 7/19/04 03:08 PM, MPA wrote: Damn I'm behind here.

Round of applause for the following:

Recon for his 21,000 friggen blams, nice job old timer. hah
Jon for his 11,000 points and vp boost.
Finally, mrx for his 10,000 blams.

Not much happening around here besides passing altr on the list, he gave me a good run though, grabbing 80 one day when I was closing in.

Thanks, MPA, for listing those accomplishments. It means I can do a bit of simple congratting to those guys myself without having to catch up a lot in this horribly-fast-growing thread. #;-}>

Congrats, Recon! You're starting to nip at my heels when it comes to blamcount.

Congrats, jon. Finally another rankup, eh? I remember how long 9.5k-11k felt, even though the 8k-9.5k gap was already 1.5k... maybe it was because you pass 10k but don't get shit for it, eh? #;-}>

And congrats to MrX... you are now safely on the QuadList next update, whether or not I split it into blams and saves separately or not. :::salutes:::

At 7/19/04 04:21 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote: What happens if you delete all your internet temporary files? Will your computer get messed up?

They ARE called TEMPORARY files, you know. Of course it's okay to delete them. There's an option INSIDE Internet Explorer's options, after all. You can delete cookies, too. Cookies, files, etc. etc. They'll come back when you surf the web, dontcha worry.

At 7/19/04 10:38 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote:
At 7/19/04 09:41 PM, Shpouiten wrote: Damn, Dire_wolf, of all those thread, why did you choose this thread to ask all you questions ? I suggest that over the next few days you write all your questions down then you make a big post asking them all.
Well this is a Where is/ How to forum so I can ask all the questions I want.

I think his point is that you should either wait until you have a big list to ask all at once... or ask them in another thread. Your simple questions were filling up much of page 552... when instead they could have all been in one post or in a thread you made yourself to ask them all at once. Either way would have been more EFFICIENT and SPACE-SAVING.

Capisce, now?

At 7/20/04 12:51 AM, _matt_ wrote:
At 7/20/04 12:06 AM, mighty_potato wrote: Yee-haw! Finally broke through to level 14 tonight! There are so many people I'd like to thank right now. Um...Satan comes to mind. Thanks Satan ;-)
Congrats man, Youve been signed up for more than 2 years so you deserve a pipe by now at least =P

Congrats on level 14, potatoman. I won't congrat you for getting that damned pipe, though. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 01:00:53

At 7/20/04 12:06 AM, mighty_potato wrote: Yee-haw! Finally broke through to level 14 tonight! There are so many people I'd like to thank right now. Um...Satan comes to mind. Thanks Satan ;-)

Whoops. Missed this post. Congrats potato! Live it up and listen to the potato song in celebration.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 01:08:36

Anywho... I would just like to make two fixit-related announcements here.

Rank: Elite Guard Supreme Commander
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 33,402 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 16,101 quality entries.

That's what fixit's been at since he got 2 blams and 1 save after retiring at 49,500 points, presumably from whistled entries being cleared or points that weren't credited being credited... or both!


A) Within a few days, I'm going to hit 23,402 blams, putting me within 10,000 of fixit's blams. Not very impressive, eh? Well, it also will put me within 10,000 of fixit's total b/p count, for the first time in probably almost a year.... and more importantly:

B) Today, 7/20, barring a complete portal shitfest, I will be hitting 16,101 saves, thereby pulling even with fixit's count. And since fixit is currently the top saviour...

Today I will take the top saviour crown from fixit, who took it from ramagi. Today I will achieve NG history! Like Bonds eventually passing Hammerin' Hank who in turn had passed Babe Ruth... ahhh, the feeling is quite delicious. Better than hitting EGSC, in a way.

So anyway. 12 saves to go... now if only the flash authors would cooperate... ah well, if early this morning, then later today when the good stuff starts to roll in. I've been waiting for this day since I created the top 50 protectors list in late March, 2003.... and now... almost 16 months later.... it has arrived!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 01:16:03

At 7/20/04 01:08 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Anywho:

A) Within a few days, I'm going to hit 23,402 blams, putting me within 10,000 of fixit's blams. Not very impressive, eh? Well, it also will put me within 10,000 of fixit's total b/p count, for the first time in probably almost a year.... and more importantly:

Well then, that's pretty cool. Nice going.

B) Today, 7/20, barring a complete portal shitfest, I will be hitting 16,101 saves, thereby pulling even with fixit's count. And since fixit is currently the top saviour...

What will he end the sentence with!? The suspense is killing me!

Today I will take the top saviour crown from fixit, who took it from ramagi. Today I will achieve NG history! Like Bonds eventually passing Hammerin' Hank who in turn had passed Babe Ruth... ahhh, the feeling is quite delicious. Better than hitting EGSC, in a way.

Well, congrats to you then, my man! Nice work in the Portal! However, TooCool shall always be the savior king in my heart. My appoliges. ;)

So anyway. 12 saves to go... now if only the flash authors would cooperate... ah well, if early this morning, then later today when the good stuff starts to roll in. I've been waiting for this day since I created the top 50 protectors list in late March, 2003.... and now... almost 16 months later.... it has arrived!

Live it up gfox! The suspense must be killing you! Make sure to post when it finally happens, so we may all bask in your glorious joy.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 01:20:56

Sorry to make so many posts at once guys, but I just obtained a Blam ammount of 7,777. :) I feel so lucky, so I know you'll forgive me for this posting rage. lol

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 01:25:53

At 7/20/04 01:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Thanks, MPA, for listing those accomplishments. It means I can do a bit of simple congratting to those guys myself without having to catch up a lot in this horribly-fast-growing thread. #;-}>

Heh, I do agree I could've put more "umph" into that. Usually I do, but I hope you aren't expecting Gfox-power-posts out of me, or anyone for that matter. ; D You have more patience than most.
I'll address your accomplishment with more zing once you reach it.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 01:38:27

At 7/20/04 01:16 AM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
At 7/20/04 01:08 AM, gfoxcook wrote: A) Within a few days, I'm going to hit 23,402 blams, putting me within 10,000 of fixit's blams. Not very impressive, eh? Well, it also will put me within 10,000 of fixit's total b/p count, for the first time in probably almost a year.... and more importantly:
Well then, that's pretty cool. Nice going.

Egad, man. All of your replies were buried inside my quotes. I'm going to space it out a bit more so it doesn't make my brain warp while trying to read what's yours and what's mine. #;-}>

Anyway, thanks...

B) Today, 7/20, barring a complete portal shitfest, I will be hitting 16,101 saves, thereby pulling even with fixit's count. And since fixit is currently the top saviour...
What will he end the sentence with!? The suspense is killing me!

hahaha... well, most people were supposed to put 1 and 1 together and come up with 2 at that point in the post. #;-}>

Today I will take the top saviour crown from fixit, who took it from ramagi. Today I will achieve NG history! Like Bonds eventually passing Hammerin' Hank who in turn had passed Babe Ruth... ahhh, the feeling is quite delicious. Better than hitting EGSC, in a way.
Well, congrats to you then, my man! Nice work in the Portal! However, TooCool shall always be the savior king in my heart. My appoliges. ;)

Pefh. I had thousands of saves before TooCool even knew what a save was, I tells ya!

Also, how on earth can he be the "savior king" when he doesn't have more saves than me or fixit?

He's the SAVE RATIO KING (as the top 50 saves list proves), you're getting confused. :::nods:::

So anyway. 12 saves to go... now if only the flash authors would cooperate... ah well, if early this morning, then later today when the good stuff starts to roll in. I've been waiting for this day since I created the top 50 protectors list in late March, 2003.... and now... almost 16 months later.... it has arrived!
Live it up gfox! The suspense must be killing you! Make sure to post when it finally happens, so we may all bask in your glorious joy.

Oh, I'll try to live it up. But people (ahem) telling me that TooCool is the real saviour king is supposed to help me with that how exactly? #;-}>

I doubt I'll be posting when it finally happens. Anyone can look at my profile and see that it is happened, after all.

At 7/20/04 01:20 AM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Sorry to make so many posts at once guys, but I just obtained a Blam ammount of 7,777. :) I feel so lucky, so I know you'll forgive me for this posting rage. lol

Nifty 7777ness. Now go play some FF7 and try for 7777 HP. heh.

At 7/20/04 01:25 AM, MPA wrote:
At 7/20/04 01:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Thanks, MPA, for listing those accomplishments. It means I can do a bit of simple congratting to those guys myself without having to catch up a lot in this horribly-fast-growing thread. #;-}>
Heh, I do agree I could've put more "umph" into that.

You agree? I didn't say you could have put more umph into it. O_o

All I said was thanks for listing those things you were congratting people for, because it let me be lazy and piggyback my congrats to them on my reply to you... so I didn't have to go back through a few pages of posts to find out what was going on around here. Your post nicely summarised some of the biggest recent achievements of other people, and thus I was thanking you. I still don't get what you're "agreeing" with me about. #;-}>

Usually I do, but I hope you aren't expecting Gfox-power-posts out of me, or anyone for that matter. ; D You have more patience than most.

I still have no idea what you're going on about! Why did you reply to my post like I was criticising yours?! I was PRAISING it and thanking you. WTF?

I'll address your accomplishment with more zing once you reach it.


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 02:27:24

i just leveled up to "Elite Guard Colonel " about 10 minutes ago. Yey :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 02:28:09

At 7/20/04 02:27 AM, -YoinK- wrote: i just leveled up to "Elite Guard Colonel " about 10 minutes ago. Yey :)

Congrats man! My favorite badge at the moment.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 02:33:33

At 7/20/04 01:38 AM, gfoxcook wrote:

Haha, Good God I read that wrong. The first time I read it I misread a few words and it completely switched the meaning of what you said, which I read again and now get.. That's good and embarrasing. heh

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 02:45:54

At 7/20/04 02:33 AM, MPA wrote: Haha, Good God I read that wrong. The first time I read it I misread a few words and it completely switched the meaning of what you said, which I read again and now get.. That's good and embarrasing. heh

Welcome to my world, Pop. Welcome to my world.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 06:03:11

W00t. I just got back from Europe after three weeks. It was so much fun, Switzerland if defintily one of the coolest places ever. If you have never been there, I defintily recommend a trip, it's amazing.

Well I am sure there have been hundreds of level ups and rank ups all around, I am sad to say it seems I dropped a few places in b/p points but I guess that makes sense, considering I was blamming or protecting while I was gone. I did have someone deposit for me though which was nice so I havn't lost to much there, thanks again Tom of the Super_flash_Bros. :)

Too all of those many who leveled up in some way, Congrations. I am sorry I am not going to go through all of the names but I think a congratulations will sufice for now.

Glad to be back. :)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 06:34:05

At 7/20/04 02:28 AM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
At 7/20/04 02:27 AM, -YoinK- wrote: i just leveled up to "Elite Guard Colonel " about 10 minutes ago. Yey :)

Congrats, Yoink! And to think... just a few days ago you were saying that you're not getting many b/p in the VP list thread... while that may be true, you're clearly getting enough to hit Elite Guard Colonel! #;-}> Good job, man. Give _altr_ a run for his money!!!

Congrats man! My favorite badge at the moment.

BEH! What about BrigGen!? That's the best, hands down.

Anywho, I'm lovin' your new sigpic, man. Pullin' for Pimp indeed. You can count me as part of the campaign, though I won't be switching my sigpic to that one. Maybe on my alt account, though, if you're lucky. #;-}>

At 7/20/04 02:33 AM, MPA wrote:
At 7/20/04 01:38 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Ooookay.
Haha, Good God I read that wrong. The first time I read it I misread a few words and it completely switched the meaning of what you said, which I read again and now get.. That's good and embarrasing. heh

Well, thank God you finally read it right. Jebus. #;-}>

Tell me which words got switched/misread and thus led you to think I was being negative towards you, if you don't mind. I'm really curious to see how this happened. MUST GET... TO THE BOTTOM OF IT!

At 7/20/04 02:45 AM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Welcome to my world, Pop. Welcome to my world.

Yeah, you two should make the "People Who Tend to Misinterpret GFox's Posts" club on C&C. You crazy bastards and your not-being-able-to-comprehend-English-sentences-that-happen-to-be-complex-in
-their-wording. #;-}>

At 7/20/04 06:03 AM, Sentinel_specter wrote: W00t. I just got back from Europe after three weeks. It was so much fun, Switzerland if defintily one of the coolest places ever. If you have never been there, I defintily recommend a trip, it's amazing.

Three weeks is about how long I haven't been posting very much for (since my b-day on the 30th of June). Welcome back! I've been to Germany, but not to Switzerland. My dad has a friend who lives there now (and is originally from there), and we may go visit sometime. Hard to work out the time/money right now.

Well I am sure there have been hundreds of level ups and rank ups all around, I am sad to say it seems I dropped a few places in b/p points but I guess that makes sense, considering I was blamming or protecting while I was gone. I did have someone deposit for me though which was nice so I havn't lost to much there, thanks again Tom of the Super_flash_Bros. :)

Heh. I love the Another Day series. He's in the business of depositing exp for people, eh? Flash authors should be too busy for that sort of nonsense! #;-}>

Anyway, I think you meant to say "considering I WASN'T blamming or protecting while I was gone" there, not that you WERE b/ping. O_o


Anywho, one thing I forgot to mention earlier: I was at 97 responses and 286 reviews for an entire month... but I recently started reviewing again... and now I'm at 99 responses and 300 reviews. Wootage!

Once Jetpack Escaper Caper clears 200 votes, I'll have 16095 protects. Only 6 more after that till I tie fixit. This is taking forever and I'll probably go to sleep for awhile, so... like I presumed earlier, I won't be on the BBS when it happens. Just assume it's happened by evening. I hope the protectable submissions really pick up by afternoon/evening, especially since the NG week is about to end. Come on, flash authors... don't you want to submit something real quick here and try for a weekly top 20 spot? You know you want to. SO DO IT, ALREADY!! #;-}>

6369 posts (nifty number), and I am... out. GOODNIGHT, CLEVELAND! :::snores:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 06:46:54

At 7/20/04 06:34 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Anywho, one thing I forgot to mention earlier: I was at 97 responses and 286 reviews for an entire month... but I recently started reviewing again... and now I'm at 99 responses and 300 reviews. Wootage!

Aye, congrats on that. Should push you up into the top 200 reviewers. Depends where these new finds slot in, but it looks pretty safe.

Strangely, when opening my .xls from inside Excel, it worked fine, but when opening from My Documents it started to load the Office Installer... any ideas anyone?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-07-20 06:47:16

At 7/19/04 09:06 PM, MrX2003 wrote: Thanks to everyone who congratulated me and I hope SCD makes his goal of 100b/s per day.

Dang it, i failed misserably (sp?) I only got 95, i expected more to come through the portal, but when its 2am its too tiring to blam. ]

Congrats Lionheart on a combines total of lucky sevens, and a congrats too Mighty_Potato on getting his pipe.

Gfox, goodluck on becoming new saviour king
7 more to go at this time, cmon, you can do it :)