At 10/21/02 05:36 AM, the_phantom_spancker wrote:At 10/21/02 01:17 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Why did my last post appear in gray? If you can read it could you answer that question as well as this one? I'm a little, hell alot confused!erm i know nothing about this new rank system as it is extremly different.
and ur text appeared gray cos u typed on the same line or 2 close 2 the repeated text.
that is exactly right!
the system posts a : at the start of each quoted line
it looks like :: if you quote a quote and so on...
if your new lines look like part of a quoted paragraph they will be in grey!
There is nothing "new" about it... this is the way it was done before the world wide web!!! Back in the days of BBS when modems were 2400 baud!(you think 52k is slow?)
Aww crap, when I was in college computers didn't have a mouse and were programmed in assembler or cobal! To most of you that's as old as cave drawings, isn't it