At 5/19/04 04:31 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
Whoa No need to Fight in here people, i mean lets talk about the new vote system and how its gonna take alot longer then before, more movies will get protected now as i notice the system, and more movies are staying up uj longer then before, just a hassel to type that code in haha but i will deal with it...
I'm all for the implementation of such a system to prevent abusive voting, if they get it working correctly with all browsers the first time. And it really should be just on under judgement submissions, instead of dropping a quick five on Madness Combat or something like that with Firefox, I have to load IE, try to vote with IE, forget that IE still has me logged in with my old password because I haven't used it in so long, log out, log in with my new password, find five submissions, vote on them (because of course IE won't have my four overtime votes from yesterday in its cookies) and finally deposit. What would have been a ten second job on Firefox (or even if they'd only implemented this system on UJ movies) takes ten minutes. It won't be much less now that I know how the system works, finding I need to use IE took two minutes tops. Then close it, load up Firefox again and that's my voting done for the day (because I sure as hell am not loading up IE just to get a few points and risk something malicious getting past the google toolbar). Will check the forums and then be off to GameFAQs I think.