At 4/20/04 06:36 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:
Ok im know this tasteless, but what movies do you high VPers like ??? It would seem to me if i made a movie you all liked it would be saved within 10 votes.
Well, I don't have an insanely high VP, but 8's fairly high (note that even if the top 10 people in vote power all initially fived a movie, it would only take 20-30 level 9 semi-noobs to vote 0 and bring it down to 2.5) - if you want to know what I like, look in my favourites. I prefer games to movies myself, but what I look for in a good movie is primarily humour, then decent action or storylines, good graphics and sounds are of secondary importance. I'd say the best movie I've seen this year (I've not been watching too many of recent though) is Los Dias Sin Dias, although the third part of Xombie demonstrates what I like in a movie better.
I think the most important thing is originality, try to do something that hasn't been done before, or do a different take on an old theme. Nobody wants to see another stick/DBZ/Matrix thing unless it's done really, really well - stick fight movies peaked with the Xiao Xiao series and were perfected by Die In Style.
That's just my tastes though... what I like is reflected in my favourites.