At 4/10/04 05:24 PM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote:
I had a great idea once, it was a jump to conclusions doormat with different conclusion that you could jump to!
Haha, that's great
At 4/10/04 11:27 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Woohoo!! Just cracked 17,000 blam points!
Almost time to start watching you for EGSC ><
At 4/11/04 01:30 AM, SlowBro wrote: LEVEL UP :)
Ah yes, the feeling of not being a single digit level. My glove is being fitted for barbed wire as we speak. They said it will be ready in less than a month =']
At 4/11/04 01:39 AM, moongod wrote: 10k total points. BOO YA!!!
I thought I told you to take a break from b/p'ing! You're only 3 spots ahead of me, but over 500 points. I'm willing to be handsomely for your b/p break. haha congrats
At 4/11/04 02:48 AM, bumcheekcity wrote: Elite Guard Sargeant First Class.... Trés bien.
A million times better than staff sergeant wouldn't you say? congrats.
At 4/11/04 12:51 PM, leeboy105 wrote: W00t level up to level 15! I now have the chain.
The chain is pwn, hands down. congrats