At 2/22/04 05:18 PM, Payne_to_the_max wrote:
In about 5 mins I'll be an Elite Guard Sergeant Major.......YEA! And in two days I'll be on lvl 12 so YEA! again
At 2/22/04 05:45 PM, MrX2003 wrote:
YAY! I am now an Elite Guard Sergeant First Class!
At 2/23/04 01:24 PM, Stampede38 wrote:
I recntly leveled up to level 10 and that makes me happy. my whistle just changed from bronze to silver and in about two hours i will be the next level in blams/saves
Congrats to all three of you on your varied accomplishments!
At 2/22/04 07:19 PM, TheJoe324 wrote:
At 2/22/04 05:05 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Congrats to both you guys. It is indeed teh rare day when we see two 15+ levelups on the same day in here.
Yeah, and if they do, most of the time you won't even realize that another one leveled up. (Since they may not be a frequent poster, or not post at all.) Back in June of last year though.. I believe I leveled up to 16 the same day that Calderon leveled up to 17. That was weird.
At 2/23/04 01:05 AM, biteme2514 wrote:
Yeah, I know. I just took a quick look at the Top Saviors/Blammers List again and assuming I did the math right, I'm in the Top 20 right now. Of course, that could change by morning, but right now, the scores look like this. Oderus_Urungus has 14,683 blam/protects, _altr_ has 14,730 and I happen to have 14,736 of them. Say, if it's not too much trouble, when the list updates itself and you happen to see me in the #20 slot tomorrow morning, could you take a screenshot for me with some of the users around me in the picture too? Thanks in advance, gfoxcook.
done and done. Got one of all teh 14,000-15,000 peops. They're all Majors, too, so I snipped teh ranks to make it all fit. Sometimes I'll actually edit a screenshot to get ranks into it if that's important, but it takes too long. So hopefully the spot #, name, so forth, and point total is enough for ya. ENJOY!
I'm just chilling and listening to the Billy Talent CD that I bought earlier today. Yeah, I know it's not the greatest music, but hey, it was only ten bucks Canadian, so I can't complain. Besides, Billy Talent's one of my favourite bands. In very much the same way that American Beauty is one of my favourite movies.
I have no idea who Billy Talent is. But American Beauty is indeed teh good movie. #;-}>
You never commented on my comments on Lost in Translation, BTW. Nor on teh mention that Rushmore is still better. I think I've asked you like THREE times now: have you seen Rushmore or not? #;-}>
At 2/23/04 07:22 AM, Sturmpanzerwagen wrote:
It's not exactly beautiful.. but I can withstand it, yes. And the >:( face was NOT a mistake from my part. Going to lvl 14 is both good (lvl up, yeay!) and bad (ugly icon). So I made my post happy and the icon angry.
Ah, okay. I musta been thinking of another of the recent level 14s, then.
At 2/23/04 12:29 AM, D0GMA wrote:
~sigh~ I whiffed ... I was trying to rank and level on the same day ... forgot and voted on too much yesterday. At least I don't have that stupid barb wire boxing glove anymore ... has to be the silliest icon in the lot.
whoops. Congrats on both, day apart or not. I noticed you'd ranked up while I was doing my list updates. Teh fun.
At 2/23/04 12:32 AM, D0GMA wrote:
I know there's a couple people (I forget if it was jon or merc running their grids against Greg) who have the patterns for the levels down. What's the pattern on 13 again? Sorry, but I don't feel like rumaging through 9 threads of 50+ pages trying to figure out where exactly that set of posts was.
I don't recall where that was, either, but I have posted my pattern list in other topics, as well.
At 2/23/04 12:56 AM, D0GMA wrote:
level 14 2-3-2-3-2-2-3-2-2-3-2-3-2-2-3-2-2-3-2-3
Except for the fact that that line starts with level 14, yeah that's what I was talking about lol
... but level 14 is exactly what you need, man!
At 2/23/04 02:12 AM, jonthomson wrote:
That's the level you're levelling up *to*, so it's correct. Recognise that pattern anywhere. Nice job on getting the bat.
see? Jon always knows what he's talking about. #;-}>
If I'd made the list to show what level you were ON, then it would only go up to 29, since there IS no pattern for 30, so that wouldn't be very cool. Teh listen shows HOW much the boundary of the NEXT level is shifting by. I measured the START of each level's movement each day, not the END of each level's movement.
And here's the full chart in case anyone else was interested, as Recon seems to be:
level10 1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-0-1
level11 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-0-1-1-1
level12 2-1-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-1-2-1-2
level13 2-2-2-2-2-2-1-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-1-2-2
level14 2-3-2-3-2-2-3-2-2-3-2-3-2-2-3-2-2-3-2-3
level15 3-3-2-3-3-3-3-3-3-2-3-3-3-3-3-3-2-3-3-3
level16 3-3-4-3-3-4-3-3-4-3-3-4-3-3-4-3-3-4-3-3
level17 4-3-4-4-4-4-3-4-4-4-4-3-4-4-4-4-3-4-4-4
level18 4-4-4-5-4-4-5-4-4-4-5-4-4-5-4-4-4-5-4-4
level19 4-5-5-5-4-5-5-5-4-5-5-5-4-5-5-5-4-5-5-5
level20 6-5-5-5-6-5-5-5-6-5-5-5-6-5-5-5-6-5-5-5
level21 6-6-5-6-6-6-5-6-6-5-6-6-6-5-6-6-5-6-6-6
level22 6-7-6-6-6-6-7-6-6-6-6-7-6-6-6-6-7-6-6-6
level23 7-6-7-7-7-6-7-6-7-7-6-7-7-6-7-7-7-6-7-6
level24 7-7-7-8-7-7-7-7-7-7-8-7-7-7-7-7-7-8-7-7
level25 8-7-8-7-8-8-7-8-8-7-8-7-8-8-7-8-8-7-8-7
level26 8-8-8-8-8-8-9-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-9-8-8
level27 8-9-8-9-9-8-9-8-9-8-9-9-8-9-8-9-8-9-9-8
level28 9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-a-9-9-9
level29 9-a-9-a-9-a-9-a-9-a-9-a-9-a-9-a-9-a-a-9
level30 a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a
where a = 10
And now... 5050 posts means I'm done for the day. I moved up from #32 to 31 in VP rank today by passing Tanukitsune, and I moved up from #41 to 40 in BBS rank today by passing hugh_jarse. Woot woot? 5050!