At 2/17/04 05:25 PM, KoRnFreakeR wrote: I don't know why everyone hates the "ugly pipzors" (lvl 14)
I never knew why either, thats my favorite level icon, I'll probably have that in like 8 months O_o long way to go, but I am up for it!
Also, Livecorpse only got rid of I think 49 of his movies, so he still has 100 or so left, while p00p_m00se got rid of almost everything.
I really wish they didn't do that but oh well.
I wouldn't mind if that fuck HAcoreRD got rid of ALL his movies, oh yes that would be swel.
Also congrats to all who leveled up!
Also so that's what #;-)> means, I always thought it was some evil guy with an eye patch or something.