Hmm, rather quiet at the moment, especially after the flurry of holiday activity... nothing much to mention, about half way through the staff sergeant rank, within 100 saves of 1,500, still not at 1,500 reviews. And I'm back at work. May try to do something about that review count, what with the darts having finished and all that.
Just one other thing to mention - next time the voting's open to allow someone into the wi/ht club, I suggest we use email so nobody gets pissed off if they're seen to be unpopular (more accurately, not as popular/worthy as other candidates - I can only think of two people on NG that I actively dislike, and neither of them would ever use this forum - but you can't tell how people will interpret things).
Of course, if it's a one horse race, it can just be done on a yay/nay basis...