At 4/1/20 07:50 AM, Murray wrote:Certain industries are taking a massive hit in all of this. Can only hope they'll be able to bounce back but it could take some time given the economic damage right now. In the short term, I just want all my favourite pubs to stay in business once they can reopen.
Yeah the pub business seems like an especially endangered one. All that deal with social contact really. Hopefully the owners have other ways to get by; aren't paying insane rents to keep their places while all this goes on... family-owned/side-hustle places seem like those that might manage best. Which hopefully means all the best places...
How's the city where you are, is there any kind of curfew/quarantine going on? Streets empty? Public transport?
No curfew/quarantine at all, though public transport is a lot emptier than it used to be. I've stayed home the last week though. Cases/day have been rising from a steady 100-200 for a long time to now around 500, so there's probably a lot less commuting going on right now.
I imagine the big city's pretty empty too, but in the suburbs where I am it actually seems like more people than usual are out and about. A lot of essential exercise-driven movement probably combined with ever-increasing home work time.
My area is on lockdown with the rest of the UK but tbh the most that feels different when I've been out to go to work and back is lack of pubs, fast food restaurants and shops open. Otherwise, looks pretty normal back at home.
Getting a bit curious of how the inner city is over here right now... do they have any regulations in place to keep people in? A certain time you have to be in?
I get my exercise with a 45 minute walk to work and back each way so that puts only going out for exercise and essential work in one. I'm avoiding public transport at this time but that was my main intention beforehand to save expenses on travel. Only time where I may need to go on them is if the rain pours down too much.
Nice. Good combo. I usually buy a commuting card for the whole year in an effort to save on money, but that might've really backfired this time... it'd be a 7-8 hour walk to work though so unfortunately not much else to do about that. :) Fortunately a lot can be done via the great interwebz.
I'll have so much money saved in this period where I can't have any night outs or get tickets for any events.
Always something. :)