At 12/28/16 03:10 AM, EDM364 wrote:At 12/28/16 02:36 AM, Noggleton wrote: Is the EXP system different from when PIMP got to level 60?
Is it attainable now?
Most definitely attainable. At a non-stop pace of 10 EXP/day it'll take exactly 10 years to reach. ;)
There are some users with odd numbers aside from even 5 or 0 on their EXP, so I really wouldn't know...
Was thinking the uneven 5 pointers at least would be due to how, back in the day, you'd get 5 EXP for each of the 'NG News' and 'P-Bot post' email send-outs you checked, but looks like Pimp/Jolly answered it better. I don't remember that at all. Good read.
Also, just noticed I passed 2500 posts and am writing my 800th audio review as we speak. That's 3 milestones this week. A first for me.
And Congrats on that!
At 12/28/16 05:03 AM, NekoMika wrote: 24,000 exp points