At 3/30/16 02:29 PM, Viper wrote:At 3/30/16 12:54 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:At 3/30/16 05:36 AM, Decky wrote: SILVER WHISTLECongratulations. It took me years to get the silver, and then gold whistle.
I'm trying not to think of how long it will take me to get the gold.
I'm still hoping to get a gold one at some point. But for stats I'm pretty much only focusing on posts and experience.
I don't really concentrate on building my stats as much as I used to. It's more a case of noting my milestones here when they come around. Plus it's interesting to keep an annual report to see how much time I've wasted here over 12 months.
At 3/31/16 01:54 AM, gamejunkie wrote:At 3/25/16 07:43 PM, gamejunkie wrote: 25,000 Blams.I remember the good old days when 100 people would've come in here and congratulated me for such a fine accomplishment.
I too remember the days of posting lists of "Congrats to" & "Thanks to". I see no reason not too return.
Congrats to:
@solitonmedic - Level 10, Police Officer Rank
@gamejunkie - 25,000 Blams
@Viper - 18,000 Saves
Thanks to:
At 3/31/16 01:54 AM, gamejunkie wrote: You still have one minor achievement coming up dude. You should get down to #333 on the B/P list very soon.
Indeed, but at the rate that is going up it'll take me just as long to get that as some other minor stat milestone, 150,000 Medal Points for example.