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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-06 01:02:08

just made it to EXP Rank: 794

so now I am in the 700 range in EXP!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-06 02:03:39

Level 57! Enter the ban-hammer. =)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-06 02:11:33

B/P Rank: Major

A truly prophetic sig...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-06 03:06:48

At 5/5/13 04:37 AM, Coop wrote: Not as impressive as the amount of Blams I've been gaining of late, but I still have to celebrate.

Indeed. This month is going to be a good/big month for Blams.

But here I am posting about having just passed 38,000 Saves.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-06 05:32:03

Coop's mind starts to spin with probabilities, while congratulating:
sandwich-eater: Level 35
KillerSkull: Level 34
Tony-Darkgrave: Top 800 Experienced
Nijsse: Level 57
Painbringer: Major
gamejunkie: 38,000 Saves

Listening to:
Electric 6 - Danger High Voltage
System of a Down - Bounce!
BBC Children In Need - Perfect Day

Thank you to:
Metal-Therapy *doffs cap*

At 5/5/13 01:08 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 5/5/13 12:13 PM, Coop wrote: Being a sad nutcase, I had to work out the probability of this happening. Apparently, with the amount of tunes I have on my iPod, the chances are 1 in about 7,500, which equates to roughly 0.013%. I feel special.
I hate to rain on your parade, but you may want to take a look at the birthday problem and do the math again. I'm afraid you are not THAT special. :P

Allow me to expand on what I worked out yesterday:

The probability of getting Poison or the live version was 2 in 2260, thus 1 in 1130. The probability of getting the second one straight after it was a further 1 in 2259. Adding those two probabilities together, gives me a chance of 1 in 3389. Powerslave was more complex, being three versions, so 1 in 752.67, 1 in 1128.5 and 1 in 2256. Adding those together gives me a 1 in 4137.17 chance of success.

Now technically, I could multiply those together, as they did not happen directly after one another, but I still assumed that this would make the answers very wrong, so I added the probabilities together, as each song is mutually exclusive, thus a total probability of 1 in 7526.17

Care to explain my error, rather than linking to Wiki? I think that we're talking 2,260 different, random possibilities here, none of which repeat, as opposed to people being born on a day 1-366 and coming back with the chances of two that have the same number. We're not talking Poison playing and then the same version of the same song playing, as I do not have shuffle repeat on. That same song cannot be played. I was talking about the album edit, then a live version playing and in Powerslave's case, a live version, the album edit, then a DIFFERENT live version playing one after the other.

At 5/5/13 05:55 PM, FromADistance wrote:
At 5/5/13 12:13 PM, Coop wrote:
At 4/28/13 04:14 AM, FromADistance wrote: I've NEVER played Risk. Playing life risks, though, I've done that many times.
Suffice to say, it takes a long time.
Ehh, I don't like overlong board games. I only go as far as Monopoly, really.

I haven't played Monopoly for years. Perhaps I should dig the old girl out?

It's not even been a year since I knew my ex. I first heard her name around this time last year but it wasn't until August when I actually met her. As time progressed she became one of my best friends and eventually, the relationship but now it's all staying away from each other. At least it wasn't a few years down the drain for me since the last thing I need in my life is wasting even more time.
We were friends for about 18 months to two years, before we got together. Yeah, a few guys did console me after I'd fallen out with another ex, by saying "relax Coop, there's always Becky." Thanks, guys.
Heh, for me they're all "There's still plenty of fish in the sea." Well guess what, there's no fucking fish in the sea around here. It's a fucking dump and I've got no future sitting around here for the rest of my life. Maybe I'll find someone within the north west region but I have this feeling that to find my true partner I'm gonna need to take a further distance. Maybe I could find someone in Manchester but this county? Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffft. If I'm wrong, I won't be angry but after seeing my life here for almost 23 years now, I know where I stand with my local area.

I'm looking at actually buying a house in Worcester, which is about 10-15 miles from home. Maybe that will be some way of turning my relationship fortunes around?

The whole thing about Bex inviting herself to your 30th kinda reminds me of the one who I was trying to date back in 2009. She did invite herself to my 19th birthday party but she couldn't make it in the end. A week later she expressed her love to me but that all went within six weeks. Also, generally I wouldn't give out the names of my ex like how Bex has been established here. Although, if you were on Facebook you could easily find out her name but you could also find out the name of my parents and such. Infact, anyone who has me friended on there can do just that...
Yeah, but people know about me and Bex, plus she attended a couple of meets. I think that if she had a problem with it, she would have said by now.
Yeah, you have a point there, although one could still find the name of my ex. At least I don't wave around the name of family and friends on the internet. Perhaps you know my sister's name but that was only because my tongue slipped at the time. Although, I think you're trustworthy enough to know her name.

I can't remember it, don't worry, your secret is safe with me :P

At 5/6/13 03:06 AM, gamejunkie wrote:
At 5/5/13 04:37 AM, Coop wrote: Not as impressive as the amount of Blams I've been gaining of late, but I still have to celebrate.
Indeed. This month is going to be a good/big month for Blams.

I'm gunning for 20 straight days with a Blam - next stop, 3 weeks!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-06 06:12:11

12,500 blams. See you next decade when I get to 13k

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-06 09:26:32

At 5/5/13 05:55 PM, FromADistance wrote:
At 5/1/13 05:44 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 4/28/13 04:14 AM, FromADistance wrote: Yeah, I'll soon be all like "Uhh yeah, I recall applying to you." The agencies I never remember where I even found them from, particularly that one for the hospital. Apply to them not remembering where I heard them, get a job from them five months later.
I still get some "We are sorry" responses from jobs I applied to in January... my wife heard back from a job A YEAR later. They wanted to hire her... what do those guys think? That you just sent one application and then sit at home and wait for them to reply?
Heh, that is one hell of a long response but at least they did reach out to her after a while. If she wasn't working at all, that would have been a miracle.

True that. I much rather hear back from a job than not hearing back. Even if it is a negative response.

I've been job searching for YEARS so a few weeks is really nothing. I'd like to see that I get a permanent job sometime this year.
Yeah, but you haven't sent out 20+ CVs per week all this time, have you? :P
I say, keep this rate up and you should find something.
True, I've not gone CV sending sprees like that and I'd like to do it some more soon. For now some job opportunities have appeared so while I'm going to hear out from them, I'll still keep applying to other places. Just gotta keep all those options open.

Yeah, that's what I always did as well: As long as I don't have a job, I keep applying, even if some opportunities open up.

Don't even bother with XII but if you had to play that or XIII, go with XII.
I have to play it at some point. My goal is to play every game I own at least once, haha.
Just sell those FF games and then it's no longer an issue. :D

Sorry, that is not an option. :/

Sorry man but NG has been low priority for most of my internet time now. The only priority now is to pick up the EXP at the start of the day.

I understand that.

But at least give them the chance to have a better name.
You could alway create a new account. Also, there's no point in "being evil" if you can't let others suffer.
I am tempted to make a new Last.fm but I don't want to throw 7 years of my music history away like that. They'll have to make the option to change names sooner or later.

Maybe they are evil enough not to do it?

At 5/6/13 05:32 AM, Coop wrote:
At 5/5/13 01:08 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 5/5/13 12:13 PM, Coop wrote: Being a sad nutcase, I had to work out the probability of this happening. Apparently, with the amount of tunes I have on my iPod, the chances are 1 in about 7,500, which equates to roughly 0.013%. I feel special.
I hate to rain on your parade, but you may want to take a look at the birthday problem and do the math again. I'm afraid you are not THAT special. :P
Allow me to expand on what I worked out yesterday:

The probability of getting Poison or the live version was 2 in 2260, thus 1 in 1130. The probability of getting the second one straight after it was a further 1 in 2259. Adding those two probabilities together, gives me a chance of 1 in 3389. Powerslave was more complex, being three versions, so 1 in 752.67, 1 in 1128.5 and 1 in 2256. Adding those together gives me a 1 in 4137.17 chance of success.

Now technically, I could multiply those together, as they did not happen directly after one another, but I still assumed that this would make the answers very wrong, so I added the probabilities together, as each song is mutually exclusive, thus a total probability of 1 in 7526.17

Care to explain my error, rather than linking to Wiki? I think that we're talking 2,260 different, random possibilities here, none of which repeat, as opposed to people being born on a day 1-366 and coming back with the chances of two that have the same number. We're not talking Poison playing and then the same version of the same song playing, as I do not have shuffle repeat on. That same song cannot be played. I was talking about the album edit, then a live version playing and in Powerslave's case, a live version, the album edit, then a DIFFERENT live version playing one after the other.

Well, I guess I didn't read your post carefully enough. Your question is different from the birthday problem, this is true.
BUT: You say that the same song cannot be played twice. So you have to take into account how many songs did you listen to before that special event occured? If the same song cannot be played twice, it's impossible for any song to reappear in between the two "Poison"s if you already listened to it.

You also have to take into account how the shuffle algorithm works. Does it play songs "at random" or does it keep an internal list and will give you the same song order as long as you don't turn it off (ie, if you skip back a track, will it play the same track you listened to before skipping back)? If it plays "at random", you'd have to figure out, exactly how "random" the randomizer is. I guess, it would just be a pseudo-random number (would be too much of a hassle to implement a "true random number generator" into an iPod) and the math you worked out wouldn't be too accurate in that case.

TL;DR: For a rough estimate, I guess you math is fine and I was wrong. ;)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-06 14:36:36

Seems like lots of people recently hit Major, myself included.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-06 18:46:30

60,000 total stats!

Took me just under 5 months to get here from 50k.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-07 17:58:16

No real time to craft a proper reply here, but I did have time for a news post based query:

Metal T and shorts - yes or no? Also, how awesome are my legs?

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-07 22:45:22

100,000 Total Points.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-08 00:21:12

Congratulations To:

Tony-DarkGrave: top 800 in exp
Nijsse: level 57
Painbringer: Major
gamejunkie: 38,000 saves, 100,000 total stats
jonthomson: 12,500 blams -I'll count this, but only for blams. ;)
FallenMartyr: Major

Listening To:

Type O Negative - Blood and Fire, World Coming Down

At 4/8/13 10:43 AM, Coop wrote: *Draws a gun* Carry on, I'm getting my licence revoked anyway.

Guess I shouldn't bring a rubber band to a gunfight. You're no fun.

Maybe not just yet. We'll see how well I do for the season, I'll let you know.

Please do. :)

At 4/8/13 07:17 PM, FromADistance wrote: And we do have different things to talk about now. Me and Haggard were wondering about the universe. :D

A little philosophizing never hurts to culture the place up a bit. :P

At that bar, not a chance. The music will be all loud to the extreme so no chance to be singing there on mic.

Aw. :(

Also, Harlem Shake is the new thing now, not Gangnam Style. Get with the times. :P

Don't remind me.

Although, I much prefer Gangnam Style as a song over Harlem Shake.

Gangnam style irritated me, but at least it was pretty catchy. This Harlem Shake BS is just fucking stupid. Hopefully there'll be a new fad song this time next month to take its place?

I went ahead and picked up Tomb Raider.

I haven't played either in those series, so I can't say I have much of an opinion. Have you played any of the Elder Scrolls games? Skyrim's got more dragons than I for one can handle, so you very well may enjoy it. (Though you are fighting them/absorbing their souls, so...) ;)

As for holidays, I'd like to do something again but again, I NEED A FUCKING JOB! I'm gonna have to pass down the trip to Spain with my parents due to money limitations.

That sucks. Well, here's to hoping we both find employment soon... Have you done any more work at that game shop you were talking about before?

That's just it. If you live in that more manageable part of your life, having a child is something you could consider more. Although, if my partner is dead set on not raising a kid at all, even with a house to ourselves and after marriage, that's really the final answer.

That's an answer I'd be fine with. :P

Six months sounds like a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately with my partner, although she wanted a clean start with me, she later tried to push the idea of sex more and more and I think it got to her mind in the end. My idea from the start of the relationship wasn't even to try and get in her pants until a much later time. All I wanted to do was to enjoy ourselves and doing things together. That was my idea for the early days of the relationship. Some women think men are only after one thing, I am wanting to do much more than that with my partner in terms of activities and interest.

I'm of the same mindset, man. Sex is huge for me in a relationship, but things need time to develop first. You seem to be wise beyond your experience when it comes to relationships. When you do meet the right one, she better count herself lucky! ;)

Next time I know just to give them time, although I won't want it to last for weeks on end.

Yeah, there's not much you can do in that situation; give space and she'll come back when ready... Or maybe not at all, but hey, that's the way things go sometimes. :P

I imagine that's the case, although I wouldn't be surprised when she can focus on it, it will be done within minutes.

And it has since been done. Now everything is as it should be. :P

Now that's looking far off. Let's just say when Coop ends up passing him, then you know he's lost an awful lot of deposits and is really slipping.

It still may happen, one day. I'm finally within a few days of passing that damnable alt account of mine that's ahead of me in the exp ranks. It'll be nice to have my dignity back, anyway...

All I need is some appropriate sportswear and then I'm all set. I dunno about you but I could see it as a socialising thing as well.

Definitely. I've found that people are always willing to explain their workout routines, or give you a spot, or whatever in the gym. I have always preferred to work out at home, though. I like to be able to play my music as loud as I want and not have to deal with other people around. I've got a little home gym set up in the spare room in which I am able to get a sufficient workout. I really enjoy my alone time. :P

As for diets, I can't say I eat the most healthily but I am attempting to not eat so much so no more of those monstrous pizza burgers that I like having at the game shop and today at Subway, I went with a 6" sub instead of a foot long.

Pizza burgers? Not sure what that is, but it sounds delightful. lol I LOVE fatty foods and used to eat fast food nearly every day, before I turned things around and started getting in shape. My diet now basically consists of chicken breast, whole wheat pasta, egg whites protein shakes and veggies, but hey, I'm down to 10% body fat now and dropping, so it's been worth it! :D As for Subway, it's basically the closest thing to fast food that I eat anymore. My typical sandwich consists of: Turkey breast, low fat mayo, lettuce, onion and spinach on wheat bread. Pretty damn healthy, though it's still pretty tasty.

Maybe the other funny shit I find will cheer you up.

Is that a parody of something? I don't recognize it, though I am thoroughly disturbed. x_x

This isn't even for being a mod either so it predates the 2010s. I know it was years ago but some of those comments to me that I've had to read I just hope anyone I know out there doesn't have to suffer the same. No-one should be given anything vile like how one things I should be shot dead in front of family and friends.

That's kind of a really weird thing to say to somebody, over the internet no less. I mean, call somebody an asshole, or whatever insult you prefer, but that just seems a bit over the top. 0.o

The worst part is, the one that made that comment to me ended up becoming a forum mod and even to this day I still question the admins for making said individual a mod.

Wow, yeah, nice decision there.

You mean the random adds on Newgrounds? I just accept them. It's not doing much harm to me so they can go right ahead.

Eh, I don't like looking at my friends list and seeing a bunch of names I don't even recognize. (Speaking of which, who's this "FromADistance" guy? Don't remember adding him. ;)

And I have my metal e-friends from the Metal Hell. I think the fact that the community is more compact makes it easier to get along with them than a specialised metal forum like Metal-Archives.

That's one of the reasons I've always loved the NG community (specifically wi/ht) in general. There's enough activity to keep things interesting, yet not so big that it loses that "homey" feeling, you know? :P

I know one guy who's a brony but utterly hates the rule 34 aspect of it. I give him respect for that. For those that actually masturbate to it, there certainly isn't something right about them. OK, so I could masturbate to dragon porn but at least it wouldn't be some child-looking dragons I'd look up.

I wouldn't think kiddy dragon porn would work all too well, as dragons are too fierce. A cartoon that is meant to be cute and for little girls on the other hand. Yeah, pedo in the making right there. :P

Wait, what did I just admit to? :O

Nothing I already hadn't assumed, after that site you showed us before. XD

And you don't. I'm just glad I know to keep a distance away from them. Some might show up at local meets but I'm still going to be weary of them. For now, I'll just find the cool individuals over on Twitter. I get my best interactions there.

Are these people really that strange in person? I would almost assume the "baby fur" aspect of them would be kept to a dark room with the shudders drawn. Then again...


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-08 00:26:38

Well, if I did have the time to watch it. I should try and watch through more Doctor Who but now I'm thinking of getting into Game of Thrones. The amount of dragon posts I see that's related to that show is making me want to give it a shot.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I've become a Game of Thrones fanboy. I remember googling "best fantasy books", looking for a new read and Game of Thrones came up. I had actually read through the entire first book before even knowing the show existed! If you do get into it, read the books first. If you're not much of a reader, then get 'em on audio book. As in seemingly every situation like this, the original books are better than the video adaptation. (Though the HBO series IS quite good.) As far as the dragons go, well, they're still babies and play a fairly minimal roll, at least up to this point. Check it out if you enjoy fantasy -totally worth it.

Well then... :o Nah, even if a woman walked into my room right now and asked me for all the sex she wanted, even though we had absolutely nothing in common, I just don't think I would take it on.

Then you my friend are made of sterner stuff than I. Unless you're thinking of a grandma or something; in that case I might be able to resist. :P

I'd rather dedicate myself to one who truly knows me and loves me. Then again, knowing that I can be desperate at times, I'd probably fall for it depending on my mood...

I totally agree there. Though I don't think I have to worry about any boring, yet extremely attractive girls bursting into my room demanding sex, anyway. :'(

It was only the odd one sadly but it was still worth a shot. You just gotta give these things a try. I'm still pondering on the idea of tracking them down on Facebook and attempt to add them all there.

I'd say even just one person showing would make it worth while. Hell, I would be blown away to see many of my old high school friends that I haven't seen in years, not to mention kids I knew from childhood that I had lost touch with over the years. Talk about mindblowing!

If it did turn out you were gay, I wouldn't have been surprised if they bullied you some more. That to me is how some idiots in school are like.

Yeah, no doubt. At least then the bullying would have actually made sense? (Though certainly not okay.) Some people are just rotten cunts and just enjoy being that way to people for no real reason. It's something I'll never understand, that's for sure.

Yes, it's good practice time!

I'm replying to a month-old post here, so let me just confirm something: You ARE still a dragon, right? I'm not sure how much havoc you can wreak FromADistance... (I'm sorry)

Yeah, there's too many that I couldn't get back to simply because we moved on to different schools. This is why I'm wanting to see if finding that old group of friends on Facebook could do something potentially good. Nothing wrong with an old face saying hi.

I've been thinking about trying to get in touch with some of my old friends from high school since reading your posts. I've only kept in touch with one person from those days, and he always seems to be too damn busy to ever hang out. It gets me a bit down to think about it now, though, as I'm sure many of them have careers/wives now and wouldn't be able to really hang out like we did in the old days.

I think I may have spent enough time on NG already but it's not easy when you can't be going outside the house all the time.

NG just becomes part of my daily routine when I'm active here... then I end up getting burnt out. I've been back long enough now where I've met a few new friends, which is really cool, though I do miss those guys I knew from back in '08-'09. I keep pestering one to come back -hey, I did, right? (Like three times now, actually!) :D

And perhaps a Bahamut who much prefer humans and hates dragons.

Bizarromut. lmao

That's been another problem of mine. I want to comment on what I like about them but it can feel like I'm overdoing it. I suppose sticking to the one thing or two that catches my attention about them helps. If they reply back, great! Try developing that conversation and then lead onto other things.

I could probably handle the chatting online, but I swear I could never outright compliment a (female) total stranger in person. Getting to know someone online first, then meeting up would be the way to go for me. Unless we're like co-workers, or something like that where we're interacting everyday on a professional level. Then that could potentially evolve into something over time.

It would be shit of them to be doing it when they're already with someone, unless things weren't working out for them. The only thing is that I'm not the only one who's looking for a date out there so I do have competition... This is really sounding more and more like the job market.

lol! Never thought of it like that. (Though it IS like the job market in the sense that I CAN'T FIND ONE!) LOLOL But hey, don't worry about it. I say you either click with somebody, or you don't. So long as you get that chance to find out, that's all that matters.

So far not so grand. They say one of things is to mention on your profile is hopes and aspiration

You listed "Reaching Level 60 on Newgrounds.com", right? right??

I've not been doing this for so long so maybe I just need to give it time. Another potential problem is the distance.

I'd say that if you're truly committed to someone, then distance is almost meaningless. The tough part is getting to know this person when they're a long ways away. I've personally never experienced a long-distance relationship, but it seems to me if someone is willing to be exclusive that kind of relationship, then they must be pretty loyal and serious about the whole thing. Just my thoughts, anyway.

Eh, I think I'm used to women wanting to steal things from me. My ex had her fun with stealing my hair bobbles as she thought I looked a lot better with my hair down but at times I really needed to tie my hair back but then she'll just take them. Mind you, she still has some of my bobbles and claims I'll get them back at some point.

I don't know about your ex, but Gagsy retired her save total at 77,777 as a tribute to you, dude. That's gotta be like the statwhore equivalent of serenading your beloved outside their bedroom window in the middle of the night, or something. XD

I agree with that. Like I said, even if I do make a lot of cutbacks on the site, I'm still going to be around for this thread, unless everyone I know here is gone.

It really has melted away to just the core group of guys. (You, Coop and Haggard.) I'm just glad that a decent amount of users still find this thread to post their achievements. I just wish some more of us would take up the congrats list!

At 4/9/13 02:40 PM, Haggard wrote: Yeah, nothing beats hot virtual sex on WoW.

It's really just the idea of a girl referring to herself as a "Night Elf" that I find so appealing. ;)

I have to admit, I never heard that phrase before, haha.

Me either! :P

Yeah, I always wanted to crush someone else's wedding.

You mean crash? That sounds pretty violent, man. ;P

At 4/22/13 02:02 PM, Coop wrote: Perfection would have been had I just turned 83, though I may not be around by then...

As in alive, or on NG? You should pass on the password to your NG account to your firstborn, Coop. It must live on!

At 5/7/13 05:58 PM, Coop wrote: No real time to craft a proper reply here, but I did have time for a news post based query:

Metal T and shorts - yes or no? Also, how awesome are my legs?

I'm digging the camo, man, cool shirt, too. Oh, and your legs are about as pale as mine! :D

At 5/7/13 10:45 PM, gamejunkie wrote: 100,000 Total Points.

Totally stole my thunder there. ;)


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-08 10:02:43

Just because I like this number way better than 27k or 28k, here's a screeny! I started this journey when I had around 26000 blams and saves. It should be pretty clear what my goal is, but it's probably going to take a few years to earn those blam points.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-08 16:57:05

44,444 b/p.

Now that's a big deal right there.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-09 20:20:30

Listening to:

Judas Priest - Jugulator and Demolition. Should be listening to something better than this...

At 5/6/13 05:32 AM, Coop wrote:
At 5/5/13 05:55 PM, FromADistance wrote: Ehh, I don't like overlong board games. I only go as far as Monopoly, really.
I haven't played Monopoly for years. Perhaps I should dig the old girl out?

I last played it last year at a friend's house. I made a boss move by double rolling into Park Lane and then rolling snake eyes into Mayfair. I was able to buy both properties but it sadly didn't make me win the game. Still, gotta love moments like them.

I'm looking at actually buying a house in Worcester, which is about 10-15 miles from home. Maybe that will be some way of turning my relationship fortunes around?

Now that boosts your first impression a lot. I'll admit that my first impressions are horribly lacking but if they're quite a distance away, hopefully just saying I'm willing to travel far just for them will get them interested in me. I do have my determinations but they're not being put into use. Yet. Just need to find that right one who will say yes to me.

Yeah, you have a point there, although one could still find the name of my ex. At least I don't wave around the name of family and friends on the internet. Perhaps you know my sister's name but that was only because my tongue slipped at the time. Although, I think you're trustworthy enough to know her name.
I can't remember it, don't worry, your secret is safe with me :P

Hah, I suppose it's all good then. Maybe at the next NG meet we'll both go to I may tell you my ex's name. :P

At 5/6/13 09:26 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 5/5/13 05:55 PM, FromADistance wrote: Heh, that is one hell of a long response but at least they did reach out to her after a while. If she wasn't working at all, that would have been a miracle.
True that. I much rather hear back from a job than not hearing back. Even if it is a negative response.

I generally don't like negative responses but better that than no response at all. At least that shows acknowledgement, unless they start doing bot replies. I wouldn't be surprised if that was a thing for some employers.

True, I've not gone CV sending sprees like that and I'd like to do it some more soon. For now some job opportunities have appeared so while I'm going to hear out from them, I'll still keep applying to other places. Just gotta keep all those options open.
Yeah, that's what I always did as well: As long as I don't have a job, I keep applying, even if some opportunities open up.

I think this week has been a little slow but maybe bank holiday has made a bit of an impact. New job lists were lacking on Monday and it hasn't been all that strong this week. I've got some things to do earlier on in the week but hopefully I can still mass apply, even though I could be due for a new job on 20th May. However, that job is only 16 hours a week and temporary or 6 months so I need something with more hours as well as a permanent role but what I should be getting is good enough.

Just sell those FF games and then it's no longer an issue. :D
Sorry, that is not an option. :/

But the new games are crap. Why even bother having them lying around?

Sorry man but NG has been low priority for most of my internet time now. The only priority now is to pick up the EXP at the start of the day.
I understand that.

Yep. Been watching an awful lot of Adventure Time lately which is another factor for focusing on something that isn't Newgrounds. However, I'm all caught up with that show now so it's a matter of finding something else to watch. I've been trying Beavis and Butthead but I don't like the padding with the music videos and if you take them out, you're only getting 3-4 minute episodes.

I am tempted to make a new Last.fm but I don't want to throw 7 years of my music history away like that. They'll have to make the option to change names sooner or later.
Maybe they are evil enough not to do it?

Perhaps they are. Fuck.

At 5/8/13 12:21 AM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 4/8/13 07:17 PM, FromADistance wrote: And we do have different things to talk about now. Me and Haggard were wondering about the universe. :D
A little philosophizing never hurts to culture the place up a bit. :P

Can't say I'm much of a philosophist but sometimes I'll have my fun but some of the thoughts I can produce are either amateur or potentially scary. I dunno, read up my thoughts on lifeforms' perspective on the planet earth from mine and Haggard's posts from late March (I think it was around then).

At that bar, not a chance. The music will be all loud to the extreme so no chance to be singing there on mic.
Aw. :(

Sometimes I feel like I go to the wrong places but I still enjoy going there whenever possible. Hard to say if it's anytime soon, though. Next time my sister might be up here is for my birthday and I'm considering a pub crawl in Liverpool. However, I do have a few issues with sorting that out. My main problem right now is deciding who I feel confident with inviting. After some rough patches last week, some people I'm not so sure about now but there's a bit of a chain reaction if I invite person A but not person B.

Although, I much prefer Gangnam Style as a song over Harlem Shake.
Gangnam style irritated me, but at least it was pretty catchy. This Harlem Shake BS is just fucking stupid. Hopefully there'll be a new fad song this time next month to take its place?

I'm sure it's died off now. I know the Gangnam Style man released a new single but I can't even remember what it sounds like now. Gangnam Style will be his one hit wonder and nothing else good will come up from his career.

I went ahead and picked up Tomb Raider.
I haven't played either in those series, so I can't say I have much of an opinion. Have you played any of the Elder Scrolls games? Skyrim's got more dragons than I for one can handle, so you very well may enjoy it. (Though you are fighting them/absorbing their souls, so...) ;)

Oh fuck yeah, Elder Scrolls. Mind you, I've not played the first two and I have no intentions to play them at all. I'd enjoy Morrowind more if it weren't for the shitty combat system. Oblivion and Skyrim are more like it for me.

As for holidays, I'd like to do something again but again, I NEED A FUCKING JOB! I'm gonna have to pass down the trip to Spain with my parents due to money limitations.
That sucks. Well, here's to hoping we both find employment soon... Have you done any more work at that game shop you were talking about before?

Oh yeah, I've done more voluntary work for the place. They even have a separate store for their comic books so last Monday found me going back and forth with their two stores to make sure at least someone is attending them. There are some new job opportunities coming up but I'm taking caution for now. It could be that they won't give me the job at all, even though they're suggesting they will employ me on the 20th.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-09 20:20:55

Six months sounds like a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately with my partner, although she wanted a clean start with me, she later tried to push the idea of sex more and more and I think it got to her mind in the end. My idea from the start of the relationship wasn't even to try and get in her pants until a much later time. All I wanted to do was to enjoy ourselves and doing things together. That was my idea for the early days of the relationship. Some women think men are only after one thing, I am wanting to do much more than that with my partner in terms of activities and interest.
I'm of the same mindset, man. Sex is huge for me in a relationship, but things need time to develop first. You seem to be wise beyond your experience when it comes to relationships. When you do meet the right one, she better count herself lucky! ;)

Yeah, the next girl shall providing the relationship does develop that far enough. I'm hoping next time I do much more than last time. Being with her for a few weeks almost felt like a dud to me. There was so much we could have done together but she threw it all away.

Next time I know just to give them time, although I won't want it to last for weeks on end.
Yeah, there's not much you can do in that situation; give space and she'll come back when ready... Or maybe not at all, but hey, that's the way things go sometimes. :P

Unfortunately, the term giving them space is not a comfortable one to me. Not just because of what happened to me but after hearing a few relationships recently breaking up and that was one of the causes, I'm going to be very weary the next time I hear that. I suppose if it's a long distance relationship I won't have to worry as much since our travels to see each other will be limited due to expenses.

Now that's looking far off. Let's just say when Coop ends up passing him, then you know he's lost an awful lot of deposits and is really slipping.
It still may happen, one day. I'm finally within a few days of passing that damnable alt account of mine that's ahead of me in the exp ranks. It'll be nice to have my dignity back, anyway...

gfox keeps falling behind whereas Coop is not giving up any deposits at all, even if his overall activity has declined. Sure, mine has as well but neither of us are stepping down from depositing just yet. I get the feeling I may end up putting it to rest within five years time. I'm certainly not going to do it for the rest of my life, although getting my deposits for the day is still the first thing I do on the laptop. However, I can't say the same for my alts which have definitely been shut down and even now I'm struggling to keep up with depositing for one guy. I've given him the heads up, though and he understands.

As for diets, I can't say I eat the most healthily but I am attempting to not eat so much so no more of those monstrous pizza burgers that I like having at the game shop and today at Subway, I went with a 6" sub instead of a foot long.
Pizza burgers? Not sure what that is, but it sounds delightful. lol I LOVE fatty foods and used to eat fast food nearly every day, before I turned things around and started getting in shape.

I'm still eating a fair amount of fatty foods but as long as I don't constantly take monstrous food I should be good for the time being.

As for Subway, it's basically the closest thing to fast food that I eat anymore.

Hah, I go to Subway a lot. It's a thing between many of my friends.

Maybe the other funny shit I find will cheer you up.
Is that a parody of something? I don't recognize it, though I am thoroughly disturbed. x_x

You should look at the whole tag results. There's plenty more to see from what I've found on Tumblr.

This isn't even for being a mod either so it predates the 2010s. I know it was years ago but some of those comments to me that I've had to read I just hope anyone I know out there doesn't have to suffer the same. No-one should be given anything vile like how one things I should be shot dead in front of family and friends.
That's kind of a really weird thing to say to somebody, over the internet no less. I mean, call somebody an asshole, or whatever insult you prefer, but that just seems a bit over the top. 0.o

Yep, and to think I've had one person I personally know from around here making a comment on how I'll commit suicide. Really uncool and he was shunned by many for it. At least an apology has been made.

You mean the random adds on Newgrounds? I just accept them. It's not doing much harm to me so they can go right ahead.
Eh, I don't like looking at my friends list and seeing a bunch of names I don't even recognize. (Speaking of which, who's this "FromADistance" guy? Don't remember adding him. ;)

I really don't know who Bahamut is anyway.

I know one guy who's a brony but utterly hates the rule 34 aspect of it. I give him respect for that. For those that actually masturbate to it, there certainly isn't something right about them. OK, so I could masturbate to dragon porn but at least it wouldn't be some child-looking dragons I'd look up.
I wouldn't think kiddy dragon porn would work all too well, as dragons are too fierce. A cartoon that is meant to be cute and for little girls on the other hand. Yeah, pedo in the making right there. :P

There's a lot of adorable baby dragon artworks but I never want to see some kind of porn with them. Saying that, there's some things I want to keep sacred and I never want the internet to ruin them for me with their rule 34 shit. Having them ruined for me may cause the end of my time on the internet or having my whole memory destroyed (however way you get that done).

Wait, what did I just admit to? :O
Nothing I already hadn't assumed, after that site you showed us before. XD

Oh yeah, the Bad Dragon website. Heh, I had my ex saying to me how I have dragon dildos at home but I said with honesty that I have none. I was like "I wish I had one but I don't." and that just set her off laughing.

And you don't. I'm just glad I know to keep a distance away from them. Some might show up at local meets but I'm still going to be weary of them. For now, I'll just find the cool individuals over on Twitter. I get my best interactions there.
Are these people really that strange in person? I would almost assume the "baby fur" aspect of them would be kept to a dark room with the shudders drawn. Then again...

I'm not too sure. I just hope I don't meet any of them.

At 5/8/13 12:26 AM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
Well, if I did have the time to watch it. I should try and watch through more Doctor Who but now I'm thinking of getting into Game of Thrones. The amount of dragon posts I see that's related to that show is making me want to give it a shot.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I've become a Game of Thrones fanboy. I remember googling "best fantasy books", looking for a new read and Game of Thrones came up. I had actually read through the entire first book before even knowing the show existed! If you do get into it, read the books first.

I'm not much of a reader so possibly no can do there.

Well then... :o Nah, even if a woman walked into my room right now and asked me for all the sex she wanted, even though we had absolutely nothing in common, I just don't think I would take it on.
Then you my friend are made of sterner stuff than I. Unless you're thinking of a grandma or something; in that case I might be able to resist. :P

I suppose I'd have to experience the scenario myself but as you've said...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-09 20:21:21

I'd rather dedicate myself to one who truly knows me and loves me. Then again, knowing that I can be desperate at times, I'd probably fall for it depending on my mood...
I totally agree there. Though I don't think I have to worry about any boring, yet extremely attractive girls bursting into my room demanding sex, anyway. :'(

Yeah, I don't have to worry about any girls bursting into my room demanding for sex. Nope, not gonna happen at all so I can relax on that thought and I'm totally saying this expecting that I won't get any at all.

It was only the odd one sadly but it was still worth a shot. You just gotta give these things a try. I'm still pondering on the idea of tracking them down on Facebook and attempt to add them all there.
I'd say even just one person showing would make it worth while. Hell, I would be blown away to see many of my old high school friends that I haven't seen in years, not to mention kids I knew from childhood that I had lost touch with over the years. Talk about mindblowing!

Some of my secondary school friends have been really occupied with life lately but others I still see whenever I can. Just different life situations right now for everyone.

If it did turn out you were gay, I wouldn't have been surprised if they bullied you some more. That to me is how some idiots in school are like.
Yeah, no doubt. At least then the bullying would have actually made sense? (Though certainly not okay.) Some people are just rotten cunts and just enjoy being that way to people for no real reason. It's something I'll never understand, that's for sure.

I understand why and that's because humanity is full of cunts. People want to be nasty for no apparent reason. The amount that get bullied in school and considering the amount that go on with their lives later on... Ugh.

Yes, it's good practice time!
I'm replying to a month-old post here, so let me just confirm something: You ARE still a dragon, right? I'm not sure how much havoc you can wreak FromADistance... (I'm sorry)

Yes and no. Not going under a dragon here but I am elsewhere.

Yeah, there's too many that I couldn't get back to simply because we moved on to different schools. This is why I'm wanting to see if finding that old group of friends on Facebook could do something potentially good. Nothing wrong with an old face saying hi.
I've been thinking about trying to get in touch with some of my old friends from high school since reading your posts.

I'm happy to inspire someone. :)

I think I may have spent enough time on NG already but it's not easy when you can't be going outside the house all the time.
NG just becomes part of my daily routine when I'm active here... then I end up getting burnt out. I've been back long enough now where I've met a few new friends, which is really cool, though I do miss those guys I knew from back in '08-'09. I keep pestering one to come back -hey, I did, right? (Like three times now, actually!) :D

Well, since that post I have been giving this place less time. Not entirely nothing, obviously but I've given that time for other places or actually doing some stuff.

And perhaps a Bahamut who much prefer humans and hates dragons.
Bizarromut. lmao

I like that name.

That's been another problem of mine. I want to comment on what I like about them but it can feel like I'm overdoing it. I suppose sticking to the one thing or two that catches my attention about them helps. If they reply back, great! Try developing that conversation and then lead onto other things.
I could probably handle the chatting online, but I swear I could never outright compliment a (female) total stranger in person. Getting to know someone online first, then meeting up would be the way to go for me. Unless we're like co-workers, or something like that where we're interacting everyday on a professional level. Then that could potentially evolve into something over time.

It's a matter of trying to start up the conversation. You can approach them first but it's gotta be done right. I'll admit that I've not done so much on the online dating sites since your last replies to me but I went through a few things. Suffered depression for a bit so at the time I wasn't even going to look for someone at all. I've cleared it up since and I've learned that dealing with feeling down just isn't the answer. My idea now is to try and do something. It's made me not too negative as a result. I'm more in this whatever goes attitude now.

Even though I've put the dating sites to one side for the time being, I've at least found someone new to look into. I read one of the Tumblr bloggers who I follow talking about how she was feeling down with her life and I decided to message her to make her feel better and she thanked me for it. Shortly after I took out my depression, I sparked up a conversation with her over messages on Tumblr and since our messages have developed to over ten paragraphs to each other and we are actually responding to all of it proving that we are reading each others' messages.

Not saying we're dating or anything and I really can't be sure right now if anything could happen but I feel both of us have done well so far. Considering our common interests, I would like to go out with her on a date to see if we are right for each other but I really don't know what she even thinks of being in a long distance relationship. None of this I've yet to ask her for the time being and with our long conversations, it will say more about ourselves so it may end up that I feel we're not right for each other but I'd like to at least try. This is what you call a crush.

If I cannot go out with her at all, I'll just have to go back to the dating sites route and just try even harder. One guy who I spoke to on Twitter and knows some of my friends said he was on one site and just tried talking to every girl he came across stating to himself "What is there to lose?" which is a very good point. You might as well try responding to everyone but I have to work out my best way of approaching someone. I don't want to make huge ass responses in fearing of trying too hard but I don't want to make the messages too short either. A good paragraph long message should do. Said guy has had some success and now he has a girlfriend so it's looking good for him.

It would be shit of them to be doing it when they're already with someone, unless things weren't working out for them. The only thing is that I'm not the only one who's looking for a date out there so I do have competition... This is really sounding more and more like the job market.
lol! Never thought of it like that. (Though it IS like the job market in the sense that I CAN'T FIND ONE!) LOLOL But hey, don't worry about it. I say you either click with somebody, or you don't. So long as you get that chance to find out, that's all that matters.

That's just it, I gotta keep trying. I really shouldn't build up too much hope on one person but it's amazing how one can actually go through my huge ass messages and reply back and forth to me with them. That girl is starting to put some Wi/Ht?'ers to shame. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-09 20:21:31

So far not so grand. They say one of things is to mention on your profile is hopes and aspiration
You listed "Reaching Level 60 on Newgrounds.com", right? right??

lolno. The only times now I even mention Newgrounds outside here are on my CV. You'd think it's a bad idea to mention Newgrounds on your CV but my sister insisted I listed my achievements on here such as the User of the Year award. I made the additional note about NG being listed on Time Magazine's Top 50 Websites in 2010 which should tell the employers that it's a big website.

I've not been doing this for so long so maybe I just need to give it time. Another potential problem is the distance.
I'd say that if you're truly committed to someone, then distance is almost meaningless. The tough part is getting to know this person when they're a long ways away. I've personally never experienced a long-distance relationship, but it seems to me if someone is willing to be exclusive that kind of relationship, then they must be pretty loyal and serious about the whole thing. Just my thoughts, anyway.

My crush isn't local. She's pretty much on the other side of England but I'll travel wherever just for a special someone. I have to see what they think, though but I'd like to start it off to give them some confidence. Maybe the first few times take trips to them as opposed to them seeing my hometown.

Eh, I think I'm used to women wanting to steal things from me. My ex had her fun with stealing my hair bobbles as she thought I looked a lot better with my hair down but at times I really needed to tie my hair back but then she'll just take them. Mind you, she still has some of my bobbles and claims I'll get them back at some point.
I don't know about your ex, but Gagsy retired her save total at 77,777 as a tribute to you, dude. That's gotta be like the statwhore equivalent of serenading your beloved outside their bedroom window in the middle of the night, or something. XD

She sure likes me a lot to the point of making some internet points dedicated to me. :P

I agree with that. Like I said, even if I do make a lot of cutbacks on the site, I'm still going to be around for this thread, unless everyone I know here is gone.
It really has melted away to just the core group of guys. (You, Coop and Haggard.) I'm just glad that a decent amount of users still find this thread to post their achievements. I just wish some more of us would take up the congrats list!

I've had some week breaks from replies here. Really need to stop slacking, otherwise the remaining ones left will just bugger off themselves as well. This is why I'm starting to insist some of us should migrate to social media where we can contact each other a lot. At least Coop is on Twitter.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-09 21:54:00

General get.

"Censorship is telling a man that he cannot have a steak just because a baby cannot chew it." - Mark Twain

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-10 00:28:09

37,000 EXP.

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-10 11:05:51

I am now a top 100 b/p'er. Finally made it to the majors. :P

Also, here's Rush performing Limelight from last night's show. The old hags played for 3 hours! They did a lot of stuff off Clockwork Angels and didn't play quite enough of their old stuff for my taste (I'm just pissy they didn't play A Passage to Bangkok.) Sill an amazing experience, though! :D

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-11 10:02:04

Jesus, just seen a 400mb movie that's less than a minute long, and stuff submitted on Wednesday that's still under judgment.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-11 17:50:28

lvl 30

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-11 17:54:20

At 5/8/13 12:26 AM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 4/9/13 02:40 PM, Haggard wrote: Yeah, nothing beats hot virtual sex on WoW.
It's really just the idea of a girl referring to herself as a "Night Elf" that I find so appealing. ;)

No, you misunderstood me. It was HIM who said "she is a night elf" when asked about his "girlfriend". ;)

Yeah, I always wanted to crush someone else's wedding.
You mean crash? That sounds pretty violent, man. ;P
At 5/9/13 08:20 PM, FromADistance wrote:
At 5/6/13 09:26 AM, Haggard wrote: True that. I much rather hear back from a job than not hearing back. Even if it is a negative response.
I generally don't like negative responses but better that than no response at all. At least that shows acknowledgement, unless they start doing bot replies. I wouldn't be surprised if that was a thing for some employers.

Yeah, some responses are just lame and are simply just serial letters. But sometimes you notice that there actually are people typing the response and trying not to sound too negative. I appreciate that, even if they didn't give me a positive reply.

Just sell those FF games and then it's no longer an issue. :D
Sorry, that is not an option. :/
But the new games are crap. Why even bother having them lying around?

Heh. You are asking a collector why he has all this stuff lying around? It's like asking about the meaning of life.

I understand that.
Yep. Been watching an awful lot of Adventure Time lately which is another factor for focusing on something that isn't Newgrounds. However, I'm all caught up with that show now so it's a matter of finding something else to watch. I've been trying Beavis and Butthead but I don't like the padding with the music videos and if you take them out, you're only getting 3-4 minute episodes.

Wait, where can you watch Beavis and Butthead with the music videos still intact? All that I can ever find is shows with the music videos cut out...

I am tempted to make a new Last.fm but I don't want to throw 7 years of my music history away like that. They'll have to make the option to change names sooner or later.
Maybe they are evil enough not to do it?
Perhaps they are. Fuck.


Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-12 04:43:03

33,000 Experience

After a pretty awful day in the cricket, I needed something to lift my spirits.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-12 11:02:26

33,000 saves.

Lots of achievements from me lately, though I think this will be the last, at least for the time being. ;)


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-12 21:27:22

At 5/12/13 11:02 AM, Metal-Therapy wrote: 33,000 saves.

Lots of achievements from me lately, though I think this will be the last, at least for the time being. ;)

Hot damn that's a lot

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-13 02:00:39

I forgot to post this. Finally into the Top 50 Medal Points earners.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-05-13 03:08:15

46,000 B/P Points.